End income tax

There's no need for an income tax, or any tax, liberals will voluntarily give most of their money to the government for redistribution. Right libs, you people will lead by example, practice what you preach?

Take a peak at the give budget sometime. 30% goes to military shit but it's Medicare coverage for old people that upsets you ?

That pie chart purposefully understates our tax support for the military by distributing costs of our military to other categories.

For example, "veteran's benefits" are obviously direct support for our military. The "military" category doesn't include our atomic weapons maintenance and development. "International affairs" is another such category. And, our interest on the debt includes the interest on the TRILLIONS Bush spent on Iraq/Afghanistan and we spend on bombing and droning in the ME - including military expenditures under Obama and previous presidents, of course. Also, military retirement programs are significant and much if not all does not get accounted for by the category called "military".

I'm not necessarily opposed to the expenditures.

I just want to point out that the pie chart is constructed for political purpose.

I'd also point out that this administration wants that piece of the pie increased substantially.

I can see your user name is a misnomer as you did not read my post in reply to little Timmy's caterwauling.

None of those retiree or veterans benefits contribute to the cost of defending the United States of America and much as you and your barely literate liberal friend here want it to.

Those expenditures are listed as a duty of the federal government in our Constitution, unlike Social Security or Medicare.
Oh, good LORD!!!

When an employer signs an employee for specified compensation, they absolutely ARE required to pay that compensation.

What tbe HELL makes you think otherwise??

Sent from my SM-T710 using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

Once again, your reply does not address anything I actually said but wanders off on some wild tangent. Please stay off the drugs and booze while posting.
What dependency of preppies to you speak of?
20% of the 1% Were Born Into It, So It Is Illegitimate

Most would be nothing without their Daddy's Money. You're being dishonestly semantic if you redefine HeirHeads' lives as "independent."

So? Are you saying those that earned it should't be able to give it to their kids? Are you saying that those earning it should give it to someone else's kids instead?

If a parent gives their child something, it's legitimate. If the government forces that parent to give it to some POS who won't do for their kids, that's illegitimate.

The HeirHeads' Government Purposely Makes Democracy Look Bad

Tilting the playing field is anti-social, which should make it a crime. No one has the right to bribe the umpires to call all strikes for his son, the pitcher, even if Daddy does it "with his own money."

If the government gives the money to the wrong people instead of investing it in those with the most natural talent for benefiting the nation, at least that will eliminate half the damage aristocracy does, which is done by those who are placed by their fathers' wealth far beyond where they would get on their own. Because of this, they also have the incentive to exclude or discourage those more talented than their sons from competing with their sons.

It's not bribing. It's giving the ones you want what you have. Are you opposed to that?

The government can't give anyone a dime. If the government forces a person that pays the taxes to do it and it's not the person(s) the one whose money it is chooses, that's the wrong person.

It's easy to tell you're not one of those that had someone able to give you anything. That's why you want the government to do it for you.
Let's remember that civilization is never free.

It's fun to say "no tax", but the real issue is how to pay for our civilization.

No one said it's free.

The problem with saying "the real issue is how to pay for civilization is so many are allowed to get by with not funding or contributing to it in any way. What compounds it is those say civilization has to be paid for by those in it justify those not contributing doing so. If civilization has to be funded, why do only certain ones do the funding and everyone benefit from it?
25% of income taxes are spent on our military.

RW's want no income tax and a better, stronger military.

maybe they can figure that one out.

And yet that is one of the few things that is Constitutional spending by the Congress..

Silly far left drone!

maybe you can quote me naming anything else ?

Maybe you can prove that far left will cut their social programs and not just the military..

How did the US pay for the military before the income tax?

Silly far left drone!
there was no standing army.
20% of the 1% Were Born Into It, So It Is Illegitimate

Most would be nothing without their Daddy's Money. You're being dishonestly semantic if you redefine HeirHeads' lives as "independent."

So? Are you saying those that earned it should't be able to give it to their kids? Are you saying that those earning it should give it to someone else's kids instead?

If a parent gives their child something, it's legitimate. If the government forces that parent to give it to some POS who won't do for their kids, that's illegitimate.

