End of the Trump/Russia investigation

The nice thing
Actually it should not end even after Trump is out of the picture, because many other people are involved. Some you would not expect as well, most likely.
about a special prosecutor is that he can go wherever evidence takes him. Once you start looking at ties to Russia, Obama and Hillary might start wishing they hadn't pushed the narrative.
That's fine.
And if they did that cover up would be the first words out of the mouths of the Trump haters. Things like these shouldn't take as long as they do but because of the partisan horseshit both sides engage in they have to in order to avoid the appearance of any type of coverup or sloppy investigation.
Mueller's reputation speaks for itself and both sides have publicly supported his judgement. Are you claiming that if this investigation lasts for a long time then he is just stalling to avoid political fallout from wingnuts on the Left?
Yes in part that is why these investigations take so long people said the exact same type of things about Comey we all saw how both sides reacted when they didn't get the outcomes they wanted from him.
These investigations take a long time because the FBI thoroughly vetts all information and evidence presented so they are 100% sure about the conclusion of their reports. This is why their conviction rate has a high 90% success rate. If there was ZERO evidence of Trump collusion then there would be nothing to investigate. So what do you think Mueller is going to do, sit on his thumb for a few months? You think he is the type of guy that would do that?
I don't know what type of person Mueller is what I have no doubt of is if he came out tomorrow and said the investigation was over and he found no evidence of collusion the left would scream bloody murder and I he came out and said he did find evidence of it the right would scream bloody murder.
When Mueller comes out and says Russia interfered in our election and gave Trump a leg up, you pseudocons will still deny it.

First, there has to be something there and so far after a year, there isn't. If you are privy to some evidence that the leaking anti-Trump administrative class and MSM doesn't have, dish it. You'll be their heroine.
If there really is no evidence in the Russia/Trump situation, like many Trumpsters are claiming, then this case should be over by weeks end. Wouldn't Mueller see that there is nothing and simply close the case?

Since he's looking into campaign interference, maybe he'll take a look at Comey's handling of the bitches investigation. Wouldn't it be a hoot if he presents her case to a grand jury? Be careful what you wish for, commiecrats heads would be exploding. Duct tape anyone?

Mueller's job is to investigate the suspected collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

You forget a special prosecutor had a wide latitude on what they look at, wasn't Comey accused of interfering with the election? Interference is Interference, whether it be Russia or Comey. Like I said, be careful what you wish for. LOL

The interference investigation has been done. Obama placed sanctions on Russia as a result of our intelligence findings. The job for Mueller is to investigate the Trump/Russia ties for criminal collusion.
Mueller's reputation speaks for itself and both sides have publicly supported his judgement. Are you claiming that if this investigation lasts for a long time then he is just stalling to avoid political fallout from wingnuts on the Left?
Yes in part that is why these investigations take so long people said the exact same type of things about Comey we all saw how both sides reacted when they didn't get the outcomes they wanted from him.
These investigations take a long time because the FBI thoroughly vetts all information and evidence presented so they are 100% sure about the conclusion of their reports. This is why their conviction rate has a high 90% success rate. If there was ZERO evidence of Trump collusion then there would be nothing to investigate. So what do you think Mueller is going to do, sit on his thumb for a few months? You think he is the type of guy that would do that?
I don't know what type of person Mueller is what I have no doubt of is if he came out tomorrow and said the investigation was over and he found no evidence of collusion the left would scream bloody murder and I he came out and said he did find evidence of it the right would scream bloody murder.
When Mueller comes out and says Russia interfered in our election and gave Trump a leg up, you pseudocons will still deny it.

First, there has to be something there and so far after a year, there isn't. If you are privy to some evidence that the leaking anti-Trump administrative class and MSM doesn't have, dish it. You'll be their heroine.
Mueller is well respected by both sides of the aisle.

