Elizabeth Warren Stepped In It During CNN Interview

For every liar who says not a single democrat encourages illegal aliens! Tell us about your sanctuary city policies! Your failure to work with ICE. Your libtarded marches and demonstrations screaming to abolish ICE! We will wait! Go!
Oh. I'm not part of that crowd. (I'm also not a Democrat)

I do know that sanctuary cities have a purpose and they are actually supported by the police there, so are you saying you are opposed to law enforcement's efforts to police its Hispanic neighborhoods?

You may not be a Democrats but you then you are a libtard in the Bernie Sanders sense of the word.
When doesn't Liawatha Warren step in it? That phony bitch loves wallowing in shit in the first place. I don't believe for a second this 100% fellow Caucasian has the tiniest trace of Amerindian DNA in her, for the record.
Not at all. Maybe Warren didn't make herself as clear as she could have, but all this thread shows is that we have to vote against anyone who is willing to engage in this kind of scapegoating. It is dangerous, it is not going to solve our problems, and it shouldn't be American, although we've done it before and we'll probably do it again.

Illegal immigrants as a group commit less crime than American born citizens. To use poor Mollie's death as some sort of rallying cry for a wall is ridiculous. ICE is already working at full bore. What else is it you folks want to happen right now?

we have to vote against anyone who is willing to engage in this kind of scapegoating.

a person or group made to bear the blame for others or to suffer in their place.
You sure that's the word that fits?

Illegal immigrants as a group commit less crime than American born citizens.


What else is it you folks want to happen right now?

Build the wall, put 10 million illegal aliens on the other side of it.
To start.
group made to bear the blame for others
Yes. When you blame the entire group of eleven million illegals for the people in MS13 and the individuals who commit cold blooded murder, yes, you are scapegoating the group for the actions of a few individuals.

Illegal immigrants as a group commit less crime than American born citizens.

Really? Link?

When you blame the entire group of eleven million illegals for the people in MS13 and the individuals who commit cold blooded murder, yes, you are scapegoating the group

I blame 11 million illegal aliens for entering our country illegally.
For stealing identities to work here.
For working under the table to defraud the government of taxes.
For undercutting the wages of our own low-skilled and unskilled citizens.
For causing the expenditure of hundreds of billions of our tax dollars annually.

And then I blame the more serious illegal alien criminals for the toll they inflict as well.
They all need to leave.


Really? Link?

I agree, if you had proof of the low crime rates of illegal aliens, you'd post the link.​
I've read it many times; I thought it was common knowlege. If it is wrong, I think a link is in order showing the opposite.
The whole fucking point is that NOT ONE SINGLE AMERICAN SHOULD BE MURDERED BY ILLEGAL ALIENS1 stop encouraging this lawlessness!

Hey if it wasn't for felons, non-citizens and psychos there would be no Democratic party
The Ds are felons, illegal aliens and other misfits. If you think it is bad now what do you think the election of Hillary would have led to?
Our immigration system needs serious reform. I personally think we need to make it easier for people to come here with less red tape which I believe will ultimately result in the less illegal immigration. We also need to enforce our immigration laws so bad people are kept out of our country. The problem with the Democrats is that they seem to care more about the people sneaking in illegally than they do about the American people they are supposed to be representing and Warren’s comments are a good example of this.

When asked about Mollie Tibbetts, this was her response:

I’m so sorry for the family and I know this is hard not only for the people in her community, the people throughout Iowa. But one of the things we have to remember is we need an immigration system that is effective, that focuses on where real problems are. Last month I went down to the border and I saw where children had been taken away from their mothers. I met with their mothers who had been lied to, who didn’t know where their children were and hadn’t had a chance to talk with their children. There was no plan for how they would be reunified with their children. I think we need immigration laws that focus on people who pose a real threat and I don’t think mamas and babies are the place we should be spending our resources. Separating a mama from a baby does not make this country safer.”

Elizabeth Warren Reacts to Mollie Tibbetts’ Death By Defending Illegal Immigrants, Draws Outrage

I don’t know if it was really her intention to infer that the situation on the border is far more serious than Americans being murdered by illegals, but there was definitely a better way to phrase all of that.

Warren is a dead horse and never beat a dead horse.
Our immigration system needs serious reform. I personally think we need to make it easier for people to come here with less red tape which I believe will ultimately result in the less illegal immigration. We also need to enforce our immigration laws so bad people are kept out of our country. The problem with the Democrats is that they seem to care more about the people sneaking in illegally than they do about the American people they are supposed to be representing and Warren’s comments are a good example of this.

When asked about Mollie Tibbetts, this was her response:

I’m so sorry for the family and I know this is hard not only for the people in her community, the people throughout Iowa. But one of the things we have to remember is we need an immigration system that is effective, that focuses on where real problems are. Last month I went down to the border and I saw where children had been taken away from their mothers. I met with their mothers who had been lied to, who didn’t know where their children were and hadn’t had a chance to talk with their children. There was no plan for how they would be reunified with their children. I think we need immigration laws that focus on people who pose a real threat and I don’t think mamas and babies are the place we should be spending our resources. Separating a mama from a baby does not make this country safer.”

