Donald Trump All For Putting The Ten Commandments In Schools

Compare my Commandments to Gods

God is all about…..You had better worship me!
Mine are about helping mankind

What I would include in my Ten Commandments

1. Thou shall not allow slavery. Moses led the Hebrews out of slavery and struggled to free them. Yet God does not even prohibit slavery in his ten commandments. I would prohibit slavery and order employers to pay an honest wage and order workers to give an honest days work

2. Thou shall be clean in thy person and thy environment. God could have saved hundreds of millions of lives with this one. Sanitation was a major killer of mankind. Keep yourself clean to avoid germs. Do not pollute your drinking water or your environment. Could have prevented the plague and other killer diseases

3. Thou shall not engage in War. War is a practice of man and not God. God should encourage peaceful resolution of conflicts and consider war an act against God

4. Thou shall educate yourself and others. A critical trait of man. Learning and the spread of knowledge. You should strive to learn your whole life and spread knowledge to others

5. I would expand the honor your father and mother to honor your family. Parents should honor their kids, make sure they are fed and clothed and protected. You should work hard to take care of your family

Children would be better off reading my Commandments
You are confused... the first commandment was intended for those who prayed to sun Gods wind Gods Gods of trees..."strange Gods".... just like it said....
2nd commandment... you "should" not take the name of the lord in vain... which was meant for those who spoke lies and misconceptions of God... just like you are doing today with such fervor....
Nothing about praise.... nothing about worshiping... so you were wrong...

You are confused... the first commandment was intended for those who prayed to sun Gods wind Gods Gods of trees..."strange Gods".... just like it said....
2nd commandment... you "should" not take the name of the lord in vain... which was meant for those who spoke lies and misconceptions of God... just like you are doing today with such fervor....
Nothing about praise.... nothing about worshiping... so you were wrong...

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I see you went with the Catholic Ten Commandments which deleted the Graven Images Commandment
You are confused... the first commandment was intended for those who prayed to sun Gods wind Gods Gods of trees..."strange Gods".... just like it said....
2nd commandment... you "should" not take the name of the lord in vain... which was meant for those who spoke lies and misconceptions of God... just like you are doing today with such fervor....
Nothing about praise.... nothing about worshiping... so you were wrong...

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It BOOGLES THE MIND how these leftist FREAKS are so upset over the 10 Commandments as they...

Push Drag Queen perverted agenda on kids.

Push Transgender BS on kids.

And how they push chicks with dicks into womens sports

Bunch of mentally ill FREAKS
That first Law....
God is Sovereign....other God's are irrelevant. And this Supreme God set up men to create our Government to create an ordered society within we live on a daily basis. Meaning that we have a Government set up by God and not a bunch of wig wearing dead guys. And to work diligently to undermine, devalue, or make it ineffective is to work against God himself and is subject to capital punishment. And this Government has methods of redress should it be in error. (A more perfect union and not a perfect union because man is not or ever will be perfect)

This is why the first Commandment is included in the Decalogue that is posted in public places. Again....Blacks Law Dictionary (the law dictionary used by the Constitution Framers) explains this key concept.

What would be the real purpose of posting this in schools and not, say, the Golden Rule or the national motto?
It BOOGLES THE MIND how these leftist FREAKS are so upset over the 10 Commandments as they...

Push Drag Queen perverted agenda on kids.

Push Transgender BS on kids.

And how they push chicks with dicks into womens sports

Bunch of mentally ill FREAKS

Yeah but I wish our pushback was a little smarter.

The 10 Commandments just isn't it.

Now I'm in a position where, posted in my building full of elementary kids, I have to explain adultery and coveting your neighbor's wife.

For pity's sake, what are we doing?
You can't always count on today's parents... you know this because its your reasoning for school lunch programs and summer lunches.... parents fall short at times...

You are right about this, absolutely. But again why the Ten Commandments? As a Christian I just don't get this. If it's never been posted in a church why are we on fire to get it into schools?

It's the basis of the Moral Law for adults, sure. But I mean what are we doing with "adultery" for kids? These children are not married.

I'm not crazy about the idea either but if I have a choice between the ten commandments and DEI/CRT, then bring on the ten commandments. In any event, Trump as president couldn't force the commandments in any school.

OR--here's a thought--

We could be level-headed and stop all the Moral Panics of the 21st Century.

Instead of veering from Drag Queen Story Hour to Ten Commandments posted in our school maybe we could just establish a great case for purging our schools of the demonic and then doing things that make sense.
There are literally NO Commandments in the Constitution.
Actually, our Constitution does the opposite

Ten Commandments say you must worship ONE God
Our Constitution says you can worship any God you want or not at all

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