Elizabeth Warren: Time to use 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office

This woman is a hypocrite!

She deserves all the crap she gets!

She said something patently stupid. The racial slurs that the right wing enjoy making just underscore what disgusting slobs they are.
Liawatha triggers you?

So what are you --- four years old? Three?
Mature enough to not get the vapors because certain words trigger.

Did you know HRC got 3,000,000 more votes than your blob?
She could have beat him with 3,000,000,000 more votes.

without the necessary EV, she still would have lost

She said something patently stupid. The racial slurs that the right wing enjoy making just underscore what disgusting slobs they are.
Liawatha triggers you?

So what are you --- four years old? Three?
Mature enough to not get the vapors because certain words trigger.

Did you know HRC got 3,000,000 more votes than your blob?

DON"T TELL THEM THAT...they cannot handle that truth. They're brains might explode and we will have a bloodbath on our hands.

Whenever someone mentions your fact...Trumpbots tightly-clutch Trump's picture and repeat over and over....'Electoral College, Electoral College, Electoral College...'

I actually think the EC is one of the framer’s best idea. I was just pointing out how easy it is to push their buttons and get them all lathered up about HRC winning the election. It’s fun watching pigs squeal.
Liawatha triggers you?

So what are you --- four years old? Three?
Mature enough to not get the vapors because certain words trigger.

Did you know HRC got 3,000,000 more votes than your blob?

DON"T TELL THEM THAT...they cannot handle that truth. They're brains might explode and we will have a bloodbath on our hands.

Whenever someone mentions your fact...Trumpbots tightly-clutch Trump's picture and repeat over and over....'Electoral College, Electoral College, Electoral College...'

I actually think the EC is one of the framer’s best idea. I was just pointing out how easy it is to push their buttons and get them all lathered up about HRC winning the election. It’s fun watching pigs squeal.

It’s fun watching pigs squeal.

Guess you get a lot of use out of your mirror, hmmm?
Liawatha triggers you?

So what are you --- four years old? Three?
Mature enough to not get the vapors because certain words trigger.

Did you know HRC got 3,000,000 more votes than your blob?

DON"T TELL THEM THAT...they cannot handle that truth. They're brains might explode and we will have a bloodbath on our hands.

Whenever someone mentions your fact...Trumpbots tightly-clutch Trump's picture and repeat over and over....'Electoral College, Electoral College, Electoral College...'

I actually think the EC is one of the framer’s best idea. I was just pointing out how easy it is to push their buttons and get them all lathered up about HRC winning the election. It’s fun watching pigs squeal.

Fair enough...but not me (the EC).

I do not believe for one second that the person who did not get the most votes should be the winner of any election at any level.
In that situation, the election process decided the winner...NOT the people.

'Definition of democracy
plural democracies
1a : government by the people; especially : rule of the majority'

Definition of DEMOCRACY
So what are you --- four years old? Three?
Mature enough to not get the vapors because certain words trigger.

Did you know HRC got 3,000,000 more votes than your blob?

DON"T TELL THEM THAT...they cannot handle that truth. They're brains might explode and we will have a bloodbath on our hands.

Whenever someone mentions your fact...Trumpbots tightly-clutch Trump's picture and repeat over and over....'Electoral College, Electoral College, Electoral College...'

I actually think the EC is one of the framer’s best idea. I was just pointing out how easy it is to push their buttons and get them all lathered up about HRC winning the election. It’s fun watching pigs squeal.

It’s fun watching pigs squeal.

Guess you get a lot of use out of your mirror, hmmm?

Look closely folks.
Using all the IQ this person had available to them...this is the absolute, best response he/she could come up with.
An insult that 21'st century grade schoolers (with decent IQ's) would probably role their eyes at.

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Trump is a greedy bastard whose after nothing but money. there's more to life than making money. IMPEACH 45!
The woman who would be President is accepting as EVIDENCE an ANONYMOUS letter and wants to use said evidence to remove a sitting President. Just try to get your mind around that and let it marinate.
It’s definitely Pocahontas who needs her mental health checked!

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Mature enough to not get the vapors because certain words trigger.

Did you know HRC got 3,000,000 more votes than your blob?

DON"T TELL THEM THAT...they cannot handle that truth. They're brains might explode and we will have a bloodbath on our hands.

Whenever someone mentions your fact...Trumpbots tightly-clutch Trump's picture and repeat over and over....'Electoral College, Electoral College, Electoral College...'

I actually think the EC is one of the framer’s best idea. I was just pointing out how easy it is to push their buttons and get them all lathered up about HRC winning the election. It’s fun watching pigs squeal.

It’s fun watching pigs squeal.

Guess you get a lot of use out of your mirror, hmmm?

Look closely folks.
Using all the IQ this person had available to them...this is the absolute, best response he/she could come up with.
An insult that 21'st century grade schoolers (with decent IQ's) would probably role their eyes at.


if you and your ilk had measurable IQs, you'd stop whining about the EC, and do something about it.

Alas, and alack.....

Hillary lost, legally

adults moved on, children didn't.
'Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, seizing on an explosive op-ed from an anonymous administration official, said Thursday that it's time to use constitutional powers to remove President Donald Trump office if top officials don't think he can do the job.