And if you really don't believe there is anything, then don't worry, yeah?
Yes in part that is why these investigations take so long people said the exact same type of things about Comey we all saw how both sides reacted when they didn't get the outcomes they wanted from him.
These investigations take a long time because the FBI thoroughly vetts all information and evidence presented so they are 100% sure about the conclusion of their reports. This is why their conviction rate has a high 90% success rate. If there was ZERO evidence of Trump collusion then there would be nothing to investigate. So what do you think Mueller is going to do, sit on his thumb for a few months? You think he is the type of guy that would do that?
I don't know what type of person Mueller is what I have no doubt of is if he came out tomorrow and said the investigation was over and he found no evidence of collusion the left would scream bloody murder and I he came out and said he did find evidence of it the right would scream bloody murder.
When Mueller comes out and says Russia interfered in our election and gave Trump a leg up, you pseudocons will still deny it.

First, there has to be something there and so far after a year, there isn't. If you are privy to some evidence that the leaking anti-Trump administrative class and MSM doesn't have, dish it. You'll be their heroine.
Mueller is well respected by both sides of the aisle.

And if you really don't believe there is anything, then don't worry, yeah?
What the fuck are you babbling about Fakey? Nothing you said is in anyway related to my post. Are you drinking this afternoon? Your posts are more bizarre than usual.
These investigations take a long time because the FBI thoroughly vetts all information and evidence presented so they are 100% sure about the conclusion of their reports. This is why their conviction rate has a high 90% success rate. If there was ZERO evidence of Trump collusion then there would be nothing to investigate. So what do you think Mueller is going to do, sit on his thumb for a few months? You think he is the type of guy that would do that?
I don't know what type of person Mueller is what I have no doubt of is if he came out tomorrow and said the investigation was over and he found no evidence of collusion the left would scream bloody murder and I he came out and said he did find evidence of it the right would scream bloody murder.
When Mueller comes out and says Russia interfered in our election and gave Trump a leg up, you pseudocons will still deny it.

First, there has to be something there and so far after a year, there isn't. If you are privy to some evidence that the leaking anti-Trump administrative class and MSM doesn't have, dish it. You'll be their heroine.
Mueller is well respected by both sides of the aisle.

And if you really don't believe there is anything, then don't worry, yeah?
What the fuck are you babbling about Fakey? Nothing you said is in anyway related to my post. Are you drinking this afternoon? Your posts are more bizarre than usual.
Your snowflaking post is that you think nothing has been found on Trump and nothing will be, little buddy. Mueller is good. If you guy has not done wrong, he is OK, but if he has . . . Mueller will find and prove it.
If there really is no evidence in the Russia/Trump situation, like many Trumpsters are claiming, then this case should be over by weeks end. Wouldn't Mueller see that there is nothing and simply close the case?

Since he's looking into campaign interference, maybe he'll take a look at Comey's handling of the bitches investigation. Wouldn't it be a hoot if he presents her case to a grand jury? Be careful what you wish for, commiecrats heads would be exploding. Duct tape anyone?

Mueller's job is to investigate the suspected collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

You forget a special prosecutor had a wide latitude on what they look at, wasn't Comey accused of interfering with the election? Interference is Interference, whether it be Russia or Comey. Like I said, be careful what you wish for. LOL

The interference investigation has been done. Obama placed sanctions on Russia as a result of our intelligence findings. The job for Mueller is to investigate the Trump/Russia ties for criminal collusion.

The job for Mueller is to investigate anything he wants where the evidence takes him. There is no limit to Trump. You need to brush up on special counsels. Look up Scooter Libby.
Mueller's reputation speaks for itself and both sides have publicly supported his judgement. Are you claiming that if this investigation lasts for a long time then he is just stalling to avoid political fallout from wingnuts on the Left?
Yes in part that is why these investigations take so long people said the exact same type of things about Comey we all saw how both sides reacted when they didn't get the outcomes they wanted from him.
These investigations take a long time because the FBI thoroughly vetts all information and evidence presented so they are 100% sure about the conclusion of their reports. This is why their conviction rate has a high 90% success rate. If there was ZERO evidence of Trump collusion then there would be nothing to investigate. So what do you think Mueller is going to do, sit on his thumb for a few months? You think he is the type of guy that would do that?
I don't know what type of person Mueller is what I have no doubt of is if he came out tomorrow and said the investigation was over and he found no evidence of collusion the left would scream bloody murder and I he came out and said he did find evidence of it the right would scream bloody murder.
When Mueller comes out and says Russia interfered in our election and gave Trump a leg up, you pseudocons will still deny it.

