Eden Garden of the GodS

So tell me about your day today in super ultra detail where I don't have to fill in any details.
That includes all sounds, visual details, all effects upon your senses such as taste and feeling; anyone who you might have encountered and the complete context.
I bet you can't do it.
Im not god!
Why would a god want complete devotion and leave holes like that? Is the human mind smarter than he or his chosen ones?
How large do you want the Torah to be?
By the way, why does a Doctor have to be an intern after 12 years of college?
Makes no sense.
Just practice medicine and kill a few hundred people until all that book knowledge expands into real life application.
Catching on?

God does His part.
Man has to do his part.
See? Thats just what im talking about. Personal spin, not gods word.
In fact, i remember you agreeing with me in that sentemant in a thread about the NT
Everything in life has a personal spin, but that makes for a living religion.
You want a religion that disallows differences of opinion?
You want a country that disallows differences of opinion?
So you admit it is only opinion, yet get on my ass for not seeing it your way?
Lol do YOU?
I'm getting on your ass for not focusing.
Spend a week on each religions history.
Why are you so averse to this idea?
It makes me think you are looking for a way to dismiss religion.
You can be an agnostic, just don't jump all over the place.
See? Thats a problem with me. How can you say the flood came before pangea broke apart when that happened millions of years ago.
Why do you say millions of years ago?
Yeah, you took what humans said who filled in blanks to make it fit their agenda.

It’s a 2 way street.
Physical evidence is dwarfed by faith? Maybe part of the problem is YOUR closed mindedness. You ever think about that?
A book is physical evidence?
You're easy to please.
What? What book?
You're reading stuff on the Internet and treating it like it's a physical object you can grab onto.
There's lots of stuff on the Internet...not everything is physically accessible.
I am skeptical of history that glows too much.
Basic geology glows too much?
Geology is just internet shit?
Wow billions of people and science are so wrong its pathetic!
Why do you say millions of years ago?
Yeah, you took what humans said who filled in blanks to make it fit their agenda.

It’s a 2 way street.
Physical evidence is dwarfed by faith? Maybe part of the problem is YOUR closed mindedness. You ever think about that?
A book is physical evidence?
You're easy to please.
What? What book?
You're reading stuff on the Internet and treating it like it's a physical object you can grab onto.
There's lots of stuff on the Internet...not everything is physically accessible.
I am skeptical of history that glows too much.
Basic geology glows too much?
Geology is just internet shit?
Wow billions of people and science are so wrong its pathetic!
Finding oil and gas is one thing.
Carbon dating is bullshit.
Im not god!
Why would a god want complete devotion and leave holes like that? Is the human mind smarter than he or his chosen ones?
How large do you want the Torah to be?
By the way, why does a Doctor have to be an intern after 12 years of college?
Makes no sense.
Just practice medicine and kill a few hundred people until all that book knowledge expands into real life application.
Catching on?

God does His part.
Man has to do his part.
See? Thats just what im talking about. Personal spin, not gods word.
In fact, i remember you agreeing with me in that sentemant in a thread about the NT
Everything in life has a personal spin, but that makes for a living religion.
You want a religion that disallows differences of opinion?
You want a country that disallows differences of opinion?
So you admit it is only opinion, yet get on my ass for not seeing it your way?
Lol do YOU?
I'm getting on your ass for not focusing.
Spend a week on each religions history.
Why are you so averse to this idea?
It makes me think you are looking for a way to dismiss religion.
You can be an agnostic, just don't jump all over the place.
Why? You have already stated i should just listen to opinions you accept. So whats the point?
You can be religous, just dont jump all over the place ;)
Damn. Noahs kids really went at it for 100 years lol
Mankind likes forgetting history so it can screw things up.

Different topic, but look at the ages recorded from Adam on down. Straight linear decrease until about 2,000 years ago when things bottomed out at our current life spans.
So what’s the proof that people lived longer before?
Same proof I have of who and when Julius Ceaser was. Historical record.
So nothing really, just the bible. Got it.
Bible continues to be shown to be 100% accurate in historical events. Bible is not all theology.

