Escaping Christianity

It is better to say Lord, I am not worthy to enter into your tent but only say the word and I shall be healed than to presume you are worthy to enter.
So god's only got a tent? Bummer, I was expecting more. Sort of explains a little about the deformed babies... if all he's got is a fucking tent. :lol:
I just don't believe that I am a terrible person because I don't evangelize every waken moment of my life
You're a closet evangelist for Atheism.

Didn't Christ say, "My yoke is easy and my burden is light." ?

Being taught to hate myself constantly isn't exactly what I would call a light burden. I am tired of hating myself. I am not a bad guy. It doesn't seem healthy to live with this garbage in my brain.

This is a very telling post. If you think this is what Christianity is about, no wonder you want to leave. I am usually very hesitant to say things like this, but in your case it is so clear that you are still in your natural state, in other words, you were never born spiritually. And you don't seem to understand any of it, God, the Gospel or your own spiritual condition.

I hate to say duh but duh. Do you know the history of the Bible? The Roman Catholic church killed people to keep the Bible out of the hands of common people.

If you don't see the power the Bible has to control people, then you have never read it or observed it being used in that way. Most teachers don't use the Bible that way because they have never even read it themselves. It is very likely you have never witnessed this. Don't let that misguide you into believing that the Bible is just a regular ole book. It is not.
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It is better to say Lord, I am not worthy to enter into your tent but only say the word and I shall be healed than to presume you are worthy to enter.
So god's only got a tent? Bummer, I was expecting more. Sort of explains a little about the deformed babies... if all he's got is a fucking tent. :lol:

A tent? Where did this come from?
The references to heaven and hell in the Bible are excessively vague. Don't worry though. A 19th century religious movement known as evangelical Christianity clearly defined heaven and hell for us. Evangelicals don't need no stinking Bibles to figure out what God wants. They just blindly follow a flawed tradition. There is no need in investigating. Think about it. "I am good and going to heaven. Others are bad and going to hell." Most humans would love to believe that. Why prove the flawed logic wrong when the flawed logic is immensely emotionally rewarding? People usually believe what is fun. Heaven and hell is fun if you know you are one of the heaven bound ones.

I don't know any Christians who think that way, that is blatantly unbiblical. So you're saying in your experience that's what evangelicals believe? Or is that what you think Christianity teaches?

It was an over simplification but not much of one.

Evangelical Christian's really believe this:

I admitted to God that I was a sinner. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins. I confessed my sins and asked Jesus to be Lord of my life. This makes me "saved".

If you don't do that when the Holy Spirit calls on you then you will burn in hell for all of eternity.

Yes. Lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of Christian's believe this. This is a 19th Century doctrine made popular by Billy Graham. Prior to the 1800's nobody had even heard of such nonsense.

The new America opened the door to all kinds of fad religions but a lot of them stuck around.

Seven Day Adventists, Latter Day Saints, Jehovah Witnesses and yes the Evangelical movement.

That is not at all what you said earlier. Earlier you posted, "I am good and going to heaven. Others are bad and going to hell." So which is it? Either way, you don't understand, like all atheists. But of course you don't understand, if you did, you'd be a believer.
I just don't believe that I am a terrible person because I don't evangelize every waken moment of my life
You're a closet evangelist for Atheism.

Didn't Christ say, "My yoke is easy and my burden is light." ?

Being taught to hate myself constantly isn't exactly what I would call a light burden. I am tired of hating myself. I am not a bad guy. It doesn't seem healthy to live with this garbage in my brain.

This is a very telling post. If you think this is what Christianity is about, no wonder you want to leave. I am usually very hesitant to say things like this, but in your case it is so clear that you are still in your natural state, in other words, you were never born spiritually. And you don't seem to understand any of it, God, the Gospel or your own spiritual condition.

I hate to say duh but duh. Do you know the history of the Bible? The Roman Catholic church killed people to keep the Bible out of the hands of common people.

If you don't see the power the Bible has to control people, then you have never read it or observed it being used in that way. Most teachers don't use the Bible that way because they have never even read it themselves. It is very likely you have never witnessed this. Don't let that misguide you into believing that the Bible is just a regular ole book. It is not.

What does that have to do with the post you were replying to? You're all over the place. Yes, I know the Catholic church tried to keep the bible out of the hands of regular people. I don't want to offend the Catholics here, but in my view it's a different religion. I say that as someone who was raised going to Catholic church, and went through first communion, confirmation, etc. But you're jumping from topic to topic here. One thing at a time.
The Bible gl
You know you're going to hell, right?

