Escaping Christianity

You and your buddy bond, are the biggest supporters of your religion.
JB and I don’t agree on much, Roy. So you are barking up the wrong tree there. Support my religion? I don’t even go to church, Roy. I defend Christians against piece of shit aggressors like you who are too cowardly to do anything about the evil they perceive other than to sabotage it through subversion. That’s all you’re good for. You can’t walk your talk. You can’t even control your own actions. I control your actions. You already admitted that.

It seems to me that you're both backing off of that a bit.
I’m just getting started, Roy.

If so, that's cool man! We can try to agree on a way to make the world better. I'm so into that!
The only way you believe the world would be better would be to abolish religion and install a militant atheist state like every other communist regime in the history of the world has done. I won’t be agreeing with that anytime soon.
You're both very intelligent, and there are so many other people here that are equally intelligent....
We must not be reading the same posts, Roy. Bond is a creationist. I’m a pragmatist. And you’re a militant atheist who promotes communism. I don’t see anything intelligent about being a creationist or a militant atheist promoting communism.

You follow the religion that committed those sins. And you forgive them. And follow the religion that you were born into.
You keep saying that, Roy, but I don’t attend church. So how am I following a religion exactly? Think, Roy, think.

You keep talking about the sins of religion, Roy, what sins? The Crusades stopping the aggressor Muslims from invading Europe? The Inquisition stopping the aggressor Cathars from spreading communism in Europe? I guess to a militant atheist such as yourself who wants to spread communism by subordinating religion those would be sins. But since we have already established that you can’t control your own actions, I am wondering who is making you do that. Can I please speak to your boss, Roy? I’d like to set him straight.
That's all I need to hear.

Good luck getting to Heaven.
No, that’s all you can bear to hear.

Heaven? I don’t worry about the destination, Roy. I’m too busy focusing on my journey. Maybe you should do the same.
I will no longer discuss this topic in this thread. I am open to discuss it other threads.
I don’t know if you will read this or not seeing how your last post in your OP was to inform us you won’t be responding to replies in this thread but on the off chance that you do...

Don’t you find it sort of ironic that you claim to attend church faithfully and lost your faith and I don’t attend church and found mine?

God has a wicked sense of humor (pardon the pun).

I don’t know if it comes as a surprise to you or not but I seriously doubt your claims. I believe that you are trolling people like Sue and Beautress for your own personal pleasure. But in the off chance I am wrong, I want you to understand why I am breaking your balls. I don’t like it when people use other people or ridicule other people for their personal satisfaction. Mind you it’s one thing to do it in good nature when everyone knows what’s going on but it is an entirely different matter when you do it at their expense.

So if I have gotten you wrong, then I apologize. But if I have gotten you right, then expect more of the same.
" Current Day Of A More Valid Truth "

You're willing to kill for your religion. But I'm not. Any religion that wants you to vanquish others, is not something Jesus would have wanted.
But yet you did. And you have your religion, because your ancestors killed everyone in their way. Murdered, raped, and trafficked everyone, until there was only one religion in the area. Christianity.
That's not how the Jesus figure would have rolled. Especially not in his name.
* Posturing Antiquities *

Consider that events during ages of antiquity included ingrained systematic methods for survival that arose from intimate understanding of experiences with the arcane ; " Who put the laughter in slaughter ? " .

Given events during age of antiquity , would any expect the legacies of a byzantine empire to disavow contemporary states for vigilance , or for militancy , or for issuing public policy with dominating aggression through a perception that infrastructure safeguards are being assured ?

Given events during ages of antiquities , would any expect that a founder of qurayshism would disavow contemporary states of vigilance , or for militancy , or for issuing public policy with dominating aggression through a perception that infrastructure safeguards are being assured ?

It is not doubted that a portion of hue mammon is susceptible to corrupted truths available among natural freedoms .

* Philosophical Terminology Difference *

While perspectivism differs from relativism by proposing that some truths are more valid than other truths , perspectivism remains pragmatic of relativism that some instance of a truth could be more valid but less accepted or less implemented than some other more accepted or more implemented instance of a less valid truth .

