Eden Garden of the GodS

Of course, how else do you think they make a living!
That doesn't make any sense... in fact, scientists that make new discoveries and turn old knowledge on its head become rich and famous. Experiments are all literally designed to prove their hypotheses FALSE.

man, kind of fell on yer face, there
The No God Big Bang and Evolution guys are paid by big Liberal donors.
I know people who work in Universities while you sit at home rubbing yourself.
You know, in the end, it doesn't really matter. Religious Shamans like you will still benefit from all of our scientific knowledge. The vaccines and antibiotics we rely on evolution to design will still save your narrow ass from "meeting your sky wizard" a few times. Scientists say: "You're welcome!"
The No God Big Bang and Evolution guys are paid by big Liberal donors.
Horseshit, what embarrassing nonsense. Good science is good science, no matter who does it or who pays for it. Science ain't church, big guy... stuff isn't true just because some guy in funny clothes SAYS it is true or WANTS it to be true. In science, we don't divine truths by reading a fucking book of fairy tales over and over and over until we convince ourselves we know something.

What is your science background?
And since that time, everything that has unfolded has done so according to the laws of nature which existed before space and time.

The laws of nature predestined that beings that know and create would eventually arise. Thus the universe knows itself and has become self aware.
Of course, how else do you think they make a living!
That doesn't make any sense... in fact, scientists that make new discoveries and turn old knowledge on its head become rich and famous. Experiments are all literally designed to prove their hypotheses FALSE.

man, kind of fell on yer face, there
The No God Big Bang and Evolution guys are paid by big Liberal donors.
I know people who work in Universities while you sit at home rubbing yourself.
No matter how anyone cuts it there is always a need for the first cause. In this case it is the laws of nature which existed before space and time were created.

The only solution to the first cause is something which is eternal and unchanging.

Does this sound familiar to you? It does to me.
Most people don't realize that the reason there are no true transitional fossils
Not so at all. For one, every single fossil we find is actually a transitional fossil, as evolution is not something that can be stopped. That being the case, it's a rather meaningless term. But if you want to constrain it a bit to mean, "animals exhibiting transitional traits between two know species", we have found MOUNTAINS of such fossils. And --- wait for it -- they always fall in the timeline between the two species.
If you think they are all transitional then none of them are transitional.
Atheists often have totally stupid objections to the Bible. One such example is claiming Bible's origin story is not unique to the Bible, and therefor is false. As if, a global event is more likely to be true if fewer people know about it.
The No God Big Bang and Evolution guys are paid by big Liberal donors.
Horseshit, what embarrassing nonsense. Good science is good science, no matter who does it or who pays for it. Science ain't church, big guy... stuff isn't true just because some guy in funny clothes SAYS it is true or WANTS it to be true. In science, we don't divine truths by reading a fucking book of fairy tales over and over and over until we convince ourselves we know something.

What is your science background?
Internet PhD...Just like Sealybobo.
Of course, how else do you think they make a living!
That doesn't make any sense... in fact, scientists that make new discoveries and turn old knowledge on its head become rich and famous. Experiments are all literally designed to prove their hypotheses FALSE.

man, kind of fell on yer face, there
The No God Big Bang and Evolution guys are paid by big Liberal donors.
I know people who work in Universities while you sit at home rubbing yourself.
You know, in the end, it doesn't really matter. Religious Shamans like you will still benefit from all of our scientific knowledge. The vaccines and antibiotics we rely on evolution to design will still save your narrow ass from "meeting your sky wizard" a few times. Scientists say: "You're welcome!"
I got news for you, Jews respected scientists way before anybody else did.
Most people don't realize that the reason there are no true transitional fossils
Not so at all. For one, every single fossil we find is actually a transitional fossil, as evolution is not something that can be stopped. That being the case, it's a rather meaningless term. But if you want to constrain it a bit to mean, "animals exhibiting transitional traits between two know species", we have found MOUNTAINS of such fossils. And --- wait for it -- they always fall in the timeline between the two species.
Yeah, that's why we find 800,000 fossils of a species, 800,000 of another, and nothing in between.
The No God Big Bang and Evolution guys are paid by big Liberal donors.
Horseshit, what embarrassing nonsense. Good science is good science, no matter who does it or who pays for it. Science ain't church, big guy... stuff isn't true just because some guy in funny clothes SAYS it is true or WANTS it to be true. In science, we don't divine truths by reading a fucking book of fairy tales over and over and over until we convince ourselves we know something.

stuff isn't true just because some guy in funny clothes SAYS it is true or WANTS it to be true. In science, we don't divine truths by reading a fucking book of fairy tales over and over and over until we convince ourselves we know something.