No. I am not sure about about any of the hell stuff.

Just poking you buddy. I had a similar situation, and if I had a nickel for each time I was told I was going to hell, I would have a lot of nickels.

I kind of worry that I will lose all my friends and have to start all over. My entire social circle is Christian. Most of them will either be freaked out or pretend to be freaked out because they don't know what else to do. I have already talked to my wife. She isn't going anywhere. My kids are growing up soon anyways. I could lose them just because of the progress of time. My life will likely become worse but pretending to be perfect does some good but some harm. The harm it does to my quality of life outweighs the benefits I get from living a lie. I may keep pretending for a while longer just to make things easier. Who knows?

Trust me, pal. You are going to feel wonderfully free when you do this. I speak from experience.
The references to heaven and hell in the Bible are excessively vague. Don't worry though. A 19th century religious movement known as evangelical Christianity clearly defined heaven and hell for us. Evangelicals don't need no stinking Bibles to figure out what God wants. They just blindly follow a flawed tradition. There is no need in investigating. Think about it. "I am good and going to heaven. Others are bad and going to hell." Most humans would love to believe that. Why prove the flawed logic wrong when the flawed logic is immensely emotionally rewarding? People usually believe what is fun. Heaven and hell is fun if you know you are one of the heaven bound ones.

I don't know any Christians who think that way, that is blatantly unbiblical. So you're saying in your experience that's what evangelicals believe? Or is that what you think Christianity teaches?

It was an over simplification but not much of one.

Evangelical Christian's really believe this:

I admitted to God that I was a sinner. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins. I confessed my sins and asked Jesus to be Lord of my life. This makes me "saved".

If you don't do that when the Holy Spirit calls on you then you will burn in hell for all of eternity.

Yes. Lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of Christian's believe this. This is a 19th Century doctrine made popular by Billy Graham. Prior to the 1800's nobody had even heard of such nonsense.

The new America opened the door to all kinds of fad religions but a lot of them stuck around.

Seven Day Adventists, Latter Day Saints, Jehovah Witnesses and yes the Evangelical movement.

That is not at all what you said earlier. Earlier you posted, "I am good and going to heaven. Others are bad and going to hell." So which is it? Either way, you don't understand, like all atheists. But of course you don't understand, if you did, you'd be a believer.

That was an oversimplification that had absolutely zero to do with the point I was makikg at all.

The arrogant attitude of "I am going to heaven and others are not but I know for a fact I am in the heaven bound group" is what I was referencing. I am sorry you pretended to not notice that. Can I expect you to lie more when I try to talk?
You're all over the place.

Let me clarify.

A god may exist but I do not believe the God of the Bible exists.

I love the Bible, Christianity and Christians.

I currently attend church regularly and teach Bible at a private Christian school.

I plan to resign at the end of this school year.

A year after that I plan to leave all elements of Christianity.

The rest is unnecessary discussion.
Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Saved from what you ask.

Being as dead. Meaning no clean spirit to guide them, unaware of the corrupt spirits that control their hearts and minds and no helper to help them overcome the world/earthly/that which is corrupt.
It is better to say Lord, I am not worthy to enter into your tent but only say the word and I shall be healed than to presume you are worthy to enter.
So god's only got a tent? Bummer, I was expecting more. Sort of explains a little about the deformed babies... if all he's got is a fucking tent. :lol:
But it’s a super nice tent.

It’s a biblical reference. You wouldn’t know or understand it.
The Bible gl
You know you're going to hell, right?

No. I am not sure about about any of the hell stuff.

Just poking you buddy. I had a similar situation, and if I had a nickel for each time I was told I was going to hell, I would have a lot of nickels.

I kind of worry that I will lose all my friends and have to start all over. My entire social circle is Christian. Most of them will either be freaked out or pretend to be freaked out because they don't know what else to do. I have already talked to my wife. She isn't going anywhere. My kids are growing up soon anyways. I could lose them just because of the progress of time. My life will likely become worse but pretending to be perfect does some good but some harm. The harm it does to my quality of life outweighs the benefits I get from living a lie. I may keep pretending for a while longer just to make things easier. Who knows?

Trust me, pal. You are going to feel wonderfully free when you do this. I speak from experience.
That must explain why you are in an online forum reading posts about religion.

Because your life is so wonderful.
The Bible gl
You know you're going to hell, right?

No. I am not sure about about any of the hell stuff.

Just poking you buddy. I had a similar situation, and if I had a nickel for each time I was told I was going to hell, I would have a lot of nickels.

