Dylan Roof was a conservative, in his own words.


“Point is what happened in Charleston has more to do with mental health than anything else as far as I'm concerned...But libs want to talk about racism, gun laws, the Confederate flag, etc..”


The issue has nothing to do with 'libs,' nor 'gun control,' a red herring fallacy used by conservatives in a failed effort to deflect.

The point is that mental health is one aspect of the problem, also part of the problem are racism and the symbols racists use to convey their hate, such as the confederate flag.

The problem is also the unwillingness of most on the right to consider the problem comprehensively, to understand that it's more than just mental health, that racism remains endemic in American culture and society, that many white conservatives are loath to discuss the issue of race and racism in America, and delude themselves into believing that racism is not a problem.

That race and racism are uncomfortable subjects for most conservatives, subjects that don't help advance the conservative political agenda, is not justification to ignore the problem and pretend it doesn't exist.

Dylann Roof is the consequence not only of mental illness, but of the apathy and indifference concerning racism and hate.

No the problem with racism is that libs keep harping and harping about whites and racism, like it's a one way street, it's not. Until the left is willing to discuss the issue as a whole there is no point. There are racist in every race, so when are you going to be willing to call them out with the same enthusiasm you do with whites? Oh right, that wouldn't be politically expedient, would it?
I agree that Roof was a conservative. I fail to see why that matters, particularly when you consider some of the last several mass shooters turned out to be leftist weirdos and all of you went ape shit saying it was irrelevant. So congratulations, you folks finally have your conservative whack job shooter after trying to pin these on conservatives for the last six or seven mass shootings to no avail.

Don't Taz Me Bro, Bend over and take your fact enema liar.

Nearly all the mass killers are CONservative Christian types.

Adam Lanza's parents were hardcore Republicans.

Nidal Hasan – Ft Hood Shooter. (Hasan had become a radicalized fundamentalist and there is no such thing as a leftist fundamentalist Muslim)

Wade Page, a Republican Neo-Nazi who walked into a Sikh temple looking to kill Muslims (Neo-Nazis are not known for their intelligence). 6 people die.

Right wingers Jerad and Amanda Miller who shot two cops, yelled “The revolution has begun” and draped “Don’t Tread On Me ” flags on their victims. Later, they killed another man.

Frazier Miller a former Klansman and White Supremacist shot up a Jewish community center, killing three people.

David Pedersen and his girlfriend, Holly Ann Grigsby killed 4 people and “were on their way to Sacramento to kill more Jews.”

On Aug. 10, 1999 White supremacist Buford O. Furrow, Jr., fired 70 rounds with an Uzi-type submachine-gun inside the lobby of the Jewish Community Center in Granada Hills, CA wounding three children, a teenage counselor and an office worker. He then carjacked a woman’s Toyota at gunpoint, dumped it behind a motel and murdered US Postal Worker Joseph Santos with a Glock 9mm handgun.

On July 27, 2008 Former U.S. Army private, Jim David Atkinsson, who hated Democrats, liberals, African Americans and homosexuals, using a Remington Model 48 12-gauge shotgun, murdered two people and injured seven others inside the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville, TN.

The day after Obama’s inauguration, white supremacist Keith Luke went on a killing spree in Brockton, Massachusetts. His goal was to kill as many Jews, blacks and Hispanics as possible. When questioned by investigators, the deranged gunman who had stockpiled hundreds of rounds of ammunition, proclaimed that he was fighting the extinction of the white race.

A little over a month later, Dannie Baker, a former Republican campaign volunteer shot five Chilean immigrants in Florida. Those who knew him said he was obsessed with the fear that illegal immigrants were taking over the country.

In April of 2009, Richard Popalowski, a white supremacist in Pittsburgh, shot and killed three police officers following a domestic disturbance call. He apparently thought that Obama was part of a government conspiracy to seize all guns, and he feared the government would take his guns away.

