End income tax

No more IRS. Think about how many problems and $$ that would save.
No more bitching about tax returns
Loss of lobbyists in Washington
Products would be less. Then again, consumption tax would raise it back up... Hmmm
Everyone would pay their "fair share"
Loopholes? What fucking loopholes?

You conservatives literally have no idea how the world works. Not a goddamn clue.

Middle class conservatives are like monkeys at the zoo eating each others poop.

See ho the far left elites view anyone not part of the far left religion?

Why does the far left hate unions?
i Only agree that we should try to be more, holy and moral, than that.
Maybe you can prove that far left will cut their social programs and not just the military..

How did the US pay for the military before the income tax?

Silly far left drone!
there was no standing army.

This is why the far left is so dangerous!

The United States Army (USA) is the largest branch of the United States Armed Forces and performs land-based military operations. It is one of the seven uniformed services of the United States and is designated as the Army of the United States in the United States Constitution, Article 2, Section 2, Clause 1 and United States Code, Title 10, Subtitle B, Chapter 301, Section 3001. As the largest and senior branch of the U.S. military, the modern U.S. Army has its roots in the Continental Army, which was formed (14 June 1775) to fight the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783)—before the U.S. was established as a country.[6] After the Revolutionary War, the Congress of the Confederation created the United States Army on 3 June 1784, to replace the disbanded Continental Army.[7][8] The United States Army considers itself descended from the Continental Army, and dates its institutional inception from the origin of that armed force in 1775.[6]

United States Army - Wikipedia

This why the far left should never hold any position of power!
why is that? we don't want to wage war on a for-profit basis under our form of capitalism, merely so the rich can get richer, faster.

Yes just look at the illegal wars of Obama..

More far left drone debunked religious dogma!

But what do you expect from the far left as they hold FDR as god for imprisoning Americans.
what illegal wars? where did we actually invade a country, only to not solve the problem.

Yes we know you know the far left religious scriptures well, but it shows you are not connected to reality!

See how the far left denies the illegal wars of Obama?

This from the far left Atlantic

How Obama Is Enabling the Next President to Launch Illegal Wars

This from the far left NYTimes:

Obama's Illegal War in Libya

Yes the illegal wars of Obama!
No more IRS. Think about how many problems and $$ that would save.
No more bitching about tax returns
Loss of lobbyists in Washington
Products would be less. Then again, consumption tax would raise it back up... Hmmm
Everyone would pay their "fair share"
Loopholes? What fucking loopholes?

You conservatives literally have no idea how the world works. Not a goddamn clue.

Middle class conservatives are like monkeys at the zoo eating each others poop.

See ho the far left elites view anyone not part of the far left religion?

Why does the far left hate unions?
i Only agree that we should try to be more, holy and moral, than that.

Yes we know you far left drones spew your religious dogma at all costs, that is why you lost the elections from 2010 to now!

The country is rejecting your religion, you might as well get used to it!
there was no standing army.

This is why the far left is so dangerous!

The United States Army (USA) is the largest branch of the United States Armed Forces and performs land-based military operations. It is one of the seven uniformed services of the United States and is designated as the Army of the United States in the United States Constitution, Article 2, Section 2, Clause 1 and United States Code, Title 10, Subtitle B, Chapter 301, Section 3001. As the largest and senior branch of the U.S. military, the modern U.S. Army has its roots in the Continental Army, which was formed (14 June 1775) to fight the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783)—before the U.S. was established as a country.[6] After the Revolutionary War, the Congress of the Confederation created the United States Army on 3 June 1784, to replace the disbanded Continental Army.[7][8] The United States Army considers itself descended from the Continental Army, and dates its institutional inception from the origin of that armed force in 1775.[6]

United States Army - Wikipedia

This why the far left should never hold any position of power!
why is that? we don't want to wage war on a for-profit basis under our form of capitalism, merely so the rich can get richer, faster.

Yes just look at the illegal wars of Obama..

More far left drone debunked religious dogma!

