Eden Garden of the GodS

The earliest writing of Alex the Great was 300 years after his death. Do you question he existed?
I question everything about him if that is the case. Look, Jesus may have existed, but all the magic tricks attributed to him? Extraordinary claims needs extraordinary proof.
And the proof is motive. Every criminal detective first looks at motive. So what was the motive for fabricating fantastic miracles?
Power? No, says we are to submit to the government and each other as individuals.
Money? No, says you give what you wish under no duress.
Fame? NT letters were written after his death. All disciples except one were executed for their faith.
To paraphrase CS Lewis, Jesus was either histories most famous suicidal narcissist or he was who he said he was.

Simple logic tells you that since there is no motive for fabricating such stories, they must be true.
Oh COME ON!!!!!!!!!! religion is all about power, money and control. Simple logic tells me that you base your beliefs on wishful thinking, because I can't even believe that you yourself even believe what you just said.
So is politics and business, not to mention abusing families and friends.
So you agree that religion is all about power, money and control. Good for you. :clap2:
Power? No, Bible says we are to submit to the government and each other as individuals.
Money? No, Bible says you give what you wish under no duress.
Fame? NT letters were written after his death. All disciples except one were executed for their faith.

So again you have no clue as to what you are talking about.
Dude, I made my career in science. I have never bashed science unless it is BS being sold as science.
Lol but conveniently ignores it when it goes against your faith. I hear ya
Please, do tell me what threatens my faith.
Like I said, I took 10 years of research to get there. There is nothing you can raise that I do not have an answer for.

Really, why did Jesus say this:
Matthew 5:41 New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
41 Should anyone press you into service for one mile,go with him for two miles. NABRE
That really that difficult for you? Read the entire passage from the Sermon on the Mount. Even just the one paragraph explains itself.

Eye for Eye
38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. 41 If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

If you really need that explained, I would be more than happy to.

the mount of olives is just east of east Jerusalem-----DA POPE does not believe that it is part of
Judea. Thus, we can conclude that THE POPE rejects the entire story about the fake "SERMON
ON THE MOUNT"-------sorry catholics-----NO MORE "SERMON ON THE MOUNT" ---is some guy
named Jesus chose to give a SERMON up there-----he was just invading MUSLIM LAND
Actually the Sermon on the Mount was given on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee up by Capernaum. And by mere quinkydink there is a bowl shaped area on the side of a hill where your voice easily projects a great distance. In this photo a person standing at that pole by the shoreline can be heard by where the photo was taken from. That's Capernaum in the background along the shore.
mount beatitudes.jpg
Sure seems like religion controls you guys :dunno:
Yes, it does.
By 7AM I have already signed up a dozen volunteers to help kids in extreme poverty, had Skype discussions with an orphanage in Southeast Asia, answered some email questions from a big name Pastor in San Diego who I will be meeting with later today, and in a couple hours I will be talking with a big name Pastor in Ireland.
Lol but conveniently ignores it when it goes against your faith. I hear ya
Please, do tell me what threatens my faith.
Like I said, I took 10 years of research to get there. There is nothing you can raise that I do not have an answer for.

Really, why did Jesus say this:
Matthew 5:41 New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
41 Should anyone press you into service for one mile,go with him for two miles. NABRE
That really that difficult for you? Read the entire passage from the Sermon on the Mount. Even just the one paragraph explains itself.

Eye for Eye
38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. 41 If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

If you really need that explained, I would be more than happy to.

the mount of olives is just east of east Jerusalem-----DA POPE does not believe that it is part of
Judea. Thus, we can conclude that THE POPE rejects the entire story about the fake "SERMON
ON THE MOUNT"-------sorry catholics-----NO MORE "SERMON ON THE MOUNT" ---is some guy
named Jesus chose to give a SERMON up there-----he was just invading MUSLIM LAND
Actually the Sermon on the Mount was given on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee up by Capernaum. And by mere quinkydink there is a bowl shaped area on the side of a hill where your voice easily projects a great distance. In this photo a person standing at that pole by the shoreline can be heard by where the photo was taken from. That's Capernaum in the background along the shore.
View attachment 175582
Lol but conveniently ignores it when it goes against your faith. I hear ya
Please, do tell me what threatens my faith.
Like I said, I took 10 years of research to get there. There is nothing you can raise that I do not have an answer for.

