Eighty Million Biden Voters?

You clearly have no idea what the Fair Tax is.
Actually I do


While the FairTax plan sounds reasonable in theory, some economists say it would wreak havoc upon the middle class. That includes Alan Viard of the American Enterprise Institute, who studies federal tax and budget policy and sat for an interview about the subject with AEI.

Major concerns include:

  1. Penalizing the Lower and Middle Classes. Detractors say that individuals and families above the poverty level and considered middle class will bear the brunt of the tax burden for the country. It’s billed as a progressive tax, which means that the wealthy pay more and the poor and middle class pay less as a percentage of their income. But that’s only true if individuals spend 100% of their incomes on taxable expenditures. In reality, very high-income taxpayers save a larger percentage of their income than low- and middle-income people. So this plan would indeed be regressive — meaning those with less money end up paying a higher percentage of their income in taxes.
  2. Increasing Potential for Tax Evasion. One of the reasons Bush’s tax reform panel scrapped the FairTax idea was concern that a high sales tax rate would result in widespread tax evasion, possibly through trade and purchasing goods in other countries.
  3. Eliminating Tax Deductions and Credits. Currently, many tax deductions and credits incentivize specific social policy goals, such as buying a home, giving to charity, getting a college education, and saving for retirement. The FairTax’s prebate is designed to make up for those lost deductions. However, because it’s given to all households rather than encouraging people to spend their income in certain ways, people may be less motivated to take certain actions that could benefit them in the future.
  4. Making State Income a Bigger Burden. Though federal income tax would go away, state income tax would remain, and it would no longer be deductible against federal taxes. The effect would be a great burden on residents of high-income tax states like California and Hawaii. Moreover, unless you live in a sales-tax-free state, like Oregon or New Hampshire, you could pay your state’s sales tax on top of the FairTax — and on top of your state’s income tax. For a family living in Los Angeles making $100,000, that would be well over 40%!
  5. Depending Too Much on Spending. This tax is dependent on spending. But since many wealthy individuals already invest on their own and in other businesses, they may be further motivated to do so. Those moves could benefit the economy overall, but since these activities would be nontaxable, the national burden shifts to the lower economic classes.
  6. Increasing Costs for Immigrants. Prebate checks would only go to U.S. citizens. That would significantly raise the cost of living for lower-income immigrants, permanent residents, and visa holders. It could also deter highly educated foreign workers with highly sought-after expertise, such as doctors, engineers, and technology sector workers, from immigrating.
Actually I do


While the FairTax plan sounds reasonable in theory, some economists say it would wreak havoc upon the middle class. That includes Alan Viard of the American Enterprise Institute, who studies federal tax and budget policy and sat for an interview about the subject with AEI.

Major concerns include:

  1. Penalizing the Lower and Middle Classes. Detractors say that individuals and families above the poverty level and considered middle class will bear the brunt of the tax burden for the country. It’s billed as a progressive tax, which means that the wealthy pay more and the poor and middle class pay less as a percentage of their income. But that’s only true if individuals spend 100% of their incomes on taxable expenditures. In reality, very high-income taxpayers save a larger percentage of their income than low- and middle-income people. So this plan would indeed be regressive — meaning those with less money end up paying a higher percentage of their income in taxes.
This is why the Fair Tax has a prebate. Do you understand what that is? It is of far more benefit to the poor than the wealthy.

  1. Eliminating Tax Deductions and Credits. Currently, many tax deductions and credits incentivize specific social policy goals, such as buying a home, giving to charity, getting a college education, and saving for retirement. The FairTax’s prebate is designed to make up for those lost deductions. However, because it’s given to all households rather than encouraging people to spend their income in certain ways, people may be less motivated to take certain actions that could benefit them in the future.
Yes! You know how I feel about tax expenditures. They benefit the rich most of all. Eliminating tax expenditures hurts the rich, not the poor.

And the Fair Tax is a tax on consumption. Income tax is a tax on production. Consumption taxes are superior to production taxes.

As for "rather than encouraging people to spend their income in certain ways", HOLY SHIT! That's exactly the problem! The fucking government trying to tell us how to spend our money and interfering in the markets. That's exactly why special interests bribe our politicians to fuck with the tax code and put tax expenditure in there to steer you to buying THEIR shit. This skews the daylights out of our economy.

We need to decide for ourselves what is best for us, not the special interests, and certainly not the goddam government.

  1. Depending Too Much on Spending. This tax is dependent on spending.
Yes! Precisely! That's why consumption taxes are better. The more you tax something, the less of it you get. We need to stop taxing production (income taxes).
So 99.7% of all registered Dems voted and voted Biden???
There were crossover Republicans and a lot of Independents. Independents make up more of the electorate than either party.
This is why the Fair Tax has a prebate. Do you understand what that is? It is of far more benefit to the poor than the wealthy.

Yes! You know how I feel about tax expenditures. They benefit the rich most of all. Eliminating tax expenditures hurts the rich, not the poor.

And the Fair Tax is a tax on consumption. Income tax is a tax on production. Consumption taxes are superior to production taxes.

As for "rather than encouraging people to spend their income in certain ways", HOLY SHIT! That's exactly the problem! The fucking government trying to tell us how to spend our money and interfering in the markets. That's exactly why special interests bribe our politicians to fuck with the tax code and put tax expenditure in there to steer you to buying THEIR shit. This skews the daylights out of our economy.

We need to decide for ourselves what is best for us, not the special interests, and certainly not the goddam government.

Yes! Precisely! That's why consumption taxes are better. The more you tax something, the less of it you get. We need to stop taxing production (income taxes).
That “prebate ” doesn’t do much for the middle class.

This whole bag of shit is designed to do nothing but shift the tax burden to the middle class
That “probate” doesn’t do much for the middle class.

This whole bag of shit is designed to do nothing but shift the tax burden to the middle class
Prebate. Not probate.

The prebate covers the taxes you pay on necessary items.
Prebate. Not probate.

The prebate covers the taxes you pay on necessary items.
Spellcheck doesn’t recognize “prebate”

And add “supposedly” to your last comment
Cause yea… paying 30% on every dime you spend along with state income and sales taxes sounds great.
So,.. umm,.. where exactly are they?

Spellcheck doesn’t recognize “prebate”

And add “supposedly” to your last comment
Let's say the Fair Tax is 20% on all purchases.

If you are poor and buy a bag of rice for two bucks, you would pay 40 cents Fair Tax. That 40 cents is prebated. It's covered. It doesn't come out of your pocket.

If you are rich and buy a million dollar boat, you pay $200,000 Fair Tax. That does come out of your pocket.

From your earlier post: One of the reasons Bush’s tax reform panel scrapped the FairTax idea was concern that a high sales tax rate would result in widespread tax evasion, possibly through trade and purchasing goods in other countries.

I don't know if you know this, but Europe has a VAT. It is 21 percent. AND an income tax.
I grew up abroad and we knew that America has a huge number of dummies that mostly live in conservative areas. And we knew to avoid schools that were in red states just for that. But I have to admit the stupidity and backwardness was a lot more than I thought....I say this and I'm pretty conservative.

Trump represents every true stereotype about "the ugly American" Dumb, obnoxious, inconsiderate, fat, narcissist and fascist.

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