No the page is not using the Canaanite Transliteration shown on a tablet, it is using
our eventual English which is not close enough to the orignal pronunciation or spelling.
So you concluded wrong and proved my point,
the name and names of people
becomes blotted just as figures become created from mere words or titles with definitions not personas. Thus thou shalt not create figure and forms, and shalt not speak the holy name least you create idols and profane the name by butchering it and keeping people from seeing the Shiloh (one who's right it is), thus hearing the right message.

Sure it is. What do you say it is? Where did Hebrew come from and what was the name of the Canaanite Jerusalem?
Last time I typed it I was told not to share the info, because they thought you guys might figure out the full name, making it unsafe.
In other words, it seems they think you guys and humanity in general are not mature enough or evolved enough socially and behavior wise to behave with such info and thus will abuse it or harass or do harm with it.
By the looks of the behavior on these forums, and society in general I have to agree.
Although believers deserve to know, and so they can if they want through effort, something non believers will be too lazy to persue.

I'm right on aren't I?
Nope, not even close as stated, the web site is mistaken....and I gave enough clues but thanks to the forum trolls and flames it's burried enough to require much labor, once again something non believers are guaranteed not to explore. :)
As you say Michael the clues are there but too many are “ clueless” in looking at them... In other words it is all hidden in plain sight but because errounous teachings are covering it up many cannot see through the deception...Put another way if someone is in a darkened room everything appears a certain way but if a strong light( truth and knowledge) is shined on the same room then it looks completely different and everything that was hidden is revealed and in plain sight needing no more errounous judgements or ideals as to what was really there all the time...
And like in those social experiments, 2 minutes later they will totally miss-describe what
they saw, and everyone will describe something different.

To those arguing over fossils, just because you don't know of the evidence that exists doesn't mean your lacking is proof none exists.
You do not like when Dems lie and say no evidence exists in the Nunes Memos just because they parrot that setiment and have never seen the Memo.
Evidence of Evolution exists, and that's ok because Evolution is part of that Essence we call God, that Essence of Shalem(to become stable complete/whole=is to evolve to all you could and should be).

Example proof: In Philly while working on the interstate exit near the river they found bones of a fish with evolving fingers-that evolution of becoming land dwellers.
Tetrapods were the first vertebrate animals to climb out of the sea and colonize dry (or at least swampy) land, a key evolutionary transition that occurred somewhere between 400 and 350 million years ago, during the Devonian period. Crucially, the first tetrapods descended from lobe-finned, rather than ray-finned, fish, which possessed the characteristic skeletal structure that morphed into the fingers, claws and paws of later vertebrates.
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Dude, I made my career in science. I have never bashed science unless it is BS being sold as science.
Lol but conveniently ignores it when it goes against your faith. I hear ya
Please, do tell me what threatens my faith.
Like I said, I took 10 years of research to get there. There is nothing you can raise that I do not have an answer for.
The damn geological records that we have been discussing for 4 pages
Transitional fossils
This tasty guy. Until a few years ago he was to have been extinct "65 million years" ago. And yet here he is looking exactly like his fossilized ancestors with no evolutionary changes. Thousands of examples like him where species have just not changed over "millions of years".

That woman behind it looks pretty tasty too. Just saying.

Now now what did "Jesus" say about lust". Better to go blind than sin.
No the page is not using the Canaanite Transliteration shown on a tablet, it is using
our eventual English which is not close enough to the orignal pronunciation or spelling.
So you concluded wrong and proved my point,
the name and names of people
becomes blotted just as figures become created from mere words or titles with definitions not personas. Thus thou shalt not create figure and forms, and shalt not speak the holy name least you create idols and profane the name by butchering it and keeping people from seeing the Shiloh (one who's right it is), thus hearing the right message.