Yes Noah's ark and Jonah are true, heck the exodus is not even true.
Why do you butt in if you have no answer but rather another question? Are you admiing that there’s no proof of people living much longer before?
Prove The Revolutionary War.

Straight from The Earth is Flat contingent. There is a mountain of proof of the Revolutionary War. They you aren't familiar with it doesn't mean it didn't happen, although you seem to be of the notion that if YOU declare something fake then it didn't happen.

Let us guess, a Lying Trump supporter.
And Rabban Gamliel states in the Talmud that the Eatth is a globe.
And I trust your proof like I trust today’s media.

Uh huh. Yet you trust each engineer and laborer that paved the roads you drive on daily, and constructed the stop lights, stop signs, and road markings. The brakes on every other car on the road, the precision of the steering mechanism, the pure belief that the gasoline in your car won't explode everyday and burn you to death, or the gasoline in every other car, truck, bus, and motorcycle. You trust engineers and manufacturing plant workers on the floor pressing out tires for your car, that they won't explode, or melt, or fail every single time you drive. You implicitly trust every person that made every one of the hundreds of thousands of parts on every airliner that flies overhead, the pilots, the worker that put together the fuel tanks, the mechanic that replaced the left engine, and the wing rivets, the tail bolts, the windscreen rubber, the altimiter, GPS, airspeed indicator, throttle, landing gear mechanism...

You trust a million mundane things every single day. But you are always ready with a ludicrous defense of some ludicrous bullshit you believe no matter how ridiculous.

I imagine you trust the laborer that put together your pc that you won't be electrocuted in the next 30 seconds. It's just the PH.D's in physics, biology, chemistry, history, climatology, oceanography of the world you have a problem with.
Are those things really good examples of trust?

When a pedestrian walks across the road talking on his phone oblivious to the car that is speeding towards him, do you think he trusts that driver to obey the pedestrian crosswalk laws or do you think he is just oblivious to the risk he is taking?

The definition of faith is to have complete trust in something. I don't put complete faith in something without good reason and I sure as hell am not oblivious to the risks I take every single day.

Let's be honest here, OK? You don't have arguments for your beliefs. You have arguments against the beliefs of others.

The first man was created in Eden. It was located between the Tigris and Euphrates river. It contained rare stones. It had a tree of life. A woman was made to help the first man populate the earth.
Does this sound familiar? It should. It sounds awfully close to the abrahamic version of the garden of eden. But this isnt an abrahamic story. It is a sumerian story that was recorded in 2500BC or so.
I was just reading about it. Pretty interesting.
The god that made the first man, made the first woman behind his brothers back. Which, in turn, led to a great conflict between them. Enlil was the brother. The Earth was his domain. He became the enemy of humans.
Of course they have the same story of creation and the flood. After Babel everyone was scattered. Verbal history by some was distorted over generations. Only the original Hebrew language survived.
They survived the flood considering that people predates all estimates of noahs flood. Of course, thats just estimates. Trying to estimate time from the bible seems like a waste of time.
They do have their own flood story that involves a survivor. He had visions from a god that something bad was about to happen. Then another God told him to build a big boat.
The more I look into dating the more I smell hullabaloo. Just too many variables involved so I tend to ignore any dating past 2,000 years.
We all know how you take a circle of people and have them repeat a phrase as it goes around and what you get in the end is not what you started with.
A lot of those people scattered at Babel used verbal communication to maintain history, so I consider the similarities to be a validation of the written Hebrew.

No probably Hebrew is a variation of Canaanite language. Before they spoke Yiddish.

the canaanites spoke Yiddish? Did they have a written alphabet?

No they didn't speak Yiddish. Yiddish is the language of Jews in later centuries. What a hoot.
How large do you want the Torah to be?
By the way, why does a Doctor have to be an intern after 12 years of college?
Makes no sense.
Just practice medicine and kill a few hundred people until all that book knowledge expands into real life application.
Catching on?

