Donald Trump just savaged an(other) American hero

McCain did in fact crash several Jets and he did in fact use his dad to help him. Those are facts.
I never claimed the man was perfect, but how do you criticize someone for doing something you were too much of a coward to do. It makes you a hypocrite.
I never claimed the man was perfect, but how do you criticize someone for doing something you were too much of a coward to do. It makes you a hypocrite.
Some say McCain “lost” five planes, others that he “crashed” five planes. All offer this alleged “fact” as evidence that he was a bad pilot. All are incorrect. McCain did lose two Navy aircraft while piloting them. One crash was found to be McCain’s fault, the other due to an engine failure of undetermined
You right wing clowns claim you are so patriotic and support veterans and blah, blah, blah, blah. Now here comes a coward who WOULDN'T serve his country and attacks a man that does and your response, "Ok so".

"Supporting veterans" does not require giving them a pass for life.

I voted for McCain when he ran for the Presidency against a man who "wouldn't serve his country".

Did YOU?
Did Bill Clinton or Joe Biden attack another man's military service?
You said …

Looks like conservatives love straight up cowards who claim they are patriotic. You are only patriotic if you don't have to pick up a weapon and defend the nation.[/guote]
Bill Clinton and Joe Biden have enough sense to realize they would look like total hypocrites if they criticized Trump’’s military record.
Some say McCain “lost” five planes, others that he “crashed” five planes. All offer this alleged “fact” as evidence that he was a bad pilot. All are incorrect. McCain did lose two Navy aircraft while piloting them. One crash was found to be McCain’s fault, the other due to an engine failure of undetermined
Ok, so what does that have to do with a coward questioning his military record?
"Supporting veterans" does not require giving them a pass for life.

I voted for McCain when he ran for the Presidency against a man who "wouldn't serve his country".

Did YOU?
No I didn't vote for Sen McCain, when did Pres. Obama's country call him to serve? Who said anything about a pass? How can you question someone's military service when you were too much of a coward to serve?
In a statement ostensibly about the late senator's daughter and her decision to leave "The View," Trump spent most of his time attacking McCain himself. Among the litany of abuse:

* Trump "made it possible for her father to have the world's longest funeral, designed and orchestrated by him, even though I was never, to put it mildly, a fan."

* Of McCain, Trump said: "In his own very special way, he was a RINO's RINO."

* Trump won Arizona in 2016 "despite [McCain] fighting against me."

* Trump noted that McCain "was close to last in his class at Annapolis."

Remember that Trump is talking about a man who spent years in a North Vietnamese prison camp where he was repeatedly tortured. The harm he suffered while in captivity stayed with him the rest of his life. (He could never lift his arm above his head again.) After his release, McCain served in the House and then was elected to the US Senate in 1986, where he served for more than three decades. He ran for president twice, winning the Republican nomination in 2008.

In short, whatever you think of McCain's politics, this was a man who spent nearly his entire life serving his country in some way, shape or form. You can like or dislike him personally -- and politically -- but there is no way to dispute that.

Which brings me back to Trump. Who, despite insisting that no one loves the military (and its commanders) more than him, has now publicly denigrated two highly-decorated military men in the last five days.

The hypocrisy there is obvious. But of course, Trump won't acknowledge it. That is simply Trump being Trump.

Now watch how many right wingers come out and defend this garbage.

Trump attacks a man when he was too much of a coward to even serve.

He claims he loves the military, but attacks military members at every twist and turn.

He has attacked 2 men who deserve nothing but honor and respect from this country.

To quote Nicholas in A Few Good Men.

I'd rather you just say 'thank you' and go on your way. Otherwise I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post.
Who cares about that racist bastard. And I'm getting tired of you Leftist always praising racist bastards like McCain.

silent hill.gif
In a statement ostensibly about the late senator's daughter and her decision to leave "The View," Trump spent most of his time attacking McCain himself. Among the litany of abuse:

* Trump "made it possible for her father to have the world's longest funeral, designed and orchestrated by him, even though I was never, to put it mildly, a fan."

* Of McCain, Trump said: "In his own very special way, he was a RINO's RINO."

* Trump won Arizona in 2016 "despite [McCain] fighting against me."

* Trump noted that McCain "was close to last in his class at Annapolis."

Remember that Trump is talking about a man who spent years in a North Vietnamese prison camp where he was repeatedly tortured. The harm he suffered while in captivity stayed with him the rest of his life. (He could never lift his arm above his head again.) After his release, McCain served in the House and then was elected to the US Senate in 1986, where he served for more than three decades. He ran for president twice, winning the Republican nomination in 2008.

