End of the Trump/Russia investigation

If there really is no evidence in the Russia/Trump situation, like many Trumpsters are claiming, then this case should be over by weeks end. Wouldn't Mueller see that there is nothing and simply close the case?
It should never have begun since there was never any evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, so if Mueller is as able and ethical as some believe, the investigation will end quickly, if the investigation uncovers evidence of malfeasance by the Obama administration to use the DoJ and CIA to begin a bogus investigation to influence the election, Muelller's mandate might well be expanded to investigate that evidence. Keep in mind Rosenstein's purpose in naming a special counsel is to try to restore the credibility of the FBI and DoJ after the Comey debacle, so he is unlikely to pull a comey and ignore evidence for political purposes.
I like the diversion to this Obama/Clinton target, it makes me laugh every time one of you puppets go there. You say it should end quickly. I agree, if there is really no evidence it should end very quickly. If it doesn't then I hope we can all agree that there must be enough evidence to warrant the time being spent.

Sorry pee wee, you don't get to define the narrative of what something may or may not mean.

Just using common sense dude. The FBI has been looking at the Trump/Russia thing for almost a year. Yall think its a hoax and they have been on a witch hunt with no evidence. So now Mueller steps in. If a prolonged investigation into Trump Russia occurs then there is obviously evidence that they are pursuing in search for proof. I don't see how you can deny that.
And if they did that cover up would be the first words out of the mouths of the Trump haters. Things like these shouldn't take as long as they do but because of the partisan horseshit both sides engage in they have to in order to avoid the appearance of any type of coverup or sloppy investigation.
Mueller's reputation speaks for itself and both sides have publicly supported his judgement. Are you claiming that if this investigation lasts for a long time then he is just stalling to avoid political fallout from wingnuts on the Left?

Mueller's reputation speaks for itself and both sides have publicly supported his judgement

WikiLeaks cable Robert Mueller delivering highly enriched stolen Uranium to Russia in 2009

So now Mueller is compromised? you already covering your ass?

im happy he did it

just a heads up to you leftards when he doesnt

do as you want

I want him to look at the evidence and say "There is nothing" or "There is something" I know he won't do that, but it would be nice to know. Realistically I just hope he does a quick investigation then puts this thing to rest.
That still leaves the question, if there is nothing here, why was this investigation started and why has it gone on so long? The answer to that question will deliver a Republican victory in 2018.
Mueller's reputation speaks for itself and both sides have publicly supported his judgement. Are you claiming that if this investigation lasts for a long time then he is just stalling to avoid political fallout from wingnuts on the Left?

Mueller's reputation speaks for itself and both sides have publicly supported his judgement

WikiLeaks cable Robert Mueller delivering highly enriched stolen Uranium to Russia in 2009

So now Mueller is compromised? you already covering your ass?

im happy he did it

just a heads up to you leftards when he doesnt

do as you want

I want him to look at the evidence and say "There is nothing" or "There is something" I know he won't do that, but it would be nice to know. Realistically I just hope he does a quick investigation then puts this thing to rest.

under oath comey already said there wasnt anything
Good, you shouldn't have anything to worry about then... except for the fact that the DOJ just assigned a special prosecutor to investigate criminal activity. There is that little wrinkle.
Mueller's reputation speaks for itself and both sides have publicly supported his judgement

WikiLeaks cable Robert Mueller delivering highly enriched stolen Uranium to Russia in 2009

So now Mueller is compromised? you already covering your ass?

im happy he did it

just a heads up to you leftards when he doesnt

do as you want

I want him to look at the evidence and say "There is nothing" or "There is something" I know he won't do that, but it would be nice to know. Realistically I just hope he does a quick investigation then puts this thing to rest.

under oath comey already said there wasnt anything
Good, you shouldn't have anything to worry about then... except for the fact that the DOJ just assigned a special prosecutor to investigate criminal activity. There is that little wrinkle.


im not worried

DOJ just assigned a special prosecutor to investigate criminal activity.

indeed they did

perhaps as comey with his obstruction of justice

or his perjury under oath

which is it

the door has been opened wide for such findings
Mueller's reputation speaks for itself and both sides have publicly supported his judgement. Are you claiming that if this investigation lasts for a long time then he is just stalling to avoid political fallout from wingnuts on the Left?

