Don't you hate it when?

I hate it when people tell me they like Cruz

I hate it when:

I put in a movie and fall a sleep during the previews

I grab my cell phone and get halfway to work and find out I brought my t.v. remote with me.

I look all over for my reading glasses and they are on the top of my head

And I ESPECIALLY hate going into a thread that might be fun and I find Bonzi, batting her eyelashes and spreading her legs at the guys again. Is there no end to her spamming EVERY FUCKING thread with her flirting?

I hate that.
Did I mention I hate coming into a thread started by a gal that I like and thinking "oh goody! A fun thread!" only to find some other woman sitting on the couch with her legs spread wide and its yet ANOTHER derail with her damn bobber, hook and string extended from her Hoo Hoo?
Speaking of....seeing Bonzi and her neverending quests is like seeing a huge gaping maw of a hair covered black hole swallowing galaxies. In this case, threads.
I hate it when you are taking a dump in a public toilet and when you are finished find there is no paper...
I hate it when my dog finds something horrible to roll in while were out hiking. Wouldn't be so bad if she wasn't so damn proud of herself.
I hate trying to watch a movie and can't keep my eyes open and I wind up missing the damn thing.
I hate that I am so gullible and trusting of people.
I hate it that I SPECIFICALLY go to the store for a certain item and come home with everything BUT that item!

I hate it that I am getting dislexic lately. Teh instead of The, brak instead of bark. Must be due to age.

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