Eden Garden of the GodS

Mankind likes forgetting history so it can screw things up.

Different topic, but look at the ages recorded from Adam on down. Straight linear decrease until about 2,000 years ago when things bottomed out at our current life spans.
So what’s the proof that people lived longer before?
Same proof I have of who and when Julius Ceaser was. Historical record.
So nothing really, just the bible. Got it.
Bible continues to be shown to be 100% accurate in historical events. Bible is not all theology.
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
The land was one continent before the flood. During the flood the earth was ripped up into what we have today. You make ice by water evaporation so as the waters receded an ice age began which allowed low sea levels and animals could migrate.

Any other questions?
I called that shot. I wanted to make sure he knew it.

You don't know the first thing about problem solving. You couldn't make a case for something based upon what it is to save your life. You only think in terms of what something isn't. Then you say well since it's not that what I believe must be right. You've been brainwashed and you don't even know it. Not in what you believe but in how you process information. That's the root cause for why you are wrong on just about everything and your need to validate it by attacking the beliefs of others.
Omg lol
Seriously. I bet if you were a watcher of yourself you would see that almost every single argument you make is about how something isn't rather than how it is. You don't know how to use logic to properly construct what something is. You only know how to argue what it isn't.

There's a reason for it too.
Oh bullshit ding. The difference between me and you is faith. And also your lack of intellectual honesty. How you spin shit. How you lie. How you deny.
I do agree with Ding to a good extent.
You're looking in too many directions at once to steer the vehicle.
I'm not asking you to embrace religion but you are looking in too shallow a manner at too many things at once.
I think my problem is that i dont accept human justifications with shit that isnt actually there. You guys read what it actually says and fill in holes. I dont think thats right. Its like AGW.
How is the bible the word of god when i have to listen to a human make sense of it with opinion?
Thats not fair.
So tell me about your day today in super ultra detail where I don't have to fill in any details.
That includes all sounds, visual details, all effects upon your senses such as taste and feeling; anyone who you might have encountered and the complete context.
I bet you can't do it.
I called that shot. I wanted to make sure he knew it.

You don't know the first thing about problem solving. You couldn't make a case for something based upon what it is to save your life. You only think in terms of what something isn't. Then you say well since it's not that what I believe must be right. You've been brainwashed and you don't even know it. Not in what you believe but in how you process information. That's the root cause for why you are wrong on just about everything and your need to validate it by attacking the beliefs of others.
TN is desperately trying to find a way to deny the truth about Jesus so he formats his statements that way.

Right, TN?
Sorry, but without a scholars personal spin in olved, i find many contradictions with the bible.
A good example is using the fall of the tower that fell a thousand years before recorded sumaritan text from a religion that predates abrahamic religions by thousands of years that raises red flags..
I do understand the actual text of the bible got lost in translation but that is now the accepted texts by over a billion people.
I will admit things could be different if i understood hebrew and could read it myself but i cant. Thats not like learning spanish.. the NT does nothing for me at all. Like, why would god kill millions for defiance, then rape a virgin just so his only son would die for peoples sins that he has killed for? Did he go through rehab?
I know a few die hard religious people and they say my view is reasonable. They just have faith. Faith is something i dont have.
Why wont god show himself to me? Thats all i asked. I prayed that to him many of nights when i was a kid. Was he not listening? Did he not care? Has he already given up on a 12 year old with reasonable questions?
Why must my motives be questioned simply because i ask questions and believe in what i can see, hear and touch and dont believe in personal spin? Would jesus agree with you? I doubt it.
I'd like to know a university that would permit you to pass a course by going off in 1,000 directions.
You mean like justification for religous inconsistencies? Good point.
Historical inconsistencies.
I'd prefer you to pick one at a time and study it for a week and see if it makes sense in historical context.
Religion is one if my biggest curiosities. I couldnt study something any more than i have and make sense of it.
Except maybe a few things. I conded a thread to ypu on the first page a fewmonths ago. But you used actual scripture.
So what’s the proof that people lived longer before?
Same proof I have of who and when Julius Ceaser was. Historical record.
So nothing really, just the bible. Got it.
Bible continues to be shown to be 100% accurate in historical events. Bible is not all theology.
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
The land was one continent before the flood. During the flood the earth was ripped up into what we have today. You make ice by water evaporation so as the waters receded an ice age began which allowed low sea levels and animals could migrate.

