End income tax

We did that. Other nations did that, too. All you have to do is study some history.

The problem is that we did not like it - for very good reason.

We need a whole lot less government than we have now. We don't need a welfare system and we don't need to be the world's policeman. There is a role for government but we are far beyond what is necessary to ensure liberty and prosperity.

We don't need some government asshole, elected by special interest groups, telling us how to run our lives.

We don't need greedy welfare queens using the democratic process to steal money from others.
You need to pick an idea and defend it honestly.

I would suggest our massive military industrial complex as a start. I certainly do not mean to eliminate it - just form a moderate conservative approach. I bet we could come to some agreement on that!

Today, our use of force is causing us to "need to" use more force as we fuel hate and sell military hardware throughout the world.

You need to pick an idea and defend it honestly.

I would suggest our massive military industrial complex as a start. I certainly do not mean to eliminate it - just form a moderate conservative approach. I bet we could come to some agreement on that!

Today, our use of force is causing us to "need to" use more force as we fuel hate and sell military hardware throughout the world.

We need to use our military to protect the country. It is not fighting other people's wars for them.

We also don't need welfare state where money is take by force by the government and given away to greedy welfare queens.

We don't need government bureaucrats running our lives.

It is really as simple as that. Less government means more liberty.
That clause literally says "general welfare" .

That clause doesn't say any of the words you lefties claim are in the Constitution. General welfare doesn't mean social welfare.

General welfare is public welfare, or social welfare.

Another far left debunked narrative being run.

general welfare is in the Preamble:

Promote the general Welfare

This, and the next part of the Preamble, are the culmination of everything that came before it — the whole point of having tranquility, justice, and defense was to promote the general welfare — to allow every state and every citizen of those states to benefit from what the government could provide. The framers looked forward to the expansion of land holdings, industry, and investment, and they knew that a strong national government would be the beginning of that.

Here is a lank for the far left drone here that may help them:

The Constitution for Kids (Kindergarten - 3rd Grade) - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net

Promoting the general welfare doesn't mean handing someone something they're unwilling to earn. It means keeping the government out of the way so they can better themselves.

If We Have to Do It on Our Own, So Must the Brats of the Rich

Inheritance and trustfunds are also unearned. With all your selfish whining about taxes, you illogically refuse to admit that by confiscating inheritance from those freeloaders, you will never have to pay any income taxes.
So you want to steal a person's money after he dies
That clause doesn't say any of the words you lefties claim are in the Constitution. General welfare doesn't mean social welfare.

General welfare is public welfare, or social welfare.

Another far left debunked narrative being run.

general welfare is in the Preamble:

Promote the general Welfare

This, and the next part of the Preamble, are the culmination of everything that came before it — the whole point of having tranquility, justice, and defense was to promote the general welfare — to allow every state and every citizen of those states to benefit from what the government could provide. The framers looked forward to the expansion of land holdings, industry, and investment, and they knew that a strong national government would be the beginning of that.

Here is a lank for the far left drone here that may help them:

The Constitution for Kids (Kindergarten - 3rd Grade) - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net

Promoting the general welfare doesn't mean handing someone something they're unwilling to earn. It means keeping the government out of the way so they can better themselves.

If We Have to Do It on Our Own, So Must the Brats of the Rich

Inheritance and trustfunds are also unearned. With all your selfish whining about taxes, you illogically refuse to admit that by confiscating inheritance from those freeloaders, you will never have to pay any income taxes.
So you want to steal a person's money after he dies

Those enabling the freeloaders don't think the drains on society should have to do anything but breathe to have something handed to them.
That clause doesn't say any of the words you lefties claim are in the Constitution. General welfare doesn't mean social welfare.

General welfare is public welfare, or social welfare.

Another far left debunked narrative being run.

general welfare is in the Preamble:

Promote the general Welfare

This, and the next part of the Preamble, are the culmination of everything that came before it — the whole point of having tranquility, justice, and defense was to promote the general welfare — to allow every state and every citizen of those states to benefit from what the government could provide. The framers looked forward to the expansion of land holdings, industry, and investment, and they knew that a strong national government would be the beginning of that.

Here is a lank for the far left drone here that may help them:

The Constitution for Kids (Kindergarten - 3rd Grade) - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net

Promoting the general welfare doesn't mean handing someone something they're unwilling to earn. It means keeping the government out of the way so they can better themselves.