But what do you expect from the far left as they hold FDR as god for imprisoning Americans.
what illegal wars? where did we actually invade a country, only to not solve the problem.

Yes we know you know the far left religious scriptures well, but it shows you are not connected to reality!

See how the far left denies the illegal wars of Obama?

This from the far left Atlantic

How Obama Is Enabling the Next President to Launch Illegal Wars

This from the far left NYTimes:

How Obama Is Enabling the Next President to Launch Illegal Wars

Yes the illegal wars of Obama!
no, personal responsibility, from the party of alleged, personal responsibility?
This is why the far left is so dangerous!

The United States Army (USA) is the largest branch of the United States Armed Forces and performs land-based military operations. It is one of the seven uniformed services of the United States and is designated as the Army of the United States in the United States Constitution, Article 2, Section 2, Clause 1 and United States Code, Title 10, Subtitle B, Chapter 301, Section 3001. As the largest and senior branch of the U.S. military, the modern U.S. Army has its roots in the Continental Army, which was formed (14 June 1775) to fight the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783)—before the U.S. was established as a country.[6] After the Revolutionary War, the Congress of the Confederation created the United States Army on 3 June 1784, to replace the disbanded Continental Army.[7][8] The United States Army considers itself descended from the Continental Army, and dates its institutional inception from the origin of that armed force in 1775.[6]

United States Army - Wikipedia

This why the far left should never hold any position of power!
why is that? we don't want to wage war on a for-profit basis under our form of capitalism, merely so the rich can get richer, faster.

Yes just look at the illegal wars of Obama..

More far left drone debunked religious dogma!

But what do you expect from the far left as they hold FDR as god for imprisoning Americans.
what illegal wars? where did we actually invade a country, only to not solve the problem.

Yes we know you know the far left religious scriptures well, but it shows you are not connected to reality!

See how the far left denies the illegal wars of Obama?

This from the far left Atlantic

How Obama Is Enabling the Next President to Launch Illegal Wars

This from the far left NYTimes:

How Obama Is Enabling the Next President to Launch Illegal Wars

Yes the illegal wars of Obama!
no, personal responsibility, from the party of alleged, personal responsibility?

See how the far left deflects (with far left religious dogma) when faced with the fact of the illegal wars of Obama?
Name one fully developed nation without government regulations, laws or investment within the economy? If you can't then you have nothing.

Yes we know the far left religious dogma..

Yes the far left religion is doing wonders in Chicago!

It is the people...(yes, black people don't want to be educated and build business)

All the rich and industrial states throughout history have been democratic...The south without investment and good education have always been your bs holding you back.
Name one fully developed nation without government regulations, laws or investment within the economy? If you can't then you have nothing.

Yes we know the far left religious dogma..

Yes the far left religion is doing wonders in Chicago!

It is the people...(yes, black people don't want to be educated and build business)

All the rich and industrial states throughout history have been democratic...The south without investment and good education have always been your bs holding you back.

Yes we know you make another far left drone failed post!

It is all you can do.

To the far left loosing is the new winning!

Now get Soros and Buffet to pay for everything you far left drones want!

Fact remains the income tax was supposed to be temporary!
Name one fully developed nation without government regulations, laws or investment within the economy? If you can't then you have nothing.

Yes we know the far left religious dogma..

Yes the far left religion is doing wonders in Chicago!

It is the people...(yes, black people don't want to be educated and build business)

All the rich and industrial states throughout history have been democratic...The south without investment and good education have always been your bs holding you back.

Yes we know you make another far left drone failed post!

It is all you can do.

To the far left loosing is the new winning!

Now get Soros and Buffet to pay for everything you far left drones want!

Fact remains the income tax was supposed to be temporary!

So it is losing by wanting good infrastructure be it the roads, water, sewer or electrical? So it is losing if you don't want one big corporation to buy everything up and charge the consumer 10,000 dollars for a goddamn 50 dollar thing.