The HeirHeads' Government Purposely Makes Democracy Look Bad

Tilting the playing field is anti-social, which should make it a crime. No one has the right to bribe the umpires to call all strikes for his son, the pitcher, even if Daddy does it "with his own money."

If the government gives the money to the wrong people instead of investing it in those with the most natural talent for benefiting the nation, at least that will eliminate half the damage aristocracy does, which is done by those who are placed by their fathers' wealth far beyond where they would get on their own. Because of this, they also have the incentive to exclude or discourage those more talented than their sons from competing with their sons.

It's not bribing. It's giving the ones you want what you have. Are you opposed to that?

The government can't give anyone a dime. If the government forces a person that pays the taxes to do it and it's not the person(s) the one whose money it is chooses, that's the wrong person.

It's easy to tell you're not one of those that had someone able to give you anything. That's why you want the government to do it for you.
Let's remember that civilization is never free.

It's fun to say "no tax", but the real issue is how to pay for our civilization.

No one said it's free.

The problem with saying "the real issue is how to pay for civilization is so many are allowed to get by with not funding or contributing to it in any way. What compounds it is those say civilization has to be paid for by those in it justify those not contributing doing so. If civilization has to be funded, why do only certain ones do the funding and everyone benefit from it?
Everybody pays taxes and fees.

We have graduated income tax for very obvious reasons.

And, we allow the wealthy to design our systems - or do you think poor people would choose to spend trillions of dollars to slughter people in Afghanistan and to vonquer Iraq???
25% of income taxes are spent on our military.

RW's want no income tax and a better, stronger military.

maybe they can figure that one out.

And yet that is one of the few things that is Constitutional spending by the Congress..

Silly far left drone!

maybe you can quote me naming anything else ?

Maybe you can prove that far left will cut their social programs and not just the military..

How did the US pay for the military before the income tax?

Silly far left drone!
there was no standing army.

This is why the far left is so dangerous!

The United States Army (USA) is the largest branch of the United States Armed Forces and performs land-based military operations. It is one of the seven uniformed services of the United States and is designated as the Army of the United States in the United States Constitution, Article 2, Section 2, Clause 1 and United States Code, Title 10, Subtitle B, Chapter 301, Section 3001. As the largest and senior branch of the U.S. military, the modern U.S. Army has its roots in the Continental Army, which was formed (14 June 1775) to fight the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783)—before the U.S. was established as a country.[6] After the Revolutionary War, the Congress of the Confederation created the United States Army on 3 June 1784, to replace the disbanded Continental Army.[7][8] The United States Army considers itself descended from the Continental Army, and dates its institutional inception from the origin of that armed force in 1775.[6]

United States Army - Wikipedia

This why the far left should never hold any position of power!
25% of income taxes are spent on our military.

RW's want no income tax and a better, stronger military.

maybe they can figure that one out.

And yet that is one of the few things that is Constitutional spending by the Congress..

Silly far left drone!
the common defense And general welfare.

And yes the far left often cites that, but proves they do not understand the Constitution!

The military, post office and few other things are true Constitutional spending!
So? Are you saying those that earned it should't be able to give it to their kids? Are you saying that those earning it should give it to someone else's kids instead?

If a parent gives their child something, it's legitimate. If the government forces that parent to give it to some POS who won't do for their kids, that's illegitimate.

The HeirHeads' Government Purposely Makes Democracy Look Bad

Tilting the playing field is anti-social, which should make it a crime. No one has the right to bribe the umpires to call all strikes for his son, the pitcher, even if Daddy does it "with his own money."

If the government gives the money to the wrong people instead of investing it in those with the most natural talent for benefiting the nation, at least that will eliminate half the damage aristocracy does, which is done by those who are placed by their fathers' wealth far beyond where they would get on their own. Because of this, they also have the incentive to exclude or discourage those more talented than their sons from competing with their sons.

It's not bribing. It's giving the ones you want what you have. Are you opposed to that?

The government can't give anyone a dime. If the government forces a person that pays the taxes to do it and it's not the person(s) the one whose money it is chooses, that's the wrong person.

