Eric Holder- 'Exactly when did you think America was great?'


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
Knew it, the left has always hated America. I heard this from Rush back in the early 90s and the left and democrats said he was nuts...Turns out he was right, all along..

Eric Holder goes on MAGA attack: 'Exactly when did you think America was great?'. And the exact reasons Rush gives
“It certainly wasn’t when people were enslaved. It certainly wasn’t when women didn’t have the right to vote. It certainly wasn’t when the LGBT community was denied the rights to which it was entitled."

The sad fact is the US was one of the first to fix all of those issues. There are slaves in Africa today...but don't you dare call them shitholes........
These people don't care to understand history and everything is judged through their lens, which is ridiculous. yep only America had slaves, only we didn't allow women the right to vote, only we denied LGBT rights......yeah no other country has ever done those things.

Fuck these commies.
I've asked this exact question and gotten NO responses.

WHEN exactly are you people referring to?
I've asked this exact question and gotten NO responses.

WHEN exactly are you people referring to?
Why don't you just ask a few illegals and other immigrants past and present why America is so great.
The question was asked of you...and apparently for "some" reason you can't answer it.

Big surprise
You remember when Michele fat assed Obama said she was 45 before she found something to be proud of America for?
Denied LGBT rights? Like pretending homosexuals are heterosexuals, and men using the women's bath?
I've asked this exact question and gotten NO responses.

WHEN exactly are you people referring to?

America was great until regressive leftists started coming to prominence several decades ago and began demonizing every achievement this country has made, turning entire generations of people against their own nation because misery loves company.
I've asked this exact question and gotten NO responses.

WHEN exactly are you people referring to?

I've answered that question on this site repeatedly and seen others answer it repeatedly.

Your denial of this is not credible.

For me the loss of "American Greatness" that I want to recover is the "The American Dream" where one can reasonably hope that their children will be better off than them, AND the option of a stay at home mom.
I believe America is great. The fact that women were able to get the right to vote, and slavery ended, and in some states gays have equal rights. Just because most Republicans want gays dead doesn’t mean it’s going to happen.

Can you guess which states where you could be fired from your job simply for being gay?

I joined the military because I feel this country is worth defending.

I don’t believe Republicans are going to succeed in their effort to tear it down and turn it into some weird theocratic plutocracy.

America has enemies both outside the country and inside.

Now we have Republicans attacking our support system, Medicare Medicaid and Social Security.

They won’t give up until they’re completely defeated. And that’s what we have to do at the ballot box. Defeat them completely. To save the country.
I believe America is great. The fact that women were able to get the right to vote, and slavery ended, and in some states gays have equal rights. Just because most Republicans want gays dead doesn’t mean it’s going to happen.

Can you guess which states where you could be fired from your job simply for being gay?

I joined the military because I feel this country is worth defending.

I don’t believe Republicans are going to succeed in their effort to tear it down and turn it into some weird theocratic plutocracy.

America has enemies both outside the country and inside.

Now we have Republicans attacking our support system, Medicare Medicaid and Social Security.

They won’t give up until they’re completely defeated. And that’s what we have to do at the ballot box. Defeat them completely. To save the country.

Medicare, Medicaid, and SS are going broke on their own because they are nothing more than ponzi schemes with government blessing.

You leftists have spent decades attacking and vilifying everything this country was founded on, and THAT is what is going to tear this nation apart - not your phantom Republican boogeymen.

"Tolerance And Apathy Are The Last Virtues Of A Dying Society"
Eric Holder goes on MAGA attack: 'Exactly when did you think America was great?'

"It turns out New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo isn’t the only prominent Democrat who questions whether America was ever that great.

In pointed terms during an interview with MSNBC on Wednesday,
Obama-era attorney general Eric Holder posed the question to MAGA-chanting Trump supporters: "Exactly when did you think America was great?"

Personally, I think Holder is just still bitter over the fact that a bi-partisan Congress Censured him for his proven Felony Perjury under oath before Congress in an attempt to keep Obama's Fast and Furious scandal hidden. That Censure secured his 'legacy' (and part of Obama's) as the only Presidential Cabinet member in US history to ever be CENSURED!

The more the Democrats LOSE the more they come out of the closet as AMERICA-HATING Socialist racist anti-Semites!
Eric Holder goes on MAGA attack: 'Exactly when did you think America was great?'

"It turns out New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo isn’t the only prominent Democrat who questions whether America was ever that great.

In pointed terms during an interview with MSNBC on Wednesday,
Obama-era attorney general Eric Holder posed the question to MAGA-chanting Trump supporters: "Exactly when did you think America was great?"

Personally, I think Holder is just still bitter over the fact that a bi-partisan Congress Censured him for his proven Felony Perjury under oath before Congress in an attempt to keep Obama's Fast and Furious scandal hidden. That Censure secured his 'legacy' (and part of Obama's) as the only Presidential Cabinet member in US history to ever be CENSURED!


Is claiming the country was never great any worse than claiming it is not great now?
Is claiming the country was never great any worse than claiming it is not great now?

Not if you are Michelle Obama....

View attachment 252732

According to your god in the White House the US was not great prior to 2016 and I am not sure yet if he considers it great.

Why is saying "the US was never great" so much worse than saying "the US is not great now"?

Are not both insults to this great country?
According to your god in the White House ....
WHY must you lie when you falsely attempt to speak for others?

There is only 1 God, despite your blasphemy in a personal attack against me. Most people try to discuss issues and talk using facts, evidence, truth....You snowflakes have to insult, attack, blaspheme, lie...... How pathetic........
According to your god in the White House ....
WHY must you lie when you falsely attempt to speak for others?

There is only 1 God, despite your blasphemy in a personal attack against me. Most people try to discuss issues and talk using facts, evidence, truth....You snowflakes have to insult, attack, blaspheme, lie...... How pathetic........

nice spin, heaven forbid you answer the question.

poor little snowflake
According to your god in the White House ....
WHY must you lie when you falsely attempt to speak for others?

There is only 1 God, despite your blasphemy in a personal attack against me. Most people try to discuss issues and talk using facts, evidence, truth....You snowflakes have to insult, attack, blaspheme, lie...... How pathetic........

nice spin, heaven forbid you answer the question.

poor little snowflake
Yours was not a question. It was a blasphemous false claim perpetrated by a petty Trump-Hating America Hating Racist's supporter.

Try not to speak for others because you suck at it. Stick to what you falsely believe / claim to believe.

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