* Loose Association From Two Examples *

Describe modern public policies or theories equating christian tenets or edicts of creed with illegitimate aggression as violence and reprove them by doctrine .
Two kingdoms doctrine - Wikipedia
Martin Luther used the phrase "two governments" rather than "two kingdoms." His and Philip Melanchthon's doctrine which was later labeled "two kingdoms" was that the church should not exercise worldly government, and princes should not rule the church or have anything to do with the salvation of souls.[6]

He consistently rejected the idea of a Holy War, "as though our people were an army of Christians against the Turks, who were enemies of Christ. This is absolutely contrary to Christ's doctrine and name".[184]

Describe modern public policies or theories equating fictional ishmaelism i slam tenets or edicts of creed with illegitimate aggression as violence and confirm them by doctrine .

The tenets and edicts of creed fro fictional ishmaelism i slam do not practice antinomianism - Antinomianism - Wikipedia .

Often positioned is that christian doctrine incriminates those who would " kill " in its name , whereas fictional ishmaelism doctrine condones to " kill " in its name .

9:111. Indeed, God has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of God, so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur’ān. And who is truer to his covenant than God? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment.

* Either Way Choose Validity Of Truth As Freedom Over Bondage *

A basic tenet of perspectivism is to associated a precedence for truths refined from countless truths ; thus , " Is antinomianism or nomianism a more valid truth ? " .

Describe modern public policies or theories equating nomian tenets or edicts or creed with illegitimate aggression as violence .

Describe modern public policies or theories equating antinomian tenets or edicts or creed with illegitimate aggression as violence .
That's the difference between faith and religion.
Roy, you wouldn’t know the difference between faith and religion if faith and religion bit you on the butt. All you know how to do is attack others for their faith and religion. And according to you, faith and religion make you do that. You can’t even control your own actions.
First of all, i have no idea who Roy is. No matter what you say, it's not me.

I'm a BAMF. And you fail the test of being righteous. You're a spewer of evil. Just repeating shit that is not true and promotes hatred. Like your bro.

You're the people that say impossible things. I'm just making it right and scientific. And telling the truth.

You seem to think that you can bring people on here and destroy the truth. The more people you bring on, the more you can destroy.

And that's exactly what's wrong with you. You want to wipe out anyone else who disagrees. Just like your religion did.

You have no common sense, or understanding of history.
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I was raised in church, married a Christian, raised my kids in church and currently teach Bible at a Christian school. At the end of this school year (May 2020) I plan to resign as a teacher and stop attending church for one full year. At the end of that year I plan to have my name removed from the church role and afterwards make my atheism public. I love the philosphy, ethics and the culture surrounding Christianity. I just can't live a lie any more. It just can't be healthy. This invisible and silent God dude offers me nothing. I love the Bible and learn a lot from it but the God dude in that book either doesn't exist or has no interest in me. Church attendance is more burdensome than it used to be. I learn more from the Bible studying independently. Kindergarten might be fun for a 6 year old but is painfully boring to a 40 year old.

Any questions? I have lots more to say but I already feel like the post was too long.

So you're going to teach the Bible for an entire year feeling it to be a lie? That's not honest. You need to resign right now.

Does your wife know about all this?
Many priests teach the Bible knowing it’s a lie. They think it does people good.

I have considering going that route myself. I think people benefit from knowing Christian principles. They are even more useful if you believe them to be divine or holy. Just because someone believes Christianity is the best philosophy ever known to mankind doesn't obligate them to discard it.

I think a nonbeliever would make a better pastor than someone who teaches out of obligation. The nonbeliever who values the Bible will be more energetic than the burden believer.

Sadly, you have never even been saved. You don't understand that when you are saved, serving is not a burden.

It's very sad, but it happens.

That is exactly what I was thinking when reading his posts.

*goes back to reading the thread*
oh dang, sounds like I'm gonna get hit up by dingers that i don't know and don't want to insult...
The references to heaven and hell in the Bible are excessively vague. Don't worry though. A 19th century religious movement known as evangelical Christianity clearly defined heaven and hell for us. Evangelicals don't need no stinking Bibles to figure out what God wants. They just blindly follow a flawed tradition. There is no need in investigating. Think about it. "I am good and going to heaven. Others are bad and going to hell." Most humans would love to believe that. Why prove the flawed logic wrong when the flawed logic is immensely emotionally rewarding? People usually believe what is fun. Heaven and hell is fun if you know you are one of the heaven bound ones.

I don't know any Christians who think that way, that is blatantly unbiblical. So you're saying in your experience that's what evangelicals believe? Or is that what you think Christianity teaches?
I just don't believe that I am a terrible person because I don't evangelize every waken moment of my life
You're a closet evangelist for Atheism.

