Donald Trump Calls For 'Complete Shutdown' Of Muslim Immigration To U.S.

Let's hope so. It doesn't get more un-American.
Defending ourselves ? "Un-American" ? Is there a doctor in the house ?
Concentration camps aren't defending yourselves, they are un-American.
who said anything about concentration camps? you must be. shame on you libturds for wanting those. Why else mention it, we didn't?
Until you can deport them you've got to concentrate them. Here, I have the plans for you...
Let's hope so. It doesn't get more un-American.
Defending ourselves ? "Un-American" ? Is there a doctor in the house ?
Concentration camps aren't defending yourselves, they are un-American.
who said anything about concentration camps? you must be. shame on you libturds for wanting those. Why else mention it, we didn't?
Until you can deport them you've got to concentrate them. Here, I have the plans for you...
you keep posting up your strategy and flags. you should stop or you will loose your ability to compete.
Defending ourselves ? "Un-American" ? Is there a doctor in the house ?

Which doctor would you prefer - Dr. Josef Mengele?
Which president would you prefer ? Franklin D Roosevelt ?


And as a country - we still regret that. Have we not evolved - even a little bit...?
perhaps you do, but prove the country does.

America offered a formal apology and compensation.
who? Who offered it, I didn't.
Not just the GOP retardean. He speaks for the vast majority of the country. He's the antidote to the metrosexual eunuch, Obama.

He barely has 1/3 of republican voters. He in no way speaks for " the vast majority of the country". And you call others retarded.:laugh:
If Trump becomes the nominee there will be an historic turn-out of REPs supporting him.
No REP is ever going to vote in another Clinton.

Just the opposite I believe. It would be the lowest republican turn out ever or a record number of write-ins. Trump will never get the nomination. He will go third party and screw repubs.
You really believe the REPs will not vote in historic numbers to prevent another Clinton from stealing the sterling flatware from the White house kitchen?
Trump made a promise not to go third party. I believe him. We'll see.

The establishment doesn't want Trump in any way. I bet they will not let him get the nomination and he will go third party. The establishment will force this and lose the election before they let him in.
Trump IS the establishment! The 'establishment' loves their millions and they know Trump won't go after their millions.
Trump will go after the fucking chinese and their trillions. He'll make Mexico build the wall.
He's making the pussy coward LIBs shit their pants.

There's A Chance Donald Trump Would Have Supported Japanese Internment

What will Trump propose next - Muslim internment camps?
That there is the most hilarious post I've ever read coming from an indian. You dumb fucks have been living in internment camps sucking off the 'Makers' for many decades. You always will be until you have aborted the last one of you. In a couple of decades you all will be nothing but a short paragraph in an obscure ninth grade history book.

There's A Chance Donald Trump Would Have Supported Japanese Internment

What will Trump propose next - Muslim internment camps?
That there is the most hilarious post I've ever read coming from an indian. You dumb fucks have been living in internment camps sucking off the 'Makers' for many decades. You always will be until you have aborted the last one of you. In a couple of decades you all will be nothing but a short paragraph in an obscure ninth grade history book.

But Jesus said the meek shall inherit the earth. Was he lying?

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