Later the same month, a Fort Walton Beach Florida man who thought the Obama administration was conspiring against him, shot and murdered two sheriff’s deputies.

On May 31, 2009 Dr. George Tiller was murdered in his own church by a right-wing “pro- life” gun man who decided to express his belief in the sanctity of human life by executing a medical doctor.

Eleven days later a right-wing white supremacist and Holocaust denier walked into the National Holocaust Museum and killed an African-American security guard. Two weeks later, three Neo-Nazis were arrested for bombing a diversity office in Scottsdale, Arizona.

And, of course, we can’t forget Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols who blew up a federal building, killing 168 including 19 children.

On April 20, 2010 a member of the Sovereign Citizen movement was arrested after a failed attempt to take over a Tennessee county courthouse.

Exactly one month later, in West Memphis Arkansas, Sovereign citizens Jerry and Joe Kane murdered two police officers before they themselves were shot and killed in the ensuing shoot out with police.

On July 18, 2010 Byron Williams, an angry unemployed man, was arrested by police after they discovered a car full of weapons and ammunition that he had planned to use to kill progressives. He was on his way to the non-profit Tides Foundation Center, a favorite target of vitriol from Glenn Beck’s radio show.

On Jan. 8, 2011 22-year old Jared Lee Loughner killed six people, including a judge and a nine-year old child, and wounded 13 others, including U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), using a 9mm Glock 19 pistol during a public meeting in a supermarket parking lot near Tuscon, AZ.

On Aug. 5, 2012 Wade Michael Page, a 40-year old white supremacist and U.S. Army veteran murdered six people and wounded four others inside a Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, WI with a Springfield XD(M) semi-automatic pistol.


Liberals need to hide the facts about black violence better, so people like Dylann don't learn the truth

So now it is the fault of liberals that another right wing nut went on a killing spree.


Looky Looky at all the happy happy White Southern inbred Nazis.
The Right wing Conservative cliques are quick to project their own sins onto liberals. Liberals are supposed to be anti-gun nuts until a mass shooting occurs. Soon some right wing talking head starts making the perp a liberal regardless of photographic, or any other evidence to back it up. The right wing sheep just eat it up ad soon the myth becomes an illusion of reality.

Addicting Info Debunking More Right-Wing Bulls t Liberal Shooters
Sorry, but the source of your claim has been challenged and, apparently, thoroughly debunked:

Here is the original "Shooters were Dems" letter to the Custer County Chronicle:


Ft. Hood Shooter – registered Democrat and Muslim. Okay, that last one is correct, Nidal Hasan was a Muslim. However, he was not a registered Democrat. He lived in 2 states: Virginia and Texas. Neither state requires a partisan registration. Ergo, no registered Democrat here. Move along.

Columbine Shooters – Too young to vote – both families were registered Democrats and progressive liberals. Harris and Klebold were, indeed, too young to vote. They lived in an affluent, conservative suburb of Denver, Littleton. Harris’ father was a retired Air Force pilot and Eric had expressed a desire to join the Marines. Both boys admired Tim McVeigh. So the idea that the boys were liberal is iffy while the claim that they were registered Democrats is demonstrably false.

Virginia Tech shooter – Wrote hate mail to President Bush and his staff, registered Democrat. Bzzzt! Wrong again! Seung-Hui Cho was, first of all, a resident alien and ineligible to vote in the U.S. Even if he could, Virginia is, as mentioned before, a non-partisan registrations state. He was not a registered Democrat. Whether or not he wrote letters, that’s not been shown to have merit.

Colorado theater shooter – registered Democrat, staff worker on the Obama campaign, Occupy Wall Street participant, progressive liberal. This one is completely off-base. It’s based on shoddy research done by someone at (wait for it) Brietbart.com (I’m sure you’re shocked). That guy found A “James Holmes” but it was not the one who opened fire in a Colorado theater. It is doubtful that the shooter was registered as anything. Some outlets that had taken Breitbart’s word for it (when will they learn?) retracted the allegations. Some, including Breitbart, did not.

