Donald Trump Will Never Be President of the United States

Gee, what an argument. Who exactly 'won' here? I didn't vote for Prezzie (im)Peach(ed). I also didn't vote for Clinton. What have I lost, idiot? You don't have an argument, so you post pictures. Fucking weak, bud.

I did, so I won!

Yeah? And what did you win, moron? The right to be a c*nt? Hint: you've always had that right, dip shit. Or, will you recycle the LOWEST BLACK UNEMPLOYMENT sound byte again? That talking point seems to be the holy grail for you puss heads. So, what have you got? Did you save $100 on your tax return? $1000? How much does it cost to keep Cult45 quiet?

Poor little left tard. I won the fact that the shrilary lost. Her corruption was finally halted. I won the fact that she didn't get to place all those judges in their various Courts.

I won the fact that two constitutional fundamentalist jurists are now on the Supreme Court.

That's what we ALL won.

Lol, I'm not a lefty. I'm more about classic conservative principles. At the end of your stupid rant, your basic conclusion is you 'stuck it to the 'libs'. Well, exactly, you fucktard. You accomplish approximately nothing with that logic. Congratulations, I guess? Is being a fucking tribal shill all it's cracked up to be?

You are the one acting like a progressive troll, little silly person. Trumps win didn't stick it to liberals, his victory stuck it to the political elites who think that they are better than us peons.

Aren't they, though?
Trump is the president, but he will never be the legitimate leader of the United States.


Only to traitors and enemies of the republic, you mean.
Traitors and enemies of the republic? Wouldn't those be the whiny assed losers that are refusing to recognize and adhere to the peaceful transition of power that is the hallmark of the USA system?
Pelosi thinks she's entitled to it, but not Republicans, because she's in it for rewards for herself and her comrades only. She could care less about 63 million other Americans who voted for President Trump, but I don't see how. Not one bit.

And Trump has made it clear he doesn't care about the 66 million that voted for his opponent.

Which is laughable considering the poor and the middle class who voted for the shrilary are doing better than they ever have.

Face bullcrappy, the political elites are pissed because they had the people convinced they were the smartest ones in the bunch.

Trump has exposed them so now only truly stupid people, like you, and those who profited from the corruption are against him.
I did, so I won!

Yeah? And what did you win, moron? The right to be a c*nt? Hint: you've always had that right, dip shit. Or, will you recycle the LOWEST BLACK UNEMPLOYMENT sound byte again? That talking point seems to be the holy grail for you puss heads. So, what have you got? Did you save $100 on your tax return? $1000? How much does it cost to keep Cult45 quiet?

Poor little left tard. I won the fact that the shrilary lost. Her corruption was finally halted. I won the fact that she didn't get to place all those judges in their various Courts.

I won the fact that two constitutional fundamentalist jurists are now on the Supreme Court.

That's what we ALL won.

Lol, I'm not a lefty. I'm more about classic conservative principles. At the end of your stupid rant, your basic conclusion is you 'stuck it to the 'libs'. Well, exactly, you fucktard. You accomplish approximately nothing with that logic. Congratulations, I guess? Is being a fucking tribal shill all it's cracked up to be?

You are the one acting like a progressive troll, little silly person. Trumps win didn't stick it to liberals, his victory stuck it to the political elites who think that they are better than us peons.

Aren't they, though?

No, they aren't. They are provably not very smart, but they are corrupt. Evidently you're not very smart either.
Yeah? And what did you win, moron? The right to be a c*nt? Hint: you've always had that right, dip shit. Or, will you recycle the LOWEST BLACK UNEMPLOYMENT sound byte again? That talking point seems to be the holy grail for you puss heads. So, what have you got? Did you save $100 on your tax return? $1000? How much does it cost to keep Cult45 quiet?

Poor little left tard. I won the fact that the shrilary lost. Her corruption was finally halted. I won the fact that she didn't get to place all those judges in their various Courts.

I won the fact that two constitutional fundamentalist jurists are now on the Supreme Court.

