E Carroll Judge Boots Out Trump Voters From Jury Selection

No one is buying your bullshit lies. The economy is rolling!

Yes. The rich are cleaning up.
The poor are losing their nesteggs just to pay for food and the rest of their bills.
Meanwhile the government is over $33 trillion in debt which is compounding because Biden jacked up the interest rates on the debt,
You can't afford to buy a house anymore.

Yup.....the economy is rolling.
Yes. The rich are cleaning up.
The poor are losing their nesteggs just to pay for food and the rest of their bills.
Meanwhile the government is over $33 trillion in debt which is compounding because Biden jacked up the interest rates on the debt,
You can't afford to buy a house anymore.

Yup.....the economy is rolling.
Well, I'm poor and just got a job because of the Bidrn economy. As far as the deficit, you can thank Trump for that one. He doubled our deficit when he was in office.

Now your bullshit House is trying to cut IRS funding, which cuts federal revenue. You fuckers are actively trying to trash this economy for political gain.
Yes....only Biden lovers are allowed. It should take them 10 years to find enough to fill a 12 person jury.
The trial has nothing to do with Biden. There were no questions about Biden.

Try again, maybe your luck will change?
I don't think there is a large population of twice impeached, ex-president billionaires to choose from.

True, but he is entitled to have at least ONE person who is not anti Trump on his jury.

That's how non corrupt legal systems work.
Except that this almostfen certainly isn't true.
There was a time when black jurors were automatically rejected if the defendant was black. Classes of persons cannot be rejected any more. Merely being a Trump voter is not a for cause grounds for dismissal.
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Who the fuck is going to select a juror that thinks the 2020 election was stolen? Hyper-partisan candidates should not be part of the jury pool. It's bad enough we have that **** bitch judge Eileen Cannon down in Florida dragging her partisan feet in the classified documents case.

Juror's should be objective, fair and intelligent. There isn't a single Trump supporter in the entire country that fits that bill!

Fuck, you're an idiot.

That's a load of horseshit! First of all, this trial has nothing to do with Biden, so the jury questioner doesn't mention him at all. Second, since you brought him up, under Biden's watch, our economy is rolling again! Inflation is down. Unemployment is at record lows. Manufacturing is up. And we almost had a border deal, but your POS Trump got his ass-clowns in the House to nix the deal.

Biden puts this country first and is a great President. Trump, on the other hand, was not only the worst President we ever had, over 1 million people died on his watch do to covid and he doubled our deficit. Fuck Trump and fuck you!
You cannot believe that. It's physically impossible.

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