Escaping Christianity

I can imagine a middle ground, where we can all agree to respect each other. And keep your faiths.
If you wonder why I post Beatles and Billy Joel songs, it's because I'm a piano player, been playing for 40 years, and I play almost all the songs from both :) My idols.
ok, i'm out tonight, I'll leave you with this, that I always played for my daughters....

The Bible gl
Just poking you buddy. I had a similar situation, and if I had a nickel for each time I was told I was going to hell, I would have a lot of nickels.

I kind of worry that I will lose all my friends and have to start all over. My entire social circle is Christian. Most of them will either be freaked out or pretend to be freaked out because they don't know what else to do. I have already talked to my wife. She isn't going anywhere. My kids are growing up soon anyways. I could lose them just because of the progress of time. My life will likely become worse but pretending to be perfect does some good but some harm. The harm it does to my quality of life outweighs the benefits I get from living a lie. I may keep pretending for a while longer just to make things easier. Who knows?

Trust me, pal. You are going to feel wonderfully free when you do this. I speak from experience.
That must explain why you are in an online forum reading posts about religion.

Because your life is so wonderful.

Is that s bad as being in an online forum trying to convince people that your religious decisions are the only right ones?
It would be if that were the case. But it’s not.

I couldn’t care less what you believed.

You couldn't care less? That's odd considering you certainly seemed to care in your previous post.
It is better to say Lord, I am not worthy to enter into your tent but only say the word and I shall be healed than to presume you are worthy to enter.
So god's only got a tent? Bummer, I was expecting more. Sort of explains a little about the deformed babies... if all he's got is a fucking tent. :lol:
But it’s a super nice tent.

It’s a biblical reference. You wouldn’t know or understand it.
Tents are for losers.
I dare you to try it.
No thanks. I believe I’ll stick to defending freedom of religion instead.

I love you ding. Seriously. I want peace. Gotta come up with a mutual middle ground...
The hell you do. You want socialism and communism. You’re a subversive.

And I am not gay...
Could care less advanced if you were but you sure do grind axes like them.

I mean, shit, if you and i can come to an agreement, and we fight all the time, then that means, anyone can come to an agreement.
Not going to happen.
Wow... really...

You won't even consider a chance at peace?
Not on your terms.

Besides I already have peace.
The Bible gl
I kind of worry that I will lose all my friends and have to start all over. My entire social circle is Christian. Most of them will either be freaked out or pretend to be freaked out because they don't know what else to do. I have already talked to my wife. She isn't going anywhere. My kids are growing up soon anyways. I could lose them just because of the progress of time. My life will likely become worse but pretending to be perfect does some good but some harm. The harm it does to my quality of life outweighs the benefits I get from living a lie. I may keep pretending for a while longer just to make things easier. Who knows?

Trust me, pal. You are going to feel wonderfully free when you do this. I speak from experience.
That must explain why you are in an online forum reading posts about religion.

Because your life is so wonderful.

Is that s bad as being in an online forum trying to convince people that your religious decisions are the only right ones?
It would be if that were the case. But it’s not.

I couldn’t care less what you believed.

You couldn't care less? That's odd considering you certainly seemed to care in your previous post.
How so?
It is better to say Lord, I am not worthy to enter into your tent but only say the word and I shall be healed than to presume you are worthy to enter.
So god's only got a tent? Bummer, I was expecting more. Sort of explains a little about the deformed babies... if all he's got is a fucking tent. :lol:
But it’s a super nice tent.

It’s a biblical reference. You wouldn’t know or understand it.
Tents are for losers.
Someday you may wish you had a tent.
It is better to say Lord, I am not worthy to enter into your tent but only say the word and I shall be healed than to presume you are worthy to enter.
So god's only got a tent? Bummer, I was expecting more. Sort of explains a little about the deformed babies... if all he's got is a fucking tent. :lol:
But it’s a super nice tent.

It’s a biblical reference. You wouldn’t know or understand it.
Tents are for losers.
Someday you may wish you had a tent.
Like a teepee? That might be fun.
It is better to say Lord, I am not worthy to enter into your tent but only say the word and I shall be healed than to presume you are worthy to enter.
So god's only got a tent? Bummer, I was expecting more. Sort of explains a little about the deformed babies... if all he's got is a fucking tent. :lol:
But it’s a super nice tent.

It’s a biblical reference. You wouldn’t know or understand it.
Tents are for losers.
Someday you may wish you had a tent.
Like a teepee? That might be fun.
You need to relax.

