Endless scandals: Simply the inevitable result of big Nanny-state government?


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
Liberals have been telling us for decades (or longer) that government is the best instrument for providing "social justice", righting wrongs, and making up for deficiencies. Since those things abound in any human society, their response it to constantly grow government, assign it to clear up problems here, regulate there, and restrict in another place. In this way, we will wind up with a better society.

Yet now we have had an opportunity to examine closely how that is working out. And it's not a pretty sight. Three different groups in our government have flatly messed up recently - and it's the liberals themselves who tell us that this is so. The acting chief of the IRS said flatly that "We are doing horrible customer service here."

It is NOT a result of leaders who have done the wrong thing, guided government the wrong way. In every case, the leftists themselves tell us, the leader of the particular section, had nothing to do with it. It was NOT the result of the policy for that section. Every time, it is low-level underlings who have screwed up, who have done something other than what their managers intended.

And this should not be a surprise to us, those same liberals tell us. One of President Obama's senior advisers, came out and said flatly that there is no way the President could have been aware of the various things that were going wrong. "You know, we have a large government. Part of being president is there’s so much beneath you, that you can’t know because the government is so vast.", he said.

Time and again, the reasons why things have gone wrong, is because managers could not know what was going on in their own departments. The acting Chief of the IRS said that he knew nothing about what his agency was doing while targeting conservatives - he only found out through news reports. Even the President has said more than once that he knew nothing about various events until he saw the news.

Are we beginning to see what the the most basic problem is, in large central government? It is made of nothing but offices staffed by ordinary people, with no particular expertise in doing what they are doing. The people who did so much wrong in the IRS, were not top-flight accountants - they were basically low-level bureaucrats. Those who dropped the ball in Benghazi, were not our top diplomats or politicians, they were underlings who did not pass on messages or made a bad decision on whether to dispatch a rescue mission that was ready and waiting. The top guy at Justice did not sign off on the warrant to seize AP phone records, it was someone lower, who obviously goofed and violated the reporters' 1st amendment rights - something the top guy would never have done.

Liberals from the President on down are telling us straight out, that the problem is that government is too big. And that's why so much is going wrong: It is impossible, they tell us, to control all those people in all those offices.

Conservatives have been saying this for years, of course, if not for generations. But now that the big-government advocates themselves are finally agreeing... shouldn't we start listening? And doing something about it?

It's time to start cutting back on government. For the simple reason that growing government is creating more problems than it is solving. EVERYONE involved, is telling us so. Is there anyone left, anywhere, who is not saying the same?

It is unanimous, at last. Time to get rid of Big Government. The very people who brought it to us, are now telling us that they cannot control it, and had nothing to do with the repeated screwups, violations of our rights, and even deaths that have resulted directly from the unweildy ponderousness of the government.

I'm convinced. Is there anyone left who isn't?

So, what do we do about it?
This giant government is hardly the result of the "liberals," though. Whenever the right wing screams for more military spending, tighter borders, tougher criminal penalties, and protection from whatever, the government gets bigger; when you demand funding cuts for all those item, I'll give you some credibility. Until then, you're just a partisan hack.
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Liberals are the government growers?

When was the last time government shrank? It grows bigger every year, no matter which party is at the helm.
Three diversions and subject changes so far, zero replies to the topic. SSDD.

Does anyone DISAGREE with the assertion that it's simple unweildiness and vast sizem, that is at the root of these scndals that keep coming?

If you disagree, then what do you think is the real reason?

Great freakin' question. My answer would be yes.

The government is only accountable to the people to the extent that (a) they're in a position they win and keep via a vote, and (b) the people actually know what that person is doing. Other than that, the federal bureaucracy has great power that can go completely unchecked. Anyone who points the finger at business for being corrupt but gives the federal bureaucracy a pass is either deluded or lying. Worse, the government perpetrates its corruption with our money and under the guise of "helping" us. Fuckin' pisses me off.

I'd much rather see the government concentrate on creating and providing more efficient and more effective (notice I didn't just say "more") regulation of business so that business can be free to create, innovate, compete, while having to play by the rules. But unfortunately, professional politicians want their power and influence, and this is how they keep it.

Hey, that reminds me:

1. Balanced Budget Amendment
2. Strict, short term limits
3. Publicly-funded elections

Remove the power from those who abuse it most!

My weekly rant!