Connecticut school shooter – registered Democrat, hated Christians. This one is based on the faulty reasoning that since Connecticut voted for Barack Obama at a 2-1 ratio, Adam Lanza must have been a Democrat. I don’t have to tell those of you who understand logic and statistics how dumb that premise is. In fact, Newtown voted for Romney. Lanza’s mother was a doomsday prepper and a home schooler who was, according to one source, a registered Republican. There is nothing to indicate that he hated Christians. But investigators did find an NRA membership certificate in his name. So we can call this one false as there is nothing to substantiate the claim that Lanza was a registered Democrat.
Charles Manson was a liberal. So was Stalin.

"Stalin was raised very religious in the Greek Orthodox Church. He was named after Saint Joseph and was raised to be a priest. His father was a priest and young Joseph spent five years in a Greek Orthodox seminary." His father beat him mercilessly on many occasions as a boy.

When Stalin came into power he converted to atheism officially and started destroying churches. But during World War II, Stalin eased up considerably on religion. He allowed for tens of thousands of Russian Orthodox churches to reopen, adopted an official policy of tolerance toward Muslims, and re-established the hierarchy of leadership in the Russian Orthodox Church. There were even rumors that Stalin had reconsidered his own personal relationship to religion when he took a “mysterious retreat” in 1941.


Not even close.

I've beat up the racists quite well and I think this photo might make them feel better as they lick their wounds.
The Right wing Conservative cliques are quick to project their own sins onto liberals. Liberals are supposed to be anti-gun nuts until a mass shooting occurs. Soon some right wing talking head starts making the perp a liberal regardless of photographic, or any other evidence to back it up. The right wing sheep just eat it up ad soon the myth becomes an illusion of reality.

Addicting Info Debunking More Right-Wing Bulls t Liberal Shooters
Sorry, but the source of your claim has been challenged and, apparently, thoroughly debunked:

Here is the original "Shooters were Dems" letter to the Custer County Chronicle:


Ft. Hood Shooter – registered Democrat and Muslim. Okay, that last one is correct, Nidal Hasan was a Muslim. However, he was not a registered Democrat. He lived in 2 states: Virginia and Texas. Neither state requires a partisan registration. Ergo, no registered Democrat here. Move along.

Columbine Shooters – Too young to vote – both families were registered Democrats and progressive liberals. Harris and Klebold were, indeed, too young to vote. They lived in an affluent, conservative suburb of Denver, Littleton. Harris’ father was a retired Air Force pilot and Eric had expressed a desire to join the Marines. Both boys admired Tim McVeigh. So the idea that the boys were liberal is iffy while the claim that they were registered Democrats is demonstrably false.

Virginia Tech shooter – Wrote hate mail to President Bush and his staff, registered Democrat. Bzzzt! Wrong again! Seung-Hui Cho was, first of all, a resident alien and ineligible to vote in the U.S. Even if he could, Virginia is, as mentioned before, a non-partisan registrations state. He was not a registered Democrat. Whether or not he wrote letters, that’s not been shown to have merit.

Colorado theater shooter – registered Democrat, staff worker on the Obama campaign, Occupy Wall Street participant, progressive liberal. This one is completely off-base. It’s based on shoddy research done by someone at (wait for it) Brietbart.com (I’m sure you’re shocked). That guy found A “James Holmes” but it was not the one who opened fire in a Colorado theater. It is doubtful that the shooter was registered as anything. Some outlets that had taken Breitbart’s word for it (when will they learn?) retracted the allegations. Some, including Breitbart, did not.

Connecticut school shooter – registered Democrat, hated Christians. This one is based on the faulty reasoning that since Connecticut voted for Barack Obama at a 2-1 ratio, Adam Lanza must have been a Democrat. I don’t have to tell those of you who understand logic and statistics how dumb that premise is. In fact, Newtown voted for Romney. Lanza’s mother was a doomsday prepper and a home schooler who was, according to one source, a registered Republican. There is nothing to indicate that he hated Christians. But investigators did find an NRA membership certificate in his name. So we can call this one false as there is nothing to substantiate the claim that Lanza was a registered Democrat.