Sure it is. What do you say it is? Where did Hebrew come from and what was the name of the Canaanite Jerusalem?
Last time I typed it I was told not to share the info, because they thought you guys might figure out the full name, making it unsafe.
In other words, it seems they think you guys and humanity in general are not mature enough or evolved enough socially and behavior wise to behave with such info and thus will abuse it or harass or do harm with it.
By the looks of the behavior on these forums, and society in general I have to agree.
Although believers deserve to know, and so they can if they want through effort, something non believers will be too lazy to persue.

I'm right on aren't I?
Nope, not even close as stated, the web site is mistaken....and I gave enough clues but thanks to the forum trolls and flames it's burried enough to require much labor, once again something non believers are guaranteed not to explore. :)

such a tease.
No the page is not using the Canaanite Transliteration shown on a tablet, it is using
our eventual English which is not close enough to the orignal pronunciation or spelling.
So you concluded wrong and proved my point,
the name and names of people
becomes blotted just as figures become created from mere words or titles with definitions not personas. Thus thou shalt not create figure and forms, and shalt not speak the holy name least you create idols and profane the name by butchering it and keeping people from seeing the Shiloh (one who's right it is), thus hearing the right message.

Sure it is. What do you say it is? Where did Hebrew come from and what was the name of the Canaanite Jerusalem?
Last time I typed it I was told not to share the info, because they thought you guys might figure out the full name, making it unsafe.
In other words, it seems they think you guys and humanity in general are not mature enough or evolved enough socially and behavior wise to behave with such info and thus will abuse it or harass or do harm with it.
By the looks of the behavior on these forums, and society in general I have to agree.
Although believers deserve to know, and so they can if they want through effort, something non believers will be too lazy to persue.

I'm right on aren't I?
Nope, not even close as stated, the web site is mistaken....and I gave enough clues but thanks to the forum trolls and flames it's burried enough to require much labor, once again something non believers are guaranteed not to explore. :)
As you say Michael the clues are there but too many are “ clueless” in looking at them... In other words it is all hidden in plain sight but because errounous teachings are covering it up many cannot see through the deception...Put another way if someone is in a darkened room everything appears a certain way but if a strong light( truth and knowledge) is shined on the same room then it looks completely different and everything that was hidden is revealed and in plain sight needing no more errounous judgements or ideals as to what was really there all the time...

You guys are crazy, I'm right , just admit it.
That's probably true.
No one obeyed all of God's demands until Abraham; it's in Genesis right before God destroys the Plain of Sodom.

Deut 27: 22 “Cursed be anyone who has relations with his sister, whether his father’s daughter or his mother’s daughter!” And all the people shall answer, “Amen!”

What commands did God have at that time, Seems to me God made laws against incest and lying, later, and

Moses Dad married his brothers sister, Aunt.

Leviticus 18:12 English Standard Version (ESV)

12 You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father's sister; she is your father's relative.

Exodus 6:20

20 Amram married his aunt Jochebed, who bore him Aaron, Moses, and Miriam.

Lot who the Lord let go, offered his virgin dtrs to the men and then they got their father drunk and had sex with them.

All according to scripture.
Since you're such a maven go find the verse; I pretty much told you where it is.
It seems all you can find are the verses that you can use to manifest your Jew hatred.
She's Catholic going to some kind of cult church. You have to tell her what "verse" means.
I know her quite well; she is a Catholic who rejects all Scripture and spends all day searching for reasons to hate Jews.

Abraham, Isaac,Jacob nor Moses were not even Jews, according to scripture. If Abraham pleased God, I guess we should all have sex with brothers and sisters. Incest is a ok, tell that to the GOP who says the only people who should have abortions are those pg from incest or rape. Quit thinking you Jews ? are holy rollers as you are not.

I think you have it the other way around, its the Jews who hate Rome and now the Vatican. Everyone is an anti Semite to a Jew, and Jews themselves are anti Semite.
Hilarious that someone who spends so much time mocking Christianity uses the handle of one of the most devout famous Christians in history.
Its hilarious that someone that uses a handle that relies on science to bash science.
Dude, I made my career in science. I have never bashed science unless it is BS being sold as science.
Lol but conveniently ignores it when it goes against your faith. I hear ya
Please, do tell me what threatens my faith.
Like I said, I took 10 years of research to get there. There is nothing you can raise that I do not have an answer for.

