Donald Trump kicks out Reporter! Nice. lol

"I am a reporter, an immigrant and a citizen. I have a right to ask a question." - Jorge Ramos
But he lectured instead.

So what do you want a free press or a press that fawns?

Great point. :) The RWs certainly were upset when they thought the press was fawning over Obama.
And I don't think the press is fawning over Trump. I think they see him as a phenomenon.

I agree. They are not, as it should be. I was not happy at all when certain members of the media did actually seem to "fawn" over Obama. I don't ever want to see that again.
I agree. That was the most unusual thing I have ever seen. After the Jeremiah Wright videos, how could anyone other than blacks vote for that guy? It threw me for a loop.
So what do you want a free press or a press that fawns?
A fair press for all of the candidates.

A journalist who raises his voice to question someone who insists on deporting 11 million people is a good journalist, silence from other journalists is not.
If a journalist wants his questions answered, he would go by the rules, not look for a way to get thrown out.

Nonsense, real press conferences are at times the only chance you get to flesh out a response. Speaker Boehner makes a point to only answer people who raise their hands and ignores people who speak up, sometimes that is the only way you get noticed.
Read what you wrote.
You said Boehner ignores people who speak up and answers those who keep still. and raise their hand. So, why wouldn't Ramos follow protocol?

It's the job of journalists to uncover news for their readers. When a public figure makes that difficult, it generates different strategies to make them speak up about what interests their readers. The easiest way is to shout or confront, but people like Trump are skilled at partial answers and press that cut meetings short when it appears they may compromise themselves. Getting the word out is difficult and cutthroat, what you saw was not unusual in the least, Donald Trump making the comment go back to Univision was not.
all the freakouts we've seen from Obama and other snakes in the Democrat party calling us terrorist, deniers, birthers, etc. please Trump doesn't have to take some lowlife Reporters BS. I wouldn't ever allow him back in around him.
I saw a report that Ramos's daughter was a Hillary Clinton staffer....

Link below is by way of Drudge...

Jorge Ramos, the amnesty activist moonlighting as a Univision and Fusion journalist, revealed in June that his daughter is an employee of the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Credit: Instagram/Jorge Ramos

In a statement on the Fusion website, Ramos wrote:

As journalists the most important thing we have is our credibility and integrity. We maintain that, in part, through transparency with our audience, our colleagues and our critics. That is why I am disclosing that my daughter, Paola, has accepted a position working with Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

SURPRISE! Jorge Ramos’s daughter works for Hillary campaign
I've been told that "most" legal immigrants agree with Trump's positions on immigration.

I wonder if they also support being told to "get out of my country"?

I've been told the same thing, but I don't believe it.

Why? These are people who went through the trouble of actually becoming a legal citizen. Why wouldn't they be upset having waited 5 or so years to become legal citizens when others enter illegally and are potentially granted amnesty?
I've been told that "most" legal immigrants agree with Trump's positions on immigration.

I wonder if they also support being told to "get out of my country"?

I've been told the same thing, but I don't believe it.
It makes sense. The legal immigrants are incensed that they had to pay and wait to come to the US. Why should others run across the border in a matter of minutes to come> Then the legals are waiting for family members to come...with all of the illegals, the number of legal entries goes down.
I saw a report that Ramos's daughter was a Hillary Clinton staffer....

Link below is by way of Drudge...

Jorge Ramos, the amnesty activist moonlighting as a Univision and Fusion journalist, revealed in June that his daughter is an employee of the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Credit: Instagram/Jorge Ramos

In a statement on the Fusion website, Ramos wrote:

As journalists the most important thing we have is our credibility and integrity. We maintain that, in part, through transparency with our audience, our colleagues and our critics. That is why I am disclosing that my daughter, Paola, has accepted a position working with Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

SURPRISE! Jorge Ramos’s daughter works for Hillary campaign
Why do you think Ramos made a point of "being transparent" and telling the world that his daughter was working for the most popular Democrat.
Having said that though, I don't see us being able to round up all the illegals that are here. That just sounds preposterous. The key is to crack down on the employers who hire illegals for slave wages and also sometimes are abusive to them. This is a problem.
Incidentally, there are whispers in the news that white supremacists are supporting Donald the Chump.

And.................there were those 2 white boys that beat a Hispanic homeless man bad enough to send him to the hospital, and they said they did it in support of Donald the Chump.

Really? Have we become so xenophobic as a country that we are willing to vote for white supremacist views?
David Duke, KKK big shot- although not openly endorsing Trump, says 'he's the best of the lot.' That right there is enough to vomit over.
Let's be realistic. Duke is backing Trump because he wants to deport ILLEGALS. Duke would be happier if he could find a candidate who would put all blacks on boats and Send them to Liberia. When Trump says ILLEGALS, it means more than just Hispanics. All illegals.