Any other questions?
But how do you explain the fact that the geologic record doesn’t support what you say?
So what’s the proof that people lived longer before?
Same proof I have of who and when Julius Ceaser was. Historical record.
So nothing really, just the bible. Got it.
Bible continues to be shown to be 100% accurate in historical events. Bible is not all theology.
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
The land was one continent before the flood. During the flood the earth was ripped up into what we have today. You make ice by water evaporation so as the waters receded an ice age began which allowed low sea levels and animals could migrate.

Any other questions?
See? Thats a problem with me. How can you say the flood came before pangea broke apart when that happened millions of years ago.
What’s the proof of the Roman Empire?
A stadium?
Why do you butt in if you have no answer but rather another question? Are you admiing that there’s no proof of people living much longer before?
Prove The Revolutionary War.
So what historical account are you talk8ng about? The bible? It’s not a history book, it’s all hearsay.
I guess all that Temple stuff they're finding is hearsay.
Ever try actually reading something?
The NT was written several generations after the facts. Do you believe everything they say at the temple no matter how absurd?
The earliest writing of Alex the Great was 300 years after his death. Do you question he existed?
Seriously. I bet if you were a watcher of yourself you would see that almost every single argument you make is about how something isn't rather than how it is. You don't know how to use logic to properly construct what something is. You only know how to argue what it isn't.

There's a reason for it too.
Oh bullshit ding. The difference between me and you is faith. And also your lack of intellectual honesty. How you spin shit. How you lie. How you deny.
I do agree with Ding to a good extent.
You're looking in too many directions at once to steer the vehicle.
I'm not asking you to embrace religion but you are looking in too shallow a manner at too many things at once.
I think my problem is that i dont accept human justifications with shit that isnt actually there. You guys read what it actually says and fill in holes. I dont think thats right. Its like AGW.
How is the bible the word of god when i have to listen to a human make sense of it with opinion?
Thats not fair.
So tell me about your day today in super ultra detail where I don't have to fill in any details.
That includes all sounds, visual details, all effects upon your senses such as taste and feeling; anyone who you might have encountered and the complete context.
I bet you can't do it.
Im not god!
Why would a god want complete devotion and leave holes like that? Is the human mind smarter than he or his chosen ones?
TN is desperately trying to find a way to deny the truth about Jesus so he formats his statements that way.

Right, TN?
Sorry, but without a scholars personal spin in olved, i find many contradictions with the bible.
A good example is using the fall of the tower that fell a thousand years before recorded sumaritan text from a religion that predates abrahamic religions by thousands of years that raises red flags..
I do understand the actual text of the bible got lost in translation but that is now the accepted texts by over a billion people.
I will admit things could be different if i understood hebrew and could read it myself but i cant. Thats not like learning spanish.. the NT does nothing for me at all. Like, why would god kill millions for defiance, then rape a virgin just so his only son would die for peoples sins that he has killed for? Did he go through rehab?
I know a few die hard religious people and they say my view is reasonable. They just have faith. Faith is something i dont have.
Why wont god show himself to me? Thats all i asked. I prayed that to him many of nights when i was a kid. Was he not listening? Did he not care? Has he already given up on a 12 year old with reasonable questions?
Why must my motives be questioned simply because i ask questions and believe in what i can see, hear and touch and dont believe in personal spin? Would jesus agree with you? I doubt it.
I'd like to know a university that would permit you to pass a course by going off in 1,000 directions.
You mean like justification for religous inconsistencies? Good point.
Historical inconsistencies.
I'd prefer you to pick one at a time and study it for a week and see if it makes sense in historical context.
Religion is one if my biggest curiosities. I couldnt study something any more than i have and make sense of it.
Except maybe a few things. I conded a thread to ypu on the first page a fewmonths ago. But you used actual scripture.
You don't act like you are curious, TN.