Mueller's reputation speaks for itself and both sides have publicly supported his judgement

WikiLeaks cable Robert Mueller delivering highly enriched stolen Uranium to Russia in 2009

So now Mueller is compromised? you already covering your ass?

im happy he did it

just a heads up to you leftards when he doesnt

do as you want

I want him to look at the evidence and say "There is nothing" or "There is something" I know he won't do that, but it would be nice to know. Realistically I just hope he does a quick investigation then puts this thing to rest.
That still leaves the question, if there is nothing here, why was this investigation started and why has it gone on so long? The answer to that question will deliver a Republican victory in 2018.
The logical answer is that there was classified intel that the FBI was privy to and it justified the investigation. You can run with your conspiracy theory that Comey was responsible for opening this can of worms with zero evidence. But if you look at Comeys actions and statements during the election focusing more on the Clinton situation and not saying much of anything about the Trump Russia investigation... well it kind of shoots your theory in the ass.
Dems realizing that despite all the rhetoric, they're still dumbasses.

"Most congressional Democrats are still wary about calling for Mr. Trump to be frog-marched out of the West Wing. The expectations of their base, they believe, are outrunning what is feasible as long as Republicans control both chambers of Congress.

"The fear, Democratic officials say, is that they will invite the sort of backlash from their base that Republicans got for overpromising about what was possible while President Barack Obama was in office. They argue that methodically building a case — obtaining and revealing any memos or White House recordings, for example — is the soundest approach if they are to bring Republicans along.

"Even Senator Bernie Sanders, the liberal Vermont firebrand, counseled patience. “What needs to happen is that we have got to go forward with an absolutely bipartisan investigation,” Mr. Sanders said. “The public must understand this is not a Democratic issue.”

Mueller's reputation speaks for itself and both sides have publicly supported his judgement

WikiLeaks cable Robert Mueller delivering highly enriched stolen Uranium to Russia in 2009

So now Mueller is compromised? you already covering your ass?

im happy he did it

just a heads up to you leftards when he doesnt

do as you want

I want him to look at the evidence and say "There is nothing" or "There is something" I know he won't do that, but it would be nice to know. Realistically I just hope he does a quick investigation then puts this thing to rest.

under oath comey already said there wasnt anything
Good, you shouldn't have anything to worry about then... except for the fact that the DOJ just assigned a special prosecutor to investigate criminal activity. There is that little wrinkle.
No, he is authorized to investigate criminal activity if he finds any but his primary mandate is to find out if there was ever a legitimate basis for this investigation in the first place.

(b) The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confinned by then-FBI Director James 8. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:

(i) any links and/or coordination bet ween the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and
(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and

(iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).


So far, as we all know, the FBI has been unable to provide any evidence that would justify the investigation even in closed testimony to Congress.
Mueller's reputation speaks for itself and both sides have publicly supported his judgement

WikiLeaks cable Robert Mueller delivering highly enriched stolen Uranium to Russia in 2009

So now Mueller is compromised? you already covering your ass?

im happy he did it

just a heads up to you leftards when he doesnt

do as you want

I want him to look at the evidence and say "There is nothing" or "There is something" I know he won't do that, but it would be nice to know. Realistically I just hope he does a quick investigation then puts this thing to rest.
That still leaves the question, if there is nothing here, why was this investigation started and why has it gone on so long? The answer to that question will deliver a Republican victory in 2018.
The logical answer is that there was classified intel that the FBI was privy to and it justified the investigation. You can run with your conspiracy theory that Comey was responsible for opening this can of worms with zero evidence. But if you look at Comeys actions and statements during the election focusing more on the Clinton situation and not saying much of anything about the Trump Russia investigation... well it kind of shoots your theory in the ass.
That's nonsense and you know it. Feinstein, Manchin and Waters have all said the FBI was unable to provide them with any evidence of collusion in closed door briefings. Feinstein and Manchin sit on the Senate Select Intelligence Committee so if such classified intel existed, they would know about it, and yet they say they know of no evidence of collusion. The honest logical answer is that the investigation was started on the basis of unsubstantiated allegations from the Clinton campaign and the Obama WH.
So now Mueller is compromised? you already covering your ass?

im happy he did it

just a heads up to you leftards when he doesnt

do as you want

I want him to look at the evidence and say "There is nothing" or "There is something" I know he won't do that, but it would be nice to know. Realistically I just hope he does a quick investigation then puts this thing to rest.

under oath comey already said there wasnt anything
Good, you shouldn't have anything to worry about then... except for the fact that the DOJ just assigned a special prosecutor to investigate criminal activity. There is that little wrinkle.
No, he is authorized to investigate criminal activity if he finds any but his primary mandate is to find out if there was ever a legitimate basis for this investigation in the first place.

