End of the Trump/Russia investigation

When Trump is removed from office, his supporters will claim it was a coup of (pick whomever you want) and their Orange Boy was done wrong.

Trump's not getting removed from office for at least 3 1/2 years, I realize you already nutted to that thought but it's just not going to happen.
dude, if there was anything, and I mean anything there,...... they would have had his ass in jail so fast they wouldn't have had time to wipe their asses.
If there really is no evidence in the Russia/Trump situation, like many Trumpsters are claiming, then this case should be over by weeks end. Wouldn't Mueller see that there is nothing and simply close the case?
ohhhh dude, you have no idea what you asked for do you? I can't believe what I learned this guy will be able to do. yep you got it go after obummer. yep, the deep state there are no defined lanes. the leakers will be dealt with, the anonymous sources will become known. yep, I can't wait. I have my beer in the fridge to drink while I watch.
Wonderful, clear out the crap, i'm fine with all of that. So you like and trust the judgement of this guy, right?
hell yeah. 100 times more than obummer.

you can keep your doctor, your insurance. oh yeah mr. liar and a half bubba. negotiated with Iran, let out a traitor. don't cross that red line. ooops I mean that one, no, no, that one, no, no, I really mean that one.
So this guy who you approve of... if he doesn't close the book on the Trump/Russia investigation in the next week, what would that tell you?
he has nothing to do with any russia investigation, sorry i have no idea what you're referring to. That was the FBI and now a special prosecutor.

WE might have an anonymous source caught in a week though.
When Trump is removed from office, his supporters will claim it was a coup of (pick whomever you want) and their Orange Boy was done wrong.

Trump's not getting removed from office for at least 3 1/2 years, I realize you already nutted to that thought but it's just not going to happen.
dude, if there was anything, and I mean anything there,...... they would have had his ass in jail so fast they wouldn't have had time to wipe their asses.

They would have brought it out and tanked his election.

It's not rocket surgery. If they had anything after 5-6 months of investigating, they would have used it.
If there really is no evidence in the Russia/Trump situation, like many Trumpsters are claiming, then this case should be over by weeks end. Wouldn't Mueller see that there is nothing and simply close the case?
ohhhh dude, you have no idea what you asked for do you? I can't believe what I learned this guy will be able to do. yep you got it go after obummer. yep, the deep state there are no defined lanes. the leakers will be dealt with, the anonymous sources will become known. yep, I can't wait. I have my beer in the fridge to drink while I watch.
Wonderful, clear out the crap, i'm fine with all of that. So you like and trust the judgement of this guy, right?
hell yeah. 100 times more than obummer.

you can keep your doctor, your insurance. oh yeah mr. liar and a half bubba. negotiated with Iran, let out a traitor. don't cross that red line. ooops I mean that one, no, no, that one, no, no, I really mean that one.
So this guy who you approve of... if he doesn't close the book on the Trump/Russia investigation in the next week, what would that tell you?
he has nothing to do with any russia investigation, sorry i have no idea what you're referring to. That was the FBI and now a special prosecutor.
Here do some homework...

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department appointed Robert S. Mueller III, a former F.B.I. director, as special counsel on Wednesday to oversee the investigation into ties between President Trump’s campaign and Russian officials, dramatically raising the legal and political stakes in an affair that has threatened to engulf Mr. Trump’s four-month-old presidency.

The Alt Right, once they learn just who and what is Mueller (Comey-like on steroids), are going to faint away. He will bring high octane propulsion to this investigation.
ohhhh dude, you have no idea what you asked for do you? I can't believe what I learned this guy will be able to do. yep you got it go after obummer. yep, the deep state there are no defined lanes. the leakers will be dealt with, the anonymous sources will become known. yep, I can't wait. I have my beer in the fridge to drink while I watch.
Wonderful, clear out the crap, i'm fine with all of that. So you like and trust the judgement of this guy, right?
hell yeah. 100 times more than obummer.

you can keep your doctor, your insurance. oh yeah mr. liar and a half bubba. negotiated with Iran, let out a traitor. don't cross that red line. ooops I mean that one, no, no, that one, no, no, I really mean that one.
So this guy who you approve of... if he doesn't close the book on the Trump/Russia investigation in the next week, what would that tell you?
he has nothing to do with any russia investigation, sorry i have no idea what you're referring to. That was the FBI and now a special prosecutor.
Here do some homework...

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department appointed Robert S. Mueller III, a former F.B.I. director, as special counsel on Wednesday to oversee the investigation into ties between President Trump’s campaign and Russian officials, dramatically raising the legal and political stakes in an affair that has threatened to engulf Mr. Trump’s four-month-old presidency.


You do some homework, He's been "under investigation" since he was nominated. If they had anything on him, it would have come out by now.

I realize you won't get this, but anyone with common sense will.
After this is over, and Trump is cleared, the Dems will just come up with yet another false charge to be investigated. It'll end when the American people vote them out of office next year. Until then, we can expect an endless barrage of attacks on Trump in an unprecedented effort to obstruct progress.

You mean like Republicans initiating 7 Benghazi investigations 6 of which found nothing new?