You act like you are trying to validate your choices.

If you feel the need to ridicule someone else's belief to validate yours, are you sure your beliefs are that great?
Same proof I have of who and when Julius Ceaser was. Historical record.
So nothing really, just the bible. Got it.
Bible continues to be shown to be 100% accurate in historical events. Bible is not all theology.
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
The land was one continent before the flood. During the flood the earth was ripped up into what we have today. You make ice by water evaporation so as the waters receded an ice age began which allowed low sea levels and animals could migrate.

Any other questions?
See? Thats a problem with me. How can you say the flood came before pangea broke apart when that happened millions of years ago.
Why do you say millions of years ago?
Yeah, you took what humans said who filled in blanks to make it fit their agenda.

It’s a 2 way street.
Seriously. I bet if you were a watcher of yourself you would see that almost every single argument you make is about how something isn't rather than how it is. You don't know how to use logic to properly construct what something is. You only know how to argue what it isn't.

There's a reason for it too.
Oh bullshit ding. The difference between me and you is faith. And also your lack of intellectual honesty. How you spin shit. How you lie. How you deny.
I do agree with Ding to a good extent.
You're looking in too many directions at once to steer the vehicle.
I'm not asking you to embrace religion but you are looking in too shallow a manner at too many things at once.
I think my problem is that i dont accept human justifications with shit that isnt actually there. You guys read what it actually says and fill in holes. I dont think thats right. Its like AGW.
How is the bible the word of god when i have to listen to a human make sense of it with opinion?
Thats not fair.
So tell me about your day today in super ultra detail where I don't have to fill in any details.
That includes all sounds, visual details, all effects upon your senses such as taste and feeling; anyone who you might have encountered and the complete context.
I bet you can't do it.
Im not god!
Why would a god want complete devotion and leave holes like that? Is the human mind smarter than he or his chosen ones?
How large do you want the Torah to be?
By the way, why does a Doctor have to be an intern after 12 years of college?
Makes no sense.
Just practice medicine and kill a few hundred people until all that book knowledge expands into real life application.
Catching on?

God does His part.
Man has to do his part.
Why do you butt in if you have no answer but rather another question? Are you admiing that there’s no proof of people living much longer before?
Prove The Revolutionary War.
So what historical account are you talk8ng about? The bible? It’s not a history book, it’s all hearsay.
I guess all that Temple stuff they're finding is hearsay.
Ever try actually reading something?
The NT was written several generations after the facts. Do you believe everything they say at the temple no matter how absurd?
The earliest writing of Alex the Great was 300 years after his death. Do you question he existed?
I question everything about him if that is the case. Look, Jesus may have existed, but all the magic tricks attributed to him? Extraordinary claims needs extraordinary proof.
So nothing really, just the bible. Got it.
Bible continues to be shown to be 100% accurate in historical events. Bible is not all theology.
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
The land was one continent before the flood. During the flood the earth was ripped up into what we have today. You make ice by water evaporation so as the waters receded an ice age began which allowed low sea levels and animals could migrate.

Any other questions?
See? Thats a problem with me. How can you say the flood came before pangea broke apart when that happened millions of years ago.
Why do you say millions of years ago?
Yeah, you took what humans said who filled in blanks to make it fit their agenda.

It’s a 2 way street.
Physical evidence is dwarfed by faith? Maybe part of the problem is YOUR closed mindedness. You ever think about that?
Bible continues to be shown to be 100% accurate in historical events. Bible is not all theology.
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
The land was one continent before the flood. During the flood the earth was ripped up into what we have today. You make ice by water evaporation so as the waters receded an ice age began which allowed low sea levels and animals could migrate.

Any other questions?
See? Thats a problem with me. How can you say the flood came before pangea broke apart when that happened millions of years ago.
Why do you say millions of years ago?
Yeah, you took what humans said who filled in blanks to make it fit their agenda.