Really, why did Jesus say this:
Matthew 5:41 New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
41 Should anyone press you into service for one mile,go with him for two miles. NABRE
That really that difficult for you? Read the entire passage from the Sermon on the Mount. Even just the one paragraph explains itself.

Eye for Eye
38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. 41 If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

If you really need that explained, I would be more than happy to.

the mount of olives is just east of east Jerusalem-----DA POPE does not believe that it is part of
Judea. Thus, we can conclude that THE POPE rejects the entire story about the fake "SERMON
ON THE MOUNT"-------sorry catholics-----NO MORE "SERMON ON THE MOUNT" ---is some guy
named Jesus chose to give a SERMON up there-----he was just invading MUSLIM LAND
Actually the Sermon on the Mount was given on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee up by Capernaum. And by mere quinkydink there is a bowl shaped area on the side of a hill where your voice easily projects a great distance. In this photo a person standing at that pole by the shoreline can be heard by where the photo was taken from. That's Capernaum in the background along the shore.
View attachment 175582

OH!!! that's good-----then maybe the pope MIGHT let Israel keep it. But it is not the MOUNT OF OLIVES that jews recognize as the very important "MOUNT OF OLIVES" that the pope gave to abu mazen
Sure seems like religion controls you guys :dunno:
Yes, it does.
By 7AM I have already signed up a dozen volunteers to help kids in extreme poverty, had Skype discussions with an orphanage in Southeast Asia, answered some email questions from a big name Pastor in San Diego who I will be meeting with later today, and in a couple hours I will be talking with a big name Pastor in Ireland.

what is "southeast asia" India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Ceylon (OOOOOPS--i mean sri lanka)???
"pastor in Ireland"? big name------does that mean CATHOLIC CARDINAL?
I question everything about him if that is the case. Look, Jesus may have existed, but all the magic tricks attributed to him? Extraordinary claims needs extraordinary proof.
And the proof is motive. Every criminal detective first looks at motive. So what was the motive for fabricating fantastic miracles?
Power? No, says we are to submit to the government and each other as individuals.
Money? No, says you give what you wish under no duress.
Fame? NT letters were written after his death. All disciples except one were executed for their faith.
To paraphrase CS Lewis, Jesus was either histories most famous suicidal narcissist or he was who he said he was.

Simple logic tells you that since there is no motive for fabricating such stories, they must be true.
Oh COME ON!!!!!!!!!! religion is all about power, money and control. Simple logic tells me that you base your beliefs on wishful thinking, because I can't even believe that you yourself even believe what you just said.
So is politics and business, not to mention abusing families and friends.
So you agree that religion is all about power, money and control. Good for you. :clap2:
That’s what mankind has ceeated.
How do you define religion?
A system that sucks the life out of one person in favor of another does represent God.
Religion is all about controlling people and getting them to accept their lot in life because when they die they will be rewarded. The biggest scam in history.

But I'd be willing to entertain real proof of a real god, I have no problem with that (I'm agnostic). But so far, I see no real proof. At all.
I question everything about him if that is the case. Look, Jesus may have existed, but all the magic tricks attributed to him? Extraordinary claims needs extraordinary proof.
And the proof is motive. Every criminal detective first looks at motive. So what was the motive for fabricating fantastic miracles?
Power? No, says we are to submit to the government and each other as individuals.
Money? No, says you give what you wish under no duress.
Fame? NT letters were written after his death. All disciples except one were executed for their faith.
To paraphrase CS Lewis, Jesus was either histories most famous suicidal narcissist or he was who he said he was.