It's easy to tell you're not one of those that had someone able to give you anything. That's why you want the government to do it for you.
Let's remember that civilization is never free.

It's fun to say "no tax", but the real issue is how to pay for our civilization.

No one said it's free.

The problem with saying "the real issue is how to pay for civilization is so many are allowed to get by with not funding or contributing to it in any way. What compounds it is those say civilization has to be paid for by those in it justify those not contributing doing so. If civilization has to be funded, why do only certain ones do the funding and everyone benefit from it?
Everybody pays taxes and fees.

We have graduated income tax for very obvious reasons.

And, we allow the wealthy to design our systems - or do you think poor people would choose to spend trillions of dollars to slughter people in Afghanistan and to vonquer Iraq???

The wealthy fund our system. Should the poor people that provide nothing of benefit to society get to dictate how society runs.

The poor people would continue to sit on their asses collecting food stamps, welfare, and any other handout they can get while demanding others foot the bill.

The graduate income tax in nonsense. Taxing people that make more a higher AMOUNT isn't the issue. Taxing them a higher percentage is. You bleeding hearts constantly talk about equality then support things that aren't equal.
25% of income taxes are spent on our military.

RW's want no income tax and a better, stronger military.

maybe they can figure that one out.

And yet that is one of the few things that is Constitutional spending by the Congress..

Silly far left drone!
the common defense And general welfare.

And yes the far left often cites that, but proves they do not understand the Constitution!

The military, post office and few other things are true Constitutional spending!

Ask one to show you the word food stamps, Medicaid, government housing, healthcare subsidies, etc in the Constitution and they say "general welfare". I can point to the EXACT word "military" and they still don't get the difference.
25% of income taxes are spent on our military.

RW's want no income tax and a better, stronger military.

maybe they can figure that one out.

And yet that is one of the few things that is Constitutional spending by the Congress..

Silly far left drone!

The lefties regularly have a problem with spending on things specifically in the Constitution but have no problem with spending on things that aren't there. I can point to the Article, Section, and Clause that permits military spending as a delegated power. I have yet to have one lefty show me the word food stamps, WIC, government housing, Medicaid, etc. in the Constitution.

That clause literally says "general welfare" .

That clause doesn't say any of the words you lefties claim are in the Constitution. General welfare doesn't mean social welfare.

General welfare is public welfare, or social welfare.
25% of income taxes are spent on our military.

RW's want no income tax and a better, stronger military.

maybe they can figure that one out.

And yet that is one of the few things that is Constitutional spending by the Congress..

Silly far left drone!

The lefties regularly have a problem with spending on things specifically in the Constitution but have no problem with spending on things that aren't there. I can point to the Article, Section, and Clause that permits military spending as a delegated power. I have yet to have one lefty show me the word food stamps, WIC, government housing, Medicaid, etc. in the Constitution.

That clause literally says "general welfare" .

That clause doesn't say any of the words you lefties claim are in the Constitution. General welfare doesn't mean social welfare.

General welfare is public welfare, or social welfare.

Two different words with two different meanings. They aren't spelled the same so they can't be the same.
The HeirHeads' Government Purposely Makes Democracy Look Bad

Tilting the playing field is anti-social, which should make it a crime. No one has the right to bribe the umpires to call all strikes for his son, the pitcher, even if Daddy does it "with his own money."

If the government gives the money to the wrong people instead of investing it in those with the most natural talent for benefiting the nation, at least that will eliminate half the damage aristocracy does, which is done by those who are placed by their fathers' wealth far beyond where they would get on their own. Because of this, they also have the incentive to exclude or discourage those more talented than their sons from competing with their sons.

It's not bribing. It's giving the ones you want what you have. Are you opposed to that?

The government can't give anyone a dime. If the government forces a person that pays the taxes to do it and it's not the person(s) the one whose money it is chooses, that's the wrong person.

It's easy to tell you're not one of those that had someone able to give you anything. That's why you want the government to do it for you.
Let's remember that civilization is never free.

It's fun to say "no tax", but the real issue is how to pay for our civilization.

No one said it's free.

