Escaping Christianity

I was raised in church, married a Christian, raised my kids in church and currently teach Bible at a Christian school. At the end of this school year (May 2020) I plan to resign as a teacher and stop attending church for one full year. At the end of that year I plan to have my name removed from the church role and afterwards make my atheism public. I love the philosphy, ethics and the culture surrounding Christianity. I just can't live a lie any more. It just can't be healthy. This invisible and silent God dude offers me nothing. I love the Bible and learn a lot from it but the God dude in that book either doesn't exist or has no interest in me. Church attendance is more burdensome than it used to be. I learn more from the Bible studying independently. Kindergarten might be fun for a 6 year old but is painfully boring to a 40 year old.

Any questions? I have lots more to say but I already feel like the post was too long.

Was this a Christian church or a Mormon church?

You are talking about a time period of 40 years but let me try my best.

Separate Baptist First 14 years or so
Southern Baptist last 4 years of childhood
Not much church First 4 years in the Marine Corps
Southern Baptist 16 years
Freewill Baptist 2 years

No Mormonism involved. I have met with 4 sets of Mormon missionaries on probably about 10 occassions. I told them that I just wanted their secret powers. I read the entire Book of Mormon cover to cover but I never was involved in Mormonism as a religion. I never attended a service or anything.

If I had know you had a Southern Baptist background, I would have advised you to Run, not walk away. These were the people I grew up with in the South who used to preach that segregation was god's plan, which is why he put different races on different continents. Apparently, god had not anticipated ships.

It is a little known fact that the Southern Baptist Convention was founded on the issue of Pro Slavery. The Southern Baptist Convention doesn't hide this information at all. You can access all of their minutes from their annual convention all the way back to 1838.

The Bible I read is an HCSB. Most of the translators were Southern Baptist. I find it comical that the word slave is used in place of servant in the HCSB in comparison to the KJV. Traditions are passed on and passed on without it really being noticed that those traditions are part of a holistic philosphy that is no longer in use. Personally I don't believe slavery is wrong and I think it could be some of things I was taught in church. Of course I am against slavery just because everybody else. It still just makes me a little ashamed that as a human I am that impressionable.

Born and raised in Georgia, I have always been aware of the origins of the Southern Baptists. My family was just Baptist, so we had someone we could feel morally superior to.Then, again, that did not carry over to the reality that there was not a single black face in our church.
Do you think those doctors arent using their God given talent to make people better?

Nope. It takes 8+ years to become a doctor. They earn these skills Don't discredit the medical profession. They deserve praise and recognition. Your God deserves jack squat until He actually does something. Anything. Anything. Honestly. Anything.

Thank you. I'm going to be praying to God, who does listen and answer, that if He wills, this attitude you have toward Him WILL be revealed. I could be wrong, but I don't think He wants someone like you teaching children about Him, so I lay good odds on that prayer being heard.

God can do whatever He wants. He doesn't need you to boss Him around. Do you really feel like God owes you something?

Dear Father,

Please remove this man from his position in front of Your precious children, if it be Your will. I pray that you will protect his family and his heart in the meantime. In Jesus' Name, Amen
God knows what to do...

And your job is to bring him back to the Lord, instead of smiting him.

She wished me well. She asked that God to protect my family and my heart. I didn't feel smited .
Nope. It takes 8+ years to become a doctor. They earn these skills Don't discredit the medical profession. They deserve praise and recognition. Your God deserves jack squat until He actually does something. Anything. Anything. Honestly. Anything.

Thank you. I'm going to be praying to God, who does listen and answer, that if He wills, this attitude you have toward Him WILL be revealed. I could be wrong, but I don't think He wants someone like you teaching children about Him, so I lay good odds on that prayer being heard.

God can do whatever He wants. He doesn't need you to boss Him around. Do you really feel like God owes you something?

Dear Father,

Please remove this man from his position in front of Your precious children, if it be Your will. I pray that you will protect his family and his heart in the meantime. In Jesus' Name, Amen
God knows what to do...

And your job is to bring him back to the Lord, instead of smiting him.