It’s a 2 way street.
Physical evidence is dwarfed by faith? Maybe part of the problem is YOUR closed mindedness. You ever think about that?
A book is physical evidence?
You're easy to please.
Oh bullshit ding. The difference between me and you is faith. And also your lack of intellectual honesty. How you spin shit. How you lie. How you deny.
I do agree with Ding to a good extent.
You're looking in too many directions at once to steer the vehicle.
I'm not asking you to embrace religion but you are looking in too shallow a manner at too many things at once.
I think my problem is that i dont accept human justifications with shit that isnt actually there. You guys read what it actually says and fill in holes. I dont think thats right. Its like AGW.
How is the bible the word of god when i have to listen to a human make sense of it with opinion?
Thats not fair.
So tell me about your day today in super ultra detail where I don't have to fill in any details.
That includes all sounds, visual details, all effects upon your senses such as taste and feeling; anyone who you might have encountered and the complete context.
I bet you can't do it.
Im not god!
Why would a god want complete devotion and leave holes like that? Is the human mind smarter than he or his chosen ones?
How large do you want the Torah to be?
By the way, why does a Doctor have to be an intern after 12 years of college?
Makes no sense.
Just practice medicine and kill a few hundred people until all that book knowledge expands into real life application.
Catching on?

God does His part.
Man has to do his part.
See? Thats just what im talking about. Personal spin, not gods word.
In fact, i remember you agreeing with me in that sentemant in a thread about the NT
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
The land was one continent before the flood. During the flood the earth was ripped up into what we have today. You make ice by water evaporation so as the waters receded an ice age began which allowed low sea levels and animals could migrate.

Any other questions?
See? Thats a problem with me. How can you say the flood came before pangea broke apart when that happened millions of years ago.
Why do you say millions of years ago?
Yeah, you took what humans said who filled in blanks to make it fit their agenda.

It’s a 2 way street.
Physical evidence is dwarfed by faith? Maybe part of the problem is YOUR closed mindedness. You ever think about that?
A book is physical evidence?
You're easy to please.
What? What book?
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
The land was one continent before the flood. During the flood the earth was ripped up into what we have today. You make ice by water evaporation so as the waters receded an ice age began which allowed low sea levels and animals could migrate.

Any other questions?
See? Thats a problem with me. How can you say the flood came before pangea broke apart when that happened millions of years ago.
Why do you say millions of years ago?
Yeah, you took what humans said who filled in blanks to make it fit their agenda.

It’s a 2 way street.
Physical evidence is dwarfed by faith? Maybe part of the problem is YOUR closed mindedness. You ever think about that?
A book is physical evidence?
You're easy to please.
Doesn’t the Torah prove god to you?
I do agree with Ding to a good extent.
You're looking in too many directions at once to steer the vehicle.
I'm not asking you to embrace religion but you are looking in too shallow a manner at too many things at once.
I think my problem is that i dont accept human justifications with shit that isnt actually there. You guys read what it actually says and fill in holes. I dont think thats right. Its like AGW.
How is the bible the word of god when i have to listen to a human make sense of it with opinion?
Thats not fair.
So tell me about your day today in super ultra detail where I don't have to fill in any details.
That includes all sounds, visual details, all effects upon your senses such as taste and feeling; anyone who you might have encountered and the complete context.
I bet you can't do it.
Im not god!
Why would a god want complete devotion and leave holes like that? Is the human mind smarter than he or his chosen ones?
How large do you want the Torah to be?
By the way, why does a Doctor have to be an intern after 12 years of college?
Makes no sense.
Just practice medicine and kill a few hundred people until all that book knowledge expands into real life application.
Catching on?

