Escaping Christianity

What i want, is to create a society where we're all helping each other. Yes, dingbat will call that communist, but it's actually a good way to live, and sustain the environment.

My goal, when I retire, is to move into the woods, and build a cabin, and live off the land, outside of modern bs.

Anyone into that should check out "Alone in the Wilderness". Friggin awesome.

Hard to find the full version, but you can catch snippets on youtube.

The point of the story, is that modern life is bs, especially religions, and we need to take a step back and re-evaluate.
I was raised in church, married a Christian, raised my kids in church and currently teach Bible at a Christian school. At the end of this school year (May 2020) I plan to resign as a teacher and stop attending church for one full year. At the end of that year I plan to have my name removed from the church role and afterwards make my atheism public. I love the philosphy, ethics and the culture surrounding Christianity. I just can't live a lie any more. It just can't be healthy. This invisible and silent God dude offers me nothing. I love the Bible and learn a lot from it but the God dude in that book either doesn't exist or has no interest in me. Church attendance is more burdensome than it used to be. I learn more from the Bible studying independently. Kindergarten might be fun for a 6 year old but is painfully boring to a 40 year old.

Any questions? I have lots more to say but I already feel like the post was too long.
You can be non-Christian without being an atheist. Try reading about Theism or Hinduism-there may be a spark of divinity set off in you.

Nah, go for the Beatles. That's the shit!

All you need to know in life, is in Beatle songs.
The Bible gl
No. I am not sure about about any of the hell stuff.

Just poking you buddy. I had a similar situation, and if I had a nickel for each time I was told I was going to hell, I would have a lot of nickels.

I kind of worry that I will lose all my friends and have to start all over. My entire social circle is Christian. Most of them will either be freaked out or pretend to be freaked out because they don't know what else to do. I have already talked to my wife. She isn't going anywhere. My kids are growing up soon anyways. I could lose them just because of the progress of time. My life will likely become worse but pretending to be perfect does some good but some harm. The harm it does to my quality of life outweighs the benefits I get from living a lie. I may keep pretending for a while longer just to make things easier. Who knows?

Trust me, pal. You are going to feel wonderfully free when you do this. I speak from experience.
That must explain why you are in an online forum reading posts about religion.

Because your life is so wonderful.
That must explain why you are in an online forum reading posts about religion.

Because your life is so wonderful.

to help others to feel the true wonders of life the christian bible as the serpent in the garden robs them of and by its blind and foolish adherents, bing.
Subordinate Christianity much?
The Bible gl
No. I am not sure about about any of the hell stuff.

Just poking you buddy. I had a similar situation, and if I had a nickel for each time I was told I was going to hell, I would have a lot of nickels.

I kind of worry that I will lose all my friends and have to start all over. My entire social circle is Christian. Most of them will either be freaked out or pretend to be freaked out because they don't know what else to do. I have already talked to my wife. She isn't going anywhere. My kids are growing up soon anyways. I could lose them just because of the progress of time. My life will likely become worse but pretending to be perfect does some good but some harm. The harm it does to my quality of life outweighs the benefits I get from living a lie. I may keep pretending for a while longer just to make things easier. Who knows?

Trust me, pal. You are going to feel wonderfully free when you do this. I speak from experience.
That must explain why you are in an online forum reading posts about religion.

Because your life is so wonderful.

Is that s bad as being in an online forum trying to convince people that your religious decisions are the only right ones?
It would be if that were the case. But it’s not.

I couldn’t care less what you believed.
I was raised in church, married a Christian, raised my kids in church and currently teach Bible at a Christian school. At the end of this school year (May 2020) I plan to resign as a teacher and stop attending church for one full year. At the end of that year I plan to have my name removed from the church role and afterwards make my atheism public. I love the philosphy, ethics and the culture surrounding Christianity. I just can't live a lie any more. It just can't be healthy. This invisible and silent God dude offers me nothing. I love the Bible and learn a lot from it but the God dude in that book either doesn't exist or has no interest in me. Church attendance is more burdensome than it used to be. I learn more from the Bible studying independently. Kindergarten might be fun for a 6 year old but is painfully boring to a 40 year old.

Any questions? I have lots more to say but I already feel like the post was too long.
I applaud your courage in being HONEST about your perceptions and belief(s).
You may lose some hard-core believers (not your wife, hopefully), but you should also be able to make new, open-minded friends.

My advice is to call yourself an agnostic, since you probably don’t know anything substantial about these religious supernatural claims.

