Duncan Hunter To Plead Guilty And Leave Congress

Meanwhile Democrats get away with all kinds of corruption. Obama and the Clintons got caught taking money from the Chinese. No prison time for them, just fines and others going to prison. But hey, Duncan’s wife spent campaign money donated by Americans so Duncan has to go to jail. No double standard here folks. He should had done it like the Hussein and take “anonymous” online donations from China.
Looks like you want to excuse Republican corruption.

How do? By asking the same standard be held for Dems?
You aren't the one who can afford to ask that question,now that you've been exposed for your lies.
Hawk don't even bother. This mother fucker can see a video of Biden admitting that he held up aid in a threat where he demanded a prosecutor be fired and he flat out denies it's quid pro quo.

Do something more productive than trying to argue with this idiot.

I never waste my time trying to convince shills BWK. He damn well already knows about the Chinese deep funding Democrats. I merely engage these assholes in order to expose what traitors they are.

The Hussein’s campaign donations were not tracked:
n September, for instance, Obama's campaign announced it had raised $181 million. But if you're looking for transparency, you won't find it: Just 2% of that amount — $3.6 million — has to be reported to the FEC. Just this sentence alone from your link proves how full of shit you and your link are. They raised $181 million, and yet, no mention of China. Your a liar and I just proved it again. You suck with your claims because you can't back up any of them.

Can you prove it didn’t come from China?
See how the Democrat standard of accusations works?
Asking an alternate question to divert from your lies won't work here. Stick to the script. Your link says nothing of the sort, so you and your lying link are guessing. You and your link belong in the garbage.

FACT: the Chinese meddled in our past elections, getting caught red-handed giving money to Democrats.
No kidding? So now we divert our attention away from your lies about Obama and Clinton taking money from China to getting caught red handed giving money to Democrats. Tell us more.
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I never waste my time trying to convince shills BWK. He damn well already knows about the Chinese deep funding Democrats. I merely engage these assholes in order to expose what traitors they are.

The Hussein’s campaign donations were not tracked:
n September, for instance, Obama's campaign announced it had raised $181 million. But if you're looking for transparency, you won't find it: Just 2% of that amount — $3.6 million — has to be reported to the FEC. Just this sentence alone from your link proves how full of shit you and your link are. They raised $181 million, and yet, no mention of China. Your a liar and I just proved it again. You suck with your claims because you can't back up any of them.

Can you prove it didn’t come from China?
See how the Democrat standard of accusations works?
Asking an alternate question to divert from your lies won't work here. Stick to the script. Your link says nothing of the sort, so you and your lying link are guessing. You and your link belong in the garbage.

FACT: the Chinese meddled in our past elections, getting caught red-handed giving money to Democrats.
No kidding? So now we divert our attention away from your lies about Obama and Clinton taking money from China to getting red handed giving money to Democrats. Tell us more.

What “lies”? You have links showing the convictions.
Obama violates campaign laws, gets a slap on the rest and is fined.

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000
That money was reported immediately after and was never hidden. Did it come from China?
Did I say it was? The thread is about campaign finance violations, and it is yet another example of a double standard.
No, Obama reported it late. Trump never reported his. That's the big difference, minus any double standard. What Trump did was a federal crime for which Cohen is in prison for.
n September, for instance, Obama's campaign announced it had raised $181 million. But if you're looking for transparency, you won't find it: Just 2% of that amount — $3.6 million — has to be reported to the FEC. Just this sentence alone from your link proves how full of shit you and your link are. They raised $181 million, and yet, no mention of China. Your a liar and I just proved it again. You suck with your claims because you can't back up any of them.

Can you prove it didn’t come from China?
See how the Democrat standard of accusations works?
Asking an alternate question to divert from your lies won't work here. Stick to the script. Your link says nothing of the sort, so you and your lying link are guessing. You and your link belong in the garbage.