The problem with saying "the real issue is how to pay for civilization is so many are allowed to get by with not funding or contributing to it in any way. What compounds it is those say civilization has to be paid for by those in it justify those not contributing doing so. If civilization has to be funded, why do only certain ones do the funding and everyone benefit from it?
Everybody pays taxes and fees.

We have graduated income tax for very obvious reasons.

And, we allow the wealthy to design our systems - or do you think poor people would choose to spend trillions of dollars to slughter people in Afghanistan and to vonquer Iraq???

The wealthy fund our system. Should the poor people that provide nothing of benefit to society get to dictate how society runs.

The poor people would continue to sit on their asses collecting food stamps, welfare, and any other handout they can get while demanding others foot the bill.

The graduate income tax in nonsense. Taxing people that make more a higher AMOUNT isn't the issue. Taxing them a higher percentage is. You bleeding hearts constantly talk about equality then support things that aren't equal.
You are demanding that those with survival levels of income pay for the BS rich folk want to do.

That is just plain ludicrous.
It's not bribing. It's giving the ones you want what you have. Are you opposed to that?

The government can't give anyone a dime. If the government forces a person that pays the taxes to do it and it's not the person(s) the one whose money it is chooses, that's the wrong person.

It's easy to tell you're not one of those that had someone able to give you anything. That's why you want the government to do it for you.
Let's remember that civilization is never free.

It's fun to say "no tax", but the real issue is how to pay for our civilization.

No one said it's free.

The problem with saying "the real issue is how to pay for civilization is so many are allowed to get by with not funding or contributing to it in any way. What compounds it is those say civilization has to be paid for by those in it justify those not contributing doing so. If civilization has to be funded, why do only certain ones do the funding and everyone benefit from it?
Everybody pays taxes and fees.

We have graduated income tax for very obvious reasons.

And, we allow the wealthy to design our systems - or do you think poor people would choose to spend trillions of dollars to slughter people in Afghanistan and to vonquer Iraq???

The wealthy fund our system. Should the poor people that provide nothing of benefit to society get to dictate how society runs.

The poor people would continue to sit on their asses collecting food stamps, welfare, and any other handout they can get while demanding others foot the bill.

The graduate income tax in nonsense. Taxing people that make more a higher AMOUNT isn't the issue. Taxing them a higher percentage is. You bleeding hearts constantly talk about equality then support things that aren't equal.
You are demanding that those with survival levels of income pay for the BS rich folk want to do.

That is just plain ludicrous.

What's ludicrous is a poor persons receiving social welfare, demanding more and more, yet not paying a dime to the pot from which they draw.

Since when do rich people use the social welfare programs they are forced to fund? Since when to poor people pay the funding for the handouts they get for nothing?
Let's remember that civilization is never free.

It's fun to say "no tax", but the real issue is how to pay for our civilization.

No one said it's free.

The problem with saying "the real issue is how to pay for civilization is so many are allowed to get by with not funding or contributing to it in any way. What compounds it is those say civilization has to be paid for by those in it justify those not contributing doing so. If civilization has to be funded, why do only certain ones do the funding and everyone benefit from it?
Everybody pays taxes and fees.

We have graduated income tax for very obvious reasons.

And, we allow the wealthy to design our systems - or do you think poor people would choose to spend trillions of dollars to slughter people in Afghanistan and to vonquer Iraq???

The wealthy fund our system. Should the poor people that provide nothing of benefit to society get to dictate how society runs.

The poor people would continue to sit on their asses collecting food stamps, welfare, and any other handout they can get while demanding others foot the bill.

The graduate income tax in nonsense. Taxing people that make more a higher AMOUNT isn't the issue. Taxing them a higher percentage is. You bleeding hearts constantly talk about equality then support things that aren't equal.
You are demanding that those with survival levels of income pay for the BS rich folk want to do.

That is just plain ludicrous.

What's ludicrous is a poor persons receiving social welfare, demanding more and more, yet not paying a dime to the pot from which they draw.

Since when do rich people use the social welfare programs they are forced to fund? Since when to poor people pay the funding for the handouts they get for nothing?

For those poor demanding more and more while doing nothing, I say fuck off. I don't owe you shit. If you want it, earn it. If you won't, do without or try to get one of the bleeding hearts that claim to care about you to give you theirs. They think it's owed to you. I don't.
No one said it's free.

