Donald Trump is using hate as a campaign tool

Donald Trump's tactics of ranting hate at people and groups is straight out of the novel 1984 by George Orwell.

Donald Trump is applying the Orwellian two minutes of hate multiple times a day.
Dimocrap Borgspeak.
Nothing but fabricated outrage.

Please remove the broomstick from your orifice.
Why don't you shove it, twerp.

Thanks for the invitation, but I must respectfully decline. Your sphincter looks in bad shape. You should reduce the number of invitations you give to strangers to "shove it".
Did you get a letter or something? What specifically has he done to you?
You sound like a broken record. The Christians have a saying; "Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, you do unto me." An attack against one is an attack against all. trump is the epitome of hatred and division against all people.

Your comment sounds pretty hateful. You also sound a bit self righteous and judgmental, what does the Bible say about those things? I already know, just checking if you do.
Did you get a letter or something? What specifically has he done to you?
You sound like a broken record. The Christians have a saying; "Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, you do unto me." An attack against one is an attack against all. trump is the epitome of hatred and division against all people.

Your comment sounds pretty hateful. You also sound a bit self righteous and judgmental, what does the Bible say about those things? I already know, just checking if you do.

Rectitude is not an emission from your rectum. Maybe that's all you have.
Donald Trump's tactics of ranting hate at people and groups is straight out of the novel 1984 by George Orwell.

Donald Trump is applying the Orwellian two minutes of hate multiple times a day.


Trump's sick followers are the American Taliban. Their own anus gas releases at Trump rallies are making them high.

You missed more than a few science classes.

Donald Trump has declared science irrelevant.

He is extolling the virtues of a stable education in real stables to produce stable geniuses like Donald Trump.
Donald Trump's tactics of ranting hate at people and groups is straight out of the novel 1984 by George Orwell.

Donald Trump is applying the Orwellian two minutes of hate multiple times a day.

Rectitude is not an emission from your rectum. Maybe that's all you have.

Sorry I don't associate with morons like you. This is a courtesy message. Consider yourself informed and identified.

Apologies for not being up to joining your circle of morons. Does that mean you have crossed me off your Christmas card list?
Donald Trump has declared science irrelevant.

He is extolling the virtues of a stable education in real stables to produce stable geniuses like Donald Trump.

Ah, so you're a shameless fucking liar.

Such is the way of you Stalinists.

Say Comrade, did Trump declare more than two genders or something?

Are you the 'after' example of a stable education.

Talk less and shovel more you're getting behind.
Libs are trying the “Your behavior is making me hate you. Change it”
That shame based attempt does not work on the strong minded.

Sorry for your angst darling. I am not here to take you job of performing hate and Trumpery on this BBS.

Suck my ass, puppet. I know who you are. You're just another fake account here masquerading under a new name.

View attachment 225238
I am going to run a program I have and I bet he has been here before and might have been banned.
Are you the 'after' example of a stable education.

Talk less and shovel more you're getting behind.

Are you mentally retarded?

You lied that Trump is anti-science. Did Trump defy science by claiming gender to be fluid or something equally moronic?

Trump has been firing scientists from the EPA and replacing them with yokels like you.

Sorry for your angst darling. I am not here to take you job of performing hate and Trumpery on this BBS.

Suck my ass, puppet. I know who you are. You're just another fake account here masquerading under a new name.

View attachment 225238
I am going to run a program I have and I bet he has been here before and might have been banned.

A stable genius program for Trump followers? Does it involve shoveling?
Trump has been firing scientists from the EPA and replacing them with yokels like you.

I see the issue Cleetus, you don't know the difference between a scientist and a bureaucrat.

Lets do a science quiz sploogy;

How many genders are there?

a.) 703
b.) as many as I want
c.) 2
d.) fascist, racist, sexist, homophobe

Two days after conception, a human fetus is;

a.) a blob
b.) a sacrifice to Gaia, blessed be
c.) alive and rapidly growing

DNA reveals that a fetus is;

a.) a blob
b.) a parasite
c.) a human with 13 chromosomes from each parent

Marxist democrats have as much in common with science as;

a.) pigs have with jet liners
b.) screwdrivers have with fish
c.) water has with credit cards

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