Simple logic tells you that since there is no motive for fabricating such stories, they must be true.
Oh COME ON!!!!!!!!!! religion is all about power, money and control. Simple logic tells me that you base your beliefs on wishful thinking, because I can't even believe that you yourself even believe what you just said.
So is politics and business, not to mention abusing families and friends.
So you agree that religion is all about power, money and control. Good for you. :clap2:
Power? No, Bible says we are to submit to the government and each other as individuals.
Money? No, Bible says you give what you wish under no duress.
Fame? NT letters were written after his death. All disciples except one were executed for their faith.

So again you have no clue as to what you are talking about.
It's not what the bible says, but what's happening on the ground, as it were.
And the proof is motive. Every criminal detective first looks at motive. So what was the motive for fabricating fantastic miracles?
Power? No, says we are to submit to the government and each other as individuals.
Money? No, says you give what you wish under no duress.
Fame? NT letters were written after his death. All disciples except one were executed for their faith.
To paraphrase CS Lewis, Jesus was either histories most famous suicidal narcissist or he was who he said he was.

Simple logic tells you that since there is no motive for fabricating such stories, they must be true.
Oh COME ON!!!!!!!!!! religion is all about power, money and control. Simple logic tells me that you base your beliefs on wishful thinking, because I can't even believe that you yourself even believe what you just said.
So is politics and business, not to mention abusing families and friends.
So you agree that religion is all about power, money and control. Good for you. :clap2:
Power? No, Bible says we are to submit to the government and each other as individuals.
Money? No, Bible says you give what you wish under no duress.
Fame? NT letters were written after his death. All disciples except one were executed for their faith.

So again you have no clue as to what you are talking about.
It's not what the bible says, but what's happening on the ground, as it were.
Ah, so you look at what people do and bash God for it.
Got it.
Oh COME ON!!!!!!!!!! religion is all about power, money and control. Simple logic tells me that you base your beliefs on wishful thinking, because I can't even believe that you yourself even believe what you just said.
So is politics and business, not to mention abusing families and friends.
So you agree that religion is all about power, money and control. Good for you. :clap2:
Power? No, Bible says we are to submit to the government and each other as individuals.
Money? No, Bible says you give what you wish under no duress.
Fame? NT letters were written after his death. All disciples except one were executed for their faith.

So again you have no clue as to what you are talking about.
It's not what the bible says, but what's happening on the ground, as it were.
Ah, so you look at what people do and bash God for it.
Got it.
I don't bash god, since you're nowhere near to finding a god, and neither am I. If you ever do find a real god, let me know. I'd be interested in that.
Please, do tell me what threatens my faith.
Like I said, I took 10 years of research to get there. There is nothing you can raise that I do not have an answer for.

Really, why did Jesus say this:
Matthew 5:41 New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
41 Should anyone press you into service for one mile,go with him for two miles. NABRE
That really that difficult for you? Read the entire passage from the Sermon on the Mount. Even just the one paragraph explains itself.

Eye for Eye
38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. 41 If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

If you really need that explained, I would be more than happy to.

the mount of olives is just east of east Jerusalem-----DA POPE does not believe that it is part of
Judea. Thus, we can conclude that THE POPE rejects the entire story about the fake "SERMON
ON THE MOUNT"-------sorry catholics-----NO MORE "SERMON ON THE MOUNT" ---is some guy
named Jesus chose to give a SERMON up there-----he was just invading MUSLIM LAND
Actually the Sermon on the Mount was given on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee up by Capernaum. And by mere quinkydink there is a bowl shaped area on the side of a hill where your voice easily projects a great distance. In this photo a person standing at that pole by the shoreline can be heard by where the photo was taken from. That's Capernaum in the background along the shore.
View attachment 175582
Please, do tell me what threatens my faith.
Like I said, I took 10 years of research to get there. There is nothing you can raise that I do not have an answer for.

