Domestic Destablization-psyops and infiltration of US GOV.

there were no secret methods, dumbass

My point is that when FEMA misrepresented the towers structure, that the cause of death is invalidated, meaning the cause of death from collapse is very likely incorrect. Meaning that that some other method caused the buildings to do what they did, and you want that kept secret by your actions unreasonably protecting the FEMA lie, ....... agent.
except they didnt
thats all in your delusional mind

another fail, Mr Brown

Correct, it is very unlikely that the buildings collapsed. Your evasion however supports the secrecy concealing what did happen to them. Your persistence with ad hominum and pretend confusion only reinforces the obvious presentation of pointless denial, if you are an American citizen who defends the Constitution. If you are an agent for the infiltrators, it's all simply part of the psyops they have you working.
My point is that when FEMA misrepresented the towers structure, that the cause of death is invalidated, meaning the cause of death from collapse is very likely incorrect. Meaning that that some other method caused the buildings to do what they did, and you want that kept secret by your actions unreasonably protecting the FEMA lie, ....... agent.
except they didnt
thats all in your delusional mind

another fail, Mr Brown

Correct, it is very unlikely that the buildings collapsed. Your evasion however supports the secrecy concealing what did happen to them. Your persistence with ad hominum and pretend confusion only reinforces the obvious presentation of pointless denial, if you are an American citizen who defends the Constitution. If you are an agent for the infiltrators, it's all simply part of the psyops they have you working.
you keep proving you are a fucking moron, Mr Brown
except they didnt
thats all in your delusional mind

another fail, Mr Brown

Correct, it is very unlikely that the buildings collapsed. Your evasion however supports the secrecy concealing what did happen to them. Your persistence with ad hominum and pretend confusion only reinforces the obvious presentation of pointless denial, if you are an American citizen who defends the Constitution. If you are an agent for the infiltrators, it's all simply part of the psyops they have you working.
you keep proving you are a fucking moron, Mr Brown

Clearly the reverse is proven in the thread as you demonstrate you are an agent working for the demise of the Constitution with very inadequate methods of deception and debate. Apparently your cohorts have abandoned their fake social grouping with you as you appear to have blood stuck to your mask.
Correct, it is very unlikely that the buildings collapsed. Your evasion however supports the secrecy concealing what did happen to them. Your persistence with ad hominum and pretend confusion only reinforces the obvious presentation of pointless denial, if you are an American citizen who defends the Constitution. If you are an agent for the infiltrators, it's all simply part of the psyops they have you working.
you keep proving you are a fucking moron, Mr Brown

Clearly the reverse is proven in the thread as you demonstrate you are an agent working for the demise of the Constitution with very inadequate methods of deception and debate. Apparently your cohorts have abandoned their fake social grouping with you as you appear to have blood stuck to your mask.
no, Mr Brown, you are truly a moron
and this and your other threads have proven it
you keep proving you are a fucking moron, Mr Brown

Clearly the reverse is proven in the thread as you demonstrate you are an agent working for the demise of the Constitution with very inadequate methods of deception and debate. Apparently your cohorts have abandoned their fake social grouping with you as you appear to have blood stuck to your mask.
no, Mr Brown, you are truly a moron
and this and your other threads have proven it

The perpetrators might futily hope that your assertion would some how be taken by some, but anyone reading will know it is just not true, and that indeed the reverse is far closer to true.

So true that I link to the other thread to make the proof readily available.
Clearly the reverse is proven in the thread as you demonstrate you are an agent working for the demise of the Constitution with very inadequate methods of deception and debate. Apparently your cohorts have abandoned their fake social grouping with you as you appear to have blood stuck to your mask.
no, Mr Brown, you are truly a moron
and this and your other threads have proven it

The perpetrators might futily hope that your assertion would some how be taken by some, but anyone reading will know it is just not true, and that indeed the reverse is far closer to true.

So true that I link to the other thread to make the proof readily available.
you remain a fool, Mr Brown
no, Mr Brown, you are truly a moron
and this and your other threads have proven it

The perpetrators might futily hope that your assertion would some how be taken by some, but anyone reading will know it is just not true, and that indeed the reverse is far closer to true.

So true that I link to the other thread to make the proof readily available.
you remain a fool, Mr Brown

I've defined your unconstitutonality, as you present it through your reaction to substantiated facts that should invoke reactions seeking fulfillment of due process, ............ but nooooooooooooooo, you deny and ignore facts to continue name calling in efforts to impede one who actually tries to see that due process is provided and the Constitution held.

