End income tax

I preferred Ted Cruz's tax plan.

So how easy it is to answer that question, coward?
CBPP Issues Report on Tax Expenditures

The report echoes what many economists all over the political spectrum agree on: that tax expenditures are really just spending in disguise and that their use shrinks the tax base and forces up tax rates.

Boom! Exactly what I have been telling you, Doc.

Now I'm REALLY feeling sorry for you....

"The report defines tax expenditures as

“reductions in tax liabilities that result from preferential provisions” in tax law. They include tax exemptions, credits, deductions, preferential rates, and abatements. Policymakers generally enact tax expenditures to accomplish a policy goal."

You just keep proving my point. That being that YOUR position assumes that ALL monies are the Gov's and that whatever they let us keep is an "expenditure".
Just stop son.
Our insane governor wants to do away with state income tax and he has been sockin us with taxes on everything but breathing--that will be next. And we're still paying income tax. Dream on Harley, but they never give back what they took. Believe me.
no income tax here. I pay a ten cents on the dollar in taxes. I love it. And I am close to KY so I go there and take advantage of tax free groceries :D

Nevada too, and you can stay in-State and buy groceries tax free.

MASS doesn't tax essentials like food and clothing . Unless it's prepared food .

Does MASS have State income tax?
There's no need for an income tax, or any tax, liberals will voluntarily give most of their money to the government for redistribution. Right libs, you people will lead by example, practice what you preach?

Take a peak at the give budget sometime. 30% goes to military shit but it's Medicare coverage for old people that upsets you ?


And ?

Nukes are part of the Energy department

Vet affairs IS military spending

Pentagon costs make up part of "labor " and "health" (example : DOD retireee payments )

There's defense aspects to "international affairs" and "science ".

In fact , you'd find defense spending buried in pretty much all those budget subsets .

So you looked up that source and found out all of that information? Why didn't you link it?

Veterans affairs has nothing to do withe defense, nor do retirees.

You are grasping at straws yet again because your little tiny mind was completely wrong in your concept of how much the government spends on the military.
Ted Cruz's tax plan was the closest one to eliminating all tax expenditures, though he never came out and said it that straightly. Cruz is a big prevaricator. Rand Paul had a similar plan, but his included a VAT (though he refuses to call it that). Marco Rubio's tax plan was also in the tax expenditure shrinkage vein.

Both Ted Cruz and Rand Paul's tax plans had "post card tax returns". What the rubes never cottoned onto is that there is only one way to create a postcard tax return: eliminate the 17,000 pages of tax expenditures in the tax code!

Cruz's tax plan was an income tax. So his "abolish the IRS" gimmick was a big lie.

As every actual conservative knows, when you eliminate tax expenditures, you can lower everyone's tax rates. And Cruz did just that. My only beef with his was that he lowered it too far, and would have run up huge deficits.
There's no need for an income tax, or any tax, liberals will voluntarily give most of their money to the government for redistribution. Right libs, you people will lead by example, practice what you preach?

Take a peak at the give budget sometime. 30% goes to military shit but it's Medicare coverage for old people that upsets you ?


And ?

Nukes are part of the Energy department

Vet affairs IS military spending

Pentagon costs make up part of "labor " and "health" (example : DOD retireee payments )

There's defense aspects to "international affairs" and "science ".

In fact , you'd find defense spending buried in pretty much all those budget subsets .

They will explain this to you when you get to junior high.

What's your point?

Right off the bat VA + Military = 20%

That's before even sniffing Homeland Security stuff .

Medicare is still 27%! You are still short a few bucks and caring for our veterans does not help this nation's defense.

Did you also forget that military retirees also get Medicare and Social Security?
Like I have been pointing out for years. When you try to take away a pseudocon's government gifts, they scream louder than a welfare queen.

Meaning that the more of MY money that I get to keep it is a Gov gift.
You really are an idiot son.
You poor sap. You've bought into the big lie.

Your deduction comes at the expense of higher tax rates. That means it comes out of the pockets of every taxpayer.

Just like food stamps do.

Read the links I provided, idiot.

You can lead a retarded horse to water...
There's no need for an income tax, or any tax, liberals will voluntarily give most of their money to the government for redistribution. Right libs, you people will lead by example, practice what you preach?

Take a peak at the give budget sometime. 30% goes to military shit but it's Medicare coverage for old people that upsets you ?

That pie chart purposefully understates our tax support for the military by distributing costs of our military to other categories.

For example, "veteran's benefits" are obviously direct support for our military. The "military" category doesn't include our atomic weapons maintenance and development. "International affairs" is another such category. And, our interest on the debt includes the interest on the TRILLIONS Bush spent on Iraq/Afghanistan and we spend on bombing and droning in the ME - including military expenditures under Obama and previous presidents, of course. Also, military retirement programs are significant and much if not all does not get accounted for by the category called "military".

I'm not necessarily opposed to the expenditures.

I just want to point out that the pie chart is constructed for political purpose.

I'd also point out that this administration wants that piece of the pie increased substantially.
You are punished with higher taxes if you don't have a mortgage.