That's what we ALL won.

Lol, I'm not a lefty. I'm more about classic conservative principles. At the end of your stupid rant, your basic conclusion is you 'stuck it to the 'libs'. Well, exactly, you fucktard. You accomplish approximately nothing with that logic. Congratulations, I guess? Is being a fucking tribal shill all it's cracked up to be?

You are the one acting like a progressive troll, little silly person. Trumps win didn't stick it to liberals, his victory stuck it to the political elites who think that they are better than us peons.

Aren't they, though?

No, they aren't. They are provably not very smart, but they are corrupt. Evidently you're not very smart either.

You support a corrupt *pResident that is an elitist. The mental gymnastics you need to go through everyday to reckon with that truth must be exhausting. Reps claim to be the party of morality, yet voted for a sexual predator with a history of corruption as well as several bankruptcies under his belt. Your 'plain spoken' CIC speaks like a stroke victim/spoiled 6th grader based on the day. I guess that's just ducky with Cult45, because they speak similarly. At the end of the day, he represents a 180-degree violation of all your party's core principles. He's richer than you, he's more powerful than you, and with the 90% of bullshit propaganda coming from this corrupt administration, he obviously doesn't give a fuck about you either. They have put their wants/needs above those of their country. This is traitorous activity. I'm simply explaining the reality. It's up to you to rise above the brainwashing. If I'm 'not very smart', then you are clinically brain dead. Sad.
Poor little left tard. I won the fact that the shrilary lost. Her corruption was finally halted. I won the fact that she didn't get to place all those judges in their various Courts.

I won the fact that two constitutional fundamentalist jurists are now on the Supreme Court.

That's what we ALL won.

Lol, I'm not a lefty. I'm more about classic conservative principles. At the end of your stupid rant, your basic conclusion is you 'stuck it to the 'libs'. Well, exactly, you fucktard. You accomplish approximately nothing with that logic. Congratulations, I guess? Is being a fucking tribal shill all it's cracked up to be?

You are the one acting like a progressive troll, little silly person. Trumps win didn't stick it to liberals, his victory stuck it to the political elites who think that they are better than us peons.

Aren't they, though?

No, they aren't. They are provably not very smart, but they are corrupt. Evidently you're not very smart either.

You support a corrupt *pResident that is an elitist. The mental gymnastics you need to go through everyday to reckon with that truth must be exhausting. Reps claim to be the party of morality, yet voted for a sexual predator with a history of corruption as well as several bankruptcies under his belt. Your 'plain spoken' CIC speaks like a stroke victim/spoiled 6th grader based on the day. I guess that's just ducky with Cult45, because they speak similarly. At the end of the day, he represents a 180-degree violation of all your party's core principles. He's richer than you, he's more powerful than you, and with the 90% of bullshit propaganda coming from this corrupt administration, he obviously doesn't give a fuck about you either. They have put their wants/needs above those of their country. This is traitorous activity. I'm simply explaining the reality. It's up to you to rise above the brainwashing. If I'm 'not very smart', then you are clinically brain dead. Sad.

No....It's up to you to rise above the brainwashing, TT.
We have a strong economy, low inflation, low unemployment, higher wages, and no recession on the horizon.
He may very well be an makes no difference unless your one of those identity politics nut that your masters
want to be.
Just because your ilk says he's broken laws and is corrupt doesn't make it so. Just makes you a minion for letting your
masters brainwash you and other weak minded.

Only to traitors and enemies of the republic, you mean.
Traitors and enemies of the republic? Wouldn't those be the whiny assed losers that are refusing to recognize and adhere to the peaceful transition of power that is the hallmark of the USA system?
Pelosi thinks she's entitled to it, but not Republicans, because she's in it for rewards for herself and her comrades only. She could care less about 63 million other Americans who voted for President Trump, but I don't see how. Not one bit.

And Trump has made it clear he doesn't care about the 66 million that voted for his opponent.