Really, why did Jesus say this:
Matthew 5:41 New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
41 Should anyone press you into service for one mile,go with him for two miles. NABRE
That really that difficult for you? Read the entire passage from the Sermon on the Mount. Even just the one paragraph explains itself.

Eye for Eye
38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. 41 If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

If you really need that explained, I would be more than happy to.

the mount of olives is just east of east Jerusalem-----DA POPE does not believe that it is part of
Judea. Thus, we can conclude that THE POPE rejects the entire story about the fake "SERMON
ON THE MOUNT"-------sorry catholics-----NO MORE "SERMON ON THE MOUNT" ---is some guy
named Jesus chose to give a SERMON up there-----he was just invading MUSLIM LAND
Actually the Sermon on the Mount was given on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee up by Capernaum. And by mere quinkydink there is a bowl shaped area on the side of a hill where your voice easily projects a great distance. In this photo a person standing at that pole by the shoreline can be heard by where the photo was taken from. That's Capernaum in the background along the shore.
View attachment 175582

OH!!! that's good-----then maybe the pope MIGHT let Israel keep it. But it is not the MOUNT OF OLIVES that jews recognize as the very important "MOUNT OF OLIVES" that the pope gave to abu mazen
I have no idea what that is about. This is the Mount of Olives from Jerusalem. That is the Kidron Valley. Most of that area in the Mount of Olives were that building is is owned by the Catholic Church.

And the proof is motive. Every criminal detective first looks at motive. So what was the motive for fabricating fantastic miracles?
Power? No, says we are to submit to the government and each other as individuals.
Money? No, says you give what you wish under no duress.
Fame? NT letters were written after his death. All disciples except one were executed for their faith.
To paraphrase CS Lewis, Jesus was either histories most famous suicidal narcissist or he was who he said he was.

Simple logic tells you that since there is no motive for fabricating such stories, they must be true.
Oh COME ON!!!!!!!!!! religion is all about power, money and control. Simple logic tells me that you base your beliefs on wishful thinking, because I can't even believe that you yourself even believe what you just said.
So is politics and business, not to mention abusing families and friends.
So you agree that religion is all about power, money and control. Good for you. :clap2:
That’s what mankind has ceeated.
How do you define religion?
A system that sucks the life out of one person in favor of another does represent God.
Religion is all about controlling people and getting them to accept their lot in life because when they die they will be rewarded. The biggest scam in history.

But I'd be willing to entertain real proof of a real god, I have no problem with that (I'm agnostic). But so far, I see no real proof. At all.
I don’t subscribe to such a religion.
God proved Himself in the past...humans are not designed to digest such intensity.
You’re not agnostic as you don’t believe in God.
So is politics and business, not to mention abusing families and friends.
So you agree that religion is all about power, money and control. Good for you. :clap2:
Power? No, Bible says we are to submit to the government and each other as individuals.
Money? No, Bible says you give what you wish under no duress.
Fame? NT letters were written after his death. All disciples except one were executed for their faith.

So again you have no clue as to what you are talking about.
It's not what the bible says, but what's happening on the ground, as it were.
Ah, so you look at what people do and bash God for it.
Got it.
I don't bash god, since you're nowhere near to finding a god, and neither am I. If you ever do find a real god, let me know. I'd be interested in that.
God is right there next to you. Hopefully one day you will be serious enough to reach your hand out and take his extended hand.
Sure seems like religion controls you guys :dunno:
Yes, it does.
By 7AM I have already signed up a dozen volunteers to help kids in extreme poverty, had Skype discussions with an orphanage in Southeast Asia, answered some email questions from a big name Pastor in San Diego who I will be meeting with later today, and in a couple hours I will be talking with a big name Pastor in Ireland.

