Donald Trump admits he might lose elections, still happy because he tried hard

He's a big whiny bitch! Yep, he's going to lose and he knows it.
thats because he knows the establishment is going to make sure the evil witch is the new POTUS.whoever they want in to be their puppet to serve them,they make sure their puppet gets in and they will with hellery as they always do.
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Well, i think he did wake up many Americans as to what the NWO Globalist Elites like Hillary Clinton and George Soros are doing to their country. So i think he has served a purpose.

The Globalist Establishment may win this time, but i think there is hope for a future rebellion. Trump has contributed to creating that hope. He's got the NWO Establishment pretty nervous. And i greatly appreciate that.
wonder if he even realises elections are rigged,that since hellery is the most evil of the two,SHE will be selected by the establishment to be their new puppet.
so 911, does that mean Hillary was less evil than Obama in 2008, since the globalists picked him??? How does that work??
No...hitlery wanted to sell America for herself....

Obama was too fucking stupid to understand the globalists wanted him to sell America for them.....

must be horrible living in your nightmarish imaginary world???!!! :(

Oh the Irony,the fact you have been taken to school so many times in the past that Obomination is not a us citizen and still incredibly in denial mode over that all these years later the same way Bush dupes are that 9/11 was an inside about an imaginary world,that would be the one you are in that Obama is a us citizen.touche.:haha:

If Hillary is elected, the scandals will continue and it will be just like Bill's Presidency, one disgrace after another.
The only disgrace is Trump's 'candidacy.'

coming from someone who worships HELLERY,we are really going to listen to you here.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

oh and I am not sold on Trump myself.I wish Ron Paul was the finalist on the republican ticket and would be the new president,but since he isnt and Trump is the only choice to choose from over the evil bitch and i already know that another clinton in office=the betrayel of americans and an expanding facist dictatership,the alternative of Trumpo beats Hitlery any day of the year.:rolleyes-41:

It’s easy to imagine you and other rightwing nitwits contriving and propagating ridiculous lies about the elections being ‘rigged.’

whatever you say paid shill of the governments.:ahole-1:
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What makes you think the elections are rigged? Is it because Trump said its rigged? I think the media is just slightly biased, but no rigging
Slightly? start Soros has a hand in election machines in 16 states. The media is trying to suppress Trump supporters coming out,4 million dead people are STILL on active voter rolls,Fraud investigations in Indiana,Texas,Virginia etc.
LINK on Soros having his hand in election machines in 16 states??? never heard that one before??
wow, that was EASY to DEBUNK....took about a minute!

October 22, 2016
Don’t sweat Soros voting machines
By Frank Friday
Conservatives are up in arms this week over a report Dr. Evil is back, this time to rig the election through electronic voting machines he controls. Now, there are a great many things for us to be concerned about in this election, but fortunately, rigged machines is not one of them, and this may only be a distraction from the fight against genuine vote fraud.

Soros is said to control a British company called Smartmatic, which had something to do with election fraud in Venezuela. The CEO also has Soros ties, but the company currently provides no voting equipment in the United States. Smartmatic briefly owned a U.S. company called Sequoia Voting but sold it in 2006. Sequoia and Premier Voting are owned by a Canadian company called Dominion. They bought Premier, which used to be called Diebold, from ES&S, which is the largest machine maker and was forced to sell Premier in 2010 for anti-trust reasons.

That being the case, there just aren’t any current connections to Soros or any of his cronies and makers of U.S. voting machines. Most importantly, each county in America has its own inventory of machines from various manufacturers and each board of elections has its own IT people that have to reprogram the machines every election. Even if they wanted to, there is no way manufacturers could rig machines years ahead of time to favor one candidate as it could not be known what voting positions to change or when random test votes for accuracy would be taken.

Blog: Don’t sweat Soros voting machines
View attachment 94744


Dont forget to mention that quote came form none other than FDR himself,someone on the inside who knew.In his final days since he knew he was not going to be around,he was obviously giving subtle hints how the elections were rigged for him to serve in office for so long.:up:
The new leaked Wiki email proves Helly abandoned Americans

The email was sent out at 7:19 p.m. ET on Sept. 11, 2012, in the early stages of the eight-hour siege that also claimed the lives of Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith and two former Navy SEALs, Ty Woods and Glen Doherty, private CIA contractors who raced to the aid of embattled State Department workers.