Which is laughable considering the poor and the middle class who voted for the shrilary are doing better than they ever have.

Face bullcrappy, the political elites are pissed because they had the people convinced they were the smartest ones in the bunch.

Trump has exposed them so now only truly stupid people, like you, and those who profited from the corruption are against him.

Truly stupid people are Trump's base.
Only to traitors and enemies of the republic, you mean.
Traitors and enemies of the republic? Wouldn't those be the whiny assed losers that are refusing to recognize and adhere to the peaceful transition of power that is the hallmark of the USA system?
Pelosi thinks she's entitled to it, but not Republicans, because she's in it for rewards for herself and her comrades only. She could care less about 63 million other Americans who voted for President Trump, but I don't see how. Not one bit.

And Trump has made it clear he doesn't care about the 66 million that voted for his opponent.

Which is laughable considering the poor and the middle class who voted for the shrilary are doing better than they ever have.

Face bullcrappy, the political elites are pissed because they had the people convinced they were the smartest ones in the bunch.

Trump has exposed them so now only truly stupid people, like you, and those who profited from the corruption are against him.

Truly stupid people are Trump's base.

America is humming along being run by a stupid person? :auiqs.jpg:
Or, is it that really stupid people are supporting a real smart POTUS?
Wow! How much thought did you put in to that post, Bulldog?
Trump is the president, but he will never be the legitimate leader of the United States.

Trump kicked your ass fair and square so stop whining snowflake.

He did win the election. That doesn't mean everything he has done from then on is correct.

That you disagree with Trump's policies doesn't mean he's not the legitimate president.

You are right. No reason why I would have to agree with all his policies for him to be legitimate. Cheating to get the position, and his childish behavior and lying, regardless of his policies is what makes him illegitimate.
We have a strong economy, low inflation, low unemployment, higher wages, and no recession on the horizon.

Over 3 years Cult45 sure loves getting mileage out of those same talking points. All things Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) have had little effect upon. No recession is your only hope to keep him in office this year.

He may very well be an makes no difference unless your one of those identity politics nut that your masters want to be.

Sounds more like what you tell yourself. I don't need the Democrats or Republicans to help me make up my mind. I'm totally apathetic to the wants/needs of Cult45. If it walks/talks like a con man, the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. I'm completely against elitists usurping public office, period. What a crazy idea, amirite?

Just because your ilk says he's broken laws and is corrupt doesn't make it so. Just makes you a minion for letting your masters brainwash you and other weak minded.

What masters? I have no loyalty to any political party. I've seen enough evidence from both parties to come to my own conclusions. Which political masters are you a slave to?
Poor little left tard. I won the fact that the shrilary lost. Her corruption was finally halted. I won the fact that she didn't get to place all those judges in their various Courts.

I won the fact that two constitutional fundamentalist jurists are now on the Supreme Court.

That's what we ALL won.

Lol, I'm not a lefty. I'm more about classic conservative principles. At the end of your stupid rant, your basic conclusion is you 'stuck it to the 'libs'. Well, exactly, you fucktard. You accomplish approximately nothing with that logic. Congratulations, I guess? Is being a fucking tribal shill all it's cracked up to be?

You are the one acting like a progressive troll, little silly person. Trumps win didn't stick it to liberals, his victory stuck it to the political elites who think that they are better than us peons.

Aren't they, though?

No, they aren't. They are provably not very smart, but they are corrupt. Evidently you're not very smart either.

You support a corrupt *pResident that is an elitist. The mental gymnastics you need to go through everyday to reckon with that truth must be exhausting. Reps claim to be the party of morality, yet voted for a sexual predator with a history of corruption as well as several bankruptcies under his belt. Your 'plain spoken' CIC speaks like a stroke victim/spoiled 6th grader based on the day. I guess that's just ducky with Cult45, because they speak similarly. At the end of the day, he represents a 180-degree violation of all your party's core principles. He's richer than you, he's more powerful than you, and with the 90% of bullshit propaganda coming from this corrupt administration, he obviously doesn't give a fuck about you either. They have put their wants/needs above those of their country. This is traitorous activity. I'm simply explaining the reality. It's up to you to rise above the brainwashing. If I'm 'not very smart', then you are clinically brain dead. Sad.

