End income tax

Dr. Coburn Outlines Ten Special-Interest Expenditures Hidden in Tax Code - Right Now - Tom Coburn, M.D., United States Senator from Oklahoma

Spending in the form of tax giveaways drives debt, must be reformed

Some in Washington want to simply raise tax rates without addressing the underlying waste, spending and corporate giveaways embedded in the tax code. While Congress continues to delay real tax reform Dr. Coburn exposes ten expenditures that could be immediately eliminated or reformed to reduce the deficit by more than $130 billion over the next ten years, including tax breaks for millionaires, the NFL, Hollywood, and NASCAR. Masquerading as tax cuts, many of these programs are no different from any other federal program that spends taxpayer money. Cleaning up the code by eliminating the most egregious tax giveaways will not only generate revenue, but also pave the way for reducing tax rates for all Americans and small businesses.
Simple facts, stated by conservatives:

1. Tax expenditures drive higher tax rates.

2. Tax expenditures are a hidden form of spending.

3. Eliminating tax expenditures paves the way for lowering tax rates AND balancing the budget.

Doc1 thinks this is Socialist Democrat policy. Oh my god, that is going to have me spontaneously laughing out loud for the next week. :lol:
We get it, in your mind being a Conservative requires one to believe in higher taxes.
I'm sure all Conservatives agree with you.
Hey willfully blind monkey. How big does "pave the way for reducing tax rates for all Americans and small businesses" have to be before you see it?!?!
Simple facts, stated by conservatives:

1. Tax expenditures drive higher tax rates.

2. Tax expenditures are a hidden form of spending.

3. Eliminating tax expenditures paves the way for lowering tax rates AND balancing the budget.

Doc1 thinks this is Socialist Democrat policy. Oh my god, that is going to have me spontaneously laughing out loud for the next week. :lol:

Doc1 simply says that you are a big Gov dupe.
All real Conservatives would agree.....but then YOU reserve the "right" to define what a "real conservative" is.
Senator Tom Coburn. Socialist Democrat.


You've lost kid, I'm sorry and I know that it hurts.
How big does "pave the way for reducing tax rates for all Americans and small businesses" have to be before you see it?

This willfully blind monkey shit is an amazing phenomenon I see every day in pseudocons.
Ronald Reagan: Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the State of the Union

Let us go forward with an historic reform for fairness, simplicity, and incentives for growth. I am asking Secretary Don Regan for a plan for action to simplify the entire tax code, so all taxpayers, big and small, are treated more fairly. And I believe such a plan could result in that underground economy being brought into the sunlight of honest tax compliance. And it could make the tax base broader, so personal tax rates could come down, not go up.

Ronald Reagan. Socialist Democrat. :lol:
the only tax we should pay is social security, but only if we have the GOP running the show, otherwise the Democrats steal it and buy a few homes/cars/call girls with it
See, with lower tax rates for everyone, they get to keep more of their own money, and no one is stealing from them through tax expenditures.

So simple even a retard can understand.

Oh, wait...
You are making the exact same stupid mistaken argument the pseudocons make.

Why are you avoiding answering the question? What are you afraid of?

LOL you meant to say: " In my opinion you aren't answering my question".
I actually have, you just don't like the answer. I've been a Conservative longer than you've been alive, pardon me f I don't buy into all of your "redefinitions".
It was a simple question, retard. When you don't name the candidate whose tax plan you preferred, it is not a matter of opinion that you didn't, dumbass. It is a FACT you did not name whose tax plan you preferred.

You're cornered, and want to run now.

Son, it is a fact that what one says often never equates to what one does. Is that something that escapes you?
I may be the one screaming disagreement with trump's plan.....nobody else's plan matters now do they?
Trump is the President Elect so HIS is the only one that matters, we'll see what he does.
Kid's like you deal in and with what if's and maybe's, I don't. I deal in what is.
You'll just have to grow up a bit.
Your preferred tax plan will indicate your knowledge. That's why you are too afraid to say whose tax plan you preferred. You know you fucked up and will have your ignorance exposed the moment you name the one you preferred.

If you even know anything about the candidates' tax plans. Which I am starting to think you don't have a clue about any of them.

Stop dodging, coward.

Now I'm just laughing at you.
Carly Fiorina's tax plan is immaterial. The ONLY one that matters is the Donald's, and we really don't know what that is yet. You are free to cast aspersions and call names, but that just reveals your exasperation, youth and inexperience. It pisses you off that I will not play your "what if" game.
Reality and "What if's" are vastly different and I don't deal in things that are not real, call it experience.
Carly Fiorina, eh?


Carly Fiorina wants a 3-page tax code: Here's what she means

If Fiorina had her way, the tax code would be just 3 pages long. As in one, two, three, see ya, Sam.

See that? That's why you were afraid to answer the question. You knew you were over your head.
Carly Fiorina. Socialist Democrat.


Oh, man. Fucking priceless.
Gosh, you've been shown several well known conservatives who favor abolishing tax expenditures now, Doc! And they all said eliminating tax expenditures allowed tax rates to be lowered. They all said they were the cause of high tax rates.

Maybe now you will admit you've been a fucking stone cold idiot for thinking it was a Socialist Democratic thing!


So. Where was I when we started this topic.

Oh, yeah. Get rid of the income tax, and enact a consumption tax. Something like the Fair Tax. Ensure it can't be corrupted by not allowing exemptions.

Gee, I must be a Socialist Democrat.



LOL you meant to say: " In my opinion you aren't answering my question".
I actually have, you just don't like the answer. I've been a Conservative longer than you've been alive, pardon me f I don't buy into all of your "redefinitions".
It was a simple question, retard. When you don't name the candidate whose tax plan you preferred, it is not a matter of opinion that you didn't, dumbass. It is a FACT you did not name whose tax plan you preferred.

You're cornered, and want to run now.

Son, it is a fact that what one says often never equates to what one does. Is that something that escapes you?
I may be the one screaming disagreement with trump's plan.....nobody else's plan matters now do they?
Trump is the President Elect so HIS is the only one that matters, we'll see what he does.
Kid's like you deal in and with what if's and maybe's, I don't. I deal in what is.
You'll just have to grow up a bit.
Your preferred tax plan will indicate your knowledge. That's why you are too afraid to say whose tax plan you preferred. You know you fucked up and will have your ignorance exposed the moment you name the one you preferred.

If you even know anything about the candidates' tax plans. Which I am starting to think you don't have a clue about any of them.

Stop dodging, coward.

Now I'm just laughing at you.
Carly Fiorina's tax plan is immaterial. The ONLY one that matters is the Donald's, and we really don't know what that is yet. You are free to cast aspersions and call names, but that just reveals your exasperation, youth and inexperience. It pisses you off that I will not play your "what if" game.
Reality and "What if's" are vastly different and I don't deal in things that are not real, call it experience.
Carly Fiorina, eh?


Carly Fiorina wants a 3-page tax code: Here's what she means

If Fiorina had her way, the tax code would be just 3 pages long. As in one, two, three, see ya, Sam.

See that? That's why you were afraid to answer the question. You knew you were over your head.

Kid you really are clueless. The point is that her plan is immaterial. Wow, I feel bad for you.
TRUMP is the Prez and we have yet to see what his real plan is.
I am embarrassed for you.

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