Although the email came after the first wave of the attack at the consulate, it occurred before a mortar strike on the CIA annex killed Woods and Doherty.

“This leaves no doubt military assets were offered and ready to go, and awaiting State Department signoff, which did not come,” Judicial Watch, a nonprofit government watchdog said in a statement.

Parts of the email from Bash were redacted before release, including details on what military forces were available.
NEW EMAIL shows Pentagon ASKED Hillary to LET THEM send help to Benghazi, proving Leon Panetta LIED!! - USA News Insider

as always here everyday,the paid shill clayton gets taken to school here and gets his ass handed to him on a platter.:up:

Russia announced yesterday they are sending Advisers here to America to watch over the election to make certain ROTTEN HELLY doesn't steal it.

Russia announced yesterday they are sending Advisers here to America to watch over the election to make certain ROTTEN HELLY doesn't steal it. :)

I would like to believe that would make a difference but the establishment will make sure somehow she is the next POTUS.
the globalists didnt pick him
wonder if he even realises elections are rigged,that since hellery is the most evil of the two,SHE will be selected by the establishment to be their new puppet.
so 911, does that mean Hillary was less evil than Obama in 2008, since the globalists picked him??? How does that work??

uh dude yes they did,they ALWAYS pick their puppet.wake up dude. a lot of people thought the witch would be elected after Bush but for some reason they wanted Obomination to be in at that time.who knows why ,none of us do since none of us are part of the establishment who puts their puppets in.Because of that we never know what their reasons are for who they choose.we never know for sure who they have in mind for their next POTUS.

However it IS simple as pie to know they always make sure their puppet gets reelected.Back when Clinton was president,there was never a doubt in my mind he would get reeelcted to do their bidding because he had done such a great job of doing their bidding destroying america they made sure that his reward would be a second term.I knew it back he would get reelected because of that,also knew Bush would and Obama as well all for the same reason because their masters were pleased with them destroying america.

the good presidents never get elected to a second term as recent history proves.Bush sr was the only evil corrupt one who is the exception.That is only because he did not want a second term because in reality he was the president running the country in Reagans second term since by them Reagan had alzheimers and had no idea what was going on around him. That was why Bush back then you could tell by how he acted and spoke,that he did not care that he was no reelected.:biggrin:
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Donald Trump admits he might lose the elections but is still happy because he tried hard - source

It was a rare moment of reality for Donald Trump on Friday. As the Republican nominee campaigned in North Carolina, he admitted that he would be happy with himself if he loses the election because he tried hard.

While campaigning in North Carolina, Trump said:

I’m working harder too, folks. I am working harder. I’ve got three stops today. We’ve got three of these today. We’ve got three. You know, I’ve got three on occasion I have four. I think I have one rest day where I have two. But these are massive rallies, and we’re going to do this for another nineteen days right up until the actual vote of November eighth, and then I don’t know what kind of shape I’m in, but I’ll be happy either way. But at least I will have known win, lose, or draw, and I’m almost sure that if the people come out, we’re going to win.
Go Trump don't give up that what i think like a lot of American peoples...we want him at the white house.
Poiint Final :thup:
Donald Trump admits he might lose the elections but is still happy because he tried hard - source

It was a rare moment of reality for Donald Trump on Friday. As the Republican nominee campaigned in North Carolina, he admitted that he would be happy with himself if he loses the election because he tried hard.

While campaigning in North Carolina, Trump said:

I’m working harder too, folks. I am working harder. I’ve got three stops today. We’ve got three of these today. We’ve got three. You know, I’ve got three on occasion I have four. I think I have one rest day where I have two. But these are massive rallies, and we’re going to do this for another nineteen days right up until the actual vote of November eighth, and then I don’t know what kind of shape I’m in, but I’ll be happy either way. But at least I will have known win, lose, or draw, and I’m almost sure that if the people come out, we’re going to win.
Of course such a loss would have had nothing to do with how he ran his campaign, the choices he made, and his agenda for America. It was all that bad old media and of course Liar, Liar, Crocked Hillary.
Donald Trump admits he might lose the elections but is still happy because he tried hard - source

It was a rare moment of reality for Donald Trump on Friday. As the Republican nominee campaigned in North Carolina, he admitted that he would be happy with himself if he loses the election because he tried hard.