You call him corrupt but can't find corruption. You call him stupid, yet he has done more for the poor and middle class of this country than all of your so called experts have over the last 30 years, and he has halted the chinese intellectual theft that your so called experts were allowing to happen.

You call him an elitist, yet it is the elite who are trying to remove him.

That leads me to two possibilities. One, you are dumb as a fence post. Two, you are an agent of the elite.
You call him corrupt but can't find corruption.

So, the White House withholding funds to Ukraine so that they would investigate Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed)'s 2020 political rival must have been a collective dream the entire country had all at once. The continuous ignoring of subpoenas by the Senate must be my imagination. I'm only one citizen who has seen these reports with my own eyes and heard them with my own ears, and buddy, I see nothing but corruption. But I've known he's a corrupt bad egg for decades, so I don't need further convincing.

You call him stupid, yet he has done more for the poor and middle class of this country than all of your so called experts have over the last 30 years, and he has halted the chinese intellectual theft that your so called experts were allowing to happen.

I do call him stupid, and I've already heard your partisan talking points, and I believe you would do an equivalent job in the same position. I also believe a potted plant would do an equivalent job in the same position. That's pretty much the level of concern I have about the wants/needs of Cult45.

You call him an elitist, yet it is the elite who are trying to remove him.

Only half. The other half is protecting his ass. Or, are you going to try and pretend that isn't happening?

That leads me to two possibilities.

Of course. You present only two possibilities for every issue. Difficult to take you seriously when you think so simplistically and constantly argue in bad faith.

One, you are dumb as a fence post.

I have my moments. :04:

Two, you are an agent of the elite.

Now, that's dumb. :auiqs.jpg: Could you even define 'agent of the elite'? Is it bigger than a breadbox? I think you watch too many movies, man.
You call him corrupt but can't find corruption.

So, the White House withholding funds to Ukraine so that they would investigate Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed)'s 2020 political rival must have been a collective dream the entire country had all at once. The continuous ignoring of subpoenas by the Senate must be my imagination. I'm only one citizen who has seen these reports with my own eyes and heard them with my own ears, and buddy, I see nothing but corruption. But I've known he's a corrupt bad egg for decades, so I don't need further convincing.

You call him stupid, yet he has done more for the poor and middle class of this country than all of your so called experts have over the last 30 years, and he has halted the chinese intellectual theft that your so called experts were allowing to happen.

I do call him stupid, and I've already heard your partisan talking points, and I believe you would do an equivalent job in the same position. I also believe a potted plant would do an equivalent job in the same position. That's pretty much the level of concern I have about the wants/needs of Cult45.

You call him an elitist, yet it is the elite who are trying to remove him.

Only half. The other half is protecting his ass. Or, are you going to try and pretend that isn't happening?

That leads me to two possibilities.

Of course. You present only two possibilities for every issue. Difficult to take you seriously when you think so simplistically and constantly argue in bad faith.

One, you are dumb as a fence post.

I have my moments. :04:

Two, you are an agent of the elite.

Now, that's dumb. :auiqs.jpg: Could you even define 'agent of the elite'? Is it bigger than a breadbox? I think you watch too many movies, man.

So, the White House withholding funds to Ukraine so that they would investigate Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed)'s 2020 political rival must have been a collective dream the entire country had all at once.

Biden's corruption must remain hidden.
Any candidate's corruption must never be exposed.
Because Trump might benefit, right?
Only to traitors and enemies of the republic, you mean.
Traitors and enemies of the republic? Wouldn't those be the whiny assed losers that are refusing to recognize and adhere to the peaceful transition of power that is the hallmark of the USA system?
Pelosi thinks she's entitled to it, but not Republicans, because she's in it for rewards for herself and her comrades only. She could care less about 63 million other Americans who voted for President Trump, but I don't see how. Not one bit.

