Dont You Just Love it When Jeb Bush Starts Calling People Racists?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Twelve years old but still as current as their power clinging spawn.

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.
The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.
His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy.

The evidence has also prompted one former US Nazi war crimes prosecutor to argue that the late senator's action should have been grounds for prosecution for giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

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The debate over Prescott Bush's behaviour has been bubbling under the surface for some time. There has been a steady internet chatter about the "Bush/Nazi" connection, much of it inaccurate and unfair. But the new documents, many of which were only declassified last year, show that even after America had entered the war and when there was already significant information about the Nazis' plans and policies, he worked for and profited from companies closely involved with the very German businesses that financed Hitler's rise to power.
Many people around the world helped Hitler restructure German financial institutions. There is no way to look into the past pre WWII and make judgments.

If Hitler had not been crazy, he would have gone down in history as a financial wizard.

Get some perspective.
Jeb Bush's grandfather has what to do with Jeb Bush's attitudes concerning race? Do you think it's a genetic trait or something? Wait, that would be...
Twelve years old but still as current as their power clinging spawn.

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.
The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.
His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy.

The evidence has also prompted one former US Nazi war crimes prosecutor to argue that the late senator's action should have been grounds for prosecution for giving aid and comfort to the enemy.


The stories you need to read, in one handy email

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The debate over Prescott Bush's behaviour has been bubbling under the surface for some time. There has been a steady internet chatter about the "Bush/Nazi" connection, much of it inaccurate and unfair. But the new documents, many of which were only declassified last year, show that even after America had entered the war and when there was already significant information about the Nazis' plans and policies, he worked for and profited from companies closely involved with the very German businesses that financed Hitler's rise to power.

Yeah yeah, we know all that.

Dafuck's it got to do with JEB, who wasn't even born yet?
Ted Cruz's father fought for Fidel Castro. Who cares?
So it is totally OK by you that an unreconstructed Nazi sympathizer has had a son and grandson as President and has a second grandchild going around calling people racists as he covers up his own families history?

roflmao, OK, whatever
Yeah yeah, we know all that.

'We'? Who the hell do you think you speak for, Pogo? The brain dead libtard vote? Who elected you?


Dafuck's it got to do with JEB, who wasn't even born yet?

I find it interesting how easily libtards gloss over the racist past of their own and those who assist them like Senator Byrd and the Bush Klan.
Ted Cruz's father fought for Fidel Castro. Who cares?
So it is totally OK by you that an unreconstructed Nazi sympathizer has had a son and grandson as President and has a second grandchild going around calling people racists as he covers up his own families history?

roflmao, OK, whatever

So it is totally OK by you that an unreconstructed Nazi sympathizer has had a son and grandson as President

Which of Jack Kennedys grandsons were president?
Jack supported the Nazis, while Ambassador to England, as much if not more than any of the Bushs.

JFK was never ambassador to England. His father Joseph P Kennedy was and he was never working for the Nazi's like Mr Bush did.
Ok, Joe Kennedy

jack kennedy and nazis - Yahoo Search Results

and Bush was involved in a deal which his bank set up, not he alone.

He and the rest of his ,peers were fined, assets taken and about 10 years later absolved of any wrong dealing, their assets returned.

Prescott Bush: The Nazi-Bush Connection

Lol, your spin doesnt work, dude if you had read thw whole article.

Here it is and it affirms what a freaking hypocrit Bush is:
The U.S. Government accused Prescott Bush & Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. of “Trading with the Enemy” in 1942, the bank and other business interests were seized under the Trading With The Enemy Act and held the assets for the duration of WWII until 1951 when they were given back their company. Union Banking Corporation was dissolved.
A year later in 1952 Prescott Bush became a US Senator.
Prescott Bush’s is the father of George Herbert Walker Bush – 41st President and an ambassador and Director of Central Intelligence (CIA) and so Prescott is Grandfather to George Walker Bush – 43rd President. All members of the Skull and Bones secret society.
Unfortunately, the support of US companies for the Nazis, as well as their ideology, extended far beyond the Bush family and including Ford and GE. GE reportedly even subsidized Nazi war costs while increasing relative costs in the US: trying to optimize profits at the cost of a loss of life. If only it was as simple as the Bushes alone being aligned with the Nazis, alas they were backed by quite a few major economic powerhouses in the US from the Morgans to the Fords to Rockefellers.