Really, why did Jesus say this:
Matthew 5:41 New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
41 Should anyone press you into service for one mile,go with him for two miles. NABRE
I'm sure she reads a lot of stuff. Reading isn't the problem. It's what she is reading for that is the problem.

BTW I warned you about TN.
I don't find TN offensive.
My own search has taken many years.
Mine did to. I never did what he does.

I guess it could be worse. He could be like Taz, er I mean Mudda.
Took me 10 years of attempting to reconcile something I saw. I was probably negative at points. But as long as you desire truth it works it’s way to the surface.
What did you see?
I have only discussed it with a few people. But thankfully my wife saw it too so I know I did not hallucinate.

A ghost?
Sure it is. What do you say it is? Where did Hebrew come from and what was the name of the Canaanite Jerusalem?
Last time I typed it I was told not to share the info, because they thought you guys might figure out the full name, making it unsafe.
In other words, it seems they think you guys and humanity in general are not mature enough or evolved enough socially and behavior wise to behave with such info and thus will abuse it or harass or do harm with it.
By the looks of the behavior on these forums, and society in general I have to agree.
Although believers deserve to know, and so they can if they want through effort, something non believers will be too lazy to persue.

I'm right on aren't I?
Nope, not even close as stated, the web site is mistaken....and I gave enough clues but thanks to the forum trolls and flames it's burried enough to require much labor, once again something non believers are guaranteed not to explore. :)
As you say Michael the clues are there but too many are “ clueless” in looking at them... In other words it is all hidden in plain sight but because errounous teachings are covering it up many cannot see through the deception...Put another way if someone is in a darkened room everything appears a certain way but if a strong light( truth and knowledge) is shined on the same room then it looks completely different and everything that was hidden is revealed and in plain sight needing no more errounous judgements or ideals as to what was really there all the time...

You guys are crazy, I'm right , just admit it.
I'm noticing a pattern here, in Politics you support a party that doesn't want our country and it's citizens to be all they could and should be, and think wanting that is crazy, & in religion you think wanting humanity to be all they could and should be is crazy. People with destructive personalities and beliefs tend to think stability and constructive natures as being threats to their nature of dissaray, thus despised by frail human egos.

Judaism 101 (my synopsis)
Judaism has always taught a firm ethic of working for a
better world, not waiting or sitting expecting it to plop
down and be handed to us. The mistake pagan religious societies make, is in waiting on G-d, as seen in their
misstranslation of the term in the bible which meant
“Bind” in G-d (not wait on G-d). This waiting causes society to neglect the work that must be done in order to create the world to come that could and ought to be.
Judaism is about changing the world in which we live.
This should come as no surprise, since Jews recite this three times a day, in the very final prayer of the service, known as Aleinu:
'to perfect the world in G-d's
So in Brief, that is what Judaism is about, it is about transforming and bettering the world. The 'repair of the World' =Tikkun Olam. and preparing for the 'world to come'=Olam Habah. All of Judaism is based on the ideas that life is a steady progression of processions toward higher states of perfection, both on micro and
macro layers of existance. Man is instructed to better himself & rid himself of animalistic tendencies and deprecating and selfish receiving impulses. The knowledge & teaching that the future will bring a better world is not just a dream. The Torah itself, talks about the coming of Moshiach, who will set the process of
"redemption" (HaSheva) in motion by which the world will reach its perfection. Jews believe that all peoples are called to the service of righteousness, and we welcome dialogue with people of “good will” from all traditions. We believe in working towards the Tikkun Olam / 'the repair of the world' through programs of social action. Things like Poverty, Racial discrimination, political injustice, war, social decay,
and environmental deterioration are concerns always addressed in Judaism.
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Mankind likes forgetting history so it can screw things up.

Different topic, but look at the ages recorded from Adam on down. Straight linear decrease until about 2,000 years ago when things bottomed out at our current life spans.
So what’s the proof that people lived longer before?
Same proof I have of who and when Julius Ceaser was. Historical record.
So nothing really, just the bible. Got it.
Bible continues to be shown to be 100% accurate in historical events. Bible is not all theology.
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?

track and field-----STANDING BROAD JUMP

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