If We Have to Do It on Our Own, So Must the Brats of the Rich

Inheritance and trustfunds are also unearned. With all your selfish whining about taxes, you illogically refuse to admit that by confiscating inheritance from those freeloaders, you will never have to pay any income taxes.
So you want to steal a person's money after he dies?
The Gilded Need to Get Gelded

You loyal house slaves would rather tax the living than the dead. Are you afraid of ghosts?
General welfare is public welfare, or social welfare.

Another far left debunked narrative being run.

general welfare is in the Preamble:

Promote the general Welfare

This, and the next part of the Preamble, are the culmination of everything that came before it — the whole point of having tranquility, justice, and defense was to promote the general welfare — to allow every state and every citizen of those states to benefit from what the government could provide. The framers looked forward to the expansion of land holdings, industry, and investment, and they knew that a strong national government would be the beginning of that.

Here is a lank for the far left drone here that may help them:

The Constitution for Kids (Kindergarten - 3rd Grade) - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net

Promoting the general welfare doesn't mean handing someone something they're unwilling to earn. It means keeping the government out of the way so they can better themselves.

If We Have to Do It on Our Own, So Must the Brats of the Rich

Inheritance and trustfunds are also unearned. With all your selfish whining about taxes, you illogically refuse to admit that by confiscating inheritance from those freeloaders, you will never have to pay any income taxes.
So you want to steal a person's money after he dies

Those enabling the freeloaders don't think the drains on society should have to do anything but breathe to have something handed to them.

Every industrialized nation in the entire world works to ensure each citizen has food, clothing, a place to live, access to health care, etc.

We're not perfect. We still have homeless people. We still have hungry people. We have those who can't afford health care.

But, we're working on that.
Another far left debunked narrative being run.

general welfare is in the Preamble:

Promote the general Welfare

This, and the next part of the Preamble, are the culmination of everything that came before it — the whole point of having tranquility, justice, and defense was to promote the general welfare — to allow every state and every citizen of those states to benefit from what the government could provide. The framers looked forward to the expansion of land holdings, industry, and investment, and they knew that a strong national government would be the beginning of that.

Here is a lank for the far left drone here that may help them:

The Constitution for Kids (Kindergarten - 3rd Grade) - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net

Promoting the general welfare doesn't mean handing someone something they're unwilling to earn. It means keeping the government out of the way so they can better themselves.

If We Have to Do It on Our Own, So Must the Brats of the Rich

Inheritance and trustfunds are also unearned. With all your selfish whining about taxes, you illogically refuse to admit that by confiscating inheritance from those freeloaders, you will never have to pay any income taxes.
So you want to steal a person's money after he dies

Those enabling the freeloaders don't think the drains on society should have to do anything but breathe to have something handed to them.

Every industrialized nation in the entire world works to ensure each citizen has food, clothing, a place to live, access to health care, etc.

We're not perfect. We still have homeless people. We still have hungry people. We have those who can't afford health care.

But, we're working on that.

You don't think that those draining society because someone else is forced to support them should do a damn thing but breathe in order to survive financially. You said so yourself.

When are those that are homeless, hungry and don't have healthcare going to start working themselves to do for themselves. If you enable them to continue the way they are because you give them something they didn't earn, you're worse than they are.
General welfare is public welfare, or social welfare.

Another far left debunked narrative being run.

general welfare is in the Preamble:

Promote the general Welfare

This, and the next part of the Preamble, are the culmination of everything that came before it — the whole point of having tranquility, justice, and defense was to promote the general welfare — to allow every state and every citizen of those states to benefit from what the government could provide. The framers looked forward to the expansion of land holdings, industry, and investment, and they knew that a strong national government would be the beginning of that.

Here is a lank for the far left drone here that may help them:

The Constitution for Kids (Kindergarten - 3rd Grade) - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net

Promoting the general welfare doesn't mean handing someone something they're unwilling to earn. It means keeping the government out of the way so they can better themselves.

If We Have to Do It on Our Own, So Must the Brats of the Rich

Inheritance and trustfunds are also unearned. With all your selfish whining about taxes, you illogically refuse to admit that by confiscating inheritance from those freeloaders, you will never have to pay any income taxes.
So you want to steal a person's money after he dies?
The Gilded Need to Get Gelded

You loyal house slaves would rather tax the living than the dead. Are you afraid of ghosts?

A person's property is his to do with what he will it is not yours to take
We need to abolish both the income tax and the corporate tax.

We need to reduce the size of the Federal government to the minimal to provide for defense and few other necessary national needs. Then we need to figure out how to fund it where everybody pays for it, not just the successful.
let's start with ending our, War on Drugs, first.

