Eden Garden of the GodS

I question everything about him if that is the case. Look, Jesus may have existed, but all the magic tricks attributed to him? Extraordinary claims needs extraordinary proof.
And the proof is motive. Every criminal detective first looks at motive. So what was the motive for fabricating fantastic miracles?
Power? No, says we are to submit to the government and each other as individuals.
Money? No, says you give what you wish under no duress.
Fame? NT letters were written after his death. All disciples except one were executed for their faith.
To paraphrase CS Lewis, Jesus was either histories most famous suicidal narcissist or he was who he said he was.

Simple logic tells you that since there is no motive for fabricating such stories, they must be true.
There was is no motive in religion? Really?
I have yet to find any motive of the Bible other than my and your salvation.
That would be motive, my dear weatherman.
OK, I should have said ulterior motive.
Religion is ulterior motive as well. I dont remember the bible saying we should explain away gods inconsistencies.
Uh huh. Yet you trust each engineer and laborer that paved the roads you drive on daily, and constructed the stop lights, stop signs, and road markings. The brakes on every other car on the road, the precision of the steering mechanism, the pure belief that the gasoline in your car won't explode everyday and burn you to death, or the gasoline in every other car, truck, bus, and motorcycle. You trust engineers and manufacturing plant workers on the floor pressing out tires for your car, that they won't explode, or melt, or fail every single time you drive. You implicitly trust every person that made every one of the hundreds of thousands of parts on every airliner that flies overhead, the pilots, the worker that put together the fuel tanks, the mechanic that replaced the left engine, and the wing rivets, the tail bolts, the windscreen rubber, the altimiter, GPS, airspeed indicator, throttle, landing gear mechanism...

You trust a million mundane things every single day. But you are always ready with a ludicrous defense of some ludicrous bullshit you believe no matter how ridiculous.

I imagine you trust the laborer that put together your pc that you won't be electrocuted in the next 30 seconds. It's just the PH.D's in physics, biology, chemistry, history, climatology, oceanography of the world you have a problem with.
Are those things really good examples of trust?

When a pedestrian walks across the road talking on his phone oblivious to the car that is speeding towards him, do you think he trusts that driver to obey the pedestrian crosswalk laws or do you think he is just oblivious to the risk he is taking?

The definition of faith is to have complete trust in something. I don't put complete faith in something without good reason and I sure as hell am not oblivious to the risks I take every single day.

Let's be honest here, OK? You don't have arguments for your beliefs. You have arguments against the beliefs of others.

Hilarious that someone who spends so much time mocking Christianity uses the handle of one of the most devout famous Christians in history.
Its hilarious that someone that uses a handle that relies on science to bash science.
Dude, I made my career in science. I have never bashed science unless it is BS being sold as science.
Lol but conveniently ignores it when it goes against your faith. I hear ya
And the proof is motive. Every criminal detective first looks at motive. So what was the motive for fabricating fantastic miracles?
Power? No, says we are to submit to the government and each other as individuals.
Money? No, says you give what you wish under no duress.
Fame? NT letters were written after his death. All disciples except one were executed for their faith.
To paraphrase CS Lewis, Jesus was either histories most famous suicidal narcissist or he was who he said he was.

Simple logic tells you that since there is no motive for fabricating such stories, they must be true.
There was is no motive in religion? Really?
I have yet to find any motive of the Bible other than my and your salvation.
That would be motive, my dear weatherman.
OK, I should have said ulterior motive.
Religion is ulterior motive as well. I dont remember the bible saying we should explain away gods inconsistencies.
Religion is ulterior motive as well. I dont remember the bible saying we should explain away gods inconsistencies.
I have no idea what you mean by "religion is a motive". Christianity is not a religion. It's a personal walk with Jesus that a lot of us get together on Sundays to worship and fellowship with each other at a place of our choosing.