She wished me well. She asked that God to protect my family and my heart. I didn't feel smited .
Oh Good! Thank you for telling me how you took it!
I was raised in church, married a Christian, raised my kids in church and currently teach Bible at a Christian school. At the end of this school year (May 2020) I plan to resign as a teacher and stop attending church for one full year. At the end of that year I plan to have my name removed from the church role and afterwards make my atheism public. I love the philosphy, ethics and the culture surrounding Christianity. I just can't live a lie any more. It just can't be healthy. This invisible and silent God dude offers me nothing. I love the Bible and learn a lot from it but the God dude in that book either doesn't exist or has no interest in me. Church attendance is more burdensome than it used to be. I learn more from the Bible studying independently. Kindergarten might be fun for a 6 year old but is painfully boring to a 40 year old.

Any questions? I have lots more to say but I already feel like the post was too long.

Was this a Christian church or a Mormon church?

You are talking about a time period of 40 years but let me try my best.

Separate Baptist First 14 years or so
Southern Baptist last 4 years of childhood
Not much church First 4 years in the Marine Corps
Southern Baptist 16 years
Freewill Baptist 2 years

No Mormonism involved. I have met with 4 sets of Mormon missionaries on probably about 10 occassions. I told them that I just wanted their secret powers. I read the entire Book of Mormon cover to cover but I never was involved in Mormonism as a religion. I never attended a service or anything.

If I had know you had a Southern Baptist background, I would have advised you to Run, not walk away. These were the people I grew up with in the South who used to preach that segregation was god's plan, which is why he put different races on different continents. Apparently, god had not anticipated ships.

It is a little known fact that the Southern Baptist Convention was founded on the issue of Pro Slavery. The Southern Baptist Convention doesn't hide this information at all. You can access all of their minutes from their annual convention all the way back to 1838.

The Bible I read is an HCSB. Most of the translators were Southern Baptist. I find it comical that the word slave is used in place of servant in the HCSB in comparison to the KJV. Traditions are passed on and passed on without it really being noticed that those traditions are part of a holistic philosphy that is no longer in use. Personally I don't believe slavery is wrong and I think it could be some of things I was taught in church. Of course I am against slavery just because everybody else. It still just makes me a little ashamed that as a human I am that impressionable.

Born and raised in Georgia, I have always been aware of the origins of the Southern Baptists. My family was just Baptist, so we had someone we could feel morally superior to.Then, again, that did not carry over to the reality that there was not a single black face in our church.

I have my suspicions there are still some KKKish activity that goes on behind closed doors. I think the Ku Klux Klan has been rendered obsolete because of its violent past and its rebranding ss a fringe radical group. I do however think there is a group of older white males that conspire to keep their communities safe, thriving and Christian based. A lot of community organizations are heavily connected to Southern Baptist Church members.
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Thank you. I'm going to be praying to God, who does listen and answer, that if He wills, this attitude you have toward Him WILL be revealed. I could be wrong, but I don't think He wants someone like you teaching children about Him, so I lay good odds on that prayer being heard.

God can do whatever He wants. He doesn't need you to boss Him around. Do you really feel like God owes you something?

Dear Father,

Please remove this man from his position in front of Your precious children, if it be Your will. I pray that you will protect his family and his heart in the meantime. In Jesus' Name, Amen
God knows what to do...

And your job is to bring him back to the Lord, instead of smiting him.

She wished me well. She asked that God to protect my family and my heart. I didn't feel smited .
Oh Good! Thank you for telling me how you took it!

She has a legitimate concern for my own well being.

The Bible tells that teachers receive a greater punishment for our mistakes. There is also that verse about it would be better to have a millstone around your neck and cast into the sea than for the one who leads children astray.

She isn't being hateful. She is genuinely concerned about me. Some people really believe the Bible. That is one group. There is another group that really believe the Bible but actually know what it says.
I was raised in church, married a Christian, raised my kids in church and currently teach Bible at a Christian school. At the end of this school year (May 2020) I plan to resign as a teacher and stop attending church for one full year. At the end of that year I plan to have my name removed from the church role and afterwards make my atheism public. I love the philosphy, ethics and the culture surrounding Christianity. I just can't live a lie any more. It just can't be healthy. This invisible and silent God dude offers me nothing. I love the Bible and learn a lot from it but the God dude in that book either doesn't exist or has no interest in me. Church attendance is more burdensome than it used to be. I learn more from the Bible studying independently. Kindergarten might be fun for a 6 year old but is painfully boring to a 40 year old.