Conservatives have a hard time with reality. It just doesn't jibe with their distorted view of life. Good post.
Charles Manson was a liberal. So was Stalin.

"Stalin was raised very religious in the Greek Orthodox Church. He was named after Saint Joseph and was raised to be a priest. His father was a priest and young Joseph spent five years in a Greek Orthodox seminary." His father beat him mercilessly on many occasions as a boy.

When Stalin came into power he converted to atheism officially and started destroying churches. But during World War II, Stalin eased up considerably on religion. He allowed for tens of thousands of Russian Orthodox churches to reopen, adopted an official policy of tolerance toward Muslims, and re-established the hierarchy of leadership in the Russian Orthodox Church. There were even rumors that Stalin had reconsidered his own personal relationship to religion when he took a “mysterious retreat” in 1941.


Not even close.
Stalin was a central government liberal. You are a libertarian and don't even know it.

Below is just a sampling of incidents of right-wing violence. Of course, the biggest attack was the Oklahoma City bombing, a horrible attack driven by political ideology.

  • [1] Eric Rudolph, the Olympic Park bomber, killed one (and one indirectly) and wounded 111 others. His motive for the bombing, according to Rudolph’s own admission, was political. He also had bombed an abortion clinic in an Atlanta suburb, killing 2 and injuring six. Extremist chatter on the Internet while he was evading capture praised him as “a hero.”

    [2] In 1993 Michael Frederick Griffin murdered Dr. David Gunn in Pensacola, Florida. He waited outside Gunn’s clinic and shot him three times, yelling, “Don’t kill any more babies.” He is currently serving a term of life in prison.
    [3] A little more than a year later, Paul Hill shot Dr. Bayard Britton in the head with a 12-gauge shotgun. Hill also killed Britton’s bodyguard, retired Air Force lieutenant James Barrett, 74, and wounded Barrett’s wife June, a retired nurse. Hill bragged that “… no innocent babies are going to be killed in that clinic today.”

    [4] Anti-abortion terrorist John Salvi carried out two fatal attacks on two abortion clinics in Brookline, Massachusetts in December 1994. Receptionists Shannon Lowney and Lee Ann Nichols, were killed in the attacks. He escaped but was captured after another clinic attack in which he killed 2 more receptionists on March 19, 1996.

    [5] Anti-immigrant vigilantes murdered Raul Flores Jr and his 9-year-old daughter Brisenia at point-blank range in their Tucson, Arizona home in 2009. A month earlier another young girl had died in a gun massacre in which anti-immigrant protestors were implicated.

    [6] In 1998, James Kopp shot and killed Dr. Barnett Slepian. Kopp was affiliated with the militant Lambs Of Christ anti-abortion group.

    [7] Militia wanna-be Bruce Turnidge went apeshit after Barack Obama was elected in 2008. He and his son, Joshua, succumbed to NRA hype and fear. They built and planted a bomb at a bank in Woodburn, Oregon on Dec. 12th, killing 2 police officers and wounding two others.

    [8] George Richard Tiller, MD was murdered inside his church on May 21, 2009 by Scott Roeder, a militant anti-abortion protestor. Tiller had been shot and wounded 16 years earlier by another anti-abortion militant, Shelley Shannon.
    We can see from this sampling that these crimes were driven by ideology, not party. Mostly, it’s anti-abortion militants who seem to think it’s okay to murder people to protect life. Now there’s an oxymoron for you.
    As far as the bogus letter to the editor, it is simply not true.