FACT: the Chinese meddled in our past elections, getting caught red-handed giving money to Democrats.
No kidding? So now we divert our attention away from your lies about Obama and Clinton taking money from China to getting red handed giving money to Democrats. Tell us more.

What “lies”? You have links showing the convictions.
Had nothing to do with Clinton. Was Clinton convicted? No! Why? Take a wild guess?
Hawk don't even bother. This mother fucker can see a video of Biden admitting that he held up aid in a threat where he demanded a prosecutor be fired and he flat out denies it's quid pro quo.

Do something more productive than trying to argue with this idiot.

I never waste my time trying to convince shills BWK. He damn well already knows about the Chinese deep funding Democrats. I merely engage these assholes in order to expose what traitors they are.

The Hussein’s campaign donations were not tracked:
n September, for instance, Obama's campaign announced it had raised $181 million. But if you're looking for transparency, you won't find it: Just 2% of that amount — $3.6 million — has to be reported to the FEC. Just this sentence alone from your link proves how full of shit you and your link are. They raised $181 million, and yet, no mention of China. Your a liar and I just proved it again. You suck with your claims because you can't back up any of them.

Can you prove it didn’t come from China?
See how the Democrat standard of accusations works?
Asking an alternate question to divert from your lies won't work here. Stick to the script. Your link says nothing of the sort, so you and your lying link are guessing. You and your link belong in the garbage.

FACT: the Chinese meddled in our past elections, getting caught red-handed giving money to Democrats.
Sure, honey. You go with that. :71:
But sadly NONE that admit liberals do anything wrong. The fact that they get away with it seems to mean they are innocent. Kinda sad. With VIDEOS of crimes being committed.
I cannot help but wonder how his father taught him poorly how to be a criminal.
What is it with all these criminals with the name 'Hunter'?
Meanwhile Democrats get away with all kinds of corruption. Obama and the Clintons got caught taking money from the Chinese. No prison time for them, just fines and others going to prison. But hey, Duncan’s wife spent campaign money donated by Americans so Duncan has to go to jail. No double standard here folks. He should had done it like the Hussein and take “anonymous” online donations from China.
Tell us more about the Clinton's and Obama taking money from the Chinese in the form of proof please?

Hawk don't even bother. This mother fucker can see a video of Biden admitting that he held up aid in a threat where he demanded a prosecutor be fired and he flat out denies it's quid pro quo.

Do something more productive than trying to argue with this idiot.
You don't know what Quid Pro Quo is, or you wouldn't have made such a retarded claim. What Biden did in that video had zero to do with Quid Pro Quo. If you want to be taken seriously, you will have to explain in detail, from that video, how the video of Biden proves Quid pro quo. I'm waiting hot shot.

You obviously have no fucking clue what quid pro quo is. What Bidey did was EXACTLY what quid pro quo is known for.

Biden: You must fire the prosecutor looking into my sons company (quid) if you want a billion dollars. (pro quo.)

This isn't rocket science you fucking idiot but it is above your pay grade so go back home.

Let's use your stupid fucking method of argument. PROVE Biden wasn't quid pro quo.
when are you people going to realize that just about everyone those assholes from both parties are fucking everyone?...
As more and more republicans get caught and sent to jail, the trump bots double down on trying to convince that the democrats are the crooks. Even the candidate that ran against Obama in 2008, McCain, had been censured for his greediness during the Keating 5 affair and republicans still ran him because republicans seem to have few morals even though most of them pretend to be christians. They're not. Hey, hunter's district was once duke cunningham's district. This is the republican who got sent to prison for greediness which crossed the line into criminal territory, a typical republican trait. But as long as rush convinces millions of republicans that 'republican good, democrat bad'.....then people like so many of these republican posters here will keep on pushing the lies they're told by their corrupt party.
As more and more republicans get caught and sent to jail, the trump bots double down on trying to convince that the democrats are the crooks. Even the candidate that ran against Obama in 2008, McCain, had been censured for his greediness during the Keating 5 affair and republicans still ran him because republicans seem to have few morals even though most of them pretend to be christians. They're not. Hey, hunter's district was once duke cunningham's district. This is the republican who got sent to prison for greediness which crossed the line into criminal territory, a typical republican trait. But as long as rush convinces millions of republicans that 'republican good, democrat bad'.....then people like so many of these republican posters here will keep on pushing the lies they're told by their corrupt party.