what is "southeast asia" India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Ceylon (OOOOOPS--i mean sri lanka)???
"pastor in Ireland"? big name------does that mean CATHOLIC CARDINAL?
I don't do Catholic nor do I do geography lessons.
Oh COME ON!!!!!!!!!! religion is all about power, money and control. Simple logic tells me that you base your beliefs on wishful thinking, because I can't even believe that you yourself even believe what you just said.
So is politics and business, not to mention abusing families and friends.
So you agree that religion is all about power, money and control. Good for you. :clap2:
That’s what mankind has ceeated.
How do you define religion?
A system that sucks the life out of one person in favor of another does represent God.
Religion is all about controlling people and getting them to accept their lot in life because when they die they will be rewarded. The biggest scam in history.

But I'd be willing to entertain real proof of a real god, I have no problem with that (I'm agnostic). But so far, I see no real proof. At all.
I don’t subscribe to such a religion.
God proved Himself in the past...humans are not designed to digest such intensity.
You’re not agnostic as you don’t believe in God.
I don't believe that a god has been proven yet, but not impossible, and am willing to change my mind given real proof either way. Can't be any fairer than that.
So you agree that religion is all about power, money and control. Good for you. :clap2:
Power? No, Bible says we are to submit to the government and each other as individuals.
Money? No, Bible says you give what you wish under no duress.
Fame? NT letters were written after his death. All disciples except one were executed for their faith.

So again you have no clue as to what you are talking about.
It's not what the bible says, but what's happening on the ground, as it were.
Ah, so you look at what people do and bash God for it.
Got it.
I don't bash god, since you're nowhere near to finding a god, and neither am I. If you ever do find a real god, let me know. I'd be interested in that.
God is right there next to you. Hopefully one day you will be serious enough to reach your hand out and take his extended hand.
If there's a god out there and it wants me to know, I'm open to that. But I'm not going looking for some mass-murdering god in a book. I've been there, done that, and found nothing of substance.
Power? No, Bible says we are to submit to the government and each other as individuals.
Money? No, Bible says you give what you wish under no duress.
Fame? NT letters were written after his death. All disciples except one were executed for their faith.

So again you have no clue as to what you are talking about.
It's not what the bible says, but what's happening on the ground, as it were.
Ah, so you look at what people do and bash God for it.
Got it.
I don't bash god, since you're nowhere near to finding a god, and neither am I. If you ever do find a real god, let me know. I'd be interested in that.
God is right there next to you. Hopefully one day you will be serious enough to reach your hand out and take his extended hand.
If there's a god out there and it wants me to know, I'm open to that. But I'm not going looking for some mass-murdering god in a book. I've been there, done that, and found nothing of substance.
If you do not enjoy seeing broken people healed, happy and with hope, you will not like Jesus.
It's not what the bible says, but what's happening on the ground, as it were.
Ah, so you look at what people do and bash God for it.
Got it.
I don't bash god, since you're nowhere near to finding a god, and neither am I. If you ever do find a real god, let me know. I'd be interested in that.
God is right there next to you. Hopefully one day you will be serious enough to reach your hand out and take his extended hand.
If there's a god out there and it wants me to know, I'm open to that. But I'm not going looking for some mass-murdering god in a book. I've been there, done that, and found nothing of substance.
If you do not enjoy seeing broken people healed, happy and with hope, you will not like Jesus.
Placebo effect. Look it up.
Ah, so you look at what people do and bash God for it.
Got it.
I don't bash god, since you're nowhere near to finding a god, and neither am I. If you ever do find a real god, let me know. I'd be interested in that.
God is right there next to you. Hopefully one day you will be serious enough to reach your hand out and take his extended hand.
If there's a god out there and it wants me to know, I'm open to that. But I'm not going looking for some mass-murdering god in a book. I've been there, done that, and found nothing of substance.
If you do not enjoy seeing broken people healed, happy and with hope, you will not like Jesus.
Placebo effect. Look it up.
So you are not serious about being open minded.
No problem. Free will.

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