God does His part.
Man has to do his part.
See? Thats just what im talking about. Personal spin, not gods word.
In fact, i remember you agreeing with me in that sentemant in a thread about the NT
Everything in life has a personal spin, but that makes for a living religion.
You want a religion that disallows differences of opinion?
You want a country that disallows differences of opinion?
So you admit it is only opinion, yet get on my ass for not seeing it your way?
Lol do YOU?
I'm getting on your ass for not focusing.
Spend a week on each religions history.
Why are you so averse to this idea?
It makes me think you are looking for a way to dismiss religion.
You can be an agnostic, just don't jump all over the place.
Why? You have already stated i should just listen to opinions you accept. So whats the point?
You can be religous, just dont jump all over the place ;)
You're jumping.
Why are you so resistant to keeping to one religion and region at a time?
Maybe you're become a Buddist or a Taoist?
Maybe you're looking for something spiritual where no one will bug you with rules.
Prove The Revolutionary War.

Straight from The Earth is Flat contingent. There is a mountain of proof of the Revolutionary War. They you aren't familiar with it doesn't mean it didn't happen, although you seem to be of the notion that if YOU declare something fake then it didn't happen.

Let us guess, a Lying Trump supporter.
And Rabban Gamliel states in the Talmud that the Eatth is a globe.
And I trust your proof like I trust today’s media.

Uh huh. Yet you trust each engineer and laborer that paved the roads you drive on daily, and constructed the stop lights, stop signs, and road markings. The brakes on every other car on the road, the precision of the steering mechanism, the pure belief that the gasoline in your car won't explode everyday and burn you to death, or the gasoline in every other car, truck, bus, and motorcycle. You trust engineers and manufacturing plant workers on the floor pressing out tires for your car, that they won't explode, or melt, or fail every single time you drive. You implicitly trust every person that made every one of the hundreds of thousands of parts on every airliner that flies overhead, the pilots, the worker that put together the fuel tanks, the mechanic that replaced the left engine, and the wing rivets, the tail bolts, the windscreen rubber, the altimiter, GPS, airspeed indicator, throttle, landing gear mechanism...

You trust a million mundane things every single day. But you are always ready with a ludicrous defense of some ludicrous bullshit you believe no matter how ridiculous.

I imagine you trust the laborer that put together your pc that you won't be electrocuted in the next 30 seconds. It's just the PH.D's in physics, biology, chemistry, history, climatology, oceanography of the world you have a problem with.
Are those things really good examples of trust?

When a pedestrian walks across the road talking on his phone oblivious to the car that is speeding towards him, do you think he trusts that driver to obey the pedestrian crosswalk laws or do you think he is just oblivious to the risk he is taking?

The definition of faith is to have complete trust in something. I don't put complete faith in something without good reason and I sure as hell am not oblivious to the risks I take every single day.

Let's be honest here, OK? You don't have arguments for your beliefs. You have arguments against the beliefs of others.


You don't have arguments for your beliefs. You have arguments against the beliefs of others.
Prove The Revolutionary War.

Straight from The Earth is Flat contingent. There is a mountain of proof of the Revolutionary War. They you aren't familiar with it doesn't mean it didn't happen, although you seem to be of the notion that if YOU declare something fake then it didn't happen.

Let us guess, a Lying Trump supporter.
And Rabban Gamliel states in the Talmud that the Eatth is a globe.
And I trust your proof like I trust today’s media.

Uh huh. Yet you trust each engineer and laborer that paved the roads you drive on daily, and constructed the stop lights, stop signs, and road markings. The brakes on every other car on the road, the precision of the steering mechanism, the pure belief that the gasoline in your car won't explode everyday and burn you to death, or the gasoline in every other car, truck, bus, and motorcycle. You trust engineers and manufacturing plant workers on the floor pressing out tires for your car, that they won't explode, or melt, or fail every single time you drive. You implicitly trust every person that made every one of the hundreds of thousands of parts on every airliner that flies overhead, the pilots, the worker that put together the fuel tanks, the mechanic that replaced the left engine, and the wing rivets, the tail bolts, the windscreen rubber, the altimiter, GPS, airspeed indicator, throttle, landing gear mechanism...