Or Whitewater, Filegate, Travelgate, Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky?

Like that.

Republicans have earned 8 years of obstruction and investigations. And for the whole "birther movement" and attempts to delegitimize Obama's Presidency, I find it particular sweet that Trump's Presidency is so tainted by his Russia ties and his attempts to end the FBI investigation, that the world will always view him as an illegitimately elected US President, who is in Putin's pocket.
Wonderful, clear out the crap, i'm fine with all of that. So you like and trust the judgement of this guy, right?
hell yeah. 100 times more than obummer.

you can keep your doctor, your insurance. oh yeah mr. liar and a half bubba. negotiated with Iran, let out a traitor. don't cross that red line. ooops I mean that one, no, no, that one, no, no, I really mean that one.
So this guy who you approve of... if he doesn't close the book on the Trump/Russia investigation in the next week, what would that tell you?
he has nothing to do with any russia investigation, sorry i have no idea what you're referring to. That was the FBI and now a special prosecutor.
Here do some homework...

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department appointed Robert S. Mueller III, a former F.B.I. director, as special counsel on Wednesday to oversee the investigation into ties between President Trump’s campaign and Russian officials, dramatically raising the legal and political stakes in an affair that has threatened to engulf Mr. Trump’s four-month-old presidency.


You do some homework, He's been "under investigation" since he was nominated. If they had anything on him, it would have come out by now.

I realize you won't get this, but anyone with common sense will.
On the contrary, I do get it. Your excuse up till now is that Comey was making something out of nothing. So now that Comey is out and Mueller is in, if there really is nothing then the book should close very soon. Right?
If there really is no evidence in the Russia/Trump situation, like many Trumpsters are claiming, then this case should be over by weeks end. Wouldn't Mueller see that there is nothing and simply close the case?

Oh sure, that must be it. Prepare your hide for nothing, which will be the results from the investigation into liberal butt-pain.
There never was any collusion but that won't stop the left from obfuscation. They'll carry it out for a few months with endless interviews and it will peter out and dems will continue to tooth gnash.

Okay, can you tell us how Roger Stone (part of the Trump campaign) knew Podesta would be hacked 6 weeks before the hacked material was released? Or are you going to pretend that you never heard of stone of the tweets about Podesta….

According to care4all, he knew a guy who knew a guy. Her guess was Nigle Farage told him about Wikileaks having the material on Postesta. What's your theory?

If there really is no evidence in the Russia/Trump situation, like many Trumpsters are claiming, then this case should be over by weeks end. Wouldn't Mueller see that there is nothing and simply close the case?
ohhhh dude, you have no idea what you asked for do you? I can't believe what I learned this guy will be able to do. yep you got it go after obummer. yep, the deep state there are no defined lanes. the leakers will be dealt with, the anonymous sources will become known. yep, I can't wait. I have my beer in the fridge to drink while I watch.
Wonderful, clear out the crap, i'm fine with all of that. So you like and trust the judgement of this guy, right?
hell yeah. 100 times more than obummer.

you can keep your doctor, your insurance. oh yeah mr. liar and a half bubba. negotiated with Iran, let out a traitor. don't cross that red line. ooops I mean that one, no, no, that one, no, no, I really mean that one.
So this guy who you approve of... if he doesn't close the book on the Trump/Russia investigation in the next week, what would that tell you?

No way he'll get though that fast, too much material to go through.

Wonderful, clear out the crap, i'm fine with all of that. So you like and trust the judgement of this guy, right?
hell yeah. 100 times more than obummer.

you can keep your doctor, your insurance. oh yeah mr. liar and a half bubba. negotiated with Iran, let out a traitor. don't cross that red line. ooops I mean that one, no, no, that one, no, no, I really mean that one.
So this guy who you approve of... if he doesn't close the book on the Trump/Russia investigation in the next week, what would that tell you?
he has nothing to do with any russia investigation, sorry i have no idea what you're referring to. That was the FBI and now a special prosecutor.
Here do some homework...

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department appointed Robert S. Mueller III, a former F.B.I. director, as special counsel on Wednesday to oversee the investigation into ties between President Trump’s campaign and Russian officials, dramatically raising the legal and political stakes in an affair that has threatened to engulf Mr. Trump’s four-month-old presidency.


You do some homework, He's been "under investigation" since he was nominated. If they had anything on him, it would have come out by now. I realize you won't get this, but anyone with common sense will.
Because you say so, Mary? Really? Not really. Mueller is the real deal. And we are all better off on whatever he finds. Will you stand by him?
ohhhh dude, you have no idea what you asked for do you? I can't believe what I learned this guy will be able to do. yep you got it go after obummer. yep, the deep state there are no defined lanes. the leakers will be dealt with, the anonymous sources will become known. yep, I can't wait. I have my beer in the fridge to drink while I watch.
Wonderful, clear out the crap, i'm fine with all of that. So you like and trust the judgement of this guy, right?
hell yeah. 100 times more than obummer.

you can keep your doctor, your insurance. oh yeah mr. liar and a half bubba. negotiated with Iran, let out a traitor. don't cross that red line. ooops I mean that one, no, no, that one, no, no, I really mean that one.
So this guy who you approve of... if he doesn't close the book on the Trump/Russia investigation in the next week, what would that tell you?
he has nothing to do with any russia investigation, sorry i have no idea what you're referring to. That was the FBI and now a special prosecutor.
Here do some homework...