Well, the gop's sort of prematurely ejaculated on "gotchagate." But, imo it was inevitable that Obama eventually would come out as more or less a one party elitist who views using the govt itself as a means to retain power. That does make him a bit different than recent potus's with ethics issues.

JFK may have stolen an election, but dirty tricks was part of politics. He certainly didn't think Nixon couldn't play by the same rules .... or Goldwater. Iran contra was more a political power play between congress's war powers and the potus doing for policy. Iraqgate had a thug element, with any opponent of needless war being 'a ter-rist sup-perter,' and of course swift boat.

The IRS thingee is sort of Nixonian. It's just more crass and more bare knuckled. But, if there are tapes of Obama helping a coverup ... then, I'll be shocked.
Liberals are the government growers?

When was the last time government shrank? It grows bigger every year, no matter which party is at the helm.

Liberals are the ones who are always screaming for more government. When liberals are in power, they push the throttle all the way down. Conservatives simply cave in to pressure from liberal special interests, liberal media, liberal unions and liberal government employees. The mechanism that causes government to grow is a feedback loop. The bigger government gets, the more people there are who have a vested interest in seeing it grow even bigger.

All you're saying is that conservatives fail to prevent the flood by sticking their finger in the dyke.
This giant government is hardly the result of the "liberals," though. Whenever the right wing screams for more military spending, tighter boarders, tougher criminal penalties, and protection from whatever, the government gets bigger; when you demand funding cuts for all those item, I'll give you some credibility. Until then, you're just a partisan hack.

One of the limited responsibilities of the federal government is to PROTECT the citizens of the United States, and our U.S. Constitution.

It seems to me, and to most people who aren't in "defend the liberals" mode, that a strong military, secure borders, and punishing criminals would be a large part of that responsibility.

When the federal government expanded into social engineering programs, and virtually EVERY aspect of our lives, THAT is the point at which major boundaries were overstepped.

ALL levels of government are out of control with spending, regulations, restrictions, massive waste, corruption, etc.

There is plenty of blame to go around. Blame the liberals. Blame the conservatives.

Pointing fingers accomplishes NOTHING.
Three diversions and subject changes so far, zero replies to the topic. SSDD.

Does anyone DISAGREE with the assertion that it's simple unweildiness and vast sizem, that is at the root of these scndals that keep coming?

If you disagree, then what do you think is the real reason?

Any government that extends beyond protecting your rights is intrinsically corrupt. taking money from John Doe for the benefit of Richard Roe is theft. Why should anyone be surprised that people who manage the process are corrupt?
Now that conservatives and liberals both agree that government is too big, what do we do next?
Liberals have been telling us for decades (or longer) that government is the best instrument for providing "social justice", righting wrongs, and making up for deficiencies. Since those things abound in any human society, their response it to constantly grow government, assign it to clear up problems here, regulate there, and restrict in another place. In this way, we will wind up with a better society.

Yet now we have had an opportunity to examine closely how that is working out. And it's not a pretty sight. Three different groups in our government have flatly messed up recently - and it's the liberals themselves who tell us that this is so. The acting chief of the IRS said flatly that "We are doing horrible customer service here."

It is NOT a result of leaders who have done the wrong thing, guided government the wrong way. In every case, the leftists themselves tell us, the leader of the particular section, had nothing to do with it. It was NOT the result of the policy for that section. Every time, it is low-level underlings who have screwed up, who have done something other than what their managers intended.

And this should not be a surprise to us, those same liberals tell us. One of President Obama's senior advisers, came out and said flatly that there is no way the President could have been aware of the various things that were going wrong. "You know, we have a large government. Part of being president is there’s so much beneath you, that you can’t know because the government is so vast.", he said.

Time and again, the reasons why things have gone wrong, is because managers could not know what was going on in their own departments. The acting Chief of the IRS said that he knew nothing about what his agency was doing while targeting conservatives - he only found out through news reports. Even the President has said more than once that he knew nothing about various events until he saw the news.

Are we beginning to see what the the most basic problem is, in large central government? It is made of nothing but offices staffed by ordinary people, with no particular expertise in doing what they are doing. The people who did so much wrong in the IRS, were not top-flight accountants - they were basically low-level bureaucrats. Those who dropped the ball in Benghazi, were not our top diplomats or politicians, they were underlings who did not pass on messages or made a bad decision on whether to dispatch a rescue mission that was ready and waiting. The top guy at Justice did not sign off on the warrant to seize AP phone records, it was someone lower, who obviously goofed and violated the reporters' 1st amendment rights - something the top guy would never have done.

