Economy in crapper with record high employment.

it's a fact they have made these predictions. They have made these predictions based on the facts on the ground
That’s not what you originally said.

Which is why you’re a liar.
Go fck yourself. How's that? You're spewing economic bs your handlers told you to. I know better and you're too fcking stupid not to
THe poster is well known to ignore facts and reality and simply parrot propaganda from the demafacist
WTF are you spinning now.
Record Layoffs with 250K added.

You make ZERO sense as usual.
Did you get your talking points mixed up with your ass cream?
I am not the one spinning anything...I am simply providing you with the facts, the CEO's are saying this stuff:

Around 90% of CEOs believe a recession is coming. Half of them are already planning for layoffs​

You can keep your head in the sand and ignore the reality on the ground caused by the Xiden economy, but you shouldn't.
Go the fck away already or I'll dispatch you. Understand? You're an idiot
“Dispatch” me? WTF are you talking about?

Here’s a nice article from the Dallas FED.

But I guess you know better than them.
“Dispatch” me? WTF are you talking about?

Here’s a nice article from the Dallas FED.

But I guess you know better than them.

Ignored you sad little leftist. See you didn't convince anyone ya blabbering fuckwit

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