You trust a million mundane things every single day. But you are always ready with a ludicrous defense of some ludicrous bullshit you believe no matter how ridiculous.

I imagine you trust the laborer that put together your pc that you won't be electrocuted in the next 30 seconds. It's just the PH.D's in physics, biology, chemistry, history, climatology, oceanography of the world you have a problem with.
Are those things really good examples of trust?

When a pedestrian walks across the road talking on his phone oblivious to the car that is speeding towards him, do you think he trusts that driver to obey the pedestrian crosswalk laws or do you think he is just oblivious to the risk he is taking?

The definition of faith is to have complete trust in something. I don't put complete faith in something without good reason and I sure as hell am not oblivious to the risks I take every single day.

Let's be honest here, OK? You don't have arguments for your beliefs. You have arguments against the beliefs of others.

I told you to get back to me when you found a Mathematician who says the universe is possible.
Now go away and find one.
See? Thats just what im talking about. Personal spin, not gods word.
In fact, i remember you agreeing with me in that sentemant in a thread about the NT
Everything in life has a personal spin, but that makes for a living religion.
You want a religion that disallows differences of opinion?
You want a country that disallows differences of opinion?
So you admit it is only opinion, yet get on my ass for not seeing it your way?
Lol do YOU?
I'm getting on your ass for not focusing.
Spend a week on each religions history.
Why are you so averse to this idea?
It makes me think you are looking for a way to dismiss religion.
You can be an agnostic, just don't jump all over the place.
Why? You have already stated i should just listen to opinions you accept. So whats the point?
You can be religous, just dont jump all over the place ;)
You're jumping.
Why are you so resistant to keeping to one religion and region at a time?
Maybe you're become a Buddist or a Taoist?
Maybe you're looking for something spiritual where no one will bug you with rules.
A Buddist or a Taoist would be an upgrade.
Straight from The Earth is Flat contingent. There is a mountain of proof of the Revolutionary War. They you aren't familiar with it doesn't mean it didn't happen, although you seem to be of the notion that if YOU declare something fake then it didn't happen.

Let us guess, a Lying Trump supporter.
And Rabban Gamliel states in the Talmud that the Eatth is a globe.
And I trust your proof like I trust today’s media.

Uh huh. Yet you trust each engineer and laborer that paved the roads you drive on daily, and constructed the stop lights, stop signs, and road markings. The brakes on every other car on the road, the precision of the steering mechanism, the pure belief that the gasoline in your car won't explode everyday and burn you to death, or the gasoline in every other car, truck, bus, and motorcycle. You trust engineers and manufacturing plant workers on the floor pressing out tires for your car, that they won't explode, or melt, or fail every single time you drive. You implicitly trust every person that made every one of the hundreds of thousands of parts on every airliner that flies overhead, the pilots, the worker that put together the fuel tanks, the mechanic that replaced the left engine, and the wing rivets, the tail bolts, the windscreen rubber, the altimiter, GPS, airspeed indicator, throttle, landing gear mechanism...

You trust a million mundane things every single day. But you are always ready with a ludicrous defense of some ludicrous bullshit you believe no matter how ridiculous.

I imagine you trust the laborer that put together your pc that you won't be electrocuted in the next 30 seconds. It's just the PH.D's in physics, biology, chemistry, history, climatology, oceanography of the world you have a problem with.
Are those things really good examples of trust?

When a pedestrian walks across the road talking on his phone oblivious to the car that is speeding towards him, do you think he trusts that driver to obey the pedestrian crosswalk laws or do you think he is just oblivious to the risk he is taking?

The definition of faith is to have complete trust in something. I don't put complete faith in something without good reason and I sure as hell am not oblivious to the risks I take every single day.

Let's be honest here, OK? You don't have arguments for your beliefs. You have arguments against the beliefs of others.

