Donald Trump kicks out Reporter! Nice. lol

Ramos is a moron!
Always making shit!
Can't stand him! :mad-61:

he a traitor to us all. how many of US can go vote in the Mexican elections like he brags he goes and does. and he's a Hillary supporter. so wake the hell up before it's too late
Remember the rash of townhall meeting disruptions by the old Tea Partiers back when the Tea Party was around?

The usual suspects on the right gave that behaviour a standing ovation.

Those "old Tea Partiers" are now all T-Rump supporters minus the silly hats and clothes.
Personally, I think it was a plot (one of many to come).

But...if ya think about it...Trump is getting so much air time by the media..FREE...while those that keep trying to fuck him up wind up with egg on their face. Like Ramos just got.
The more this stuff happens, the more I think it's almost as if Trump has is own reality show and he's directing and producing. I just sit back and enjoy!
Ramos is an advocate posing as a reporter. typical left-wing intellectual dishonesty; cant even admit who his really is.
he is an advocate for the pandering Progressive policies that are causing grave damage to this country.
you can (and will of course) accuse people of racism all day long but the ssues Trump raises wont go away even if he does
Who cares where Ramos' daughter works?

The media bills themselves as impartial. Here is a clear case where a journalist is very partial. There is also a monetary and political aspect to his advocacy as well. That's why journalists have always been supposed to not take sides.
a Trump supporter said something mean?

awww i'm devastated!!! lol not!!

was it ok for the President's Attorney General to call the citizens of the nation he took office to represent "a nation of cowards"???
This is what the enablers of bigots do when confronted with the real reasons why minorities don't vote GOP. They put themselves into a self-induced coma so they can later wake up and say Hispanics vote Democratic "because gifts".

You will never, never see them condemn the behavior of the bigots in the Republican party. They are enablers in their willful blindness.

You are seeing it with your own eyes, boys and girls.
I think some on the left have mental issues (is that generic enough for you <don't tase me bro>?). they laugh out of one corner of their mouths that Trump is destroying the Republican Party, and cry out of the other corner of their mouths about Trump. why does it seem like EVERY DAY is a slow news day where left-wingers cant even talk about their own candidates?
aren't you doing us a favor attacking Trump if he is as bad as you say?
This is what the enablers of bigots do when confronted with the real reasons why minorities don't vote GOP. They put themselves into a self-induced coma so they can later wake up and say Hispanics vote Democratic "because gifts".

You will never, never see them condemn the behavior of the bigots in the Republican party. They are enablers in their willful blindness.

You are seeing it with your own eyes, boys and girls.

I see a poor confused person who sees what he wants to see only; deluding himself
you wouldn't agree granting amnesty to 12 million mostly Hispanics cn be seen as a gift leftard?

then I would submit you're the one in a self-induced coma dummy
Well, if you're not supposed to be here, whats wrong with being told to get out?

Ramos does belong here. He's a US citizen. What's wrong is that the bigoted retard saw the color of his skin and heard the accent and said, "Get out of my country."

Just more evidence of why Hispanics vote Democratic. Like I told you, every single day there is evidence right in front of your face.

And your response is like Vinne Barbarino.



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