Donald Trump is using hate as a campaign tool

Trump has been firing scientists from the EPA and replacing them with yokels like you.

I see the issue Cleetus, you don't know the difference between a scientist and a bureaucrat.

Lets do a science quiz sploogy;

How many genders are there?

a.) 703
b.) as many as I want
c.) 2
d.) fascist, racist, sexist, homophobe

Two days after conception, a human fetus is;

a.) a blob
b.) a sacrifice to Gaia, blessed be
c.) alive and rapidly growing

DNA reveals that a fetus is;

a.) a blob
b.) a parasite
c.) a human with 13 chromosomes from each parent

Marxist democrats have as much in common with science as;

a.) pigs have with jet liners
b.) screwdrivers have with fish
c.) water has with credit cards

Was that printed on the back of your bogus Trump University Diploma?
Donald Trump's tactics of ranting hate at people and groups is straight out of the novel 1984 by George Orwell.

Donald Trump is applying the Orwellian two minutes of hate multiple times a day.
Have you even read the book ? Doesn't seem so. Please post any Presidential actions that Trump has taken that support your claim.
This thread started as so many left wing generated posts do, on the third grade playground. It went from "your mama wears combat boots" to the "nuke strike of nyah, nyah, nyah you do it on the bathroom floor".
I don't know how much more the forum can stand.
Donald Trump's tactics of ranting hate at people and groups is straight out of the novel 1984 by George Orwell.

Donald Trump is applying the Orwellian two minutes of hate multiple times a day.

That you've got 15 "funny button" things already just shows that people will ignore reality.
Donald Trump's tactics of ranting hate at people and groups is straight out of the novel 1984 by George Orwell.

Donald Trump is applying the Orwellian two minutes of hate multiple times a day.
Have you even read the book ? Doesn't seem so. Please post any Presidential actions that Trump has taken that support your claim.

Trump hasn't been presidential at all. In fact very unpresidential with continual hate rhetoric and lies.
Donald Trump's tactics of ranting hate at people and groups is straight out of the novel 1984 by George Orwell.

Donald Trump is applying the Orwellian two minutes of hate multiple times a day.

You libtards are the party of HATE….

Clear to see for the Sane….

What’s Orwellian is the way obongo used the

Full Force of the Federal Government Against

His Political Foes, the way you Demand all in

Your Party to Think in Lock Step.

I could go on and on but we all know the Truth.
Donald Trump's tactics of ranting hate at people and groups is straight out of the novel 1984 by George Orwell.

Donald Trump is applying the Orwellian two minutes of hate multiple times a day.
Have you even read the book ? Doesn't seem so. Please post any Presidential actions that Trump has taken that support your claim.

Trump hasn't been presidential at all. In fact very unpresidential with continual hate rhetoric and lies.

Hmmm....but s0n, been 3 straight years of the Trump is a racist/hater narrative and to what end? That campaign is ghey at this point. Where is there any evidence its effective?:113:. And same with the "hes not presidential"......same political effect as the Obama birth certificate crap. Only the fringe pays attention.:hello77:

Progressives need a beer and a plan.:flirtysmile4:
Donald Trump's tactics of ranting hate at people and groups is straight out of the novel 1984 by George Orwell.

Donald Trump is applying the Orwellian two minutes of hate multiple times a day.

You do realize that "Nineteen Eighty-Four" was a statement against socialism and political correctness, yes?
Don’t spoil the fuckin’ idiot’s fun!
Trump has been firing scientists from the EPA and replacing them with yokels like you.

I see the issue Cleetus, you don't know the difference between a scientist and a bureaucrat.

Lets do a science quiz sploogy;

How many genders are there?

a.) 703
b.) as many as I want
c.) 2
d.) fascist, racist, sexist, homophobe

Two days after conception, a human fetus is;

a.) a blob
b.) a sacrifice to Gaia, blessed be
c.) alive and rapidly growing

DNA reveals that a fetus is;

a.) a blob
b.) a parasite
c.) a human with 13 chromosomes from each parent

Marxist democrats have as much in common with science as;

a.) pigs have with jet liners
b.) screwdrivers have with fish
c.) water has with credit cards

Was that printed on the back of your bogus Trump University Diploma?
The democrats and liberals all over the country are calling for violence, perpetrating violence and generating anger daily.

………..and yet it is right wingers who are doing the killing.
Fake news.

Unless it was one of your family members murdered by one of these right wingers.
I don't care about my family.

I am pretty sure you do, but was this your family.
Donald Trump's tactics of ranting hate at people and groups is straight out of the novel 1984 by George Orwell.

Donald Trump is applying the Orwellian two minutes of hate multiple times a day.

So sad I’m late to this party.

Someone else may have already touched on this but why do I get the feeling you’ve never read “1984”?

If this post is genuine then you, my dear fellow, are brainwashed.

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