I told you to get back to me when you found a Mathematician who says the universe is possible.
Now go away and find one.
Of course the universe is possible.
Getting back to the OP, the reason Sumerians have an account similar to Genesis is because they shared a common ancestry/belief with the Jews before the great migration from the cradle of civilization.

How anyone could come to any other possible conclusion is beyond logic.

There were not even Jews in the days of the flood. Megatsunamis in the area.
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Everything in life has a personal spin, but that makes for a living religion.
You want a religion that disallows differences of opinion?
You want a country that disallows differences of opinion?
So you admit it is only opinion, yet get on my ass for not seeing it your way?
Lol do YOU?
I'm getting on your ass for not focusing.
Spend a week on each religions history.
Why are you so averse to this idea?
It makes me think you are looking for a way to dismiss religion.
You can be an agnostic, just don't jump all over the place.
Why? You have already stated i should just listen to opinions you accept. So whats the point?
You can be religous, just dont jump all over the place ;)
You're jumping.
Why are you so resistant to keeping to one religion and region at a time?
Maybe you're become a Buddist or a Taoist?
Maybe you're looking for something spiritual where no one will bug you with rules.
A Buddist or a Taoist would be an upgrade.
You are correct in that it appears than TN is searching to opt out.
Getting back to the OP, the reason Sumerians have an account similar to Genesis is because they shared a common ancestry/belief with the Jews before the great migration from the cradle of civilization.

How anyone could come to any other possible conclusion is beyond logic.

There were not even Jews in the days of the flood.
That's probably true.
And Rabban Gamliel states in the Talmud that the Eatth is a globe.
And I trust your proof like I trust today’s media.

Uh huh. Yet you trust each engineer and laborer that paved the roads you drive on daily, and constructed the stop lights, stop signs, and road markings. The brakes on every other car on the road, the precision of the steering mechanism, the pure belief that the gasoline in your car won't explode everyday and burn you to death, or the gasoline in every other car, truck, bus, and motorcycle. You trust engineers and manufacturing plant workers on the floor pressing out tires for your car, that they won't explode, or melt, or fail every single time you drive. You implicitly trust every person that made every one of the hundreds of thousands of parts on every airliner that flies overhead, the pilots, the worker that put together the fuel tanks, the mechanic that replaced the left engine, and the wing rivets, the tail bolts, the windscreen rubber, the altimiter, GPS, airspeed indicator, throttle, landing gear mechanism...

You trust a million mundane things every single day. But you are always ready with a ludicrous defense of some ludicrous bullshit you believe no matter how ridiculous.

I imagine you trust the laborer that put together your pc that you won't be electrocuted in the next 30 seconds. It's just the PH.D's in physics, biology, chemistry, history, climatology, oceanography of the world you have a problem with.
Are those things really good examples of trust?

When a pedestrian walks across the road talking on his phone oblivious to the car that is speeding towards him, do you think he trusts that driver to obey the pedestrian crosswalk laws or do you think he is just oblivious to the risk he is taking?

The definition of faith is to have complete trust in something. I don't put complete faith in something without good reason and I sure as hell am not oblivious to the risks I take every single day.

Let's be honest here, OK? You don't have arguments for your beliefs. You have arguments against the beliefs of others.

I told you to get back to me when you found a Mathematician who says the universe is possible.
Now go away and find one.
Of course the universe is possible.
Not mathematically.
Getting back to the OP, the reason Sumerians have an account similar to Genesis is because they shared a common ancestry/belief with the Jews before the great migration from the cradle of civilization.

How anyone could come to any other possible conclusion is beyond logic.

There were not even Jews in the days of the flood.
That's probably true.
No one obeyed all of God's demands until Abraham; it's in Genesis right before God destroys the Plain of Sodom.
Uh huh. Yet you trust each engineer and laborer that paved the roads you drive on daily, and constructed the stop lights, stop signs, and road markings. The brakes on every other car on the road, the precision of the steering mechanism, the pure belief that the gasoline in your car won't explode everyday and burn you to death, or the gasoline in every other car, truck, bus, and motorcycle. You trust engineers and manufacturing plant workers on the floor pressing out tires for your car, that they won't explode, or melt, or fail every single time you drive. You implicitly trust every person that made every one of the hundreds of thousands of parts on every airliner that flies overhead, the pilots, the worker that put together the fuel tanks, the mechanic that replaced the left engine, and the wing rivets, the tail bolts, the windscreen rubber, the altimiter, GPS, airspeed indicator, throttle, landing gear mechanism...

