Elizabeth Warren Stepped In It During CNN Interview

We want
Not at all. Maybe Warren didn't make herself as clear as she could have, but all this thread shows is that we have to vote against anyone who is willing to engage in this kind of scapegoating. It is dangerous, it is not going to solve our problems, and it shouldn't be American, although we've done it before and we'll probably do it again.

Illegal immigrants as a group commit less crime than American born citizens. To use poor Mollie's death as some sort of rallying cry for a wall is ridiculous. ICE is already working at full bore. What else is it you folks want to happen right now?
zero crime from illegals and zero illegals! Are we clear now? Mollie Tibet’s would be alive but for the democrats love of illegals over Americans! We want that frickin wall.
The wall is un American and won't work. Half overstay their visas... They will just get bigger ladders...
Pass the 2010 Democratic immigration bill with the national ID card like every other developed country. The GOP is just full of s***, super dupes.
You assholes had eight years to fix it! What did ewe do? You opened the borders! Now! Build the wall.
You live on an imaginary planet. The GOP blocked everything Democrats wanted to do except for ACA. Democrats had 40 days with 60 votes in the Senate. Pass a national ID card like all other developed countries have. The wall is a joke.
Let’s do both!
The wall is a joke and way too expensive.
We want
zero crime from illegals and zero illegals! Are we clear now? Mollie Tibet’s would be alive but for the democrats love of illegals over Americans! We want that frickin wall.
The wall is un American and won't work. Half overstay their visas... They will just get bigger ladders...
Pass the 2010 Democratic immigration bill with the national ID card like every other developed country. The GOP is just full of s***, super dupes.
You assholes had eight years to fix it! What did ewe do? You opened the borders! Now! Build the wall.
You live on an imaginary planet. The GOP blocked everything Democrats wanted to do except for ACA. Democrats had 40 days with 60 votes in the Senate. Pass a national ID card like all other developed countries have. The wall is a joke.
Let’s do both!
The wall is a joke and way too expensive.
Nope! It will stop the tit suckers!
Hopefully she doesn’t run. She looks like a terrible campaigner.

Oh NO, we want her to run! Her quotes will make wonderful ads for the Republicans. Her Socialist base love her and Democrats will have to spend millions to defeat her in the primaries!


Why do you call her "Pocahontas"?

Most Pubs call her Fauxcahontas, does that bother you?
This is the democrat party folks. Don't forget that. Molly Tibbet's family just needs to focus on the more important things like illegals not getting to be with their children. Not that Molly's parents will ever see their child again but that shouldn't be our primary focus here. That is secondary to taking better care of our illegal population. Fuck Molly, poor illegal Lupita and her child are suffering here and this shit needs to be stopped. It's where we should be really be focusing our attention rather than the US citizen murdered.

Always remember, Elizabeth, EVERYTHING THAT COMES BEFORE 'BUT' IS BULLSHIT. You are sorry for no one.

Here's hoping the next senseless murder by an illegal is one of YOUR own kids.
Why is it that nearly half the inmates in federal prisons are illegals?
According to the WH Administration, it is 18%. One in five is an immigrant (20%) and of those, 90% are illegal. That's 18%, not "nearly half."
Thousands of Federal Inmates Are in the U.S. Illegally, Administration Says

Well, shit.
Is the US population currently 18% illegal alien?
Less than 4%, super duper.
Pass the 2010 democratic immigration bill that started out with a national ID card they would end this mess forever. The wall is a joke that will continue this GOP scam forever.
a national ID card, I thought IDs were racists keeping people from voting!
And a wall never works, that's just why people keep building them for homes, land and gated communities as well as entire countries.
Not 2700 miles long across ridiculous geography... LOL!
Hopefully she doesn’t run. She looks like a terrible campaigner.

Oh NO, we want her to run! Her quotes will make wonderful ads for the Republicans. Her Socialist base love her and Democrats will have to spend millions to defeat her in the primaries!


Why do you call her "Pocahontas"?

Most Pubs call her Fauxcahontas, does that bother you?

Actually it's a question. Does it bother you that it can't be answered?
This is the democrat party folks. Don't forget that. Molly Tibbet's family just needs to focus on the more important things like illegals not getting to be with their children. Not that Molly's parents will ever see their child again but that shouldn't be our primary focus here. That is secondary to taking better care of our illegal population. Fuck Molly, poor illegal Lupita and her child are suffering here and this shit needs to be stopped. It's where we should be really be focusing our attention rather than the US citizen murdered.

