Domestic Destablization-psyops and infiltration of US GOV.

If you were using evidence your words would be accurate, since you are not they are manipulation.

The perpetrators would want you to misinterpret my analysis of your intention from understanding your act of pretending to be confused and unable to recognize the concrete core.

The refusal to use logic and reason mark your actions as covert.
no, you dont get it
i'm MOCKING you you fucking MORON

Your attempt at ridicule marks your act as a psyops working to to keep the cover on the fact that the official cause of death determination is erroneous in the murder of 3,000 people.

could not have said it better.
There is no critical thinking involved. Your communications are all abnormal. All pretense of social fears. Your motives are not stated. Clearly imposters acting as some kind of society of lawless, frivolous, ridicule in the face of mass murder.
critical thinking is what you are lacking

Parroting is a common psyops disinfo agent tactic when there is little creativity to begin with and entropy of deception in the face of evidence with reason dominates the dysfunctional position.

thats the way this 9/11 apologist elvis freak acts.Just like his psyop agent Princess Lia,instead of refuting evidence and facts,he engages in name calling and insults when he cant refute the evidence.
There are at least 4 agents here that refuse to use reason and won't recognize evidence reasonably.

What are the chances of that? I mean what kind of internet troll would sit on a thread week after week, with no evidence trying to assert a falacy only to becalled a treasonous infiltrator seeking to support secret methods of mass murder?

Really, who would do that? Anyone whacked enough to do that is going to go too far and get banned. The viewer is observing a psychological operation by professionals.

The internet enables this. DARPA, a divsion of the CIA developed the internet.

The internet started as the usenet which was a giant message board with softwaare hosted on university servers. Since university servers are public property, free speech controls them. After 9-11, truth seekers using free speech would have developed a version of what happened that was quite close after 2 years, EVEN with psyops agents trying to mislead them.

With .com, message boards ar private property where free speech can be banned. This is the reason I've been banned from perhaps 15 message boards. A reasonable person can easily see and admit that I'm not an offensive poster. I might use strong imagry to make my points or create motivatoln to examine them, but generally I only give out abuse that initially comes at me. Then when it returns to whoever started that level of exchange, it is basically relevant in more that one way and not crude.

I depend on Americans who understand the Constituton and due process and a modicum of common knowledge. If you are reading, and you happen to be able to understand most of what I post. Speak up!

I wish to thank for its fair and Constitutionally correct policies. So far, ............. in eight years, this is the best I've seen on .com.

All they did was allow me to use a logical definition of my oppositions obvious intention within this excahnge, which is to "keep the methods of mass murder on 9-11 secret."

great post Chris.:clap2:Yeah for a long time I thought Ditzcon was just a plain idiot in denial but the fact that he DEVOTES himself to coming here all the time when he doesnt believe in ANY government conspiracys is the sign of an agent.and candy corn is a well known agent everywhere.those for sure are two of the agents here.there is Gam as well.You can tell by the way they devote themselves to coming here and just sprout off all kinds of lies and b.s when evidence is presented to them.yeah there are some sites out there that dont want the truth to get out.I have some friends who have posted facts about 9/11 on threads and got banned just for least they dont do that here.Yeah those sites that banned you are definetely run by psych op agents cause yeah,you only give out abuse when it comes to you first.
There are at least 4 agents here that refuse to use reason and won't recognize evidence reasonably.

What are the chances of that? I mean what kind of internet troll would sit on a thread week after week, with no evidence trying to assert a falacy only to becalled a treasonous infiltrator seeking to support secret methods of mass murder?

Really, who would do that? Anyone whacked enough to do that is going to go too far and get banned. The viewer is observing a psychological operation by professionals.

The internet enables this. DARPA, a divsion of the CIA developed the internet.

The internet started as the usenet which was a giant message board with softwaare hosted on university servers. Since university servers are public property, free speech controls them. After 9-11, truth seekers using free speech would have developed a version of what happened that was quite close after 2 years, EVEN with psyops agents trying to mislead them.