First, there has to be something there and so far after a year, there isn't. If you are privy to some evidence that the leaking anti-Trump administrative class and MSM doesn't have, dish it. You'll be their heroine.
You hit on my point. If Mueller is an objective, honorable guy without political motivation then if there is really nothing there the investigation will be over in a week or two. If the investigation carries on for a long time then there are only two possibilities.
1. Mueller is playing politics and participating in a witch hunt or
2. There is substantial evidence that they are vetting and investigating
If there really is no evidence in the Russia/Trump situation, like many Trumpsters are claiming, then this case should be over by weeks end. Wouldn't Mueller see that there is nothing and simply close the case?

Since he's looking into campaign interference, maybe he'll take a look at Comey's handling of the bitches investigation. Wouldn't it be a hoot if he presents her case to a grand jury? Be careful what you wish for, commiecrats heads would be exploding. Duct tape anyone?.
And KelleyAnne Conway may ride her unicorn to the ball.

If Clinton goes down with Trump, all is better for America, yes.

Comey laid out a case for the bitches guilt for gross negligence, so far, no one has done that on Trump.

If there really is no evidence in the Russia/Trump situation, like many Trumpsters are claiming, then this case should be over by weeks end. Wouldn't Mueller see that there is nothing and simply close the case?
ohhhh dude, you have no idea what you asked for do you? I can't believe what I learned this guy will be able to do. yep you got it go after obummer. yep, the deep state there are no defined lanes. the leakers will be dealt with, the anonymous sources will become known. yep, I can't wait. I have my beer in the fridge to drink while I watch.
If there really is no evidence in the Russia/Trump situation, like many Trumpsters are claiming, then this case should be over by weeks end. Wouldn't Mueller see that there is nothing and simply close the case?
ohhhh dude, you have no idea what you asked for do you? I can't believe what I learned this guy will be able to do. yep you got it go after obummer. yep, the deep state there are no defined lanes. the leakers will be dealt with, the anonymous sources will become known. yep, I can't wait. I have my beer in the fridge to drink while I watch.
You have learned nothing, jc456. Mueller is bringing high heat.
If there really is no evidence in the Russia/Trump situation, like many Trumpsters are claiming, then this case should be over by weeks end. Wouldn't Mueller see that there is nothing and simply close the case?

Since he's looking into campaign interference, maybe he'll take a look at Comey's handling of the bitches investigation. Wouldn't it be a hoot if he presents her case to a grand jury? Be careful what you wish for, commiecrats heads would be exploding. Duct tape anyone?

Mueller's job is to investigate the suspected collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

You forget a special prosecutor had a wide latitude on what they look at, wasn't Comey accused of interfering with the election? Interference is Interference, whether it be Russia or Comey. Like I said, be careful what you wish for. LOL

The interference investigation has been done. Obama placed sanctions on Russia as a result of our intelligence findings. The job for Mueller is to investigate the Trump/Russia ties for criminal collusion.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that. LOL

If there really is no evidence in the Russia/Trump situation, like many Trumpsters are claiming, then this case should be over by weeks end. Wouldn't Mueller see that there is nothing and simply close the case?
ohhhh dude, you have no idea what you asked for do you? I can't believe what I learned this guy will be able to do. yep you got it go after obummer. yep, the deep state there are no defined lanes. the leakers will be dealt with, the anonymous sources will become known. yep, I can't wait. I have my beer in the fridge to drink while I watch.
You have learned nothing, jc456. Mueller is bringing high heat.
right to the dems, hahahahahahahaaha. dude you know it isn't real. wait until this all does come out. hello 2018 midterms. hahahahaahahahahahahaha
If there really is no evidence in the Russia/Trump situation, like many Trumpsters are claiming, then this case should be over by weeks end. Wouldn't Mueller see that there is nothing and simply close the case?
ohhhh dude, you have no idea what you asked for do you? I can't believe what I learned this guy will be able to do. yep you got it go after obummer. yep, the deep state there are no defined lanes. the leakers will be dealt with, the anonymous sources will become known. yep, I can't wait. I have my beer in the fridge to drink while I watch.
Wonderful, clear out the crap, i'm fine with all of that. So you like and trust the judgement of this guy, right?
If there really is no evidence in the Russia/Trump situation, like many Trumpsters are claiming, then this case should be over by weeks end. Wouldn't Mueller see that there is nothing and simply close the case?
ohhhh dude, you have no idea what you asked for do you? I can't believe what I learned this guy will be able to do. yep you got it go after obummer. yep, the deep state there are no defined lanes. the leakers will be dealt with, the anonymous sources will become known. yep, I can't wait. I have my beer in the fridge to drink while I watch.
Wonderful, clear out the crap, i'm fine with all of that. So you like and trust the judgement of this guy, right?
hell yeah. 100 times more than obummer.