(b) The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confinned by then-FBI Director James 8. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:

(i) any links and/or coordination bet ween the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and
(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and

(iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).


So far, as we all know, the FBI has been unable to provide any evidence that would justify the investigation even in closed testimony to Congress.
What are you reading man?? Where does it say that he is investigating whether there was a legitimate basis for the investigation?? You just made that up. It does say that he is to investigate links/coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign. Up till now its been an intelligence gathering investigation with congress. A special prosecutor is used to investigate criminal charges. The means the investigation was elevated. If there was zero evidence, the investigation would not get elevated.
So now Mueller is compromised? you already covering your ass?

im happy he did it

just a heads up to you leftards when he doesnt

do as you want

I want him to look at the evidence and say "There is nothing" or "There is something" I know he won't do that, but it would be nice to know. Realistically I just hope he does a quick investigation then puts this thing to rest.
That still leaves the question, if there is nothing here, why was this investigation started and why has it gone on so long? The answer to that question will deliver a Republican victory in 2018.
The logical answer is that there was classified intel that the FBI was privy to and it justified the investigation. You can run with your conspiracy theory that Comey was responsible for opening this can of worms with zero evidence. But if you look at Comeys actions and statements during the election focusing more on the Clinton situation and not saying much of anything about the Trump Russia investigation... well it kind of shoots your theory in the ass.
That's nonsense and you know it. Feinstein, Manchin and Waters have all said the FBI was unable to provide them with any evidence of collusion in closed door briefings. Feinstein and Manchin sit on the Senate Select Intelligence Committee so if such classified intel existed, they would know about it, and yet they say they know of no evidence of collusion. The honest logical answer is that the investigation was started on the basis of unsubstantiated allegations from the Clinton campaign and the Obama WH.
If thats the case and the allegations were unsubstantiated then the investigation would have lasted for a week and then been shut down. That didn't happen, we've had our FBI agents investigating something for almost a year now. I don't see what you can't acknowledge that
If there really is no evidence in the Russia/Trump situation, like many Trumpsters are claiming, then this case should be over by weeks end. Wouldn't Mueller see that there is nothing and simply close the case?

Who can say? Such an investigation might go anywhere, it might lead Mueller to look into Obama, Hillary, Susan Rice, go back years, look into Trump's businesses, it could go on for years. No one can say.
If there really is no evidence in the Russia/Trump situation, like many Trumpsters are claiming, then this case should be over by weeks end. Wouldn't Mueller see that there is nothing and simply close the case?

Who can say? Such an investigation might go anywhere, it might lead Mueller to look into Obama, Hillary, Susan Rice, go back years, look into Trump's businesses, it could go on for years. No one can say.
Heard that talking point a few times now... Glad to see you got the memo!
Republicans have earned 8 years of obstruction and investigations.
Thank you for admitting the Dems are engaging in obstruction for political purposes. It shows that you put politics over the good of the country. Typical liberal.
im happy he did it

just a heads up to you leftards when he doesnt

do as you want

I want him to look at the evidence and say "There is nothing" or "There is something" I know he won't do that, but it would be nice to know. Realistically I just hope he does a quick investigation then puts this thing to rest.

under oath comey already said there wasnt anything
Good, you shouldn't have anything to worry about then... except for the fact that the DOJ just assigned a special prosecutor to investigate criminal activity. There is that little wrinkle.
No, he is authorized to investigate criminal activity if he finds any but his primary mandate is to find out if there was ever a legitimate basis for this investigation in the first place.

(b) The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confinned by then-FBI Director James 8. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:

(i) any links and/or coordination bet ween the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and
(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and

(iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).


So far, as we all know, the FBI has been unable to provide any evidence that would justify the investigation even in closed testimony to Congress.
What are you reading man?? Where does it say that he is investigating whether there was a legitimate basis for the investigation?? You just made that up. It does say that he is to investigate links/coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign. Up till now its been an intelligence gathering investigation with congress. A special prosecutor is used to investigate criminal charges. The means the investigation was elevated. If there was zero evidence, the investigation would not get elevated.
We both know that the FBI was unable to find any evidence of collusion in a year long investigation, so it is bizarre to claim Mueller will be investigating criminal charges concerning the Trump campaign, but the second item, "any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation", that may lead to criminal prosecutions, namely any unlawful efforts by the Obama administration to pressure the FBI or CIA to launch this investigation that clearly has not been able to produce a single piece of evidence in over a year.
im happy he did it