With .com, message boards ar private property where free speech can be banned. This is the reason I've been banned from perhaps 15 message boards. A reasonable person can easily see and admit that I'm not an offensive poster. I might use strong imagry to make my points or create motivatoln to examine them, but generally I only give out abuse that initially comes at me. Then when it returns to whoever started that level of exchange, it is basically relevant in more that one way and not crude.

I depend on Americans who understand the Constituton and due process and a modicum of common knowledge. If you are reading, and you happen to be able to understand most of what I post. Speak up!

I wish to thank for its fair and Constitutionally correct policies. So far, ............. in eight years, this is the best I've seen on .com.

All they did was allow me to use a logical definition of my oppositions obvious intention within this excahnge, which is to "keep the methods of mass murder on 9-11 secret."

great post Chris.:clap2:Yeah for a long time I thought Ditzcon was just a plain idiot in denial but the fact that he DEVOTES himself to coming here all the time when he doesnt believe in ANY government conspiracys is the sign of an agent.and candy corn is a well known agent everywhere.those for sure are two of the agents here.there is Gam as well.You can tell by the way they devote themselves to coming here and just sprout off all kinds of lies and b.s when evidence is presented to them.yeah there are some sites out there that dont want the truth to get out.I have some friends who have posted facts about 9/11 on threads and got banned just for least they dont do that here.Yeah those sites that banned you are definetely run by psych op agents cause yeah,you only give out abuse when it comes to you first.

Oddly, it takes quite unsensational information such as a deception about a building design to make the agents obvious in their oppositional action.

For them, the perps, The most important information to oppose is useful information, and such a statement or definition of their agenda is logical.

What gets really obvious is when one goes to or forum and common sense information with verified evidence is dissed as if one were suggesting that alien reptiles were shapeshifting their way into the whitehouse and NORAD on 9-11.

Image. The entire thrust of the last 30 years on TV, film, and music entertainment has been to make image more and more important so that citizens are more sensitive to social pressures. The idea is to preempt the functional group with one that is disfunctional. All of the non profit corporations are for that purpose.

Suck up as much energy, time and money as possible working on aspects that are not functional towards impeding the corporate goals.

Image is the reason most agents have a tricky avatar and username. The idea is to create an artifical society of elites that then dish out praise and scorn in the public arena to control the group, and the viewers perceptions of what is real and what is undesireable, ........falsely.
There are at least 4 agents here that refuse to use reason and won't recognize evidence reasonably.

What are the chances of that? I mean what kind of internet troll would sit on a thread week after week, with no evidence trying to assert a falacy only to becalled a treasonous infiltrator seeking to support secret methods of mass murder?

Really, who would do that? Anyone whacked enough to do that is going to go too far and get banned. The viewer is observing a psychological operation by professionals.

The internet enables this. DARPA, a divsion of the CIA developed the internet.

The internet started as the usenet which was a giant message board with softwaare hosted on university servers. Since university servers are public property, free speech controls them. After 9-11, truth seekers using free speech would have developed a version of what happened that was quite close after 2 years, EVEN with psyops agents trying to mislead them.

With .com, message boards ar private property where free speech can be banned. This is the reason I've been banned from perhaps 15 message boards. A reasonable person can easily see and admit that I'm not an offensive poster. I might use strong imagry to make my points or create motivatoln to examine them, but generally I only give out abuse that initially comes at me. Then when it returns to whoever started that level of exchange, it is basically relevant in more that one way and not crude.

I depend on Americans who understand the Constituton and due process and a modicum of common knowledge. If you are reading, and you happen to be able to understand most of what I post. Speak up!

I wish to thank for its fair and Constitutionally correct policies. So far, ............. in eight years, this is the best I've seen on .com.