We need to end a lot of things. Welfare (both domestic and foreign), subsidies, bailouts and entitlements.

We need to stop fighting other people's wars for them. We need to stop Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

If we were to dismantle this filthy ass Federal government down to only the basic and necessary needs then we wouldn't need the income tax or the corporate tax. Our economy would boom then.
let's start with ending our, War on Drugs, first.
We did that. Other nations did that, too. All you have to do is study some history.

The problem is that we did not like it - for very good reason.

We need a whole lot less government than we have now. We don't need a welfare system and we don't need to be the world's policeman. There is a role for government but we are far beyond what is necessary to ensure liberty and prosperity.

We don't need some government asshole, elected by special interest groups, telling us how to run our lives.

We don't need greedy welfare queens using the democratic process to steal money from others.
we also don't need selfish gun lovers increasing our costs by requiring more gun control laws.

You need to pick an idea and defend it honestly.

I would suggest our massive military industrial complex as a start. I certainly do not mean to eliminate it - just form a moderate conservative approach. I bet we could come to some agreement on that!

Today, our use of force is causing us to "need to" use more force as we fuel hate and sell military hardware throughout the world.

We need to use our military to protect the country. It is not fighting other people's wars for them.

We also don't need welfare state where money is take by force by the government and given away to greedy welfare queens.

We don't need government bureaucrats running our lives.

It is really as simple as that. Less government means more liberty.

If you are seriously ignorant and believe this simplistic tripe then yes it is all very simple.
Promoting the general welfare doesn't mean handing someone something they're unwilling to earn. It means keeping the government out of the way so they can better themselves.

If We Have to Do It on Our Own, So Must the Brats of the Rich

Inheritance and trustfunds are also unearned. With all your selfish whining about taxes, you illogically refuse to admit that by confiscating inheritance from those freeloaders, you will never have to pay any income taxes.
So you want to steal a person's money after he dies

Those enabling the freeloaders don't think the drains on society should have to do anything but breathe to have something handed to them.

Every industrialized nation in the entire world works to ensure each citizen has food, clothing, a place to live, access to health care, etc.

We're not perfect. We still have homeless people. We still have hungry people. We have those who can't afford health care.

But, we're working on that.

You don't think that those draining society because someone else is forced to support them should do a damn thing but breathe in order to survive financially. You said so yourself.

When are those that are homeless, hungry and don't have healthcare going to start working themselves to do for themselves. If you enable them to continue the way they are because you give them something they didn't earn, you're worse than they are.

if you are going to require Nazi social morals, you are going to need, Nazi wartime tax rates.
Another far left debunked narrative being run.

general welfare is in the Preamble:

Promote the general Welfare

This, and the next part of the Preamble, are the culmination of everything that came before it — the whole point of having tranquility, justice, and defense was to promote the general welfare — to allow every state and every citizen of those states to benefit from what the government could provide. The framers looked forward to the expansion of land holdings, industry, and investment, and they knew that a strong national government would be the beginning of that.

Here is a lank for the far left drone here that may help them:

The Constitution for Kids (Kindergarten - 3rd Grade) - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net

Promoting the general welfare doesn't mean handing someone something they're unwilling to earn. It means keeping the government out of the way so they can better themselves.

If We Have to Do It on Our Own, So Must the Brats of the Rich

Inheritance and trustfunds are also unearned. With all your selfish whining about taxes, you illogically refuse to admit that by confiscating inheritance from those freeloaders, you will never have to pay any income taxes.
So you want to steal a person's money after he dies?
The Gilded Need to Get Gelded

You loyal house slaves would rather tax the living than the dead. Are you afraid of ghosts?

A person's property is his to do with what he will it is not yours to take
we have the socialism of eminent domain and property taxes.
No more IRS. Think about how many problems and $$ that would save.
No more bitching about tax returns
Loss of lobbyists in Washington
Products would be less. Then again, consumption tax would raise it back up... Hmmm
Everyone would pay their "fair share"
Loopholes? What fucking loopholes?

Consumption tax would devastate and tank our consumer driven economy.

You're an idiot.

LOL, suddenly liberals are admitting that taxes are a drag on the economy.
Promoting the general welfare doesn't mean handing someone something they're unwilling to earn. It means keeping the government out of the way so they can better themselves.