You trust a million mundane things every single day. But you are always ready with a ludicrous defense of some ludicrous bullshit you believe no matter how ridiculous.

I imagine you trust the laborer that put together your pc that you won't be electrocuted in the next 30 seconds. It's just the PH.D's in physics, biology, chemistry, history, climatology, oceanography of the world you have a problem with.
Are those things really good examples of trust?

When a pedestrian walks across the road talking on his phone oblivious to the car that is speeding towards him, do you think he trusts that driver to obey the pedestrian crosswalk laws or do you think he is just oblivious to the risk he is taking?

The definition of faith is to have complete trust in something. I don't put complete faith in something without good reason and I sure as hell am not oblivious to the risks I take every single day.

Let's be honest here, OK? You don't have arguments for your beliefs. You have arguments against the beliefs of others.

I told you to get back to me when you found a Mathematician who says the universe is possible.
Now go away and find one.
Of course the universe is possible.
Not mathematically.
Yes, there is even an elegant mathematical formula. It is called inflation theory.
Are those things really good examples of trust?

When a pedestrian walks across the road talking on his phone oblivious to the car that is speeding towards him, do you think he trusts that driver to obey the pedestrian crosswalk laws or do you think he is just oblivious to the risk he is taking?

The definition of faith is to have complete trust in something. I don't put complete faith in something without good reason and I sure as hell am not oblivious to the risks I take every single day.

Let's be honest here, OK? You don't have arguments for your beliefs. You have arguments against the beliefs of others.

I told you to get back to me when you found a Mathematician who says the universe is possible.
Now go away and find one.
Of course the universe is possible.
Not mathematically.
Yes, there is even an elegant mathematical formula. It is called inflation theory.
Google says no.
I told you to get back to me when you found a Mathematician who says the universe is possible.
Now go away and find one.
Of course the universe is possible.
Not mathematically.
Yes, there is even an elegant mathematical formula. It is called inflation theory.
Google says no.
You shouldn't rely on google.

If the universe is expanding then it must have a beginning. If you follow it backwards in time, then any object must come to a boundary of space time. You cannot continue that history indefinitely. This is still true even if a universe has periods of contraction. It still has to have a beginning if expansion over weights the contraction. Physicists have been uncomfortable with the idea of a beginning since the work of Friedman which showed that the solutions of Einstein's equation showed that the universe had a beginning. The problem with a cyclical universe is with the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. If it is a periodic universe then the entropy will increase with each cycle. The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics is a fundamental law of nature which tells us that entropy can only increase or stay the same. Entropy can never decrease. Which means that in a finite amount of time, a finite system will reach a maximum state of disorder which is called thermal equilibrium and then it will stay in that state. A cyclical universe cannot avoid this problem.

It is possible for matter to have a beginning. In a closed universe the gravitational energy which is always negative exactly compensates the positive energy of matter. So the energy of a closed universe is always zero. So nothing prevents this universe from being spontaneously created. Because the net energy is always zero. The positive energy of matter is balanced by the negative energy of the gravity of that matter which is the space time curvature of that matter. There is no conservation law that prevents the formation of such a universe. In quantum mechanics if something is not forbidden by conservation laws, then it necessarily happens with some non-zero probability. So a closed universe can spontaneously appear - through the laws of quantum mechanics - out of nothing. And in fact there is an elegant mathematical description which describes this process and shows that a tiny closed universe having very high energy can spontaneously pop into existence and immediately start to expand and cool. In this description, the same laws that describe the evolution of the universe also describe the appearance of the universe which means that the laws were in place before the universe itself.

Alexander Vilinken

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