Donald Trump admits he might lose elections, still happy because he tried hard

Fraud can be overcome. See they are going to rig the machines BEFORE the election. They are going to ASSUME how much they need to rig them by for Clinton to win....just gotta make sure we show up in MASS numbers and vote like never before to overcome that. The election would still be rigged and it won't give a true account of how badly she will have lost but a win is a win.
What makes you think the elections are rigged? Is it because Trump said its rigged? I think the media is just slightly biased, but no rigging
Slightly? start Soros has a hand in election machines in 16 states. The media is trying to suppress Trump supporters coming out,4 million dead people are STILL on active voter rolls,Fraud investigations in Indiana,Texas,Virginia etc.
LINK on Soros having his hand in election machines in 16 states??? never heard that one before??
wow, that was EASY to DEBUNK....took about a minute!

October 22, 2016
Don’t sweat Soros voting machines
By Frank Friday
Conservatives are up in arms this week over a report Dr. Evil is back, this time to rig the election through electronic voting machines he controls. Now, there are a great many things for us to be concerned about in this election, but fortunately, rigged machines is not one of them, and this may only be a distraction from the fight against genuine vote fraud.

Soros is said to control a British company called Smartmatic, which had something to do with election fraud in Venezuela. The CEO also has Soros ties, but the company currently provides no voting equipment in the United States. Smartmatic briefly owned a U.S. company called Sequoia Voting but sold it in 2006. Sequoia and Premier Voting are owned by a Canadian company called Dominion. They bought Premier, which used to be called Diebold, from ES&S, which is the largest machine maker and was forced to sell Premier in 2010 for anti-trust reasons.

That being the case, there just aren’t any current connections to Soros or any of his cronies and makers of U.S. voting machines. Most importantly, each county in America has its own inventory of machines from various manufacturers and each board of elections has its own IT people that have to reprogram the machines every election. Even if they wanted to, there is no way manufacturers could rig machines years ahead of time to favor one candidate as it could not be known what voting positions to change or when random test votes for accuracy would be taken.

Blog: Don’t sweat Soros voting machines
What makes you think the elections are rigged? Is it because Trump said its rigged? I think the media is just slightly biased, but no rigging
Slightly? start Soros has a hand in election machines in 16 states. The media is trying to suppress Trump supporters coming out,4 million dead people are STILL on active voter rolls,Fraud investigations in Indiana,Texas,Virginia etc.
LINK on Soros having his hand in election machines in 16 states??? never heard that one before??
wow, that was EASY to DEBUNK....took about a minute!

October 22, 2016
Don’t sweat Soros voting machines
By Frank Friday
Conservatives are up in arms this week over a report Dr. Evil is back, this time to rig the election through electronic voting machines he controls. Now, there are a great many things for us to be concerned about in this election, but fortunately, rigged machines is not one of them, and this may only be a distraction from the fight against genuine vote fraud.

Soros is said to control a British company called Smartmatic, which had something to do with election fraud in Venezuela. The CEO also has Soros ties, but the company currently provides no voting equipment in the United States. Smartmatic briefly owned a U.S. company called Sequoia Voting but sold it in 2006. Sequoia and Premier Voting are owned by a Canadian company called Dominion. They bought Premier, which used to be called Diebold, from ES&S, which is the largest machine maker and was forced to sell Premier in 2010 for anti-trust reasons.

That being the case, there just aren’t any current connections to Soros or any of his cronies and makers of U.S. voting machines. Most importantly, each county in America has its own inventory of machines from various manufacturers and each board of elections has its own IT people that have to reprogram the machines every election. Even if they wanted to, there is no way manufacturers could rig machines years ahead of time to favor one candidate as it could not be known what voting positions to change or when random test votes for accuracy would be taken.

Blog: Don’t sweat Soros voting machines
View attachment 94744

Russia announced yesterday they are sending Advisers here to America to watch over the election to make certain ROTTEN HELLY doesn't steal it. :)
It is hard to imagine that hilly will not win with this kind of fraud and manipulation. The phony stories and scandals that the media pedals day after day alone are manipulative. The fake assault victims that crumble the next day but the media keeps breathing a breath into their corpses.