If We Have to Do It on Our Own, So Must the Brats of the Rich

Inheritance and trustfunds are also unearned. With all your selfish whining about taxes, you illogically refuse to admit that by confiscating inheritance from those freeloaders, you will never have to pay any income taxes.
So you want to steal a person's money after he dies?
The Gilded Need to Get Gelded

You loyal house slaves would rather tax the living than the dead. Are you afraid of ghosts?

A person's property is his to do with what he will it is not yours to take
we have the socialism of eminent domain and property taxes.
No Man Is an Island

You're confusing self-government with socialism. Your contempt for the rest of us makes you a traitor. You conceited parasites should go back to the crumbling castles of Europe where you belong. We are fed up with eating the dust of dynasties.
Another far left debunked narrative being run.

general welfare is in the Preamble:

Promote the general Welfare

This, and the next part of the Preamble, are the culmination of everything that came before it — the whole point of having tranquility, justice, and defense was to promote the general welfare — to allow every state and every citizen of those states to benefit from what the government could provide. The framers looked forward to the expansion of land holdings, industry, and investment, and they knew that a strong national government would be the beginning of that.

Here is a lank for the far left drone here that may help them:

The Constitution for Kids (Kindergarten - 3rd Grade) - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net

Promoting the general welfare doesn't mean handing someone something they're unwilling to earn. It means keeping the government out of the way so they can better themselves.

If We Have to Do It on Our Own, So Must the Brats of the Rich

Inheritance and trustfunds are also unearned. With all your selfish whining about taxes, you illogically refuse to admit that by confiscating inheritance from those freeloaders, you will never have to pay any income taxes.
So you want to steal a person's money after he dies?
The Gilded Need to Get Gelded

You loyal house slaves would rather tax the living than the dead. Are you afraid of ghosts?

A person's property is his to do with what he will; it is not yours to take
Decade After Decadent Decade, Generation After Degenerate Generation

It's easy to sound logical when you don't distinguish between good use and anti-social use. Setting up your sons halfway to the finish line will lead to societal and economic collapse; it is planned obsolescence. The race must go to the fastest, not the "fatherest."
If We Have to Do It on Our Own, So Must the Brats of the Rich

Inheritance and trustfunds are also unearned. With all your selfish whining about taxes, you illogically refuse to admit that by confiscating inheritance from those freeloaders, you will never have to pay any income taxes.
So you want to steal a person's money after he dies

Those enabling the freeloaders don't think the drains on society should have to do anything but breathe to have something handed to them.

Every industrialized nation in the entire world works to ensure each citizen has food, clothing, a place to live, access to health care, etc.

We're not perfect. We still have homeless people. We still have hungry people. We have those who can't afford health care.

But, we're working on that.

You don't think that those draining society because someone else is forced to support them should do a damn thing but breathe in order to survive financially. You said so yourself.

When are those that are homeless, hungry and don't have healthcare going to start working themselves to do for themselves. If you enable them to continue the way they are because you give them something they didn't earn, you're worse than they are.

if you are going to require Nazi social morals, you are going to need, Nazi wartime tax rates.

Nothing Nazi about expecting people to do for themselves.
Promoting the general welfare doesn't mean handing someone something they're unwilling to earn. It means keeping the government out of the way so they can better themselves.

If We Have to Do It on Our Own, So Must the Brats of the Rich

Inheritance and trustfunds are also unearned. With all your selfish whining about taxes, you illogically refuse to admit that by confiscating inheritance from those freeloaders, you will never have to pay any income taxes.
So you want to steal a person's money after he dies?
The Gilded Need to Get Gelded

You loyal house slaves would rather tax the living than the dead. Are you afraid of ghosts?

A person's property is his to do with what he will it is not yours to take
we have the socialism of eminent domain and property taxes.

Property taxes and eminent domain aren't socialist.
If We Have to Do It on Our Own, So Must the Brats of the Rich

Inheritance and trustfunds are also unearned. With all your selfish whining about taxes, you illogically refuse to admit that by confiscating inheritance from those freeloaders, you will never have to pay any income taxes.
So you want to steal a person's money after he dies?
The Gilded Need to Get Gelded

You loyal house slaves would rather tax the living than the dead. Are you afraid of ghosts?

A person's property is his to do with what he will it is not yours to take
we have the socialism of eminent domain and property taxes.
No Man Is an Island

You're confusing self-government with socialism. Your contempt for the rest of us makes you a traitor. You conceited parasites should go back to the crumbling castles of Europe where you belong. We are fed up with eating the dust of dynasties.

People like Daniel often confuse doing something cooperatively with socialism.

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