All of what you've done is done irrationally, as if such behaviors were okay and not obvious, they are not okay and very obvious. You are exposed in your weak psychological operation on this message board.
The perpetrators might futily hope that your assertion would some how be taken by some, but anyone reading will know it is just not true, and that indeed the reverse is far closer to true.

So true that I link to the other thread to make the proof readily available.
you remain a fool, Mr Brown

I've defined your unconstitutonality, as you present it through your reaction to substantiated facts that should invoke reactions seeking fulfillment of due process, ............ but nooooooooooooooo, you deny and ignore facts to continue name calling in efforts to impede one who actually tries to see that due process is provided and the Constitution held.

All of what you've done is done irrationally, as if such behaviors were okay and not obvious, they are not okay and very obvious. You are exposed in your weak psychological operation on this message board.
i enjoy making you troofers look like the idiots you are
grow a brain and then you might get some respect

till then, Mr Brown, you remain a moron
you remain a fool, Mr Brown

I've defined your unconstitutonality, as you present it through your reaction to substantiated facts that should invoke reactions seeking fulfillment of due process, ............ but nooooooooooooooo, you deny and ignore facts to continue name calling in efforts to impede one who actually tries to see that due process is provided and the Constitution held.

All of what you've done is done irrationally, as if such behaviors were okay and not obvious, they are not okay and very obvious. You are exposed in your weak psychological operation on this message board.
i enjoy making you troofers look like the idiots you are
grow a brain and then you might get some respect

till then, Mr Brown, you remain a moron

You have not yet demonstrated that you have a brain, or a heart for that matter. You advocate that Americans have no feelings or ability to detect injustice threatening the Constitution which might protect childrens futures, or even help with this boys grief.


Your words are empty.
I've defined your unconstitutonality, as you present it through your reaction to substantiated facts that should invoke reactions seeking fulfillment of due process, ............ but nooooooooooooooo, you deny and ignore facts to continue name calling in efforts to impede one who actually tries to see that due process is provided and the Constitution held.

All of what you've done is done irrationally, as if such behaviors were okay and not obvious, they are not okay and very obvious. You are exposed in your weak psychological operation on this message board.
i enjoy making you troofers look like the idiots you are
grow a brain and then you might get some respect

till then, Mr Brown, you remain a moron

You have not yet demonstrated that you have a brain, or a heart for that matter. You advocate that Americans have no feelings or ability to detect injustice threatening the Constitution which might protect childrens futures, or even help with this boys grief.

Your words are empty.
more bullshit from the moron, Mr Brown
i enjoy making you troofers look like the idiots you are
grow a brain and then you might get some respect

till then, Mr Brown, you remain a moron

You have not yet demonstrated that you have a brain, or a heart for that matter. You advocate that Americans have no feelings or ability to detect injustice threatening the Constitution which might protect childrens futures, or even help with this boys grief.

Your words are empty.
more bullshit from the moron, Mr Brown

Perhaps you are a very stupid agent that believes you can continue to pretend that these facts are not vital to the futures of Americans, and be credible. Your profane efforts to marginalize have long been seen as a bizarre execution of a sick agenda.

People really do not believe two towers that stood for 30+ years could just fall one day because of some damage when suddenly, ........ no plans are available. But the media didn't tell them about that part, which went something like this.

"Oh gee, the mayor took the WTC documents,, the other were in the towers, I guess you just have to take the "anecdotal" information from these FEMA people and use that to analyze the collapse of 2 towers at rates of free fall, almost identically killing 3,000."
You have not yet demonstrated that you have a brain, or a heart for that matter. You advocate that Americans have no feelings or ability to detect injustice threatening the Constitution which might protect childrens futures, or even help with this boys grief.

Your words are empty.
more bullshit from the moron, Mr Brown

Perhaps you are a very stupid agent that believes you can continue to pretend that these facts are not vital to the futures of Americans, and be credible. Your profane efforts to marginalize have long been seen as a bizarre execution of a sick agenda.

People really do not believe two towers that stood for 30+ years could just fall one day because of some damage when suddenly, ........ no plans are available. But the media didn't tell them about that part, which went something like this.

"Oh gee, the mayor took the WTC documents,, the other were in the towers, I guess you just have to take the "anecdotal" information from these FEMA people and use that to analyze the collapse of 2 towers at rates of free fall, almost identically killing 3,000."
again, Mr Brown, you show you are completely delusional
more bullshit from the moron, Mr Brown

Perhaps you are a very stupid agent that believes you can continue to pretend that these facts are not vital to the futures of Americans, and be credible. Your profane efforts to marginalize have long been seen as a bizarre execution of a sick agenda.