Liberals from the President on down are telling us straight out, that the problem is that government is too big. And that's why so much is going wrong: It is impossible, they tell us, to control all those people in all those offices.

Conservatives have been saying this for years, of course, if not for generations. But now that the big-government advocates themselves are finally agreeing... shouldn't we start listening? And doing something about it?

It's time to start cutting back on government. For the simple reason that growing government is creating more problems than it is solving. EVERYONE involved, is telling us so. Is there anyone left, anywhere, who is not saying the same?

It is unanimous, at last. Time to get rid of Big Government. The very people who brought it to us, are now telling us that they cannot control it, and had nothing to do with the repeated screwups, violations of our rights, and even deaths that have resulted directly from the unweildy ponderousness of the government.

I'm convinced. Is there anyone left who isn't?

So, what do we do about it?

Looks like NO leftist fanatics want to discuss the actual subject of the thread.
Liberals have been telling us for decades (or longer) that government is the best instrument for providing "social justice", righting wrongs, and making up for deficiencies. Since those things abound in any human society, their response it to constantly grow government, assign it to clear up problems here, regulate there, and restrict in another place. In this way, we will wind up with a better society.

Yet now we have had an opportunity to examine closely how that is working out. And it's not a pretty sight. Three different groups in our government have flatly messed up recently - and it's the liberals themselves who tell us that this is so. The acting chief of the IRS said flatly that "We are doing horrible customer service here."

It is NOT a result of leaders who have done the wrong thing, guided government the wrong way. In every case, the leftists themselves tell us, the leader of the particular section, had nothing to do with it. It was NOT the result of the policy for that section. Every time, it is low-level underlings who have screwed up, who have done something other than what their managers intended.

And this should not be a surprise to us, those same liberals tell us. One of President Obama's senior advisers, came out and said flatly that there is no way the President could have been aware of the various things that were going wrong. "You know, we have a large government. Part of being president is there’s so much beneath you, that you can’t know because the government is so vast.", he said.

Time and again, the reasons why things have gone wrong, is because managers could not know what was going on in their own departments. The acting Chief of the IRS said that he knew nothing about what his agency was doing while targeting conservatives - he only found out through news reports. Even the President has said more than once that he knew nothing about various events until he saw the news.

Are we beginning to see what the the most basic problem is, in large central government? It is made of nothing but offices staffed by ordinary people, with no particular expertise in doing what they are doing. The people who did so much wrong in the IRS, were not top-flight accountants - they were basically low-level bureaucrats. Those who dropped the ball in Benghazi, were not our top diplomats or politicians, they were underlings who did not pass on messages or made a bad decision on whether to dispatch a rescue mission that was ready and waiting. The top guy at Justice did not sign off on the warrant to seize AP phone records, it was someone lower, who obviously goofed and violated the reporters' 1st amendment rights - something the top guy would never have done.

Liberals from the President on down are telling us straight out, that the problem is that government is too big. And that's why so much is going wrong: It is impossible, they tell us, to control all those people in all those offices.

Conservatives have been saying this for years, of course, if not for generations. But now that the big-government advocates themselves are finally agreeing... shouldn't we start listening? And doing something about it?

It's time to start cutting back on government. For the simple reason that growing government is creating more problems than it is solving. EVERYONE involved, is telling us so. Is there anyone left, anywhere, who is not saying the same?

It is unanimous, at last. Time to get rid of Big Government. The very people who brought it to us, are now telling us that they cannot control it, and had nothing to do with the repeated screwups, violations of our rights, and even deaths that have resulted directly from the unweildy ponderousness of the government.

I'm convinced. Is there anyone left who isn't?

So, what do we do about it?


Pure Pub Propaganda, dupes. Nobody in the real world cares. OK: Bengazi, no there- AP: real cons agree- IRS: no WH connection AND no there....
Endless scandals: Simply the inevitable result of big Nanny-state government?


There is no such thing as a ‘nanny state,’ the phrase is a partisan contrivance by the right, where most conservatives are ignorant or, or have contempt for, Congress’ regulatory powers as authorized by the Commerce Clause.
Three diversions and subject changes so far, zero replies to the topic. SSDD.

Does anyone DISAGREE with the assertion that it's simple unweildiness and vast sizem, that is at the root of these scndals that keep coming?

If you disagree, then what do you think is the real reason?

One cannot be accused of ‘deflection’ when the subject of the thread is idiotic.

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