All they did was allow me to use a logical definition of my oppositions obvious intention within this excahnge, which is to "keep the methods of mass murder on 9-11 secret."

great post Chris.:clap2:Yeah for a long time I thought Ditzcon was just a plain idiot in denial but the fact that he DEVOTES himself to coming here all the time when he doesnt believe in ANY government conspiracys is the sign of an agent.and candy corn is a well known agent everywhere.those for sure are two of the agents here.there is Gam as well.You can tell by the way they devote themselves to coming here and just sprout off all kinds of lies and b.s when evidence is presented to them.yeah there are some sites out there that dont want the truth to get out.I have some friends who have posted facts about 9/11 on threads and got banned just for least they dont do that here.Yeah those sites that banned you are definetely run by psych op agents cause yeah,you only give out abuse when it comes to you first.

Oddly, it takes quite unsensational information such as a deception about a building design to make the agents obvious in their oppositional action.

For them, the perps, The most important information to oppose is useful information, and such a statement or definition of their agenda is logical.

What gets really obvious is when one goes to or forum and common sense information with verified evidence is dissed as if one were suggesting that alien reptiles were shapeshifting their way into the whitehouse and NORAD on 9-11.

Image. The entire thrust of the last 30 years on TV, film, and music entertainment has been to make image more and more important so that citizens are more sensitive to social pressures. The idea is to preempt the functional group with one that is disfunctional. All of the non profit corporations are for that purpose.

Suck up as much energy, time and money as possible working on aspects that are not functional towards impeding the corporate goals.

Image is the reason most agents have a tricky avatar and username. The idea is to create an artifical society of elites that then dish out praise and scorn in the public arena to control the group, and the viewers perceptions of what is real and what is undesireable, ........falsely.

thats the problem with the internet is that there are some people out there who ruin it for the pople fighing for the truth on it cause they make statements like cheney and Bush are shapeshifting reptiles and they are everywhere walking amongst us.Those kind of people just ruin the truth movement by saying those kinds of things and buying into stuff like that.
great post Chris.:clap2:Yeah for a long time I thought Ditzcon was just a plain idiot in denial but the fact that he DEVOTES himself to coming here all the time when he doesnt believe in ANY government conspiracys is the sign of an agent.and candy corn is a well known agent everywhere.those for sure are two of the agents here.there is Gam as well.You can tell by the way they devote themselves to coming here and just sprout off all kinds of lies and b.s when evidence is presented to them.yeah there are some sites out there that dont want the truth to get out.I have some friends who have posted facts about 9/11 on threads and got banned just for least they dont do that here.Yeah those sites that banned you are definetely run by psych op agents cause yeah,you only give out abuse when it comes to you first.

Oddly, it takes quite unsensational information such as a deception about a building design to make the agents obvious in their oppositional action.

For them, the perps, The most important information to oppose is useful information, and such a statement or definition of their agenda is logical.

What gets really obvious is when one goes to or forum and common sense information with verified evidence is dissed as if one were suggesting that alien reptiles were shapeshifting their way into the whitehouse and NORAD on 9-11.

Image. The entire thrust of the last 30 years on TV, film, and music entertainment has been to make image more and more important so that citizens are more sensitive to social pressures. The idea is to preempt the functional group with one that is disfunctional. All of the non profit corporations are for that purpose.

Suck up as much energy, time and money as possible working on aspects that are not functional towards impeding the corporate goals.

Image is the reason most agents have a tricky avatar and username. The idea is to create an artifical society of elites that then dish out praise and scorn in the public arena to control the group, and the viewers perceptions of what is real and what is undesireable, ........falsely.

thats the problem with the internet is that there are some people out there who ruin it for the pople fighing for the truth on it cause they make statements like cheney and Bush are shapeshifting reptiles and they are everywhere walking amongst us.Those kind of people just ruin the truth movement by saying those kinds of things and buying into stuff like that.
no, its people like YOU that spread lies that ruin the internet
great post Chris.:clap2:Yeah for a long time I thought Ditzcon was just a plain idiot in denial but the fact that he DEVOTES himself to coming here all the time when he doesnt believe in ANY government conspiracys is the sign of an agent.and candy corn is a well known agent everywhere.those for sure are two of the agents here.there is Gam as well.You can tell by the way they devote themselves to coming here and just sprout off all kinds of lies and b.s when evidence is presented to them.yeah there are some sites out there that dont want the truth to get out.I have some friends who have posted facts about 9/11 on threads and got banned just for least they dont do that here.Yeah those sites that banned you are definetely run by psych op agents cause yeah,you only give out abuse when it comes to you first.

