epstein files released

Trump's sons are creeps.

Crime family? You're a hysterical idiot. Trump's son don junior is a drunk and an addict.

You're a fool. Read the diary in context. She was a toddler.
What you typed is an example of why anyone who controls the media controls the narratives. Who cares if we destroy people due to views? Anyone who has had dope addicts in their family or extended family do not take it lightly.
Trump was from Queens. He was always a creep and a pariah among New Yorkers.

Trump was doing that stuff 10 years ago. He has never had any regard for his wives or children.

Trump did not have royal linage

His father was a working class man from the wrong side of the tracks who got rich

But even in lib la la land money cant buy you love
Trump was doing that stuff 10 years ago. He has never had any regard for his wives or children.
Do you know what I think?

Trump did have sex with the porn slut

And now he’s worth his weight in gold as an example of how our sins catch up to us

God tells us how to act

And trump shows why we should obey

But I dont believe for an instant that the lib trump haters have found religion

This is all about politics that has squat to do with morality

Which means trump still has my vote because his policies are best for America
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Doe claims she encountered Trump at four of these parties, where he "initiated sexual contact" each time. In the fourth and final encounter, she alleges Trump tied her to the bed, exposed himself, and raped her.

"During the course of this savage sexual attack, Plaintiff loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to stop but with no effect," the suit alleges. "Defendant Trump responded to Plaintiff's pleas by violently striking Plaintiff in the face with his open hand and screaming that he would do whatever he wanted."
After the encounter, the plaintiff alleges that Trump threatened to kill her family if she told anyone about it. Doe remained silent for 12 years, before this year's campaign made facing her past with Trump "unavoidable."

"This is a woman who is pained by what she went through," Meagher told Revelist. "She has major intimacy problems, she's never had a relationship that lasted, never had children, never gotten married … And seeing [Trump] on TV all the time caused her to think through what to do about it, and ultimately resulted in what she did in April."

What We Know About the Newest Rape Allegations Against Donald Trump
Desperate times call for desperate measures no matter how silly I guess.
Trump and Epstein raped a 13 year old girl. He and Epstein told this girl she could be a star And as the days go on, more and more information comes out about this.
A bit late for for panic and hysteria .

More important, have you remembered to make an appointment with your GP to discuss your paranoia and compulsive obsessional problems ?

Keep us posted . Should be fascinating .
You are entitled to your opinion

If you choose to believe unproven rumors I cant stop you

But I’m guessing you werent going to vote for trump anyway

Its when your side translates lies into action that I draw the line

So, if this turned out to be true, would you even give a shit?
I did you sick fuck. Progressives, like you, just love you your incestuous pedophile joe!
I was a Republican for 35 years until we invaded Iraq so I am a moderate conservative. Trump is dumb as hell in addition to his personality disorder.
to answer is to admit they don't give a damn as long as trump wins.....

again no morals...they are all about killing pedos but guess what ..when it comes to trump they are all about supporting a sexual abuser
I wont answer your hypothetical

If thats a crime against your new Banana Republic so be it
you cant answer without revealing what a ;pos you are....again no morals

y'all go on and on about the showering with the girl but no a word about the sexual abuse that trump has committed and been convicted of but ignore that....and continue to act like you care about kids go on act like it while denying abuse by your guy
you cant answer without revealing what a ;pos you are....again no morals

y'all go on and on about the showering with the girl but no a word about the sexual abuse that trump has committed and been convicted of but ignore that....and continue to act like you care about kids go on act like it while denying abuse by your guy
no one has accused me of sexual misconduct

Nor am I on any ballot

If morality is the new criteria for elected officials in washington then vote for Mike Pence to be your next president

But somehow I dont think you want to go that far

You just want to get rid of trump and re-elect biden
you mean I wont vote for a convicted felon who is on the Lola express?

forgive me...lol what a damn fool you are...pence looking at trump like trump was a god did it in for me for pence....I haven't seen a moral man since president Carter but I am sure you wont agree with that
you cant answer without revealing what a ;pos you are....again no morals

y'all go on and on about the showering with the girl but no a word about the sexual abuse that trump has committed and been convicted of but ignore that....and continue to act like you care about kids go on act like it while denying abuse by your guy

We don't trust it. You and yours lost your heads when Trump was elected and we had a crap show like you did to Brett Kavanaugh. We. Don't. Trust. You. We don't trust what you say. Any of it.

Is it so hard to understand, really?
More "selective" leaks that serve a purpose. Why not "leak" all the files and get to the bottom if there is one? It's like leaking 'big bad wolf breaks pigs' door down, helping them leave burning building', and not anything else. Your media at their best.
six ways .jpeg
We don't trust it. You and yours lost your heads when Trump was elected and we had a crap show like you did to Brett Kavanaugh. We. Don't. Trust. You. We don't trust what you say. Any of it.

Is it so hard to understand, really?
of course you don't trust anything that reveals the truth about trump.....its all a conspiracy to you isn't it...or can you answer that....

courts have ruled he is a sexual abuser but now you don't believe the courts?

and what about Anita hill did you believe her?

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