Always remember, Elizabeth, EVERYTHING THAT COMES BEFORE 'BUT' IS BULLSHIT. You are sorry for no one.

Here's hoping the next senseless murder by an illegal is one of YOUR own kids.

They cause about 1/3 of the crime as citizens...
Hopefully she doesn’t run. She looks like a terrible campaigner.

Oh NO, we want her to run! Her quotes will make wonderful ads for the Republicans. Her Socialist base love her and Democrats will have to spend millions to defeat her in the primaries!


Why do you call her "Pocahontas"?

Her powerful squaw!
I saw it in a book.


Hopefully she doesn’t run. She looks like a terrible campaigner.

Oh NO, we want her to run! Her quotes will make wonderful ads for the Republicans. Her Socialist base love her and Democrats will have to spend millions to defeat her in the primaries!


Why do you call her "Pocahontas"?

Most Pubs call her Fauxcahontas, does that bother you?

Actually it's a question. Does it bother you that it can't be answered?

You aren't intelligent enough to bother me. You didn't answer, does it bother you?
Hopefully she doesn’t run. She looks like a terrible campaigner.

Oh NO, we want her to run! Her quotes will make wonderful ads for the Republicans. Her Socialist base love her and Democrats will have to spend millions to defeat her in the primaries!


Why do you call her "Pocahontas"?

Most Pubs call her Fauxcahontas, does that bother you?

Actually it's a question. Does it bother you that it can't be answered?

You aren't intelligent enough to bother me. You didn't answer, does it bother you?

Actually it's quite satisfying, knowing one has a question that can't be dealt with.
--- which then makes the original premise crumble to dust. You could say the progenitor of that premise ---- stepped in it.

It's like a lexicographical demolition derby. Thanks for playin'.
Oh NO, we want her to run! Her quotes will make wonderful ads for the Republicans. Her Socialist base love her and Democrats will have to spend millions to defeat her in the primaries!


Why do you call her "Pocahontas"?

Most Pubs call her Fauxcahontas, does that bother you?

Actually it's a question. Does it bother you that it can't be answered?

You aren't intelligent enough to bother me. You didn't answer, does it bother you?

Actually it's quite satisfying, knowing one has a question that can't be dealt with.
--- which then makes the original premise crumble to dust.

It's like a lexicographical demolition derby. Thanks for playin'.

I know, you're a legend in your own mind, but really, you ( as usual) look stupid here.
We want
This is a talking point that could turn the mid-terms into a nightmare for the Ds.
Not at all. Maybe Warren didn't make herself as clear as she could have, but all this thread shows is that we have to vote against anyone who is willing to engage in this kind of scapegoating. It is dangerous, it is not going to solve our problems, and it shouldn't be American, although we've done it before and we'll probably do it again.

Illegal immigrants as a group commit less crime than American born citizens. To use poor Mollie's death as some sort of rallying cry for a wall is ridiculous. ICE is already working at full bore. What else is it you folks want to happen right now?
zero crime from illegals and zero illegals! Are we clear now? Mollie Tibet’s would be alive but for the democrats love of illegals over Americans! We want that frickin wall.
You don't have to build it on the innocent backs of millions of Hispanics who have come here to make a better life for themselves and their children. What that man did was terrible, but you can not judge all others by it.
Murders like Mollie's happen in this country every day. This is not an immigration thing; it is a human-being-evil thing. We can all feel bad for Mollie and still not go off the deep end about immigrants, legal or illegal. Give the bastard the death penalty; he deserves it. And that is as far as you can reasonably take this.
We want
This is a talking point that could turn the mid-terms into a nightmare for the Ds.
Not at all. Maybe Warren didn't make herself as clear as she could have, but all this thread shows is that we have to vote against anyone who is willing to engage in this kind of scapegoating. It is dangerous, it is not going to solve our problems, and it shouldn't be American, although we've done it before and we'll probably do it again.