I am not too fond of the term agnostic. It is just an atheist that is tiptoeing.

I have alreary spent seven years tiptoeing. I skip the dishonest agnostic phase. I just had an extended dishonest Christian phase.
Au contraire! An agnostic is HONEST about NOT KNOWING, but often disbelieves claims made in specific religious books, and may be atheistic toward those teachings.

I am both an agnostic (about the god concept), but an atheist regarding all religious claims I have come across so far.

Every human being in existence is an agnostic.
That sounds like comfort food.

It’s just something you say to make yourself feel better.
Or... you can learn. And live life in peace and harmony. And not judge others and try to take stuff from them, just because they believe differently.

We can have a society where everyone has their own personal values and faiths. And we can all help each other. And contribute to society.

Instead of destroying societies because of evil Santa Claus.
And by live your life in peace and harmony you mean to say subordinating faith in God, believing religion is evil and desiring to abolish religion?
Or... you can learn. And live life in peace and harmony. And not judge others and try to take stuff from them, just because they believe differently.

We can have a society where everyone has their own personal values and faiths. And we can all help each other. And contribute to society.

Instead of destroying societies because of evil Santa Claus.
And by live your life in peace and harmony you mean to say subordinating faith in God, believing religion is evil and desiring to abolish religion?
Keep faith, drop religion.

Sounds simple, huh?
You'll be a lot more fun, and less angry all the time.
I love you ding. Seriously. I want peace. Gotta come up with a mutual middle ground...
Or... you can learn. And live life in peace and harmony. And not judge others and try to take stuff from them, just because they believe differently.

We can have a society where everyone has their own personal values and faiths. And we can all help each other. And contribute to society.

Instead of destroying societies because of evil Santa Claus.
And by live your life in peace and harmony you mean to say subordinating faith in God, believing religion is evil and desiring to abolish religion?
Keep faith, drop religion.

Sounds simple, huh?
No. It sounds oppressive.

No one is forcing you to belong to a religion.

You would force others to not belong to a religion.
I mean, shit, if you and i can come to an agreement, and we fight all the time, then that means, anyone can come to an agreement.
Or... you can learn. And live life in peace and harmony. And not judge others and try to take stuff from them, just because they believe differently.

We can have a society where everyone has their own personal values and faiths. And we can all help each other. And contribute to society.

Instead of destroying societies because of evil Santa Claus.
And by live your life in peace and harmony you mean to say subordinating faith in God, believing religion is evil and desiring to abolish religion?
Keep faith, drop religion.

Sounds simple, huh?
No. It sounds oppressive.

No one is forcing you to belong to a religion.

You would force others to not belong to a religion.
I'm not being oppressive. It's a mutual agreement for how the world should roll.
I dare you to try it.
No thanks. I believe I’ll stick to defending freedom of religion instead.

I love you ding. Seriously. I want peace. Gotta come up with a mutual middle ground...
The hell you do. You want socialism and communism. You’re a subversive.

And I am not gay...
Could care less advanced if you were but you sure do grind axes like them.

I mean, shit, if you and i can come to an agreement, and we fight all the time, then that means, anyone can come to an agreement.
Not going to happen.
Or... you can learn. And live life in peace and harmony. And not judge others and try to take stuff from them, just because they believe differently.

We can have a society where everyone has their own personal values and faiths. And we can all help each other. And contribute to society.

Instead of destroying societies because of evil Santa Claus.
And by live your life in peace and harmony you mean to say subordinating faith in God, believing religion is evil and desiring to abolish religion?
Keep faith, drop religion.

Sounds simple, huh?
No. It sounds oppressive.

No one is forcing you to belong to a religion.

You would force others to not belong to a religion.
I'm not being oppressive. It's a mutual agreement for how the world should roll.
Tell me some more lies, Karl.
I dare you to try it.
No thanks. I believe I’ll stick to defending freedom of religion instead.

I love you ding. Seriously. I want peace. Gotta come up with a mutual middle ground...
The hell you do. You want socialism and communism. You’re a subversive.

And I am not gay...
Could care less advanced if you were but you sure do grind axes like them.

I mean, shit, if you and i can come to an agreement, and we fight all the time, then that means, anyone can come to an agreement.
Not going to happen.
Wow... really...

You won't even consider a chance at peace?
I mean jeez, we've been toe-to-toe head-to-head for months, maybe years.

We haven't made any headway. And you still won't consider a middle ground?

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