I kind of worry that I will lose all my friends and have to start all over. My entire social circle is Christian. Most of them will either be freaked out or pretend to be freaked out because they don't know what else to do. I have already talked to my wife. She isn't going anywhere. My kids are growing up soon anyways. I could lose them just because of the progress of time. My life will likely become worse but pretending to be perfect does some good but some harm. The harm it does to my quality of life outweighs the benefits I get from living a lie. I may keep pretending for a while longer just to make things easier. Who knows?

Trust me, pal. You are going to feel wonderfully free when you do this. I speak from experience.
That must explain why you are in an online forum reading posts about religion.

Because your life is so wonderful.
Don't dash its hopes Ding. His demons are longing to be freed from him. There is a soul in there somewhere that still has a very small ray of hope while it is "wondering just in case".
Looks at God like a "genie"

This person is entrusted with teaching children about God

We have serious, very serious problems in Christianity. But as my kids say, "we been knew that". heh

I totally don't think He is a genie. Many people in my tradition have prayer. 90+% of the prayer requests are about medical issues. It is nauseating. God answers 0% of those prayers. It is stupid. I am like you. I don't believe God answers prayers at all like some mythical genie. That is where you and I agree. Prayer is the most retarded thing you can do.

You show stunning immaturity for a 40 year old man with children. Really? Since you hesitate to answer, I"m going to guess you have ZERO experience with real, physical, unremitting pain, or illness, or disease. Well, I do. It beats you down. You learn a lot too, about grace and faith.

So don't be so arrogant. "Retarded". Really? God forbid you have to live like that--or your children.

We have visible doctors where I live. They actually help people. A large percentage of those visible doctors are atheists too. God doesn't cure anybody. He never has. Be honest. You know this.

Lots of people disagree. They have their testimonies. You're free to believe them or not.

I was TOLD by the doctors you put your faith in that I had pancreatic cancer in 2015. They said my survival rate was 1%. I was sure I had months or just weeks to live.

First I cried over the things I will never get do.

Then I prayed.

After 4 months of going into the University of Michigan hospital, they told me, "you dont have cancer."

They decided they made a "mistake."

I became a firm believer that God can actually CHANGE "REALITY." Isnt that the definition of a miracle?

That medical crisis has become a pivotal point in my life and just one more proof of God.

Our life experiences will either make, or break you. The choice is entirely yours.

Wow is all I can say. Thank you for sharing that! I love testimonies, and I've heard a lot of amazing ones like yours. In fact, I have a whole website devoted to Christian testimonies, (I haven't updated it in a while, but I'm planning to get back to it.)

My friend's father was literally on his death bed, from late stage cancer, and it appeared that he was about to die. My friend's family, friends and their entire church fervently prayed for a miracle, and unbelievably, he made a full recovery, and was well for many years. Things might not always turn out the way we wanted or anticipated, but one thing I know for sure, all things work together for good, for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28.) I have seen that with my own eyes and experienced it in my life over the last 19 years so clearly that I believe it with all my heart.
Looks at God like a "genie"

This person is entrusted with teaching children about God

We have serious, very serious problems in Christianity. But as my kids say, "we been knew that". heh

I totally don't think He is a genie. Many people in my tradition have prayer. 90+% of the prayer requests are about medical issues. It is nauseating. God answers 0% of those prayers. It is stupid. I am like you. I don't believe God answers prayers at all like some mythical genie. That is where you and I agree. Prayer is the most retarded thing you can do.

You show stunning immaturity for a 40 year old man with children. Really? Since you hesitate to answer, I"m going to guess you have ZERO experience with real, physical, unremitting pain, or illness, or disease. Well, I do. It beats you down. You learn a lot too, about grace and faith.

So don't be so arrogant. "Retarded". Really? God forbid you have to live like that--or your children.

We have visible doctors where I live. They actually help people. A large percentage of those visible doctors are atheists too. God doesn't cure anybody. He never has. Be honest. You know this.

Lots of people disagree. They have their testimonies. You're free to believe them or not.

I was TOLD by the doctors you put your faith in that I had pancreatic cancer in 2015. They said my survival rate was 1%. I was sure I had months or just weeks to live.

First I cried over the things I will never get do.

Then I prayed.

After 4 months of going into the University of Michigan hospital, they told me, "you dont have cancer."

They decided they made a "mistake."

I became a firm believer that God can actually CHANGE "REALITY." Isnt that the definition of a miracle?

That medical crisis has become a pivotal point in my life and just one more proof of God.

Our life experiences will either make, or break you. The choice is entirely yours.