It wouldn't be part of our constitution if it was temporary, dumbass.

The income tax makes it possible for us to live in a first world country. Why won't you move to the third world shit hole of your choice? Goddamn subhuman.
Name one fully developed nation without government regulations, laws or investment within the economy? If you can't then you have nothing.

Yes we know the far left religious dogma..

Yes the far left religion is doing wonders in Chicago!

It is the people...(yes, black people don't want to be educated and build business)

All the rich and industrial states throughout history have been democratic...The south without investment and good education have always been your bs holding you back.

Yes we know you make another far left drone failed post!

It is all you can do.

To the far left loosing is the new winning!

Now get Soros and Buffet to pay for everything you far left drones want!

Fact remains the income tax was supposed to be temporary!

So it is losing by wanting good infrastructure be it the roads, water, sewer or electrical? So it is losing if you don't want one big corporation to buy everything up and charge the consumer 10,000 dollars for a goddamn 50 dollar thing.

It wouldn't be part of our constitution if it was temporary, dumbass.

The income tax makes it possible for us to live in a first world country. Why won't you move to the third world shit hole of your choice? Goddamn subhuman.

See how the far left does not understand anything post, they just run their debunked narratives.

The gas tax goes to pay for the roads, other taxes (not income tax) goes to pay for the other things listed!

Another failed post!

Silly far left drone!
Mark my words...

If we ever do away with the income tax America will look like central America or south Asia within 50 years.

Many states have done away with their income tax, do they look like South America?

Silly far left drone!

We look like South America, because you far left drones want an open border!

Another failed post!
You are punished with higher taxes if you don't have a mortgage.

You are punished with higher taxes if you don't have kids.

You are punished with higher taxes if you don't buy the right kind of refrigerator.

You are punished with higher taxes if you don't buy the right kind of refrigerator.

Tax expenditures are a massive government behavioral control program.

It was not any leap at all to punish you with higher taxes for not buying the right kind of health insurance.

You ignorangt fucks brought that shit down on yourselves.
That butt hurt you feel is referred pain originating in your envy and selfishness.
Mark my words...

If we ever do away with the income tax America will look like central America or south Asia within 50 years.

Many states have done away with their income tax, do they look like South America?

Silly far left drone!

We look like South America, because you far left drones want an open border!

Another failed post!
I live in such a state.

Having no income tax is a serious problem. It means that anything those of us who can pay want to do in the way of improving schools, transportation, the homeless situation, etc., have no adequate way to raise revenue other than to tax people who rent, retirees who managed to own their home, etc.

It's a really crappy idea at the state level.

Plus, I don't see anything on this thread from the anti-tax folks that shows what the impact would be and how we would sustain that.
No more IRS. Think about how many problems and $$ that would save.
No more bitching about tax returns
Loss of lobbyists in Washington
Products would be less. Then again, consumption tax would raise it back up... Hmmm
Everyone would pay their "fair share"
Loopholes? What fucking loopholes?

You conservatives literally have no idea how the world works. Not a goddamn clue.

Middle class conservatives are like monkeys at the zoo eating each others poop.

That would be the four Obamas currently occupying the White House for 5 more days.
Mark my words...

If we ever do away with the income tax America will look like central America or south Asia within 50 years.

Many states have done away with their income tax, do they look like South America?

Silly far left drone!

We look like South America, because you far left drones want an open border!

Another failed post!
I live in such a state.

Having no income tax is a serious problem. It means that anything those of us who can pay want to do in the way of improving schools, transportation, the homeless situation, etc., have no adequate way to raise revenue other than to tax people who rent, retirees who managed to own their home, etc.

It's a really crappy idea at the state level.

Plus, I don't see anything on this thread from the anti-tax folks that shows what the impact would be and how we would sustain that.

Is it what you say or is it that what would replace an income tax (use tax, national sales tax, etc.) would mean the 50% that pay no income tax yet benefit from living here would actually have to pay their fair share?
Mark my words...

If we ever do away with the income tax America will look like central America or south Asia within 50 years.