Illegal immigrants as a group commit less crime than American born citizens. To use poor Mollie's death as some sort of rallying cry for a wall is ridiculous. ICE is already working at full bore. What else is it you folks want to happen right now?
zero crime from illegals and zero illegals! Are we clear now? Mollie Tibet’s would be alive but for the democrats love of illegals over Americans! We want that frickin wall.
You don't have to build it on the innocent backs of millions of Hispanics who have come here to make a better life for themselves and their children. What that man did was terrible, but you can not judge all others by it.
Murders like Mollie's happen in this country every day. This is not an immigration thing; it is a human-being-evil thing. We can all feel bad for Mollie and still not go off the deep end about immigrants, legal or illegal. Give the bastard the death penalty; he deserves it. And that is as far as you can reasonably take this.
So here we go again! What if millions of US went down to Mexico seeking a better life on their sugar tit? Would you still sing the same verse?
This is a talking point that could turn the mid-terms into a nightmare for the Ds.
Not at all. Maybe Warren didn't make herself as clear as she could have, but all this thread shows is that we have to vote against anyone who is willing to engage in this kind of scapegoating. It is dangerous, it is not going to solve our problems, and it shouldn't be American, although we've done it before and we'll probably do it again.

Illegal immigrants as a group commit less crime than American born citizens. To use poor Mollie's death as some sort of rallying cry for a wall is ridiculous. ICE is already working at full bore. What else is it you folks want to happen right now?

we have to vote against anyone who is willing to engage in this kind of scapegoating.

a person or group made to bear the blame for others or to suffer in their place.
You sure that's the word that fits?

Illegal immigrants as a group commit less crime than American born citizens.


What else is it you folks want to happen right now?

Build the wall, put 10 million illegal aliens on the other side of it.
To start.
group made to bear the blame for others
Yes. When you blame the entire group of eleven million illegals for the people in MS13 and the individuals who commit cold blooded murder, yes, you are scapegoating the group for the actions of a few individuals.

Illegal immigrants as a group commit less crime than American born citizens.

Really? Link?
What part of illegals should not come here illegally do you libtards not understand! Your attitude is what killed that girl! You encourage illegals to come here illegally. Build the damn wall.
No one is for open borders and very very few for abolishing ice, super dupe.


4:43 PM 07/02/2018
Benny Johnson | Reporter At Large
Sixty-four percent said illegal aliens should be sent home and thirty-six percent said they should be allowed to stay. A staggering 53 percent of Democrats polled, however, believe that any immigrant that makes it to America’s borders should be allowed to stay.

But despite Democrats saying they are against open borders, the majority of their base says otherwise.
New Polling Reveals Percentage Of Democrats Who Support Open Borders. It Is Terrifying
We want
This is a talking point that could turn the mid-terms into a nightmare for the Ds.
Not at all. Maybe Warren didn't make herself as clear as she could have, but all this thread shows is that we have to vote against anyone who is willing to engage in this kind of scapegoating. It is dangerous, it is not going to solve our problems, and it shouldn't be American, although we've done it before and we'll probably do it again.

Illegal immigrants as a group commit less crime than American born citizens. To use poor Mollie's death as some sort of rallying cry for a wall is ridiculous. ICE is already working at full bore. What else is it you folks want to happen right now?
zero crime from illegals and zero illegals! Are we clear now? Mollie Tibet’s would be alive but for the democrats love of illegals over Americans! We want that frickin wall.
You don't have to build it on the innocent backs of millions of Hispanics who have come here to make a better life for themselves and their children. What that man did was terrible, but you can not judge all others by it.
Murders like Mollie's happen in this country every day. This is not an immigration thing; it is a human-being-evil thing. We can all feel bad for Mollie and still not go off the deep end about immigrants, legal or illegal. Give the bastard the death penalty; he deserves it. And that is as far as you can reasonably take this.
You would have a point if the asshole wasn’t here illegally! An American did not kill Mollie one of your precious illegals did!
What part of illegals should not come here illegally do you libtards not understand! Your attitude is what killed that girl! You encourage illegals to come here illegally. Build the damn wall.
I don't know about anyone else but I sure as hell don't "encourage" illegals to come here and I don't know a single Democrat or liberal that does. However, I'm not going to blame every damned one of them because one freak killed an American girl.
What part of illegals should not come here illegally do you libtards not understand! Your attitude is what killed that girl! You encourage illegals to come here illegally. Build the damn wall.
I don't know about anyone else but I sure as hell don't "encourage" illegals to come here and I don't know a single Democrat or liberal that does. However, I'm not going to blame every damned one of them because one freak killed an American girl.
Every last fucking one of you who lecture us that’s who!

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