People really do not believe two towers that stood for 30+ years could just fall one day because of some damage when suddenly, ........ no plans are available. But the media didn't tell them about that part, which went something like this.

"Oh gee, the mayor took the WTC documents,, the other were in the towers, I guess you just have to take the "anecdotal" information from these FEMA people and use that to analyze the collapse of 2 towers at rates of free fall, almost identically killing 3,000."
again, Mr Brown, you show you are completely delusional

I link to evidence and provide reason and you provide nothing except misinterpretations, profane rants, and unfounded defenses for your deficiencies, then expect to be taken seriously, ........ ahmmm are you deluded? :lol:
It is very easy to tell when the psyops agents are defeated with evidence and reason. They begin posting cat pictures or baking recipes. Agent divot indicates he's ready for that.

The psyops depends on Americans unreasonable social fears very much like drive hunting of sheep and running them off a cliff. The animals are afraid to go any other direction other than that which the animal on each side and in front of them are going.


What ever happened to real fears of tangible threats? Did television turn them into fantasy that happens only to other people in other nations?
It is very easy to tell when the psyops agents are defeated with evidence and reason. They begin posting cat pictures or baking recipes. Agent divot indicates he's ready for that.

The psyops depends on Americans unreasonable social fears very much like drive hunting of sheep and running them off a cliff. The animals are afraid to go any other direction other than that which the animal on each side and in front of them are going.

What ever happened to real fears of tangible threats? Did television turn them into fantasy that happens only to other people in other nations?
yes because 95% of the US population are psyop agents
It is very easy to tell when the psyops agents are defeated with evidence and reason. They begin posting cat pictures or baking recipes. Agent divot indicates he's ready for that.

The psyops depends on Americans unreasonable social fears very much like drive hunting of sheep and running them off a cliff. The animals are afraid to go any other direction other than that which the animal on each side and in front of them are going.

What ever happened to real fears of tangible threats? Did television turn them into fantasy that happens only to other people in other nations?
yes because 95% of the US population are psyop agents

The perpetrators would prefer the viewers use a cognitive distortion in evaluation of the psyops, so it is very logical you are using one.

Sheep operate with cognitive distortions and fears. The perps would logically seek to promote such.

It is very easy to tell when the psyops agents are defeated with evidence and reason. They begin posting cat pictures or baking recipes. Agent divot indicates he's ready for that.

The psyops depends on Americans unreasonable social fears very much like drive hunting of sheep and running them off a cliff. The animals are afraid to go any other direction other than that which the animal on each side and in front of them are going.

What ever happened to real fears of tangible threats? Did television turn them into fantasy that happens only to other people in other nations?
yes because 95% of the US population are psyop agents

The perpetrators would prefer the viewers use a cognitive distortion in evaluation of the psyops, so it is very logical you are using one.

Sheep operate with cognitive distortions and fears. The perps would logically seek to promote such.
yet you have failed in your attempts
Mr Brown is a complete failure

and the perps are known and most of them are DEAD
you are just too fucking stupid to get it
Just so the reader has an idea of cognitive distortions are I'm going to post a list very similar to tht used by psychologists practicing cognitive therapy.

1. All or nothing thinking: Things are placed in black or white categories.
2. Over generalization: Single event is viewed as continuous.
3. Mental filter: Details in life (positive or negative) are amplified in importance while opposite is rejected.
4. Minimizing: Perceiving one or opposite experiences (positive or negative) as absolute and maintaining singularity of belief to one or the other.
5. Mind reading: One absolutely concludes that others are reacting positively or negatively without investigating reality.
6. Fortune Telling: Based on previous 5 distortions, anticipation of negative or positive outcome of situations is established fact.
7. Catastrophizing: Exaggerated importance of self's failures and others successes.
8. Emotional reasoning: One feels as though emotional state IS reality of situation.
9. "Should" statements: Self imposed rules about behavior creating guilt at self inability to adhere and anger at others in their inability to conform to self's rules.
10. Labeling: Instead of understanding errors over generalization is applied.
11. Personalization: Thinking that the actions or statements of others are a reaction to you.
12. Entitlement: Believing that you deserve things you have not earned.

The psyops seeks to induce the use or acceptence of them as modes of cognition for the public to evaluate information. By using a false grouping of posters on messge boards, having a common agenda of surrepticious coorperation and effect upon perceptions, they promote misinformation, misrepresentation, confusion and distraction.

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