And Trump has made it clear he doesn't care about the 66 million that voted for his opponent.

Which is laughable considering the poor and the middle class who voted for the shrilary are doing better than they ever have.

Face bullcrappy, the political elites are pissed because they had the people convinced they were the smartest ones in the bunch.

Trump has exposed them so now only truly stupid people, like you, and those who profited from the corruption are against him.

Truly stupid people are Trump's base.

Smart people voted for HIllary?

Trump will win again this year because of idiots like you.

Are you smarter than Ben Carson?
You call him corrupt but can't find corruption.

So, the White House withholding funds to Ukraine so that they would investigate Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed)'s 2020 political rival must have been a collective dream the entire country had all at once. The continuous ignoring of subpoenas by the Senate must be my imagination. I'm only one citizen who has seen these reports with my own eyes and heard them with my own ears, and buddy, I see nothing but corruption. But I've known he's a corrupt bad egg for decades, so I don't need further convincing.

You call him stupid, yet he has done more for the poor and middle class of this country than all of your so called experts have over the last 30 years, and he has halted the chinese intellectual theft that your so called experts were allowing to happen.

I do call him stupid, and I've already heard your partisan talking points, and I believe you would do an equivalent job in the same position. I also believe a potted plant would do an equivalent job in the same position. That's pretty much the level of concern I have about the wants/needs of Cult45.

You call him an elitist, yet it is the elite who are trying to remove him.

Only half. The other half is protecting his ass. Or, are you going to try and pretend that isn't happening?

That leads me to two possibilities.

Of course. You present only two possibilities for every issue. Difficult to take you seriously when you think so simplistically and constantly argue in bad faith.

One, you are dumb as a fence post.

I have my moments. :04:

Two, you are an agent of the elite.

Now, that's dumb. :auiqs.jpg: Could you even define 'agent of the elite'? Is it bigger than a breadbox? I think you watch too many movies, man.

So, the White House withholding funds to Ukraine so that they would investigate Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed)'s 2020 political rival must have been a collective dream the entire country had all at once.

Biden's corruption must remain hidden.
Any candidate's corruption must never be exposed.
Because Trump might benefit, right?

I believe a great leader doesn't conduct a legitimate investigation into corruption in this chicken shit fashion. The only reason the public knows about it, is because they got caught doing it. Is this so hard to understand?
You call him corrupt but can't find corruption.

So, the White House withholding funds to Ukraine so that they would investigate Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed)'s 2020 political rival must have been a collective dream the entire country had all at once. The continuous ignoring of subpoenas by the Senate must be my imagination. I'm only one citizen who has seen these reports with my own eyes and heard them with my own ears, and buddy, I see nothing but corruption. But I've known he's a corrupt bad egg for decades, so I don't need further convincing.

You call him stupid, yet he has done more for the poor and middle class of this country than all of your so called experts have over the last 30 years, and he has halted the chinese intellectual theft that your so called experts were allowing to happen.

I do call him stupid, and I've already heard your partisan talking points, and I believe you would do an equivalent job in the same position. I also believe a potted plant would do an equivalent job in the same position. That's pretty much the level of concern I have about the wants/needs of Cult45.

You call him an elitist, yet it is the elite who are trying to remove him.

Only half. The other half is protecting his ass. Or, are you going to try and pretend that isn't happening?

That leads me to two possibilities.

Of course. You present only two possibilities for every issue. Difficult to take you seriously when you think so simplistically and constantly argue in bad faith.

One, you are dumb as a fence post.

I have my moments. :04:

Two, you are an agent of the elite.

Now, that's dumb. :auiqs.jpg: Could you even define 'agent of the elite'? Is it bigger than a breadbox? I think you watch too many movies, man.

So, the White House withholding funds to Ukraine so that they would investigate Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed)'s 2020 political rival must have been a collective dream the entire country had all at once.