"If senior administration officials think the President of the United States is not able to do his job, then they should invoke the 25th Amendment," Warren told CNN. "The Constitution provides for a procedure whenever the Vice President and senior officials think the President can't do his job. It does not provide that senior officials go around the President -- take documents off his desk, write anonymous op-eds ... Everyone of these officials have sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States. It's time for them to do their job."'

Elizabeth Warren: Time to use 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office - CNNPolitics

Is this the beginning of a trend? Or the end of one?

My hope is DEFINITELY 'beginning'. Though I am not optimistic.

Princess Moonbat Humps Buffalo is just trolling for headlines.
So a lily-white elitist politician with no historical record or evidence that she is of Native American Ancestry can simply claim to be of Native American descent, and as long as she is a Democrat you are good with that?!
Well they do embrace women claiming to be men, men claiming to be women, men and women claiming to be neither, and men and women claiming to be cats, snakes and other assorted wildlife :uhoh3:
'Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, seizing on an explosive op-ed from an anonymous administration official, said Thursday that it's time to use constitutional powers to remove President Donald Trump office if top officials don't think he can do the job.

"If senior administration officials think the President of the United States is not able to do his job, then they should invoke the 25th Amendment," Warren told CNN. "The Constitution provides for a procedure whenever the Vice President and senior officials think the President can't do his job. It does not provide that senior officials go around the President -- take documents off his desk, write anonymous op-eds ... Everyone of these officials have sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States. It's time for them to do their job."'

Elizabeth Warren: Time to use 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office - CNNPolitics

Is this the beginning of a trend? Or the end of one?

My hope is DEFINITELY 'beginning'. Though I am not optimistic.
Ah - who gives a shit what this worthless old hag has to say?
So what are you --- four years old? Three?
Mature enough to not get the vapors because certain words trigger.

Did you know HRC got 3,000,000 more votes than your blob?

DON"T TELL THEM THAT...they cannot handle that truth. They're brains might explode and we will have a bloodbath on our hands.

Whenever someone mentions your fact...Trumpbots tightly-clutch Trump's picture and repeat over and over....'Electoral College, Electoral College, Electoral College...'

I actually think the EC is one of the framer’s best idea. I was just pointing out how easy it is to push their buttons and get them all lathered up about HRC winning the election. It’s fun watching pigs squeal.

Fair enough...but not me (the EC).

I do not believe for one second that the person who did not get the most votes should be the winner of any election at any level.
In that situation, the election process decided the winner...NOT the people.

'Definition of democracy
plural democracies
1a : government by the people; especially : rule of the majority'

Definition of DEMOCRACY

Did you become deranged when Obama and Clinton won the presidency in the exact same system Trump TRIUMPHED in?
So a lily-white elitist politician with no historical record or evidence that she is of Native American Ancestry can simply claim to be of Native American descent, and as long as she is a Democrat you are good with that?!
Well they do embrace women claiming to be men, men claiming to be women, men and women claiming to be neither, and men and women claiming to be cats, snakes and other assorted wildlife :uhoh3:
They are very confused people...................
Liawatha triggers you?

So what are you --- four years old? Three?
Mature enough to not get the vapors because certain words trigger.

Did you know HRC got 3,000,000 more votes than your blob?

And she still managed to lose.


Triggered? Not hardly, I'm laughing at you.
Liawatha triggers you?

So what are you --- four years old? Three?
Mature enough to not get the vapors because certain words trigger.

Did you know HRC got 3,000,000 more votes than your blob?

Did you know HRC lost the popular vote in the other 49 states? Here let me laugh at you :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Actually she won the popular vote in all 50 states (it was a nationwide contest). Consider yourself triggered.
This is fun.

There you go with the "triggered" thing again. Were we Republicans screaming at the sky or wearing pink pussy hats after President Trump's great election?

Nope. We were and still are WINNING.
Squaw do-um war dance?

Y'all actually believe this racist stereotype shit is gonna work outside y'all's bubble?
Um it's worse than lying about being a racist stereotype?

It's not. Anyone can make an off-color remark about someone's heritage, and they're just words.

But what Elizabeth Warren has done is more despicable than any racist remark. She is exploiting the Native Americans for profit, status, political gain, and power.

What she is doing, is no better than those who sold liquor to the Indians so they could take advantage of them with their tradings.

May the Great White Buffalo dump heap much Buffalo crap on her.
Liawatha triggers you?

So what are you --- four years old? Three?
Mature enough to not get the vapors because certain words trigger.

Did you know HRC got 3,000,000 more votes than your blob?

DON"T TELL THEM THAT...they cannot handle that truth. They're brains might explode and we will have a bloodbath on our hands.

Whenever someone mentions your fact...Trumpbots tightly-clutch Trump's picture and repeat over and over....'Electoral College, Electoral College, Electoral College...'

Point out where someone has been elected without winning the Electoral College.

(stating facts about the legal road to the White House does not make one a 'trumpbot')

Rutherford B. Hayes for one.

John Quincy Adams for another.

I don't even need to look these up. This is the regular (and only available) strategy for "third party" runs (I put that in quotes because it's such an artificial term) --- to gather not a majority of EVs, but to gather just enough to spoil anyone else getting enough, thereby throwing the settlement of the election to Congress, which means in effect nullifying the popular election. It's one of the ways the WTA-EC is so fucked up.

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