The way to deal with this kind of monumental fakery is to make sure that hilly is so wounded, so devastated, so weakened that she enters into the community of nations on her death bed. A cipher, ignored and dismissed. The way for the citizens to show their ire isn't by attacking government institutions but their own neighbors. Take the divisions and split them open down to bedrock. Make them bleed. Attack black lives matter, college snowflakes, withhold your money and your efforts. Slice the workings of the United States bare. Make it fail, grind to a halt and stop.
It’s easy to imagine you and other rightwing nitwits contriving and propagating ridiculous lies about the elections being ‘rigged.’
If Hillary is elected, the scandals will continue and it will be just like Bill's Presidency, one disgrace after another.
The only disgrace is Trump's 'candidacy.'
You want to see a DISGRACE?? Your scummy criminal BIATCH being asked to send help to the Benghazi 4 who were slaughtered and she turned a blind eye.. LIED but now BUSTED

NEW EMAIL shows Pentagon ASKED Hillary to LET THEM send help to Benghazi, proving Leon Panetta LIED!!
The new leaked Wiki email proves Helly abandoned Americans

The email was sent out at 7:19 p.m. ET on Sept. 11, 2012, in the early stages of the eight-hour siege that also claimed the lives of Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith and two former Navy SEALs, Ty Woods and Glen Doherty, private CIA contractors who raced to the aid of embattled State Department workers.

Although the email came after the first wave of the attack at the consulate, it occurred before a mortar strike on the CIA annex killed Woods and Doherty.

“This leaves no doubt military assets were offered and ready to go, and awaiting State Department signoff, which did not come,” Judicial Watch, a nonprofit government watchdog said in a statement.

Parts of the email from Bash were redacted before release, including details on what military forces were available.
NEW EMAIL shows Pentagon ASKED Hillary to LET THEM send help to Benghazi, proving Leon Panetta LIED!! - USA News Insider
It is hard to imagine that hilly will not win with this kind of fraud and manipulation. The phony stories and scandals that the media pedals day after day alone are manipulative. The fake assault victims that crumble the next day but the media keeps breathing a breath into their corpses.

The way to deal with this kind of monumental fakery is to make sure that hilly is so wounded, so devastated, so weakened that she enters into the community of nations on her death bed. A cipher, ignored and dismissed. The way for the citizens to show their ire isn't by attacking government institutions but their own neighbors. Take the divisions and split them open down to bedrock. Make them bleed. Attack black lives matter, college snowflakes, withhold your money and your efforts. Slice the workings of the United States bare. Make it fail, grind to a halt and stop.
It’s easy to imagine you and other rightwing nitwits contriving and propagating ridiculous lies about the elections being ‘rigged.’
It's easier to see you fascist democrsts spewing propaganda they're not....
Repost new Benghazi email on all Social media channels.. Americans need to see the TRUTH finally exposed and what we all knew.. THIS ENTIRE FUCKING FORUM of leftist trash all denied it.. BOOM BUSTED
Repost new Benghazi email on all Social media channels.. Americans need to see the TRUTH finally exposed and what we all knew.. THIS ENTIRE FUCKING FORUM of leftist trash all denied it.. BOOM BUSTED
post it right next to obama's eo banning the pledge
Donald Trump admits he might lose the elections but is still happy because he tried hard - source

It was a rare moment of reality for Donald Trump on Friday. As the Republican nominee campaigned in North Carolina, he admitted that he would be happy with himself if he loses the election because he tried hard.

While campaigning in North Carolina, Trump said:

I’m working harder too, folks. I am working harder. I’ve got three stops today. We’ve got three of these today. We’ve got three. You know, I’ve got three on occasion I have four. I think I have one rest day where I have two. But these are massive rallies, and we’re going to do this for another nineteen days right up until the actual vote of November eighth, and then I don’t know what kind of shape I’m in, but I’ll be happy either way. But at least I will have known win, lose, or draw, and I’m almost sure that if the people come out, we’re going to win.
I did not quite get it. Did he have three stops? Palilalia, lol. But good for him, he seems to have some connection to reality after all.
Donald Trump admits he might lose the elections but is still happy because he tried hard - source

It was a rare moment of reality for Donald Trump on Friday. As the Republican nominee campaigned in North Carolina, he admitted that he would be happy with himself if he loses the election because he tried hard.

While campaigning in North Carolina, Trump said:

I’m working harder too, folks. I am working harder. I’ve got three stops today. We’ve got three of these today. We’ve got three. You know, I’ve got three on occasion I have four. I think I have one rest day where I have two. But these are massive rallies, and we’re going to do this for another nineteen days right up until the actual vote of November eighth, and then I don’t know what kind of shape I’m in, but I’ll be happy either way. But at least I will have known win, lose, or draw, and I’m almost sure that if the people come out, we’re going to win.
I did not quite get it. Did he have three stops? Palilalia, lol. But good for him, he seems to have some connection to reality after all.
Repost new Benghazi email on all Social media channels.. Americans need to see the TRUTH finally exposed and what we all knew.. THIS ENTIRE FUCKING FORUM of leftist trash all denied it.. BOOM BUSTED
post it right next to obama's eo banning the pledge

Too bad there's an email from JUDICIAL WATCH released as proof :) Nice try gutter rat.
too bad it doesn't prove the claim
yes it does to an extent
Donald Trump admits he might lose the elections but is still happy because he tried hard - source

It was a rare moment of reality for Donald Trump on Friday. As the Republican nominee campaigned in North Carolina, he admitted that he would be happy with himself if he loses the election because he tried hard.