While campaigning in North Carolina, Trump said:

I’m working harder too, folks. I am working harder. I’ve got three stops today. We’ve got three of these today. We’ve got three. You know, I’ve got three on occasion I have four. I think I have one rest day where I have two. But these are massive rallies, and we’re going to do this for another nineteen days right up until the actual vote of November eighth, and then I don’t know what kind of shape I’m in, but I’ll be happy either way. But at least I will have known win, lose, or draw, and I’m almost sure that if the people come out, we’re going to win.
Of course such a loss would have had nothing to do with how he ran his campaign, the choices he made, and his agenda for America. It was all that bad old media and of course Liar, Liar, Crocked Hillary.
Donald Trump admits he might lose the elections but is still happy because he tried hard - source

It was a rare moment of reality for Donald Trump on Friday. As the Republican nominee campaigned in North Carolina, he admitted that he would be happy with himself if he loses the election because he tried hard.

While campaigning in North Carolina, Trump said:

I’m working harder too, folks. I am working harder. I’ve got three stops today. We’ve got three of these today. We’ve got three. You know, I’ve got three on occasion I have four. I think I have one rest day where I have two. But these are massive rallies, and we’re going to do this for another nineteen days right up until the actual vote of November eighth, and then I don’t know what kind of shape I’m in, but I’ll be happy either way. But at least I will have known win, lose, or draw, and I’m almost sure that if the people come out, we’re going to win.
Only because of vote fraud and rigging.
yeah 90% chance voter fraud and rigging occurs in the Presidential elections
the globalists didnt pick him
wonder if he even realises elections are rigged,that since hellery is the most evil of the two,SHE will be selected by the establishment to be their new puppet.
so 911, does that mean Hillary was less evil than Obama in 2008, since the globalists picked him??? How does that work??

uh dude yes they did,they ALWAYS pick their puppet.wake up dude. a lot of people thought the witch would be elected after Bush but for some reason they wanted Obomination to be in at that time.who knows why ,none of us do since none of us are part of the establishment who puts their puppets in.Because of that we never know what their reasons are for who they choose.we never know for sure who they have in mind for their next POTUS.

However it IS simple as pie to know they always make sure their puppet gets reelected.Back when Clinton was president,there was never a doubt in my mind he would get reeelcted to do their bidding because he had done such a great job of doing their bidding destroying america they made sure that his reward would be a second term.I knew it back he would get reelected because of that,also knew Bush would and Obama as well all for the same reason because their masters were pleased with them destroying america.

the good presidents never get elected to a second term as recent history proves.Bush sr was the only evil corrupt one who is the exception.That is only because he did not want a second term because in reality he was the president running the country in Reagans second term since by them Reagan had alzheimers and had no idea what was going on around him. That was why Bush back then you could tell by how he acted and spoke,that he did not care that he was no reelected.:biggrin:
agreed good points
If Hillary is elected, the scandals will continue and it will be just like Bill's Presidency, one disgrace after another.
The only disgrace is Trump's 'candidacy.'
You want to see a DISGRACE?? Your scummy criminal BIATCH being asked to send help to the Benghazi 4 who were slaughtered and she turned a blind eye.. LIED but now BUSTED

NEW EMAIL shows Pentagon ASKED Hillary to LET THEM send help to Benghazi, proving Leon Panetta LIED!!
Gawd almighty LGS, this correspondence came out in the Benghazi hearings over a YEAR AGO, it is nothing NEW, and it was explained and DEBUNKED as this so called proof of a stand down, BY ALL 8 Benghazi Investigations...

We even had threads on this A YEAR ago....

IT'S NOTHING NEW....not a smoking gun.
If Hillary is elected, the scandals will continue and it will be just like Bill's Presidency, one disgrace after another.
The only disgrace is Trump's 'candidacy.'
You want to see a DISGRACE?? Your scummy criminal BIATCH being asked to send help to the Benghazi 4 who were slaughtered and she turned a blind eye.. LIED but now BUSTED

NEW EMAIL shows Pentagon ASKED Hillary to LET THEM send help to Benghazi, proving Leon Panetta LIED!!
Gawd almighty LGS, this correspondence came out in the Benghazi hearings over a YEAR AGO, it is nothing NEW, and it was explained and DEBUNKED as this so called proof of a stand down, BY ALL 8 Benghazi Investigations...