This is also not just an isolated part of history: major US companies, as well as the government, continued and continue to support tyrannical dictatorships around the world. The Bushes were just a single part of the push for Nazism in the US which led to Hitler’s initial wartime success and possibly linked with the attempted assassination of FDR. Anyone who thinks that things have changed significantly has obviously not been paying attention, and nor is it insane to wonder if “we” really won the second world war.
Ok, Joe Kennedy

jack kennedy and nazis - Yahoo Search Results

and Bush was involved in a deal which his bank set up, not he alone.

He and the rest of his ,peers were fined, assets taken and about 10 years later absolved of any wrong dealing, their assets returned.

Prescott Bush: The Nazi-Bush Connection

Lol, your spin doesnt work, dude if you had read thw whole article.

Here it is and it affirms what a freaking hypocrit Bush is:
The U.S. Government accused Prescott Bush & Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. of “Trading with the Enemy” in 1942, the bank and other business interests were seized under the Trading With The Enemy Act and held the assets for the duration of WWII until 1951 when they were given back their company. Union Banking Corporation was dissolved.
A year later in 1952 Prescott Bush became a US Senator.
Prescott Bush’s is the father of George Herbert Walker Bush – 41st President and an ambassador and Director of Central Intelligence (CIA) and so Prescott is Grandfather to George Walker Bush – 43rd President. All members of the Skull and Bones secret society.
Unfortunately, the support of US companies for the Nazis, as well as their ideology, extended far beyond the Bush family and including Ford and GE. GE reportedly even subsidized Nazi war costs while increasing relative costs in the US: trying to optimize profits at the cost of a loss of life. If only it was as simple as the Bushes alone being aligned with the Nazis, alas they were backed by quite a few major economic powerhouses in the US from the Morgans to the Fords to Rockefellers.

This is also not just an isolated part of history: major US companies, as well as the government, continued and continue to support tyrannical dictatorships around the world. The Bushes were just a single part of the push for Nazism in the US which led to Hitler’s initial wartime success and possibly linked with the attempted assassination of FDR. Anyone who thinks that things have changed significantly has obviously not been paying attention, and nor is it insane to wonder if “we” really won the second world war.


Unfortunately, the support of US companies for the Nazis, as well as their ideology, extended far beyond the Bush family

Which has NOTHING to do with the Bush
Ok, Joe Kennedy

jack kennedy and nazis - Yahoo Search Results

and Bush was involved in a deal which his bank set up, not he alone.

He and the rest of his ,peers were fined, assets taken and about 10 years later absolved of any wrong dealing, their assets returned.

Prescott Bush: The Nazi-Bush Connection

Lol, your spin doesnt work, dude if you had read thw whole article.

Here it is and it affirms what a freaking hypocrit Bush is:
The U.S. Government accused Prescott Bush & Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. of “Trading with the Enemy” in 1942, the bank and other business interests were seized under the Trading With The Enemy Act and held the assets for the duration of WWII until 1951 when they were given back their company. Union Banking Corporation was dissolved.
A year later in 1952 Prescott Bush became a US Senator.
Prescott Bush’s is the father of George Herbert Walker Bush – 41st President and an ambassador and Director of Central Intelligence (CIA) and so Prescott is Grandfather to George Walker Bush – 43rd President. All members of the Skull and Bones secret society.
Unfortunately, the support of US companies for the Nazis, as well as their ideology, extended far beyond the Bush family and including Ford and GE. GE reportedly even subsidized Nazi war costs while increasing relative costs in the US: trying to optimize profits at the cost of a loss of life. If only it was as simple as the Bushes alone being aligned with the Nazis, alas they were backed by quite a few major economic powerhouses in the US from the Morgans to the Fords to Rockefellers.

This is also not just an isolated part of history: major US companies, as well as the government, continued and continue to support tyrannical dictatorships around the world. The Bushes were just a single part of the push for Nazism in the US which led to Hitler’s initial wartime success and possibly linked with the attempted assassination of FDR. Anyone who thinks that things have changed significantly has obviously not been paying attention, and nor is it insane to wonder if “we” really won the second world war.


The history of the Bush family is not off topic, it THE topic and how it makes Jebba the Bush a huge hypocrit for accusing anyone else of racism when his own family is knee deep in war profiteering for a racist Nazis regime.

