E Carroll Judge Boots Out Trump Voters From Jury Selection

I could get behind kicking off zealots in either side. But merely voting for the man? I seriously doubt any judge would be that patently ridiculous.
I guess you haven't been paying attention.
The fraud trial in NYC Judge Edgeron wouldn't even allow Trump to present a defense before rendering a judgement against him.
I guess you haven't been paying attention.
The fraud trial in NYC Judge Edgeron wouldn't even allow Trump to present a defense before rendering a judgement against him.

That's not true. Both Trump and the AG presented their arguments to the Judge then BOTH requested Summary Judgement.

The Judge ruled on 1 of the 7 claims based on the requests. However 6 of the claims he didn't have enough evidence for and remanded them to trial.

Trump got to present his case as part of the briefings, and got to make a defense in court at the trail for the remaining 6.

That's not true. Both Trump and the AG presented their arguments to the Judge then BOTH requested Summary Judgement.

The Judge ruled on 1 of the 7 claims based on the requests. However 6 of the claims he didn't have enough evidence for and remanded them to trial.

Trump got to present his case as part of the briefings, and got to make a defense in court at the trail for the remaining 6.

No. He didn’t.
Don't you mean we root against Communism?
You’re in the midst of one of the greatest capitalist expansions in US history that favors the capitalists. How can you morons act like anything else is occurring? Moronic.
That's not true. Both Trump and the AG presented their arguments to the Judge then BOTH requested Summary Judgement.

The Judge ruled on 1 of the 7 claims based on the requests. However 6 of the claims he didn't have enough evidence for and remanded them to trial.

Trump got to present his case as part of the briefings, and got to make a defense in court at the trail for the remaining 6.

the judge refused to allow Trump a trial by jury.
That's not true. Both Trump and the AG presented their arguments to the Judge then BOTH requested Summary Judgement.

The Judge ruled on 1 of the 7 claims based on the requests. However 6 of the claims he didn't have enough evidence for and remanded them to trial.

Trump got to present his case as part of the briefings, and got to make a defense in court at the trail for the remaining 6.


No. He didn’t.


The Judge ruling that the 2nd through 7th claims would be tried in a count.


Yellow = Ruling finding for the claimant as to the first issue based on request for summary judgement.

Orange = Defendants request for summary judgement (that the claims be dismissed) denied.

So yes. 1 of 7 claims was ruled on.

So yes. Both parties requested summary judgement.

So yes. The other 6 claims would be determined at trial.


DISCLAIMER: Yes I know this is an E. Jean Carrol thread, I was responding to a claim about the Trump Business Fraud trial that the above poster made.

To not derail the thread further after posting facts, I'll leave it there.

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Like I said, that EJ Carrol WHORE had all Liberals on her last panel. They said she is 80, I don't give her much time to spend the money,
If they refused to answer....he booted them out.
If they said they voted for Trump...he booted them out.
Only Biden voters are allowed on the jury in the E Carroll trial.

Has to be true since Joshua Hall wrote it on Twitter...

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