Any inconsistencies you see are simply your lack of understanding of the entire picture that was provided.
And the proof is motive. Every criminal detective first looks at motive. So what was the motive for fabricating fantastic miracles?
Power? No, says we are to submit to the government and each other as individuals.
Money? No, says you give what you wish under no duress.
Fame? NT letters were written after his death. All disciples except one were executed for their faith.
To paraphrase CS Lewis, Jesus was either histories most famous suicidal narcissist or he was who he said he was.

Simple logic tells you that since there is no motive for fabricating such stories, they must be true.
There was is no motive in religion? Really?
I have yet to find any motive of the Bible other than my and your salvation.
That would be motive, my dear weatherman.
OK, I should have said ulterior motive.
Religion is ulterior motive as well. I dont remember the bible saying we should explain away gods inconsistencies.
What inconsistencies do you suppose an all powerful being who created existence might have, TN?
Are those things really good examples of trust?

When a pedestrian walks across the road talking on his phone oblivious to the car that is speeding towards him, do you think he trusts that driver to obey the pedestrian crosswalk laws or do you think he is just oblivious to the risk he is taking?

The definition of faith is to have complete trust in something. I don't put complete faith in something without good reason and I sure as hell am not oblivious to the risks I take every single day.

Let's be honest here, OK? You don't have arguments for your beliefs. You have arguments against the beliefs of others.

Hilarious that someone who spends so much time mocking Christianity uses the handle of one of the most devout famous Christians in history.
Its hilarious that someone that uses a handle that relies on science to bash science.
Dude, I made my career in science. I have never bashed science unless it is BS being sold as science.
Lol but conveniently ignores it when it goes against your faith. I hear ya
Please, do tell me what threatens my faith.
Like I said, I took 10 years of research to get there. There is nothing you can raise that I do not have an answer for.
The first man was created in Eden. It was located between the Tigris and Euphrates river. It contained rare stones. It had a tree of life. A woman was made to help the first man populate the earth.
Does this sound familiar? It should. It sounds awfully close to the abrahamic version of the garden of eden. But this isnt an abrahamic story. It is a sumerian story that was recorded in 2500BC or so.
I was just reading about it. Pretty interesting.
The god that made the first man, made the first woman behind his brothers back. Which, in turn, led to a great conflict between them. Enlil was the brother. The Earth was his domain. He became the enemy of humans.
How did the first man have a brother?
I thought it was pretty funny too that you (TN) believed an all powerful being who created existence would have inconsistencies too. Talk about the Dunning effect.
Hilarious that someone who spends so much time mocking Christianity uses the handle of one of the most devout famous Christians in history.
Its hilarious that someone that uses a handle that relies on science to bash science.
Dude, I made my career in science. I have never bashed science unless it is BS being sold as science.
Lol but conveniently ignores it when it goes against your faith. I hear ya
Please, do tell me what threatens my faith.
Like I said, I took 10 years of research to get there. There is nothing you can raise that I do not have an answer for.
The damn geological records that we have been discussing for 4 pages
Transitional fossils
The first man was created in Eden. It was located between the Tigris and Euphrates river. It contained rare stones. It had a tree of life. A woman was made to help the first man populate the earth.
Does this sound familiar? It should. It sounds awfully close to the abrahamic version of the garden of eden. But this isnt an abrahamic story. It is a sumerian story that was recorded in 2500BC or so.
I was just reading about it. Pretty interesting.
The god that made the first man, made the first woman behind his brothers back. Which, in turn, led to a great conflict between them. Enlil was the brother. The Earth was his domain. He became the enemy of humans.
How did the first man have a brother?
It was one of the gods brother. There were many.
Most people don't realize that the data on anything older than mammals has been extrapolated from the data from mammals.
Most people don't realize that the reason there are no true transitional fossils is because you can't tell what it is by how it starts, you can only tell what it is by when it has grown to maturity.