I've beat up the racists quite well and I think this photo might make them feel better as they lick their wounds.
So this photo is from when ? 1890, 1900, 1920...whats your point? You are a typical liberal extremist stir 2015 emotions by trying to invoke things that happened 100 years ago. Nice try. Oh...and before you put up any bullshit about "lynchings" in the 1990's or 2000's you are definitely a bullshit artist tool of liberal media and Hollywood.
Manson wanted to start a race war, like Dylann Roof, notorious conservative mass murderer.[/QUOTE]
Is there any likelihood that a rational person would follow his insanity? No.[/QUOTE]

You don't see ANY connection? Both STATED they wanted to start a race war.

Below is just a sampling of incidents of right-wing violence. Of course, the biggest attack was the Oklahoma City bombing, a horrible attack driven by political ideology.

  • [1] Eric Rudolph, the Olympic Park bomber, killed one (and one indirectly) and wounded 111 others. His motive for the bombing, according to Rudolph’s own admission, was political. He also had bombed an abortion clinic in an Atlanta suburb, killing 2 and injuring six. Extremist chatter on the Internet while he was evading capture praised him as “a hero.”

    [2] In 1993 Michael Frederick Griffin murdered Dr. David Gunn in Pensacola, Florida. He waited outside Gunn’s clinic and shot him three times, yelling, “Don’t kill any more babies.” He is currently serving a term of life in prison.
    [3] A little more than a year later, Paul Hill shot Dr. Bayard Britton in the head with a 12-gauge shotgun. Hill also killed Britton’s bodyguard, retired Air Force lieutenant James Barrett, 74, and wounded Barrett’s wife June, a retired nurse. Hill bragged that “… no innocent babies are going to be killed in that clinic today.”

    [4] Anti-abortion terrorist John Salvi carried out two fatal attacks on two abortion clinics in Brookline, Massachusetts in December 1994. Receptionists Shannon Lowney and Lee Ann Nichols, were killed in the attacks. He escaped but was captured after another clinic attack in which he killed 2 more receptionists on March 19, 1996.

    [5] Anti-immigrant vigilantes murdered Raul Flores Jr and his 9-year-old daughter Brisenia at point-blank range in their Tucson, Arizona home in 2009. A month earlier another young girl had died in a gun massacre in which anti-immigrant protestors were implicated.

    [6] In 1998, James Kopp shot and killed Dr. Barnett Slepian. Kopp was affiliated with the militant Lambs Of Christ anti-abortion group.

    [7] Militia wanna-be Bruce Turnidge went apeshit after Barack Obama was elected in 2008. He and his son, Joshua, succumbed to NRA hype and fear. They built and planted a bomb at a bank in Woodburn, Oregon on Dec. 12th, killing 2 police officers and wounding two others.

    [8] George Richard Tiller, MD was murdered inside his church on May 21, 2009 by Scott Roeder, a militant anti-abortion protestor. Tiller had been shot and wounded 16 years earlier by another anti-abortion militant, Shelley Shannon.
    We can see from this sampling that these crimes were driven by ideology, not party. Mostly, it’s anti-abortion militants who seem to think it’s okay to murder people to protect life. Now there’s an oxymoron for you.
    As far as the bogus letter to the editor, it is simply not true.
Lest we forget the biggest act of left wing violence: The Holocaust.

I've beat up the racists quite well and I think this photo might make them feel better as they lick their wounds.
OMG! It's a shocking picture of shit that happened 100 years ago! Let it go Democrats and stop lowering yourselves for votes. Just repulsive.
Kid's deranged. Nothing more, nothing less. There will always be crazies among us. But that being said, the Republican Party does need to start distancing itself from the camo-wearing, gun-obsessed, sister-fucking rednecks. This kid's likely an inbred weirdo.

He shouldn't have been anywhere near guns. But his parents are likely inbred weirdos too. Knowing the camo-wearing sister-fucking rednecks, they probably gave the kid an arsenal of guns. That's just the inbred redneck thing to do. Time for Republicans to disown the loons.
For anyone who doesn't think this kid is a domestic rightwing terrorist,

I'd like to hear you tell us who is or was a domestic rightwing terrorist, and why he or they are or were different than this kid.

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