Didn't Christ say, "My yoke is easy and my burden is light." ?

Being taught to hate myself constantly isn't exactly what I would call a light burden. I am tired of hating myself. I am not a bad guy. It doesn't seem healthy to live with this garbage in my brain.

This is a very telling post. If you think this is what Christianity is about, no wonder you want to leave. I am usually very hesitant to say things like this, but in your case it is so clear that you are still in your natural state, in other words, you were never born spiritually. And you don't seem to understand any of it, God, the Gospel or your own spiritual condition.
The references to heaven and hell in the Bible are excessively vague. Don't worry though. A 19th century religious movement known as evangelical Christianity clearly defined heaven and hell for us. Evangelicals don't need no stinking Bibles to figure out what God wants. They just blindly follow a flawed tradition. There is no need in investigating. Think about it. "I am good and going to heaven. Others are bad and going to hell." Most humans would love to believe that. Why prove the flawed logic wrong when the flawed logic is immensely emotionally rewarding? People usually believe what is fun. Heaven and hell is fun if you know you are one of the heaven bound ones.

I don't know any Christians who think that way, that is blatantly unbiblical. So you're saying in your experience that's what evangelicals believe? Or is that what you think Christianity teaches?

He's saying that's the kind of person he was, and still is. He prayed for a lot of free stuff or something, and when he didn't get wealth dropped in his lap he got all mad n stuff. He also sounds like he will soon 'come out of the closet' as well, given how nasty and petty he is toward Xians; his 'atheism' is more in line with narcissism and faggot fetishism than mere disbelief.
No one knows their fate.

that's when they have abandoned the religion of antiquity for a false messiah, never to free their spirit as required for admission to the Everlasting - and try to entrap others to believe as they do.

- to know their fate is to end their sinning, triumph over evil. and is verified through judgement.
No. Fate in the context of this discussion is where the essence of our being resides when our life force leaves our body.

It will either be eternally united with the creator or it will be eternally separated from the creator.

And in this context no one can know their fate or the fate of others.

Unless I'm misunderstanding you here, this is not true. We can have assurance of salvation, and there are a few different ways to know... but I don't want to take this thread off topic or get into a big discussion on this right now. Again, maybe I misunderstood your point.
Worthless prayer and obnoxious prayer requests are my least favorite traditions in my religious atmosphere. If there is no genie, why do we do that stupid nonesense?

Looks at God like a "genie"

This person is entrusted with teaching children about God

We have serious, very serious problems in Christianity. But as my kids say, "we been knew that". heh

I totally don't think He is a genie. Many people in my tradition have prayer. 90+% of the prayer requests are about medical issues. It is nauseating. God answers 0% of those prayers. It is stupid. I am like you. I don't believe God answers prayers at all like some mythical genie. That is where you and I agree. Prayer is the most retarded thing you can do.

You show stunning immaturity for a 40 year old man with children. Really? Since you hesitate to answer, I"m going to guess you have ZERO experience with real, physical, unremitting pain, or illness, or disease. Well, I do. It beats you down. You learn a lot too, about grace and faith.

So don't be so arrogant. "Retarded". Really? God forbid you have to live like that--or your children.

We have visible doctors where I live. They actually help people. A large percentage of those visible doctors are atheists too. God doesn't cure anybody. He never has. Be honest. You know this.

Lots of people disagree. They have their testimonies. You're free to believe them or not.

I was TOLD by the doctors you put your faith in that I had pancreatic cancer in 2015. They said my survival rate was 1%. I was sure I had months or just weeks to live.

First I cried over the things I will never get do.

Then I prayed.

After 4 months of going into the University of Michigan hospital, they told me, "you dont have cancer."

They decided they made a "mistake."

I became a firm believer that God can actually CHANGE "REALITY." Isnt that the definition of a miracle?

That medical crisis has become a pivotal point in my life and just one more proof of God.

Our life experiences will either make, or break you. The choice is entirely yours.

Wow is all I can say. Thank you for sharing that! I love testimonies, and I've heard a lot of amazing ones like yours. In fact, I have a whole website devoted to Christian testimonies, (I haven't updated it in a while, but I'm planning to get back to it.)