Oddly, it takes quite unsensational information such as a deception about a building design to make the agents obvious in their oppositional action.

For them, the perps, The most important information to oppose is useful information, and such a statement or definition of their agenda is logical.

What gets really obvious is when one goes to or forum and common sense information with verified evidence is dissed as if one were suggesting that alien reptiles were shapeshifting their way into the whitehouse and NORAD on 9-11.

Image. The entire thrust of the last 30 years on TV, film, and music entertainment has been to make image more and more important so that citizens are more sensitive to social pressures. The idea is to preempt the functional group with one that is disfunctional. All of the non profit corporations are for that purpose.

Suck up as much energy, time and money as possible working on aspects that are not functional towards impeding the corporate goals.

Image is the reason most agents have a tricky avatar and username. The idea is to create an artifical society of elites that then dish out praise and scorn in the public arena to control the group, and the viewers perceptions of what is real and what is undesireable, ........falsely.

thats the problem with the internet is that there are some people out there who ruin it for the pople fighing for the truth on it cause they make statements like cheney and Bush are shapeshifting reptiles and they are everywhere walking amongst us.Those kind of people just ruin the truth movement by saying those kinds of things and buying into stuff like that.


Mixing Conspiracies does not help unless one explains the other. The reptile/shapeshifter/new age mystic rebel approach really explains nothing no matter how many illiminati facts are blended into the distortion of belief.

The psyops seems to take advantage of that fact and purposefully blend that stuff into forums when they can. I've noticed that the chemtrails thing seems to be way over the edge. Of course the swine flu is another.

Alternative media information is not guarantee of relevance, accuracy or anything. I would venture that the media focus on sci fi, fantasy etc. was also a method of breaking people away from reality so they are less independent and more easily controlled. Video games can create nueral networks attuned to such thought patterns as an addiction.

All of that preferred by media of all types, when it comes to large corporate investments and promotions, rather than things that educate and orient in functional, evolutionary thinking, planning and action.
could not have said it better.
of course you couldnt
you are a bigger moron than he is


This is a perfect example of the pretend social structure that the psyops must put in place to make their illogical assertions appear to have substance that is recognizable.

The "Greek Chorus", a social, psychological ploy.


This is a perfect example of the pretend social structure that the psyops must put in place to make their illogical assertions appear to have substance that is recognizable.

The "Greek Chorus", a social, psychological ploy.
yes, because anyone that doesnt agree with your fucking stupidity is a psyops agent

That is a misrepresentation agent. One must also have no evidence for what they assert, which is basically impossible, then pretend to not see conclusive evidence of my position that also discounts what they assert, then they get to be an agent.
This is a perfect example of the pretend social structure that the psyops must put in place to make their illogical assertions appear to have substance that is recognizable.

The "Greek Chorus", a social, psychological ploy.
yes, because anyone that doesnt agree with your fucking stupidity is a psyops agent

That is a misrepresentation agent. One must also have no evidence for what they assert, which is basically impossible, then pretend to not see conclusive evidence of my position that also discounts what they assert, then they get to be an agent.
how about i think you are a fucking moron and that you are delusional and hneed to seek out professional help before you do something to either yourself or others
You're part of it too Dive. I'm a part of "it" too. Anyone who doesn't beleive in conspiracy theories is part of "it".
You're part of it too Dive. I'm a part of "it" too. Anyone who doesn't beleive in conspiracy theories is part of "it".
yeah, 95% of Americans are part of it

If they believe what they see on TV they are unwittingly a part of it. Otherwise your generalizations are sociopathic and un American. Anytime internet personalities join in unreasonable exchanges against citizens seking lawful performance by government, it is a conspiracy against the Constitution. And that is the only dutiful perspective that can be taken.

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