You literally can't see the transition. It starts out as one thing and ends up being another. At least that is what one of the paleontologists who worked on Peking Man said. What the fuck would he know, amirite?
The first man was created in Eden. It was located between the Tigris and Euphrates river. It contained rare stones. It had a tree of life. A woman was made to help the first man populate the earth.
Does this sound familiar? It should. It sounds awfully close to the abrahamic version of the garden of eden. But this isnt an abrahamic story. It is a sumerian story that was recorded in 2500BC or so.
I was just reading about it. Pretty interesting.
The god that made the first man, made the first woman behind his brothers back. Which, in turn, led to a great conflict between them. Enlil was the brother. The Earth was his domain. He became the enemy of humans.
How did the first man have a brother?
It was one of the gods brother. There were many.
Must be a JW thing. Amirite?

Talk about crazy fuckers. :wink:
Hilarious that someone who spends so much time mocking Christianity uses the handle of one of the most devout famous Christians in history.
Its hilarious that someone that uses a handle that relies on science to bash science.
Dude, I made my career in science. I have never bashed science unless it is BS being sold as science.
Lol but conveniently ignores it when it goes against your faith. I hear ya
Please, do tell me what threatens my faith.
Like I said, I took 10 years of research to get there. There is nothing you can raise that I do not have an answer for.
The damn geological records that we have been discussing for 4 pages
Transitional fossils
Go see my post on geological records.

Transitional fossils are myths perpetuated by people with an agenda to make their faith work.
Again, I have no horse in the race. Evolution or whatever, they all work for me and my faith.

First, there would have to be millions more transitional fossils than the species found.
Second, like this recent "human" find in Africa that is the supposed missing link. It's a freaken ape. Plus it totally blows all of the dates that were "fact" about the evolution of man.
Hilarious that someone who spends so much time mocking Christianity uses the handle of one of the most devout famous Christians in history.
Its hilarious that someone that uses a handle that relies on science to bash science.
Dude, I made my career in science. I have never bashed science unless it is BS being sold as science.
Lol but conveniently ignores it when it goes against your faith. I hear ya
Please, do tell me what threatens my faith.
Like I said, I took 10 years of research to get there. There is nothing you can raise that I do not have an answer for.
The damn geological records that we have been discussing for 4 pages
Transitional fossils
This tasty guy. Until a few years ago he was to have been extinct "65 million years" ago. And yet here he is looking exactly like his fossilized ancestors with no evolutionary changes. Thousands of examples like him where species have just not changed over "millions of years".

Its hilarious that someone that uses a handle that relies on science to bash science.
Dude, I made my career in science. I have never bashed science unless it is BS being sold as science.
Lol but conveniently ignores it when it goes against your faith. I hear ya
Please, do tell me what threatens my faith.
Like I said, I took 10 years of research to get there. There is nothing you can raise that I do not have an answer for.
The damn geological records that we have been discussing for 4 pages
Transitional fossils
This tasty guy. Until a few years ago he was to have been extinct "65 million years" ago. And yet here he is looking exactly like his fossilized ancestors with no evolutionary changes. Thousands of examples like him where species have just not changed over "millions of years".

That woman behind it looks pretty tasty too. Just saying.
Why would a god want complete devotion and leave holes like that? Is the human mind smarter than he or his chosen ones?
God as an Essence of creation to be all we could and should be,
Requires devotion to that concept of moving forward and being inline & in sync with our purpose in creation.
The mediator between this Essence (God) and man requires devotion =to BIND IN(not wait on) his message towards that path.
An Analogy: You know what's gonna happen to a flock of sheep being herded towards a hidden ravine, you know their scattering will kill them, so you set a path, devotion in that path saves them, not listening or staying in that path causes them to fall off the cliff. Even the shepherd needs to devote to that path and warning on straying.

Another analogy;
How many people build shed kits for their properties without the instructions? People even need to ask experts on the meaning of the instruction Manual, sometimes going online for advice on the instruction. Those who don't and think they are above the author of the instructions or creator of the do it yourself product end up taking longer to complete their project with nothing but headaches. They might put the roof panel on with bolts facing the wrong way making panels not fit in their tracks, thus they spend extra hours undoing what they did, reversing the nut and bolts on the roof panel to get it the way the creator of the product warned specifically in his instructions.