We even had threads on this A YEAR ago....

IT'S NOTHING NEW....not a smoking gun.
agreed its not a smoking gun
If Hillary is elected, the scandals will continue and it will be just like Bill's Presidency, one disgrace after another.
The only disgrace is Trump's 'candidacy.'
You want to see a DISGRACE?? Your scummy criminal BIATCH being asked to send help to the Benghazi 4 who were slaughtered and she turned a blind eye.. LIED but now BUSTED

NEW EMAIL shows Pentagon ASKED Hillary to LET THEM send help to Benghazi, proving Leon Panetta LIED!!
Gawd almighty LGS, this correspondence came out in the Benghazi hearings over a YEAR AGO, it is nothing NEW, and it was explained and DEBUNKED as this so called proof of a stand down, BY ALL 8 Benghazi Investigations...

We even had threads on this A YEAR ago....

IT'S NOTHING NEW....not a smoking gun.
real talk
If Hillary is elected, the scandals will continue and it will be just like Bill's Presidency, one disgrace after another.
The only disgrace is Trump's 'candidacy.'
You want to see a DISGRACE?? Your scummy criminal BIATCH being asked to send help to the Benghazi 4 who were slaughtered and she turned a blind eye.. LIED but now BUSTED

NEW EMAIL shows Pentagon ASKED Hillary to LET THEM send help to Benghazi, proving Leon Panetta LIED!!
Gawd almighty LGS, this correspondence came out in the Benghazi hearings over a YEAR AGO, it is nothing NEW, and it was explained and DEBUNKED as this so called proof of a stand down, BY ALL 8 Benghazi Investigations...

We even had threads on this A YEAR ago....

IT'S NOTHING NEW....not a smoking gun.
years ago? really
If Hillary is elected, the scandals will continue and it will be just like Bill's Presidency, one disgrace after another.
The only disgrace is Trump's 'candidacy.'
You want to see a DISGRACE?? Your scummy criminal BIATCH being asked to send help to the Benghazi 4 who were slaughtered and she turned a blind eye.. LIED but now BUSTED

NEW EMAIL shows Pentagon ASKED Hillary to LET THEM send help to Benghazi, proving Leon Panetta LIED!!
Gawd almighty LGS, this correspondence came out in the Benghazi hearings over a YEAR AGO, it is nothing NEW, and it was explained and DEBUNKED as this so called proof of a stand down, BY ALL 8 Benghazi Investigations...

We even had threads on this A YEAR ago....

IT'S NOTHING NEW....not a smoking gun.
years ago? really
yes, a little over a year ago in the 10 hour congressional hearing on Benghazi, when Hillary testified. Let me see if I can find the thread on it by doing a search here....

here is a post from December 2015 on it that I was able to find in a real quick search from last year.... it was ALL OVER the conservative media last year and this is simply regurgitation of it...

Email Shows Military Prepared Benghazi Rescue
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If Hillary is elected, the scandals will continue and it will be just like Bill's Presidency, one disgrace after another.
The only disgrace is Trump's 'candidacy.'
You want to see a DISGRACE?? Your scummy criminal BIATCH being asked to send help to the Benghazi 4 who were slaughtered and she turned a blind eye.. LIED but now BUSTED

NEW EMAIL shows Pentagon ASKED Hillary to LET THEM send help to Benghazi, proving Leon Panetta LIED!!
Gawd almighty LGS, this correspondence came out in the Benghazi hearings over a YEAR AGO, it is nothing NEW, and it was explained and DEBUNKED as this so called proof of a stand down, BY ALL 8 Benghazi Investigations...

We even had threads on this A YEAR ago....

IT'S NOTHING NEW....not a smoking gun.
years ago? really
yes, a little over a year ago in the 10 hour congressional hearing on Benghazi, when Hillary testified. Let me see if I can find the thread on it by doing a search here....

here is a post from December 2015 on it that I was able to find in a real quick search from last year.... it was ALL OVER the conservative media last year and this is simply regurgitation of it...

Email Shows Military Prepared Benghazi Rescue
thank you!!

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