God does His part.
Man has to do his part.
See? Thats just what im talking about. Personal spin, not gods word.
In fact, i remember you agreeing with me in that sentemant in a thread about the NT
Everything in life has a personal spin, but that makes for a living religion.
You want a religion that disallows differences of opinion?
You want a country that disallows differences of opinion?
I think my problem is that i dont accept human justifications with shit that isnt actually there. You guys read what it actually says and fill in holes. I dont think thats right. Its like AGW.
How is the bible the word of god when i have to listen to a human make sense of it with opinion?
Thats not fair.
So tell me about your day today in super ultra detail where I don't have to fill in any details.
That includes all sounds, visual details, all effects upon your senses such as taste and feeling; anyone who you might have encountered and the complete context.
I bet you can't do it.
Im not god!
Why would a god want complete devotion and leave holes like that? Is the human mind smarter than he or his chosen ones?
How large do you want the Torah to be?
By the way, why does a Doctor have to be an intern after 12 years of college?
Makes no sense.
Just practice medicine and kill a few hundred people until all that book knowledge expands into real life application.
Catching on?

God does His part.
Man has to do his part.
See? Thats just what im talking about. Personal spin, not gods word.
In fact, i remember you agreeing with me in that sentemant in a thread about the NT
Everything in life has a personal spin, but that makes for a living religion.
You want a religion that disallows differences of opinion?
You want a country that disallows differences of opinion?
So you admit it is only opinion, yet get on my ass for not seeing it your way?
Lol do YOU?
The land was one continent before the flood. During the flood the earth was ripped up into what we have today. You make ice by water evaporation so as the waters receded an ice age began which allowed low sea levels and animals could migrate.

Any other questions?
See? Thats a problem with me. How can you say the flood came before pangea broke apart when that happened millions of years ago.
Why do you say millions of years ago?
Yeah, you took what humans said who filled in blanks to make it fit their agenda.

It’s a 2 way street.
Physical evidence is dwarfed by faith? Maybe part of the problem is YOUR closed mindedness. You ever think about that?
A book is physical evidence?
You're easy to please.
What? What book?
You're reading stuff on the Internet and treating it like it's a physical object you can grab onto.
There's lots of stuff on the Internet...not everything is physically accessible.
I am skeptical of history that glows too much.
No probably Hebrew is a variation of Canaanite language. Before they spoke Yiddish.
So then, what is the HOLY NAME used in the name of the Holy City using the original Canaanite (founders) Transliteration?
Wouldn't that be important, and the reason for hidden and unspoken name, blotted out name?

YeruShalem would carry the name. (1 Kings 11:36,
Jeremiah 25:29 &
in dead sea scrolls: Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23)
The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75) Tells us Jerusalem is named after G0D and is the place commemorating his name and essence. In Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23,24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11).the place that I will choose to place My Name. That is referring to YeruShalem because Sifri identifies the place which Hashem will choose (12:18) as Yerushalayim.

You already have the first name of
the Evening Star (Shalem), now properly transliterate the last name and then you'll find it with the first name as well in the Torah portions names as stated it would, and in Dan 10 in reference.
Canaanite Phoenician Jerusalem, Urushalim, The City Founded by Shalem, Phoenician God of Dusk
No the page is not using the Canaanite Transliteration shown on a tablet, it is using
our eventual English which is not close enough to the orignal pronunciation or spelling.
So you concluded wrong and proved my point,
the name and names of people
becomes blotted just as figures become created from mere words or titles with definitions not personas. Thus thou shalt not create figure and forms, and shalt not speak the holy name least you create idols and profane the name by butchering it and keeping people from seeing the Shiloh (one who's right it is), thus hearing the right message.

Sure it is. What do you say it is? Where did Hebrew come from and what was the name of the Canaanite Jerusalem?
Last time I typed it I was told not to share the info, because they thought you guys might figure out the full name, making it unsafe.
In other words, it seems they think you guys and humanity in general are not mature enough or evolved enough socially and behavior wise to behave with such info and thus will abuse it or harass or do harm with it.
By the looks of the behavior on these forums, and society in general I have to agree.
Although believers deserve to know, and so they can if they want through effort, something non believers will be too lazy to persue.

I'm right on aren't I?

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