If Trump had any class & diplomacy, he'd rebuke that racist, anti Semite's comments.
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A fair press for all of the candidates.

A journalist who raises his voice to question someone who insists on deporting 11 million people is a good journalist, silence from other journalists is not.
If a journalist wants his questions answered, he would go by the rules, not look for a way to get thrown out.

Nonsense, real press conferences are at times the only chance you get to flesh out a response. Speaker Boehner makes a point to only answer people who raise their hands and ignores people who speak up, sometimes that is the only way you get noticed.
Read what you wrote.
You said Boehner ignores people who speak up and answers those who keep still. and raise their hand. So, why wouldn't Ramos follow protocol?

It's the job of journalists to uncover news for their readers. When a public figure makes that difficult, it generates different strategies to make them speak up about what interests their readers. The easiest way is to shout or confront, but people like Trump are skilled at partial answers and press that cut meetings short when it appears they may compromise themselves. Getting the word out is difficult and cutthroat, what you saw was not unusual in the least, Donald Trump making the comment go back to Univision was not.

Trump has the longest press conferences than any other candidate. Why didn't Ramos just raise his hand and wait to get called on? If Trump was going to end the conference without calling on him, I could see him standing up and calling out. But not during the conference, no.
He broke the rules and was escorted back. Trump even welcomed the guy back to the conference. He then raised his hand and was called on. Was it that hard?
"I am a reporter, an immigrant and a citizen. I have a right to ask a question." - Jorge Ramos
But he lectured instead.

So what do you want a free press or a press that fawns?

Great point. :) The RWs certainly were upset when they thought the press was fawning over Obama.
And I don't think the press is fawning over Trump. I think they see him as a phenomenon.

They see him as ratings gold rather than a phenomenon.
But he lectured instead.

So what do you want a free press or a press that fawns?

Great point. :) The RWs certainly were upset when they thought the press was fawning over Obama.
And I don't think the press is fawning over Trump. I think they see him as a phenomenon.

I agree. They are not, as it should be. I was not happy at all when certain members of the media did actually seem to "fawn" over Obama. I don't ever want to see that again.
I agree. That was the most unusual thing I have ever seen. After the Jeremiah Wright videos, how could anyone other than blacks vote for that guy? It threw me for a loop.

Are you kidding me? Because the other choice was Grampa & Gidget.
A journalist who raises his voice to question someone who insists on deporting 11 million people is a good journalist, silence from other journalists is not.
If a journalist wants his questions answered, he would go by the rules, not look for a way to get thrown out.

Nonsense, real press conferences are at times the only chance you get to flesh out a response. Speaker Boehner makes a point to only answer people who raise their hands and ignores people who speak up, sometimes that is the only way you get noticed.
Read what you wrote.
You said Boehner ignores people who speak up and answers those who keep still. and raise their hand. So, why wouldn't Ramos follow protocol?

It's the job of journalists to uncover news for their readers. When a public figure makes that difficult, it generates different strategies to make them speak up about what interests their readers. The easiest way is to shout or confront, but people like Trump are skilled at partial answers and press that cut meetings short when it appears they may compromise themselves. Getting the word out is difficult and cutthroat, what you saw was not unusual in the least, Donald Trump making the comment go back to Univision was not.

Trump has the longest press conferences than any other candidate. Why didn't Ramos just raise his hand and wait to get called on? If Trump was going to end the conference without calling on him, I could see him standing up and calling out. But not during the conference, no.
He broke the rules and was escorted back. Trump even welcomed the guy back to the conference. He then raised his hand and was called on. Was it that hard?

Ramos is a tough reporter and has a reputation for asking questions that are difficult to answer. It is easy to see why some avoid calling on him, see how he gives Obama a hard time Jorge Ramos Battles Obama Over Immigration I imagine the only reason he was invited back was to do damage control, it wasn't out of any kind of courtesy.
Having said that though, I don't see us being able to round up all the illegals that are here. That just sounds preposterous. The key is to crack down on the employers who hire illegals for slave wages and also sometimes are abusive to them. This is a problem.
I agree with you again, Chris. He said he was going to deport those illegals in gangs first. Probably because they are the most intentional violent class of illegal.

But what is really going to make a difference is employers being fined heavily for hiring illegals. They could easily check with E Verify to check their status. No good excuse for hiring them. Use their penalty funds to help pay for the wall. But anyway, taking away their incomes will help them self deport.