So in similar fashion in a spiritual sense, devotion to that process of stable completion/wholeness and the instructor is required for you to build your best most stable complete house.
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So then, what is the HOLY NAME used in the name of the Holy City using the original Canaanite (founders) Transliteration?
Wouldn't that be important, and the reason for hidden and unspoken name, blotted out name?

YeruShalem would carry the name. (1 Kings 11:36,
Jeremiah 25:29 &
in dead sea scrolls: Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23)
The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75) Tells us Jerusalem is named after G0D and is the place commemorating his name and essence. In Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23,24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11).the place that I will choose to place My Name. That is referring to YeruShalem because Sifri identifies the place which Hashem will choose (12:18) as Yerushalayim.

You already have the first name of
the Evening Star (Shalem), now properly transliterate the last name and then you'll find it with the first name as well in the Torah portions names as stated it would, and in Dan 10 in reference.
Canaanite Phoenician Jerusalem, Urushalim, The City Founded by Shalem, Phoenician God of Dusk
No the page is not using the Canaanite Transliteration shown on a tablet, it is using
our eventual English which is not close enough to the orignal pronunciation or spelling.
So you concluded wrong and proved my point,
the name and names of people
becomes blotted just as figures become created from mere words or titles with definitions not personas. Thus thou shalt not create figure and forms, and shalt not speak the holy name least you create idols and profane the name by butchering it and keeping people from seeing the Shiloh (one who's right it is), thus hearing the right message.

Sure it is. What do you say it is? Where did Hebrew come from and what was the name of the Canaanite Jerusalem?
Last time I typed it I was told not to share the info, because they thought you guys might figure out the full name, making it unsafe.
In other words, it seems they think you guys and humanity in general are not mature enough or evolved enough socially and behavior wise to behave with such info and thus will abuse it or harass or do harm with it.
By the looks of the behavior on these forums, and society in general I have to agree.
Although believers deserve to know, and so they can if they want through effort, something non believers will be too lazy to persue.

I'm right on aren't I?
Nope, not even close as stated, the web site is mistaken....and I gave enough clues but thanks to the forum trolls and flames it's burried enough to require much labor, once again something non believers are guaranteed not to explore. :)
No the page is not using the Canaanite Transliteration shown on a tablet, it is using
our eventual English which is not close enough to the orignal pronunciation or spelling.
So you concluded wrong and proved my point,
the name and names of people
becomes blotted just as figures become created from mere words or titles with definitions not personas. Thus thou shalt not create figure and forms, and shalt not speak the holy name least you create idols and profane the name by butchering it and keeping people from seeing the Shiloh (one who's right it is), thus hearing the right message.

Sure it is. What do you say it is? Where did Hebrew come from and what was the name of the Canaanite Jerusalem?
Last time I typed it I was told not to share the info, because they thought you guys might figure out the full name, making it unsafe.
In other words, it seems they think you guys and humanity in general are not mature enough or evolved enough socially and behavior wise to behave with such info and thus will abuse it or harass or do harm with it.
By the looks of the behavior on these forums, and society in general I have to agree.
Although believers deserve to know, and so they can if they want through effort, something non believers will be too lazy to persue.

I'm right on aren't I?
Nope, not even close as stated, the web site is mistaken....and I gave enough clues but thanks to the forum trolls and flames it's burried enough to require much labor, once again something non believers are guaranteed not to explore. :)
As you say Michael the clues are there but too many are “ clueless” in looking at them... In other words it is all hidden in plain sight but because errounous teachings are covering it up many cannot see through the deception...Put another way if someone is in a darkened room everything appears a certain way but if a strong light( truth and knowledge) is shined on the same room then it looks completely different and everything that was hidden is revealed and in plain sight needing no more errounous judgements or ideals as to what was really there all the time...

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