You are punished with higher taxes if you don't have kids.

You are punished with higher taxes if you don't buy the right kind of refrigerator.

You are punished with higher taxes if you don't buy the right kind of refrigerator.

Tax expenditures are a massive government behavioral control program.

It was not any leap at all to punish you with higher taxes for not buying the right kind of health insurance.

You ignorangt fucks brought that shit down on yourselves.
Like I have been pointing out for years. When you try to take away a pseudocon's government gifts, they scream louder than a welfare queen.

Meaning that the more of MY money that I get to keep it is a Gov gift.
You really are an idiot son.
You poor sap. You've bought into the big lie.

Your deduction comes at the expense of higher tax rates. That means it comes out of the pockets of every taxpayer.

Just like food stamps do.

Read the links I provided, idiot.

You can lead a retarded horse to water...

Son I've used every one of your link's to show what an idiot you are.
Every single one.
It is you that has bought into the Gov lie.
So here we are, in your eyes I am an idiot, in mine you are. See how that works?
Is Cruz the Prez?
Nope. Nor is he a Socialist Democrat as you claimed people who would eliminate tax expenditures are.

That's why you were too scared to answer the question. You know you are over your head.
Like I have been pointing out for years. When you try to take away a pseudocon's government gifts, they scream louder than a welfare queen.

Meaning that the more of MY money that I get to keep it is a Gov gift.
You really are an idiot son.
You poor sap. You've bought into the big lie.

Your deduction comes at the expense of higher tax rates. That means it comes out of the pockets of every taxpayer.

Just like food stamps do.

Read the links I provided, idiot.

You can lead a retarded horse to water...

Son I've used every one of your link's to show what an idiot you are.
Nope, You have demonstrated your innumeracy and your ignorance.

Like I said. You don't recognize a core conservative principle when it is kicking you in the balls.

By the way, how do you think Reagan got away with lowering tax rates? Because he eliminated a lot of tax expenditures. The great tax reform of 1986.

There's no need for an income tax, or any tax, liberals will voluntarily give most of their money to the government for redistribution. Right libs, you people will lead by example, practice what you preach?

Take a peak at the give budget sometime. 30% goes to military shit but it's Medicare coverage for old people that upsets you ?

That pie chart purposefully understates our tax support for the military by distributing costs of our military to other categories.

For example, "veteran's benefits" are obviously direct support for our military. The "military" category doesn't include our atomic weapons maintenance and development. "International affairs" is another such category. And, our interest on the debt includes the interest on the TRILLIONS Bush spent on Iraq/Afghanistan and we spend on bombing and droning in the ME - including military expenditures under Obama and previous presidents, of course. Also, military retirement programs are significant and much if not all does not get accounted for by the category called "military".

I'm not necessarily opposed to the expenditures.

I just want to point out that the pie chart is constructed for political purpose.

I'd also point out that this administration wants that piece of the pie increased substantially.

I can see your user name is a misnomer as you did not read my post in reply to little Timmy's caterwauling.

None of those retiree or veterans benefits contribute to the cost of defending the United States of America and much as you and your barely literate liberal friend here want it to.

Those expenditures are listed as a duty of the federal government in our Constitution, unlike Social Security or Medicare.
It's amazing, this vast ignorance of what was once a core conservative plank.

I have yet to come across a pseudocon who understands it.

It's like a litmus test.
You are punished with higher taxes if you don't have a mortgage.
No, you are rewarded if you do.

You are punished with higher taxes if you don't have kids.
No you are rewarded if you do because you have to feed more more mouths.

You are punished with higher taxes if you don't buy the right kind of refrigerator
No, you are rewarded because ou did.

Tax expenditures are a massive government behavioral control program.
No, they ar

It was not any leap at all to punish you with higher taxes for not buying the right kind of health insurance.

You ignorangt fucks brought that shit down on yourselves.
Is Cruz the Prez?
Nope. Nor is he a Socialist Democrat as you claimed people who would eliminate tax expenditures are.

That's why you were too scared to answer the question. You know you are over your head.

No, YOU are a Democratic Socialist son. You just aren't smart enough or brave enough to admit it.
Like I have been pointing out for years. When you try to take away a pseudocon's government gifts, they scream louder than a welfare queen.

Meaning that the more of MY money that I get to keep it is a Gov gift.
You really are an idiot son.
You poor sap. You've bought into the big lie.

Your deduction comes at the expense of higher tax rates. That means it comes out of the pockets of every taxpayer.

Just like food stamps do.

Read the links I provided, idiot.

You can lead a retarded horse to water...

Son I've used every one of your link's to show what an idiot you are.
Nope, You have demonstrated your innumeracy and your ignorance.

Like I said. You don't recognize a core conservative principle when it is kicking you in the balls.

By the way, how do you think Reagan got away with lowering tax rates? Because he eliminated a lot of tax expenditures. The great tax reform of 1986.


I have repeatedly revealed your lack of education and it pisses you off.
I'm fine with that.

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