Fucking lol. Take a look at literally any city administration if you want to see some democrat corruption.
Rep. Duncan Hunter to plead guilty in campaign finance scandal, leave Congress

Duncan Hunter becomes another victim of Obama and the Deep State....As he is just another innocent victim framed by Obama's DOJ as a way to try to force true conservative patriots out of Congress....

"After years of denials and claims he was the target of a political witch hunt, Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Alpine, is scheduled to appear in federal court Tuesday morning to plead guilty in a sweeping campaign finance investigation.....he said he will plead guilty to one of the 60 criminal charges against him. He suggested that he is likely to spend time in custody."

This is outrageous, especially when Hunter adamantly denied these charges and said his wife was the guilty one....and he swore he would never admit guilt or wrongdoing because he knew this was just a Democrat political witch hunt....but he changed his tune "..after Hunter’s wife and former campaign manager, Margaret Hunter, admitted to her role in a widespread scheme that saw the couple allegedly spend more than $200,000 in campaign donations on family expenses like vacations, gas, groceries, school lunches and oral surgery. Such spending is prohibited to prevent undue influence by contributors."

This is just more evidence that proves how scared and afraid the Dems are of the upcoming IG report as well as all of the evidence that Durham is finding that implicates Obama and Biden..

No, this is just plain goodness. If the guy is corrupt and guilty, I'm all for him being removed from congress, and sent off to prison if need be.

I'm all for charges brought if they are accurate. It's proof we're better than the Democrats.
Why are these charges accurate??

Because Duncan Hunter doesn't have the level of sycophantic cult worship that Trump has??

Trump has already been exposed for using campaign funds for personal use....but his sycophantic base ignores it....
Rep. Duncan Hunter to plead guilty in campaign finance scandal, leave Congress

Duncan Hunter becomes another victim of Obama and the Deep State....As he is just another innocent victim framed by Obama's DOJ as a way to try to force true conservative patriots out of Congress....

"After years of denials and claims he was the target of a political witch hunt, Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Alpine, is scheduled to appear in federal court Tuesday morning to plead guilty in a sweeping campaign finance investigation.....he said he will plead guilty to one of the 60 criminal charges against him. He suggested that he is likely to spend time in custody."

This is outrageous, especially when Hunter adamantly denied these charges and said his wife was the guilty one....and he swore he would never admit guilt or wrongdoing because he knew this was just a Democrat political witch hunt....but he changed his tune "..after Hunter’s wife and former campaign manager, Margaret Hunter, admitted to her role in a widespread scheme that saw the couple allegedly spend more than $200,000 in campaign donations on family expenses like vacations, gas, groceries, school lunches and oral surgery. Such spending is prohibited to prevent undue influence by contributors."

This is just more evidence that proves how scared and afraid the Dems are of the upcoming IG report as well as all of the evidence that Durham is finding that implicates Obama and Biden..

No, this is just plain goodness. If the guy is corrupt and guilty, I'm all for him being removed from congress, and sent off to prison if need be.

I'm all for charges brought if they are accurate. It's proof we're better than the Democrats.
Why are these charges accurate??

Because Duncan Hunter doesn't have the level of sycophantic cult worship that Trump has??

Trump has already been exposed for using campaign funds for personal use....but his sycophantic base ignores it....
You guys are nazi. Almost half of the democrats have done this and you say nothing lol one party crap is going to cause you losers to lose bad haha

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