While campaigning in North Carolina, Trump said:

I’m working harder too, folks. I am working harder. I’ve got three stops today. We’ve got three of these today. We’ve got three. You know, I’ve got three on occasion I have four. I think I have one rest day where I have two. But these are massive rallies, and we’re going to do this for another nineteen days right up until the actual vote of November eighth, and then I don’t know what kind of shape I’m in, but I’ll be happy either way. But at least I will have known win, lose, or draw, and I’m almost sure that if the people come out, we’re going to win.
i bet he regrets funding 75 million dollars into it
Donald Trump admits he might lose the elections but is still happy because he tried hard - source

It was a rare moment of reality for Donald Trump on Friday. As the Republican nominee campaigned in North Carolina, he admitted that he would be happy with himself if he loses the election because he tried hard.

While campaigning in North Carolina, Trump said:

I’m working harder too, folks. I am working harder. I’ve got three stops today. We’ve got three of these today. We’ve got three. You know, I’ve got three on occasion I have four. I think I have one rest day where I have two. But these are massive rallies, and we’re going to do this for another nineteen days right up until the actual vote of November eighth, and then I don’t know what kind of shape I’m in, but I’ll be happy either way. But at least I will have known win, lose, or draw, and I’m almost sure that if the people come out, we’re going to win.
if i was worth $4 billion and had potential for a few more billions i would be pretty happy too, Id prefer not to be President and carry such a huge burden
Well yes the truth does help me get through the day.

If Trump supporters feel the election is so rigged and fraud so prevalent that Trump can't win....
Then stay home and don't vote....
Send a message...
Fraud can be overcome. See they are going to rig the machines BEFORE the election. They are going to ASSUME how much they need to rig them by for Clinton to win....just gotta make sure we show up in MASS numbers and vote like never before to overcome that. The election would still be rigged and it won't give a true account of how badly she will have lost but a win is a win.
What makes you think the elections are rigged? Is it because Trump said its rigged? I think the media is just slightly biased, but no rigging
Slightly? start Soros has a hand in election machines in 16 states. The media is trying to suppress Trump supporters coming out,4 million dead people are STILL on active voter rolls,Fraud investigations in Indiana,Texas,Virginia etc.
LINK on Soros having his hand in election machines in 16 states??? never heard that one before??
Soros-Connected Company Has Provided Voting Technology In 16 States
Slightly? start Soros has a hand in election machines in 16 states. The media is trying to suppress Trump supporters coming out,4 million dead people are STILL on active voter rolls,Fraud investigations in Indiana,Texas,Virginia etc.
LINK on Soros having his hand in election machines in 16 states??? never heard that one before??
wow, that was EASY to DEBUNK....took about a minute!

October 22, 2016
Don’t sweat Soros voting machines
By Frank Friday
Conservatives are up in arms this week over a report Dr. Evil is back, this time to rig the election through electronic voting machines he controls. Now, there are a great many things for us to be concerned about in this election, but fortunately, rigged machines is not one of them, and this may only be a distraction from the fight against genuine vote fraud.

Soros is said to control a British company called Smartmatic, which had something to do with election fraud in Venezuela. The CEO also has Soros ties, but the company currently provides no voting equipment in the United States. Smartmatic briefly owned a U.S. company called Sequoia Voting but sold it in 2006. Sequoia and Premier Voting are owned by a Canadian company called Dominion. They bought Premier, which used to be called Diebold, from ES&S, which is the largest machine maker and was forced to sell Premier in 2010 for anti-trust reasons.

That being the case, there just aren’t any current connections to Soros or any of his cronies and makers of U.S. voting machines. Most importantly, each county in America has its own inventory of machines from various manufacturers and each board of elections has its own IT people that have to reprogram the machines every election. Even if they wanted to, there is no way manufacturers could rig machines years ahead of time to favor one candidate as it could not be known what voting positions to change or when random test votes for accuracy would be taken.

Blog: Don’t sweat Soros voting machines
View attachment 94744

Russia announced yesterday they are sending Advisers here to America to watch over the election to make certain ROTTEN HELLY doesn't steal it. :)


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