Biden's corruption must remain hidden.
Any candidate's corruption must never be exposed.
Because Trump might benefit, right?

I believe a great leader doesn't conduct a legitimate investigation into corruption in this chicken shit fashion. The only reason the public knows about it, is because they got caught doing it. Is this so hard to understand?

What's chicken shit about investigating the obvious corruption by the obummer admin?
You call him corrupt but can't find corruption.

So, the White House withholding funds to Ukraine so that they would investigate Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed)'s 2020 political rival must have been a collective dream the entire country had all at once. The continuous ignoring of subpoenas by the Senate must be my imagination. I'm only one citizen who has seen these reports with my own eyes and heard them with my own ears, and buddy, I see nothing but corruption. But I've known he's a corrupt bad egg for decades, so I don't need further convincing.

You call him stupid, yet he has done more for the poor and middle class of this country than all of your so called experts have over the last 30 years, and he has halted the chinese intellectual theft that your so called experts were allowing to happen.

I do call him stupid, and I've already heard your partisan talking points, and I believe you would do an equivalent job in the same position. I also believe a potted plant would do an equivalent job in the same position. That's pretty much the level of concern I have about the wants/needs of Cult45.

You call him an elitist, yet it is the elite who are trying to remove him.

Only half. The other half is protecting his ass. Or, are you going to try and pretend that isn't happening?

That leads me to two possibilities.

Of course. You present only two possibilities for every issue. Difficult to take you seriously when you think so simplistically and constantly argue in bad faith.

One, you are dumb as a fence post.

I have my moments. :04:

Two, you are an agent of the elite.

Now, that's dumb. :auiqs.jpg: Could you even define 'agent of the elite'? Is it bigger than a breadbox? I think you watch too many movies, man.

That's not why the funds were withheld, as you very well know. So why resort to lying? Is it because you have nothing?

That would be my guess.
You call him corrupt but can't find corruption.

So, the White House withholding funds to Ukraine so that they would investigate Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed)'s 2020 political rival must have been a collective dream the entire country had all at once. The continuous ignoring of subpoenas by the Senate must be my imagination. I'm only one citizen who has seen these reports with my own eyes and heard them with my own ears, and buddy, I see nothing but corruption. But I've known he's a corrupt bad egg for decades, so I don't need further convincing.

You call him stupid, yet he has done more for the poor and middle class of this country than all of your so called experts have over the last 30 years, and he has halted the chinese intellectual theft that your so called experts were allowing to happen.

I do call him stupid, and I've already heard your partisan talking points, and I believe you would do an equivalent job in the same position. I also believe a potted plant would do an equivalent job in the same position. That's pretty much the level of concern I have about the wants/needs of Cult45.

You call him an elitist, yet it is the elite who are trying to remove him.

Only half. The other half is protecting his ass. Or, are you going to try and pretend that isn't happening?

That leads me to two possibilities.

Of course. You present only two possibilities for every issue. Difficult to take you seriously when you think so simplistically and constantly argue in bad faith.

One, you are dumb as a fence post.

I have my moments. :04:

Two, you are an agent of the elite.

Now, that's dumb. :auiqs.jpg: Could you even define 'agent of the elite'? Is it bigger than a breadbox? I think you watch too many movies, man.

So, the White House withholding funds to Ukraine so that they would investigate Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed)'s 2020 political rival must have been a collective dream the entire country had all at once.

Biden's corruption must remain hidden.
Any candidate's corruption must never be exposed.
Because Trump might benefit, right?

I believe a great leader doesn't conduct a legitimate investigation into corruption in this chicken shit fashion. The only reason the public knows about it, is because they got caught doing it. Is this so hard to understand?

I believe a great leader doesn't conduct a legitimate investigation into corruption in this chicken shit fashion.

If he had sent an FBI task force to Ukraine to investigate,
would you have still said it was illegitimate to investigate Biden's corruption?

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