In short, whatever you think of McCain's politics, this was a man who spent nearly his entire life serving his country in some way, shape or form. You can like or dislike him personally -- and politically -- but there is no way to dispute that.

Which brings me back to Trump. Who, despite insisting that no one loves the military (and its commanders) more than him, has now publicly denigrated two highly-decorated military men in the last five days.

The hypocrisy there is obvious. But of course, Trump won't acknowledge it. That is simply Trump being Trump.

Now watch how many right wingers come out and defend this garbage.

Trump attacks a man when he was too much of a coward to even serve.

He claims he loves the military, but attacks military members at every twist and turn.

He has attacked 2 men who deserve nothing but honor and respect from this country.

To quote Nicholas in A Few Good Men.

I'd rather you just say 'thank you' and go on your way. Otherwise I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post.
But you have nothing to say about the verbal abuse his daughter was getting by a bunch of Leftist lunatics on The View. She recently quit because of it.
Who cares about that racist bastard. And I'm getting tired of you Leftist always praising racist bastards like McCain.

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Yup , everybody forgets that both McCain and Romney were accused of being racists, sexists, blah blah blah by Democrats when they were running. And of course GW Bush and his father, and Reagan…all racists. There hasn’t been a single republican in the last 70 years that hasn’t been accused if being a racist.

Of course this is what the Left does, accuse others of things they themselves are more guilty of, while dividing people in order to get more votes.
But you have nothing to say about the verbal abuse his daughter was getting by a bunch of Leftist lunatics on The View. She recently quit because of it.
Because I don't watch the View and who criticized her military service?
Exactly. All three avoided service. Clinton and Biden would look like total hypocrites if they criticized Trump.
Your argument makes no sense, Clinton and Biden aren't criticizing Trump, we are talking about Trump criticizing the service record of men who did serve.
Putin also joked about McCain. I have almost no doubt that Trump is a leftist agent in right-wing circles, he ruined a right cause. His activities led to the triumph of the left. As a right-wing politician, he absolutely sucks
Comparing him with Reagan is generally blasphemy, he would not sit down with him to shit on the same field
Your argument makes no sense, Clinton and Biden aren't criticizing Trump, we are talking about Trump criticizing the service record of men who did serve.
The only reason why all of them attacked him. It is because he isn't part of their click.

No I didn't vote for Sen McCain, when did Pres. Obama's country call him to serve? Who said anything about a pass? How can you question someone's military service when you were too much of a coward to serve?

I don't question other's military service. You were doing that. You ARE doing that.

I just pointed out that you were not serious about it, because when it was a non serving person that you LIKED, suddenly your concern about support a fellow vet, just sort of faded away.

Which to be clear, I completely support. Yes, McCain deserves a certain level of respect for his service. But it does not mean that if you do not agree with him politically that you should support him.

And I did not agree with him politically on a lot of shit. He was way too moderate for my taste, ie a "Rhino".

My position here if consistent. You are the one talking out of both sides of your face, pretending to give a damn about McCain, when it gives you an excuse to talk shit on your enemies.
I don't question other's military service. You were doing that. You ARE doing that.

I just pointed out that you were not serious about it, because when it was a non serving person that you LIKED, suddenly your concern about support a fellow vet, just sort of faded away.

Which to be clear, I completely support. Yes, McCain deserves a certain level of respect for his service. But it does not mean that if you do not agree with him politically that you should support him.

And I did not agree with him politically on a lot of shit. He was way too moderate for my taste, ie a "Rhino".

My position here if consistent. You are the one talking out of both sides of your face, pretending to give a damn about McCain, when it gives you an excuse to talk shit on your enemies.
What non serving person have I supported attacking someone's military service? Please post that for everyone to see.

I said I didn't agree with Sen McCain politically, but I damn sure respect his military service and I think it is a joke to hear a man who was too much of a coward to serve try and attack his military service. It's funny how you Trump Humpers claim you love veterans and blah, blah, blah, but that changes when it comes to your savior Trump.
What non serving person have I supported attacking someone's military service? Please post that for everyone to see.

I said I didn't agree with Sen McCain politically, but I damn sure respect his military service and I think it is a joke to hear a man who was too much of a coward to serve try and attack his military service. It's funny how you Trump Humpers claim you love veterans and blah, blah, blah, but that changes when it comes to your savior Trump.

Trump was not a veteran. He gets no points for being a veteran. We support Trump for normal political reasons, primarily based on issues.

You seem confused here. Trump calling McCain a "rhino" is not about McCain's military service, but about his service as a Senator.

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