My friend's father was literally on his death bed, from late stage cancer, and it appeared that he was about to die. My friend's family, friends and their entire church fervently prayed for a miracle, and unbelievably, he made a full recovery, and was well for many years. Things might not always turn out the way we wanted or anticipated, but one thing I know for sure, all things work together for good, for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28.) I have seen that with my own eyes and experienced it in my life over the last 19 years so clearly that I believe it with all my heart.
No one knows their fate.

that's when they have abandoned the religion of antiquity for a false messiah, never to free their spirit as required for admission to the Everlasting - and try to entrap others to believe as they do.

- to know their fate is to end their sinning, triumph over evil. and is verified through judgement.
No. Fate in the context of this discussion is where the essence of our being resides when our life force leaves our body.

It will either be eternally united with the creator or it will be eternally separated from the creator.

And in this context no one can know their fate or the fate of others.

Unless I'm misunderstanding you here, this is not true. We can have assurance of salvation, and there are a few different ways to know... but I don't want to take this thread off topic or get into a big discussion on this right now. Again, maybe I misunderstood your point.
No, you did understand me correctly. That was what I am saying.

He invites to the wedding feast who he wants. Many will say my Lord don’t you know me and he will say he never knew them.

What do you believe the point of those parables were?
It is better to say Lord, I am not worthy to enter into your tent but only say the word and I shall be healed than to presume you are worthy to enter.
First of all, i have no idea who Roy is. No matter what you say, it's not me.
Roy is my nickname for you, Roy.

I'm a BAMF. And you fail the test of being righteous. You're a spewer of evil. Just repeating shit that is not true and promotes hatred. Like your bro.
I don’t claim to be righteous, Roy. You claim to be righteous. So it’s hilarious that you fault me for believing I am righteous when you are the one believing he is righteous. Just listen to yourself, Roy. You sound like a crazy preacher calling me a spewer of evil. You are cracking me up. C’mon Reverend Roy, tell me some more about how evil I am.

You're the people that say impossible things. I'm just making it right and scientific. And telling the truth.
Roy, I have forgotten more science than you ever knew. No joke. What do you know about science, Reverend Roy?

You seem to think that you can bring people on here and destroy the truth. The more people you bring on, the more you can destroy.
What truth am I destroying, Reverend Roy? That the universe was created from nothing? That man arose from the creation of space and time according to the laws of nature? Those are all scientific facts.

And that's exactly what's wrong with you. You want to wipe out anyone else who disagrees. Just like your religion did.
No, Reverend Roy, that’s you. You are the one calling people evil. You are the one who wants to abolish religion and round up people because you believe they are evil, Reverend Roy.

You have no common sense, or understanding of history.
Don’t be silly, Reverend Roy. I love history. You are the one who is ignorant of history. You loved the invading Muslims so much that you are upset that their aggression was halted. You loved the Cathars so much that you are upset that their aggression was halted.
oh dang, sounds like I'm gonna get hit up by dingers that i don't know and don't want to insult...
Take it easy, Reverend Roy. No one is out to get you. No one is trying to baptize you. No one is trying to convert you.
The references to heaven and hell in the Bible are excessively vague. Don't worry though. A 19th century religious movement known as evangelical Christianity clearly defined heaven and hell for us. Evangelicals don't need no stinking Bibles to figure out what God wants. They just blindly follow a flawed tradition. There is no need in investigating. Think about it. "I am good and going to heaven. Others are bad and going to hell." Most humans would love to believe that. Why prove the flawed logic wrong when the flawed logic is immensely emotionally rewarding? People usually believe what is fun. Heaven and hell is fun if you know you are one of the heaven bound ones.

I don't know any Christians who think that way, that is blatantly unbiblical. So you're saying in your experience that's what evangelicals believe? Or is that what you think Christianity teaches?

It was an over simplification but not much of one.

Evangelical Christian's really believe this:

I admitted to God that I was a sinner. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins. I confessed my sins and asked Jesus to be Lord of my life. This makes me "saved".

If you don't do that when the Holy Spirit calls on you then you will burn in hell for all of eternity.

Yes. Lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of Christian's believe this. This is a 19th Century doctrine made popular by Billy Graham. Prior to the 1800's nobody had even heard of such nonsense.

The new America opened the door to all kinds of fad religions but a lot of them stuck around.

Seven Day Adventists, Latter Day Saints, Jehovah Witnesses and yes the Evangelical movement.

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