Erasing Southern Pride: U.S. Army War College Removing Confederate Generals Portraits

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Another attack on White History as well as American history. Fox News is reporting the US Army War College is considering removing portraits of Confederate Generals. An unidentified administrator is wondering why we honor these Americans.

Please, call or write to the US Army War College to voice why these portraits are a part of American History and should be preserved (be kind and considerate and just voice your concern).

US Army War College considers removing prints depicting Robert E. Lee, Confederate generals | Fox News

Maybe, it's because they were ENEMIES OF THE UNITED STATES.
They were, but they were not unpatriotic. I do not expect a publicly-educated person to understand.

They fought a war attempting to remove themselves from the United States of America.

They may have been patriots. But patriotism towards a despicable cause is not an admirable trait.
Maybe, it's because they were ENEMIES OF THE UNITED STATES.
They were, but they were not unpatriotic. I do not expect a publicly-educated person to understand.

They fought a war attempting to remove themselves from the United States of America.

They may have been patriots. But patriotism towards a despicable cause is not an admirable trait.

Did the confederates ethnically cleanse anyone like the USA did?
Maybe, it's because they were ENEMIES OF THE UNITED STATES.
They were, but they were not unpatriotic. I do not expect a publicly-educated person to understand.

They fought a war attempting to remove themselves from the United States of America.

They may have been patriots. But patriotism towards a despicable cause is not an admirable trait.
Washington fought a war attempting to remove America from Britain, yet he is the embodiment of patriotism. US public education I presume.
All of this has been discussed in greater detail in JimBowie's thread.

Merge, please.
The hypocrisy on the left is stunning. Lexington, Va, is home to the nationally accredited Washington and Lee University the second name pertains to the Confederate General who was the dean of Washington College after the Civil War. Everything in Lexington is named Stonewall something or other including the hospital after Confederate general Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson who was a professor at VMI. but the carpetbagger politicians decided that it would be against the law to fly a Confederate flag on public property. Outside of the colleges Lexington has no industrial base. The city depends on tourism and the primary tourist attractions pertain to the Civil War. Thanks to the ignorance of the politicians the C/W reenactors have been driven away and many tourists interested in the Confederate legacy of VMI and the surrounding area find a cold reception from the politically correct fools.
They were, but they were not unpatriotic. I do not expect a publicly-educated person to understand.

They fought a war attempting to remove themselves from the United States of America.

They may have been patriots. But patriotism towards a despicable cause is not an admirable trait.

Did the confederates ethnically cleanse anyone like the USA did?
They were in open, violent conflict attempting to overthrow the constitution of the United States of America. Simply put, they were traitors. They committed treason in the most obvious way possible, through war. They were responsible for the cataclysm that wasted 690,000 American lives. they fought to preserve a system under which one person could own another, body and soul, for perpetuity. Their cause was despicable. Their actions were treasonous. They were no heroes, they were scoundrels of the first order.
Another attack on White History as well as American history. Fox News is reporting the US Army War College is considering removing portraits of Confederate Generals. An unidentified administrator is wondering why we honor these Americans.

Please, call or write to the US Army War College to voice why these portraits are a part of American History and should be preserved (be kind and considerate and just voice your concern).

US Army War College considers removing prints depicting Robert E. Lee, Confederate generals | Fox News

Trying to hide the evidence I suppose. They should burn the portraits just to be sure they never see the light of day again.
Another attack on White History as well as American history. Fox News is reporting the US Army War College is considering removing portraits of Confederate Generals. An unidentified administrator is wondering why we honor these Americans.

Please, call or write to the US Army War College to voice why these portraits are a part of American History and should be preserved (be kind and considerate and just voice your concern).

US Army War College considers removing prints depicting Robert E. Lee, Confederate generals | Fox News

Trying to hide the evidence I suppose. They should burn the portraits just to be sure they never see the light of day again.
People devoid of pride should probably have no input into this dialogue.
Another attack on White History as well as American history. Fox News is reporting the US Army War College is considering removing portraits of Confederate Generals. An unidentified administrator is wondering why we honor these Americans.

Please, call or write to the US Army War College to voice why these portraits are a part of American History and should be preserved (be kind and considerate and just voice your concern).

US Army War College considers removing prints depicting Robert E. Lee, Confederate generals | Fox News

Trying to hide the evidence I suppose. They should burn the portraits just to be sure they never see the light of day again.
People devoid of pride should probably have no input into this dialogue.

You should stop posting immediately then and ask the admins to disable your account just to be sure.
Those jackasses fought to keep people enslaved. I'm really hoping they go for the burn option instead of storing them or putting them up somewhere else. They were not patriots, they were just greedy pigs.
People devoid of pride should probably have no input into this dialogue.

You should stop posting immediately then and ask the admins to disable your account just to be sure.
I would if I were you, but I am too evolved.

You reaching the level of a simian is not evolving. Its actually devolving. Hurry and get the admins to disable your account before you drop down to baboon level.
Another attack on White History as well as American history. Fox News is reporting the US Army War College is considering removing portraits of Confederate Generals. An unidentified administrator is wondering why we honor these Americans.

Please, call or write to the US Army War College to voice why these portraits are a part of American History and should be preserved (be kind and considerate and just voice your concern).

US Army War College considers removing prints depicting Robert E. Lee, Confederate generals | Fox News

Military brilliance is as objective as it gets. If anything, General Lee and Jackson is an inspiration to all who study military history and tactics. Together, they broke every rule in the book of military conventional wisdom. Especially with the laws of attrition in mind, they are among the top Generals ever to have walked the face of the earth. To take their portraits down would be a disgrace to the military profession.

That is quite true. Both were brilliant tacticians and leaders.

So was Rommel. Should we hang his portrait there as well?

Rommel wasn't an American. Lee and Jackson were Americans, and served in both the US and CSA Armies. A very poor analogy.
Are you looking for cover by equivocation? Neither ethnic cleansing nor treason are noble pursuits.

So when Von stauffenberg tried to kill hitler it wasn't a noble pursuit?
What kind of circular logic do you operate under? To overthrow the enemy is not treason. Nazis certainly saw his acts as treason. But we were fighting Nazis then.

He tried to assassinate his own leader of his own country. Are you saying he wasn't a traitor?
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