You’re two tents.
So god's only got a tent? Bummer, I was expecting more. Sort of explains a little about the deformed babies... if all he's got is a fucking tent. :lol:
But it’s a super nice tent.

It’s a biblical reference. You wouldn’t know or understand it.
Tents are for losers.
Someday you may wish you had a tent.
Like a teepee? That might be fun.
You need to relax.

You’re two tents.
Does god have his own cot or does he hop from cot to cot?
it is you who have abandoned the path to the Everlasting by a belief in a false messiah imaged through a book of selfserving forgeries, the christian bible.
Really? I am sure you have in your own wretched mind that what you twist around and say is true. Just exactly what sort of "path to the Everlasting" do you think that there is? I mean I would maybe even entertain reading something you have other than that same old shit you post time and time again but you haven't shown me anything other than your discontent for people believing in a Holy Spirit that guides them and confirms what they have experienced or have seen with a Book and many other writings that were written for that purpose of edifying the Holy Spirit in them. If you have something show it. Otherwise piss off as I am unwilling to waste my time reading your crap.
Just exactly what sort of "path to the Everlasting" do you think that there is?

the religion of antiquity as prescribed by the Almighty - the triumph of good vs evil - the religion abandoned by all three desert religions.
You really aren't saying anything here as you appear to be a clueless whiner from everything you have already posted. Evil would have no place in you if you would not let it in or do things that open you up to it. Destroying evil is what both Jewish and Christian religions are about regardless of peoples erroneous perceptions now or in the past that have used religion for divisive and wicked purposes. To have Jesus Christ is to be anointed with the salvation of Jehovah 'the existing One'. Without that you really have nothing; You are merely an Adam/human asleep in the dust of the earth (as the dead, already in a carnal grave).
When you teach children the Bible do you refer to God as an invisible silent dude?

I am not sure. It is possible that I could have said that. I have been deeply entrenched in Christianity. Our linguistical habits are second nature to me. I walk, talk and look just like a Christianity. I am even better at being a Christianity than the people that believe it to be true.

I am sure I refer to God in the most culturally appropriate way.
OK. You may be telling children that God is a silent invisible dude, then again you may be referring to Him in a culturally appropriate way- which is what? Like an atheist?

The culture in a Christian is Christian. I talk just like one. I totally fit in.
When you "come out" as atheist, you will have to change your linguistical habits. Maybe you should start now rather than continue to be "better at being a Christianity than the people that believe it to be true."

People who actually say, "I'm better at Christianity than actual Christians" always remind me of a transvestite friend I had who said, "I'm better at being a woman than actual women!" Uh, no, by definition, you're not and you can never be.
People who actually say, "I'm better at Christianity than actual Christians" always remind me of a transvestite friend I had who said, "I'm better at being a woman than actual women!" Uh, no, by definition, you're not and you can never be.
So Christianity will give me a good blowjob? Is that what you're trying to say?
But it’s a super nice tent.

It’s a biblical reference. You wouldn’t know or understand it.
Tents are for losers.
Someday you may wish you had a tent.
Like a teepee? That might be fun.
You need to relax.

You’re two tents.
Does god have his own cot or does he hop from cot to cot?
Maybe you will get to find that out.
I am not too fond of the term agnostic. It is just an atheist that is tiptoeing.

I have alreary spent seven years tiptoeing. I skip the dishonest agnostic phase. I just had an extended dishonest Christian phase.
Au contraire! An agnostic is HONEST about NOT KNOWING, but often disbelieves claims made in specific religious books, and may be atheistic toward those teachings.

I am both an agnostic (about the god concept), but an atheist regarding all religious claims I have come across so far.

Atheism is the belief there is no god. Theism is the belief there is a god. Agnostic is the belief that you can avoid all discussions on the subject.
Theism is a belief in someone’s conception of a “god”. An a-theist holds NO BELIEF in that conception/religion.
An agnostic is simply HONEST ABOUT NOT KNOWING made-up crap.
Theism is a belief in someone’s conception of a “god”.

a belief in the metaphysical, from whence life began ...
No one knows “whence life began”.
Maybe a comet provided organic material to seed the Earth! Who knows??
No one knows “whence life began”.
Maybe a comet provided organic material to seed the Earth! Who knows??

it is possible to know, life began through a chronological order, arriving at another planet at the very time where life would just be beginning would solve physically the many theory's for its occurrence.

and the metaphysical involvement that sustains life and its progression must be whence we came as demonstrated through evolution.

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