If Trump makes it to POTUS, I would like for him to give illegals the heads up: Sell your home or things you don't want to take with you and have some nest egg to start a new life in your home country. If we catch you first, you won't have time to liquidate your assets. You will lose everything.
If a journalist wants his questions answered, he would go by the rules, not look for a way to get thrown out.

Nonsense, real press conferences are at times the only chance you get to flesh out a response. Speaker Boehner makes a point to only answer people who raise their hands and ignores people who speak up, sometimes that is the only way you get noticed.
Read what you wrote.
You said Boehner ignores people who speak up and answers those who keep still. and raise their hand. So, why wouldn't Ramos follow protocol?

It's the job of journalists to uncover news for their readers. When a public figure makes that difficult, it generates different strategies to make them speak up about what interests their readers. The easiest way is to shout or confront, but people like Trump are skilled at partial answers and press that cut meetings short when it appears they may compromise themselves. Getting the word out is difficult and cutthroat, what you saw was not unusual in the least, Donald Trump making the comment go back to Univision was not.

Trump has the longest press conferences than any other candidate. Why didn't Ramos just raise his hand and wait to get called on? If Trump was going to end the conference without calling on him, I could see him standing up and calling out. But not during the conference, no.
He broke the rules and was escorted back. Trump even welcomed the guy back to the conference. He then raised his hand and was called on. Was it that hard?

Ramos is a tough reporter and has a reputation for asking questions that are difficult to answer. It is easy to see why some avoid calling on him, see how he gives Obama a hard time Jorge Ramos Battles Obama Over Immigration I imagine the only reason he was invited back was to do damage control, it wasn't out of any kind of courtesy.
We should know by now, Trump doesn't do 'damage' control. It's all a matter of press. Like I said, he is a phenomenon like Obama was.
A journalist who raises his voice to question someone who insists on deporting 11 million people is a good journalist, silence from other journalists is not.
If a journalist wants his questions answered, he would go by the rules, not look for a way to get thrown out.

Nonsense, real press conferences are at times the only chance you get to flesh out a response. Speaker Boehner makes a point to only answer people who raise their hands and ignores people who speak up, sometimes that is the only way you get noticed.
Read what you wrote.
You said Boehner ignores people who speak up and answers those who keep still. and raise their hand. So, why wouldn't Ramos follow protocol?

It's the job of journalists to uncover news for their readers. When a public figure makes that difficult, it generates different strategies to make them speak up about what interests their readers. The easiest way is to shout or confront, but people like Trump are skilled at partial answers and press that cut meetings short when it appears they may compromise themselves. Getting the word out is difficult and cutthroat, what you saw was not unusual in the least, Donald Trump making the comment go back to Univision was not.

Trump has the longest press conferences than any other candidate. Why didn't Ramos just raise his hand and wait to get called on? If Trump was going to end the conference without calling on him, I could see him standing up and calling out. But not during the conference, no.
He broke the rules and was escorted back. Trump even welcomed the guy back to the conference. He then raised his hand and was called on. Was it that hard?

He probably should have, but he is a reporter. They are known for doing this kind of stuff. DT's behavior, IMO, is not very . . . presidential. He seems to lack some self control. Of course, he is a LOT more important as a presidential candidate than some reporter.
If a journalist wants his questions answered, he would go by the rules, not look for a way to get thrown out.

Nonsense, real press conferences are at times the only chance you get to flesh out a response. Speaker Boehner makes a point to only answer people who raise their hands and ignores people who speak up, sometimes that is the only way you get noticed.
Read what you wrote.
You said Boehner ignores people who speak up and answers those who keep still. and raise their hand. So, why wouldn't Ramos follow protocol?

It's the job of journalists to uncover news for their readers. When a public figure makes that difficult, it generates different strategies to make them speak up about what interests their readers. The easiest way is to shout or confront, but people like Trump are skilled at partial answers and press that cut meetings short when it appears they may compromise themselves. Getting the word out is difficult and cutthroat, what you saw was not unusual in the least, Donald Trump making the comment go back to Univision was not.

Trump has the longest press conferences than any other candidate. Why didn't Ramos just raise his hand and wait to get called on? If Trump was going to end the conference without calling on him, I could see him standing up and calling out. But not during the conference, no.
He broke the rules and was escorted back. Trump even welcomed the guy back to the conference. He then raised his hand and was called on. Was it that hard?

He probably should have, but he is a reporter. They are known for doing this kind of stuff. DT's behavior, IMO, is not very . . . presidential. He seems to lack some self control. Of course, he is a LOT more important as a presidential candidate than some reporter.

he's not a reporter..he's a talk show host and an activist for illegal invaders.

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