QUOTE="JimBowie1958, post: 13433371, member: 32813"]Unfortunately, the support of US companies for the Nazis, as well as their ideology, extended far beyond the Bush family

Which has NOTHING to do with the Bush[/QUOTE]

It has EVERYTHING to do with the Bush family and their wreckage of the American Middle Class with illegal black market labor and the abuse of guest worker permits.
Jebbie is a racist because of his devotion to Hispanic supremacy not ancient ties to nazis. He, personally, tried to register to vote as a mexican.
Ok, Joe Kennedy

jack kennedy and nazis - Yahoo Search Results

and Bush was involved in a deal which his bank set up, not he alone.

He and the rest of his ,peers were fined, assets taken and about 10 years later absolved of any wrong dealing, their assets returned.

Prescott Bush: The Nazi-Bush Connection

Lol, your spin doesnt work, dude if you had read thw whole article.

Here it is and it affirms what a freaking hypocrit Bush is:
The U.S. Government accused Prescott Bush & Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. of “Trading with the Enemy” in 1942, the bank and other business interests were seized under the Trading With The Enemy Act and held the assets for the duration of WWII until 1951 when they were given back their company. Union Banking Corporation was dissolved.
A year later in 1952 Prescott Bush became a US Senator.
Prescott Bush’s is the father of George Herbert Walker Bush – 41st President and an ambassador and Director of Central Intelligence (CIA) and so Prescott is Grandfather to George Walker Bush – 43rd President. All members of the Skull and Bones secret society.
Unfortunately, the support of US companies for the Nazis, as well as their ideology, extended far beyond the Bush family and including Ford and GE. GE reportedly even subsidized Nazi war costs while increasing relative costs in the US: trying to optimize profits at the cost of a loss of life. If only it was as simple as the Bushes alone being aligned with the Nazis, alas they were backed by quite a few major economic powerhouses in the US from the Morgans to the Fords to Rockefellers.

This is also not just an isolated part of history: major US companies, as well as the government, continued and continue to support tyrannical dictatorships around the world. The Bushes were just a single part of the push for Nazism in the US which led to Hitler’s initial wartime success and possibly linked with the attempted assassination of FDR. Anyone who thinks that things have changed significantly has obviously not been paying attention, and nor is it insane to wonder if “we” really won the second world war.


The history of the Bush family is not off topic, it THE topic and how it makes Jebba the Bush a huge hypocrit for accusing anyone else of racism when his own family is knee deep in war profiteering for a racist Nazis regime.

QUOTE="JimBowie1958, post: 13433371, member: 32813"]Unfortunately, the support of US companies for the Nazis, as well as their ideology, extended far beyond the Bush family

Which has NOTHING to do with the Bush

It has EVERYTHING to do with the Bush family and their wreckage of the American Middle Class with illegal black market labor and the abuse of guest worker permits.[/QUOTE]

Bringing up that other companies were supporting the Nazis at that time is NOT on topic.

The Topic is Bush supporting Nazis.

Your post is off topic
Bringing up that other companies were supporting the Nazis at that time is NOT on topic.

The Topic is Bush supporting Nazis.

Your post is off topic

It puts the Bush families Nazi sympathies into context with the rest of the current reigning neocon corporate crony networks.

It also makes the enormity of Bushes laughable hypocrital criticism into scale as well.
Guess you don't realize Jeb got a bill passed and signed to prevent eminent domain from taking the homes of 5100 people in a predominately Black neighborhood here in Palm Beach county, that it's mayor and council wanted, to up the tax basis for their city by allowing development by a private investor, did you?
Twelve years old but still as current as their power clinging spawn.

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.
The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.
His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy.

The evidence has also prompted one former US Nazi war crimes prosecutor to argue that the late senator's action should have been grounds for prosecution for giving aid and comfort to the enemy.


The stories you need to read, in one handy email

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The debate over Prescott Bush's behaviour has been bubbling under the surface for some time. There has been a steady internet chatter about the "Bush/Nazi" connection, much of it inaccurate and unfair. But the new documents, many of which were only declassified last year, show that even after America had entered the war and when there was already significant information about the Nazis' plans and policies, he worked for and profited from companies closely involved with the very German businesses that financed Hitler's rise to power.

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