Wow is all I can say. Thank you for sharing that! I love testimonies, and I've heard a lot of amazing ones like yours. In fact, I have a whole website devoted to Christian testimonies, (I haven't updated it in a while, but I'm planning to get back to it.)

My friend's father was literally on his death bed, from late stage cancer, and it appeared that he was about to die. My friend's family, friends and their entire church fervently prayed for a miracle, and unbelievably, he made a full recovery, and was well for many years. Things might not always turn out the way we wanted or anticipated, but one thing I know for sure, all things work together for good, for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28.) I have seen that with my own eyes and experienced it in my life over the last 19 years so clearly that I believe it with all my heart.
I found your website over a week ago. It is well put together and inspiring. I hope you continue to add to it.

Jesus asked, "When the Son of Man returns, will he find faith on the earth?"

Unfortunately, the answer is, "very little."

There can't be anything much more important than helping people maintain faith.
Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Saved from what you ask.

Being as dead. Meaning no clean spirit to guide them, unaware of the corrupt spirits that control their hearts and minds and no helper to help them overcome the world/earthly/that which is corrupt.
Being as dead. Meaning no clean spirit to guide them, unaware of the corrupt spirits that control their hearts and minds and no helper to help them overcome the world/earthly/that which is corrupt.

it is you who have abandoned the path to the Everlasting by a belief in a false messiah imaged through a book of selfserving forgeries, the christian bible.
The Bible gl
You know you're going to hell, right?

No. I am not sure about about any of the hell stuff.

Just poking you buddy. I had a similar situation, and if I had a nickel for each time I was told I was going to hell, I would have a lot of nickels.

I kind of worry that I will lose all my friends and have to start all over. My entire social circle is Christian. Most of them will either be freaked out or pretend to be freaked out because they don't know what else to do. I have already talked to my wife. She isn't going anywhere. My kids are growing up soon anyways. I could lose them just because of the progress of time. My life will likely become worse but pretending to be perfect does some good but some harm. The harm it does to my quality of life outweighs the benefits I get from living a lie. I may keep pretending for a while longer just to make things easier. Who knows?

Trust me, pal. You are going to feel wonderfully free when you do this. I speak from experience.
That must explain why you are in an online forum reading posts about religion.

Because your life is so wonderful.
That must explain why you are in an online forum reading posts about religion.

Because your life is so wonderful.

to help others to feel the true wonders of life the christian bible as the serpent in the garden robs them of and by its blind and foolish adherents, bing.
The Bible gl
No. I am not sure about about any of the hell stuff.

Just poking you buddy. I had a similar situation, and if I had a nickel for each time I was told I was going to hell, I would have a lot of nickels.

I kind of worry that I will lose all my friends and have to start all over. My entire social circle is Christian. Most of them will either be freaked out or pretend to be freaked out because they don't know what else to do. I have already talked to my wife. She isn't going anywhere. My kids are growing up soon anyways. I could lose them just because of the progress of time. My life will likely become worse but pretending to be perfect does some good but some harm. The harm it does to my quality of life outweighs the benefits I get from living a lie. I may keep pretending for a while longer just to make things easier. Who knows?

Trust me, pal. You are going to feel wonderfully free when you do this. I speak from experience.
That must explain why you are in an online forum reading posts about religion.

Because your life is so wonderful.
Don't dash its hopes Ding. His demons are longing to be freed from him. There is a soul in there somewhere that still has a very small ray of hope while it is "wondering just in case".

Wow! I had no idea that I had a fan club! But show some respect to Vassuder. it is his thread. You need not make it about me.
The Bible gl
You know you're going to hell, right?

No. I am not sure about about any of the hell stuff.

Just poking you buddy. I had a similar situation, and if I had a nickel for each time I was told I was going to hell, I would have a lot of nickels.

I kind of worry that I will lose all my friends and have to start all over. My entire social circle is Christian. Most of them will either be freaked out or pretend to be freaked out because they don't know what else to do. I have already talked to my wife. She isn't going anywhere. My kids are growing up soon anyways. I could lose them just because of the progress of time. My life will likely become worse but pretending to be perfect does some good but some harm. The harm it does to my quality of life outweighs the benefits I get from living a lie. I may keep pretending for a while longer just to make things easier. Who knows?

Trust me, pal. You are going to feel wonderfully free when you do this. I speak from experience.
That must explain why you are in an online forum reading posts about religion.

Because your life is so wonderful.

Is that s bad as being in an online forum trying to convince people that your religious decisions are the only right ones?

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