Elizabeth Warren Reacts to Mollie Tibbetts’ Death By Defending Illegal Immigrants, Draws Outrage

I don’t know if it was really her intention to infer that the situation on the border is far more serious than Americans being murdered by illegals, but there was definitely a better way to phrase all of that.

Do you know for a fact what is actually happening at the border?
Where all those missing kids went?
Where they are now?

But you do know that the press hyped this story to a national level, sort of like they did with Elizabeth Smart in Salt Lake City years ago.
The reason I mention this is that I was living there at the time and two other girls went missing from the valley and were murdered, too, in the same month.
Which story made the news?
That's right. The rich white, blond girl.
The other two were Hispanic girls.

Try to pay attention to more than just the headlines.
Elizabeth Warren did not step in it.
She's been to the border and knows there are many missing people who will never be found.

The spouse of a colleague of mine is with the National Guard and has been down at the border for the last three months. She says it's utter chaos with many people missing. So I think Elizabeth Warren knows what she's talking about.
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The Ds are felons, illegal aliens and other misfits. If you think it is bad now what do you think the election of Hillary would have led to?

Gee, let's see...the Republicans hung Bill on a cross for getting a blow job in the side kitchen of the Oval Office.
I doubt there would be that much drama this time around if Hillary had won.
But you're fully willing to give Trump a pass on using campaign funds to pay off a porn star for a blow job.
Yes, it was campaign funds regardless of the source because it was buying off any interference by Stormy Daniels TEN days before the election.
The Ds are felons, illegal aliens and other misfits. If you think it is bad now what do you think the election of Hillary would have led to?

Gee, let's see...the Republicans hung Bill on a cross for getting a blow job in the side kitchen of the Oval Office.
I doubt there would be that much drama this time around if Hillary had won.
But you're fully willing to give Trump a pass on using campaign funds to pay off a porn star for a blow job.
Yes, it was campaign funds regardless of the source because it was buying off any interference by Stormy Daniels TEN days before the election.

Just another crisis that we have to suffer. Trump should resign in lieu of termination.
Gee, let's see...the Republicans hung Bill on a cross for getting a blow job in the side kitchen of the Oval Office.
I doubt there would be that much drama this time around if Hillary had won.
But you're fully willing to give Trump a pass on using campaign funds to pay off a porn star for a blow job.
Yes, it was campaign funds regardless of the source because it was buying off any interference by Stormy Daniels TEN days before the election.

Just another crisis that we have to suffer. Trump should resign in lieu of termination.

Y'all are suggesting President Trump should resign in lieu of termination because Senator Warren would prefer attending to foreign nationals instead of Americans?
When doesn't Liawatha Warren step in it? That phony bitch loves wallowing in shit in the first place. I don't believe for a second this 100% fellow Caucasian has the tiniest trace of Amerindian DNA in her, for the record.

And that matters because...............?
The Ds need 23 seats to take the house but they will blow that opportunity. They will need 11 senate seats and that is out of reach.
Gee, let's see...the Republicans hung Bill on a cross for getting a blow job in the side kitchen of the Oval Office.
I doubt there would be that much drama this time around if Hillary had won.
But you're fully willing to give Trump a pass on using campaign funds to pay off a porn star for a blow job.
Yes, it was campaign funds regardless of the source because it was buying off any interference by Stormy Daniels TEN days before the election.

Just another crisis that we have to suffer. Trump should resign in lieu of termination.

Y'all are suggesting President Trump should resign in lieu of termination because Senator Warren would prefer attending to foreign nationals instead of Americans?

Absolutely Not. Trump is a divider and not a uniter. I voted for Trump and will vote for him again in 2020 just to piss off the Progressives more than they are already pissed off.
Absolutely Not. Trump is a divider and not a uniter. I voted for Trump and will vote for him again in 2020 just to piss off the Progressives more than they are already pissed off.

I don't think that is going to change Senator Warren's mind about whether she should be serving Americans or foreign nationals in Congress. It is possible the things going on with President Trump may assist the Senator with the idea that it doesn't matter the current approval rating for Democrats in Congress is in the tank and has been.
The big wild card is how big of an October Surprise Trump can make and the knock on effects. In the trade wars China admits to a public and private national debt 4xGDP and the real figure is probably significantly larger. China will not long survive as a united country if they can't dump goods.
The Ds could take the house but not the senate in the mid-terms. If Trump declassifies the FISA warrants just to judges and defense lawyers a large part of the D swamp members will lose their seats. If the IRS and treasury go full bore as threatened on SALT deduction caps several blue states will implode from shrinking tax base. and those are just the highlights.

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