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department appointed Robert S. Mueller III, a former F.B.I. director, as special counsel on Wednesday to oversee the investigation into ties between President Trump’s campaign and Russian officials, dramatically raising the legal and political stakes in an affair that has threatened to engulf Mr. Trump’s four-month-old presidency.


And he can take the investigation where ever he sees fit.

If there really is no evidence in the Russia/Trump situation, like many Trumpsters are claiming, then this case should be over by weeks end. Wouldn't Mueller see that there is nothing and simply close the case?

Oh sure, that must be it. Prepare your hide for nothing, which will be the results from the investigation into liberal butt-pain.
If I had to bet, i'd put my money on no charges being pressed against Trump for collusion for Russia. But I think the claim yall are making that there is zero evidence and zero reason to investigate is laughable. If you like Mueller and trust his judgement and this investigation carries on for more than a week then it proves that there is meat behind the investigation. Just like with many investigations that have enough evidence to warrant an investigation it most likely will result in nothing. But a dozen FBI agents haven't just been siting on their thumbs for the better part of a year.
If there really is no evidence in the Russia/Trump situation, like many Trumpsters are claiming, then this case should be over by weeks end. Wouldn't Mueller see that there is nothing and simply close the case?
ohhhh dude, you have no idea what you asked for do you? I can't believe what I learned this guy will be able to do. yep you got it go after obummer. yep, the deep state there are no defined lanes. the leakers will be dealt with, the anonymous sources will become known. yep, I can't wait. I have my beer in the fridge to drink while I watch.
Wonderful, clear out the crap, i'm fine with all of that. So you like and trust the judgement of this guy, right?
hell yeah. 100 times more than obummer.

you can keep your doctor, your insurance. oh yeah mr. liar and a half bubba. negotiated with Iran, let out a traitor. don't cross that red line. ooops I mean that one, no, no, that one, no, no, I really mean that one.
So this guy who you approve of... if he doesn't close the book on the Trump/Russia investigation in the next week, what would that tell you?

No way he'll get though that fast, too much material to go through.

What material?? I thought there was nothing
Wonderful, clear out the crap, i'm fine with all of that. So you like and trust the judgement of this guy, right?
hell yeah. 100 times more than obummer.

you can keep your doctor, your insurance. oh yeah mr. liar and a half bubba. negotiated with Iran, let out a traitor. don't cross that red line. ooops I mean that one, no, no, that one, no, no, I really mean that one.
So this guy who you approve of... if he doesn't close the book on the Trump/Russia investigation in the next week, what would that tell you?
he has nothing to do with any russia investigation, sorry i have no idea what you're referring to. That was the FBI and now a special prosecutor.
Here do some homework...

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department appointed Robert S. Mueller III, a former F.B.I. director, as special counsel on Wednesday to oversee the investigation into ties between President Trump’s campaign and Russian officials, dramatically raising the legal and political stakes in an affair that has threatened to engulf Mr. Trump’s four-month-old presidency.


And he can take the investigation where ever he sees fit.

Ahh, i see where you are going... So if this thing persists you are going to claim that he isn't investigating Trump/Russia he is investigating Obama and Clinton... right? haha, yeah, go with that :)
The only reason the dems want a special prosecutor is for the 2018, and 2020 elections....so they can say you can't re-elect Trump because he is under investigation by a special prosecutor......and then they will try to impeach Gorsuch, since he was appointed by Trump, and then they will say Trump can't replace ginsburg, kennedy or breyer.....because he is under investigation.....
If there really is no evidence in the Russia/Trump situation, like many Trumpsters are claiming, then this case should be over by weeks end. Wouldn't Mueller see that there is nothing and simply close the case?
It should never have begun since there was never any evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, so if Mueller is as able and ethical as some believe, the investigation will end quickly, if the investigation uncovers evidence of malfeasance by the Obama administration to use the DoJ and CIA to begin a bogus investigation to influence the election, Muelller's mandate might well be expanded to investigate that evidence. Keep in mind Rosenstein's purpose in naming a special counsel is to try to restore the credibility of the FBI and DoJ after the Comey debacle, so he is unlikely to pull a comey and ignore evidence for political purposes.
The only reason the dems want a special prosecutor is for the 2018, and 2020 elections....so they can say you can't re-elect Trump because he is under investigation by a special prosecutor......and then they will try to impeach Gorsuch, since he was appointed by Trump, and then they will say Trump can't replace ginsburg, kennedy or breyer.....because he is under investigation.....
Well they got a special prosecutor which was supported by many Republicans. And to my point, if there is nothing to investigate, no evidence of anything, then this investigation should be over in a matter of weeks. right?
It is just a point to get Trump out of presidency. Obviously this case is all made up artificially.
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