The problem with saying "the real issue is how to pay for civilization is so many are allowed to get by with not funding or contributing to it in any way. What compounds it is those say civilization has to be paid for by those in it justify those not contributing doing so. If civilization has to be funded, why do only certain ones do the funding and everyone benefit from it?
Everybody pays taxes and fees.

We have graduated income tax for very obvious reasons.

And, we allow the wealthy to design our systems - or do you think poor people would choose to spend trillions of dollars to slughter people in Afghanistan and to vonquer Iraq???

The wealthy fund our system. Should the poor people that provide nothing of benefit to society get to dictate how society runs.

The poor people would continue to sit on their asses collecting food stamps, welfare, and any other handout they can get while demanding others foot the bill.

The graduate income tax in nonsense. Taxing people that make more a higher AMOUNT isn't the issue. Taxing them a higher percentage is. You bleeding hearts constantly talk about equality then support things that aren't equal.
You are demanding that those with survival levels of income pay for the BS rich folk want to do.

That is just plain ludicrous.

What's ludicrous is a poor persons receiving social welfare, demanding more and more, yet not paying a dime to the pot from which they draw.

Since when do rich people use the social welfare programs they are forced to fund? Since when to poor people pay the funding for the handouts they get for nothing?

For those poor demanding more and more while doing nothing, I say fuck off. I don't owe you shit. If you want it, earn it. If you won't, do without or try to get one of the bleeding hearts that claim to care about you to give you theirs. They think it's owed to you. I don't.

We have a civilization. And, you are going to find it difficult to locate a place to live where people put up with with your amoral nonsense.

Go take a look around.

It isn't in the US - that's for sure.
Our insane governor wants to do away with state income tax and he has been sockin us with taxes on everything but breathing--that will be next. And we're still paying income tax. Dream on Harley, but they never give back what they took. Believe me.
no income tax here. I pay a ten cents on the dollar in taxes. I love it. And I am close to KY so I go there and take advantage of tax free groceries :D

Groceries used to be tax free across the board. The logic was we shouldn't be taxed on stuff we need to survive. But survival is of no consequence to the tax happy Democrats.
Everybody pays taxes and fees.

We have graduated income tax for very obvious reasons.

And, we allow the wealthy to design our systems - or do you think poor people would choose to spend trillions of dollars to slughter people in Afghanistan and to vonquer Iraq???

The wealthy fund our system. Should the poor people that provide nothing of benefit to society get to dictate how society runs.

The poor people would continue to sit on their asses collecting food stamps, welfare, and any other handout they can get while demanding others foot the bill.

The graduate income tax in nonsense. Taxing people that make more a higher AMOUNT isn't the issue. Taxing them a higher percentage is. You bleeding hearts constantly talk about equality then support things that aren't equal.
You are demanding that those with survival levels of income pay for the BS rich folk want to do.

That is just plain ludicrous.

What's ludicrous is a poor persons receiving social welfare, demanding more and more, yet not paying a dime to the pot from which they draw.

Since when do rich people use the social welfare programs they are forced to fund? Since when to poor people pay the funding for the handouts they get for nothing?

For those poor demanding more and more while doing nothing, I say fuck off. I don't owe you shit. If you want it, earn it. If you won't, do without or try to get one of the bleeding hearts that claim to care about you to give you theirs. They think it's owed to you. I don't.

We have a civilization. And, you are going to find it difficult to locate a place to live where people put up with with your amoral nonsense.

Go take a look around.

Nothing amoral about what I believe. The Bible is clear that if you won't work, you shouldn't eat.

You keep saying we have a civilization that involves everyone doing their part. The poor do not do their part. They benefit far greater than they contribute if they contribute anything at all. On the other side, those actually funding the civilization do not get as much out as they put in.

Social Security is a prime example. Shouldn't someone that put in at a 4x higher amount get a 4x higher distribution all other things (age, years contributing, etc.) being equal? That's not how it work. The low income worker gets a far better return than someone of a higher income. That's not equal yet you claim things should be.

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