just a heads up to you leftards when he doesnt

do as you want

I want him to look at the evidence and say "There is nothing" or "There is something" I know he won't do that, but it would be nice to know. Realistically I just hope he does a quick investigation then puts this thing to rest.
That still leaves the question, if there is nothing here, why was this investigation started and why has it gone on so long? The answer to that question will deliver a Republican victory in 2018.
The logical answer is that there was classified intel that the FBI was privy to and it justified the investigation. You can run with your conspiracy theory that Comey was responsible for opening this can of worms with zero evidence. But if you look at Comeys actions and statements during the election focusing more on the Clinton situation and not saying much of anything about the Trump Russia investigation... well it kind of shoots your theory in the ass.
That's nonsense and you know it. Feinstein, Manchin and Waters have all said the FBI was unable to provide them with any evidence of collusion in closed door briefings. Feinstein and Manchin sit on the Senate Select Intelligence Committee so if such classified intel existed, they would know about it, and yet they say they know of no evidence of collusion. The honest logical answer is that the investigation was started on the basis of unsubstantiated allegations from the Clinton campaign and the Obama WH.
If thats the case and the allegations were unsubstantiated then the investigation would have lasted for a week and then been shut down. That didn't happen, we've had our FBI agents investigating something for almost a year now. I don't see what you can't acknowledge that
Yet no one in Congress has any idea what they could have been investigating, so the conclusion that this investigation was completely the result of political pressure by the Obama administration to keep it going is inescapable.
I want him to look at the evidence and say "There is nothing" or "There is something" I know he won't do that, but it would be nice to know. Realistically I just hope he does a quick investigation then puts this thing to rest.

under oath comey already said there wasnt anything
Good, you shouldn't have anything to worry about then... except for the fact that the DOJ just assigned a special prosecutor to investigate criminal activity. There is that little wrinkle.
No, he is authorized to investigate criminal activity if he finds any but his primary mandate is to find out if there was ever a legitimate basis for this investigation in the first place.

(b) The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confinned by then-FBI Director James 8. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:

(i) any links and/or coordination bet ween the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and
(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and

(iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).


So far, as we all know, the FBI has been unable to provide any evidence that would justify the investigation even in closed testimony to Congress.
What are you reading man?? Where does it say that he is investigating whether there was a legitimate basis for the investigation?? You just made that up. It does say that he is to investigate links/coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign. Up till now its been an intelligence gathering investigation with congress. A special prosecutor is used to investigate criminal charges. The means the investigation was elevated. If there was zero evidence, the investigation would not get elevated.
We both know that the FBI was unable to find any evidence of collusion in a year long investigation, so it is bizarre to claim Mueller will be investigating criminal charges concerning the Trump campaign, but the second item, "any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation", that may lead to criminal prosecutions, namely any unlawful efforts by the Obama administration to pressure the FBI or CIA to launch this investigation that clearly has not been able to produce a single piece of evidence in over a year.
keep holding on to that... How foolish do you need to be to seriously believe that the FBI would keep an investigation going on for a year with absolutely no evidence of anything.
There never was any collusion but that won't stop the left from obfuscation. They'll carry it out for a few months with endless interviews and it will peter out and dems will continue to tooth gnash.

Okay, can you tell us how Roger Stone (part of the Trump campaign) knew Podesta would be hacked 6 weeks before the hacked material was released? Or are you going to pretend that you never heard of stone of the tweets about Podesta….

According to care4all, he knew a guy who knew a guy. Her guess was Nigle Farage told him about Wikileaks having the material on Postesta. What's your theory?


The Trump campaign coordinated with hackers(i.e. criminals) to embarrass their political opponents, and one of the officers bragged about it on Twitter.
There never was any collusion but that won't stop the left from obfuscation. They'll carry it out for a few months with endless interviews and it will peter out and dems will continue to tooth gnash.

Okay, can you tell us how Roger Stone (part of the Trump campaign) knew Podesta would be hacked 6 weeks before the hacked material was released? Or are you going to pretend that you never heard of stone of the tweets about Podesta….
post it up here bubba.

Google is your friend.
There never was any collusion but that won't stop the left from obfuscation. They'll carry it out for a few months with endless interviews and it will peter out and dems will continue to tooth gnash.

Okay, can you tell us how Roger Stone (part of the Trump campaign) knew Podesta would be hacked 6 weeks before the hacked material was released? Or are you going to pretend that you never heard of stone of the tweets about Podesta….
post it up here bubba.

Google is your friend.
not yours I see.

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