you can keep your doctor, your insurance. oh yeah mr. liar and a half bubba. negotiated with Iran, let out a traitor. don't cross that red line. ooops I mean that one, no, no, that one, no, no, I really mean that one.
There never was any collusion but that won't stop the left from obfuscation. They'll carry it out for a few months with endless interviews and it will peter out and dems will continue to tooth gnash.

Okay, can you tell us how Roger Stone (part of the Trump campaign) knew Podesta would be hacked 6 weeks before the hacked material was released? Or are you going to pretend that you never heard of stone of the tweets about Podesta….
I don't know what type of person Mueller is what I have no doubt of is if he came out tomorrow and said the investigation was over and he found no evidence of collusion the left would scream bloody murder and I he came out and said he did find evidence of it the right would scream bloody murder.
When Mueller comes out and says Russia interfered in our election and gave Trump a leg up, you pseudocons will still deny it.

First, there has to be something there and so far after a year, there isn't. If you are privy to some evidence that the leaking anti-Trump administrative class and MSM doesn't have, dish it. You'll be their heroine.
Mueller is well respected by both sides of the aisle.

And if you really don't believe there is anything, then don't worry, yeah?
What the fuck are you babbling about Fakey? Nothing you said is in anyway related to my post. Are you drinking this afternoon? Your posts are more bizarre than usual.
Your snowflaking post is that you think nothing has been found on Trump and nothing will be, little buddy. Mueller is good. If you guy has not done wrong, he is OK, but if he has . . . Mueller will find and prove it.

Fakey, if you didn't have your assumptions you'd have nothing. Get back to us when you actually have evidence.

There never was any collusion but that won't stop the left from obfuscation. They'll carry it out for a few months with endless interviews and it will peter out and dems will continue to tooth gnash.

Okay, can you tell us how Roger Stone (part of the Trump campaign) knew Podesta would be hacked 6 weeks before the hacked material was released? Or are you going to pretend that you never heard of stone of the tweets about Podesta….
post it up here bubba.
When Trump is removed from office, his supporters will claim it was a coup of (pick whomever you want) and their Orange Boy was done wrong.

Trump's not getting removed from office for at least 3 1/2 years, I realize you already nutted to that thought but it's just not going to happen.
If there really is no evidence in the Russia/Trump situation, like many Trumpsters are claiming, then this case should be over by weeks end. Wouldn't Mueller see that there is nothing and simply close the case?
ohhhh dude, you have no idea what you asked for do you? I can't believe what I learned this guy will be able to do. yep you got it go after obummer. yep, the deep state there are no defined lanes. the leakers will be dealt with, the anonymous sources will become known. yep, I can't wait. I have my beer in the fridge to drink while I watch.
Wonderful, clear out the crap, i'm fine with all of that. So you like and trust the judgement of this guy, right?
hell yeah. 100 times more than obummer.

you can keep your doctor, your insurance. oh yeah mr. liar and a half bubba. negotiated with Iran, let out a traitor. don't cross that red line. ooops I mean that one, no, no, that one, no, no, I really mean that one.
So this guy who you approve of... if he doesn't close the book on the Trump/Russia investigation in the next week, what would that tell you?

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