Many states have done away with their income tax, do they look like South America?

Silly far left drone!

We look like South America, because you far left drones want an open border!

Another failed post!
I live in such a state.

Having no income tax is a serious problem. It means that anything those of us who can pay want to do in the way of improving schools, transportation, the homeless situation, etc., have no adequate way to raise revenue other than to tax people who rent, retirees who managed to own their home, etc.

It's a really crappy idea at the state level.

Plus, I don't see anything on this thread from the anti-tax folks that shows what the impact would be and how we would sustain that.

Is it what you say or is it that what would replace an income tax (use tax, national sales tax, etc.) would mean the 50% that pay no income tax yet benefit from living here would actually have to pay their fair share?
I don't accept that as a real question.

For example, it ignores what "fair share" even means.

Also, it ignores what it means to tax those who have no income above the poverty level.

And, it ignores the spiral we get into when we fail to create adequate schools, health care systems, living wages, etc.

Driving retirees out of their homes by using property tax isn't some sort of civil good. Leveling property tax raises rents when we already have a serious problem with homelessness.

And, let's remember that it is the wealthy who design our systems. Once again, I'll point out that the poor of America would NEVER have considered spending trillions of dollars killing people in the ME. They would be significantly less interested in freeways. The would be more interested in community health care (which we've dumped) rather than BigPharma and hugely expensive procedures. Those living in low income areas are much more likely to be getting water that kills their kids brains. Would those people appreciate a solution to that more than to the solution of killing those in the ME, or super freeways, etc?

A lot of what we do is design systems for the wealthy and then moan when we can't wring more dollars out of the poor to pay for it.

What I'm saying is that moving to taxes based on property, sales, etc. is destructive.
Mark my words...

If we ever do away with the income tax America will look like central America or south Asia within 50 years.

Many states have done away with their income tax, do they look like South America?

Silly far left drone!

We look like South America, because you far left drones want an open border!

Another failed post!
I live in such a state.

Having no income tax is a serious problem. It means that anything those of us who can pay want to do in the way of improving schools, transportation, the homeless situation, etc., have no adequate way to raise revenue other than to tax people who rent, retirees who managed to own their home, etc.

It's a really crappy idea at the state level.

Plus, I don't see anything on this thread from the anti-tax folks that shows what the impact would be and how we would sustain that.

Is it what you say or is it that what would replace an income tax (use tax, national sales tax, etc.) would mean the 50% that pay no income tax yet benefit from living here would actually have to pay their fair share?
I don't accept that as a real question.

For example, it ignores what "fair share" even means.

Also, it ignores what it means to tax those who have no income above the poverty level.

And, it ignores the spiral we get into when we fail to create adequate schools, health care systems, living wages, etc.

Driving retirees out of their homes by using property tax isn't some sort of civil good. Leveling property tax raises rents when we already have a serious problem with homelessness.

And, let's remember that it is the wealthy who design our systems. Once again, I'll point out that the poor of America would NEVER have considered spending trillions of dollars killing people in the ME. They would be significantly less interested in freeways. The would be more interested in community health care (which we've dumped) rather than BigPharma and hugely expensive procedures. Those living in low income areas are much more likely to be getting water that kills their kids brains. Would those people appreciate a solution to that more than to the solution of killing those in the ME, or super freeways, etc?

A lot of what we do is design systems for the wealthy and then moan when we can't wring more dollars out of the poor to pay for it.

What I'm saying is that moving to taxes based on property, sales, etc. is destructive.

You ignore it because you know answering destroys your entire argument.

What you propose is those that contribute and mean something to society pay more while the dregs of society and those that only take from it continue to do so.

The only thought of the poor in America is how they can be handed something else they didn't earn by those that keep society going.

You keep saying we wring more dollar out the poor to pay for it. If they're poor, they don't have anything. That's why constantly try to wring something out of those that earned it because many of them don't have the ability or desire to do for themselves. If they did, they would.

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