Any questions? I have lots more to say but I already feel like the post was too long.
healthy? have you heard any recommend joining a gym and maybe start becoming like the rest of the non-depressed sounding, non complaining, non helpless, non caring about those types of things, human beings who 'obviously' live better lives? In other words has anyone suggested to you to 'open your eyes', look around, and stop saying you're in any 'different' kind of 'existence'?

I mean, you say you are a teacher. What other sorts of jobs or work have you done? You say you have kids? You must be old enough to have them... Do you hate your line of work? Is that it? What sort of job are you going to seek once you officially become secular? You might have more opportunities opened up for you.. You might want to keep these in mind.. ;)

I mean... when was the last time you rolled around in bed with a passerby?

Even the doctors say getting off steam this way, often, is, 'healthy'...

Wait a minute.. Are you leery about this God dude because He agrees or because He disagrees with the doctors? Out of you entire life years so far, even as a Christian, even as a Christian family person, even as a Christian own head of the family, even as a Christian 'worker', what would you say about God? Is He for or is He not for how everything was/is, etc?? I'm sure you've done a little 'traveling', too, right? Same 'ole? And? Your opinions, ideas? Not on your own personal 'happiness', but your opinions on that 'god dude' that seems to have gotten you ready to publicly announce atheism..

You can't be the only living Christian in the World, can you? Not every other one can be as 'miserable' as you, can they? Who's doing wrong? You or those who might be more than fine living the way they do, even as a Christian?

Besides, what are you going to do when 'life goes on'? What other social venues are you going to check out? Have any ideas? Wouldn't it be funny if all your previous years of living wasn't really, life?

Well, regardless.. My suggestion? I say this without charging a 'cost' and not even directly to any ears but maybe to the non-space of non-criticism ... Count the remainder of the years you might have left and go from there. Even Constantine passed on... and probably even without knowing who Jesus was.... He might have known who Iesus was but not Jesus.. :)

I wonder if he was a filthy unscrubbed pharamaceutical user not washed by the blood of Jesus? But I bet he knew the importance of 'status', right? And that is probably the 'key' that has not changed, even from the time of Constantine.

In other words, dear sir parent dad who is planning to resign his past, be accepted. be accepted by the others and live.. why die? And let your children live also.... :)

God willing, of course.

Or what? huh? What?

What? can be as a question or as an accusative question..

Or what? Did life only come to you?

But since human beings are on a different food chain level than the rest of the 'eaters' of the world...

this could be helpful.


search words:
all things atheist

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I was raised in church, married a Christian, raised my kids in church and currently teach Bible at a Christian school. At the end of this school year (May 2020) I plan to resign as a teacher and stop attending church for one full year. At the end of that year I plan to have my name removed from the church role and afterwards make my atheism public. I love the philosphy, ethics and the culture surrounding Christianity. I just can't live a lie any more. It just can't be healthy. This invisible and silent God dude offers me nothing. I love the Bible and learn a lot from it but the God dude in that book either doesn't exist or has no interest in me. Church attendance is more burdensome than it used to be. I learn more from the Bible studying independently. Kindergarten might be fun for a 6 year old but is painfully boring to a 40 year old.

Any questions? I have lots more to say but I already feel like the post was too long.
healthy? have you heard any recommend joining a gym and maybe start becoming like the rest of the non-depressed sounding, non complaining, non helpless, non caring about those types of things, human beings who 'obviously' live better lives? In other words has anyone suggested to you to 'open your eyes', look around, and stop saying you're in any 'different' kind of 'existence'?

I am getting out.
I was raised in church, married a Christian, raised my kids in church and currently teach Bible at a Christian school. At the end of this school year (May 2020) I plan to resign as a teacher and stop attending church for one full year. At the end of that year I plan to have my name removed from the church role and afterwards make my atheism public. I love the philosphy, ethics and the culture surrounding Christianity. I just can't live a lie any more. It just can't be healthy. This invisible and silent God dude offers me nothing. I love the Bible and learn a lot from it but the God dude in that book either doesn't exist or has no interest in me. Church attendance is more burdensome than it used to be. I learn more from the Bible studying independently. Kindergarten might be fun for a 6 year old but is painfully boring to a 40 year old.

Any questions? I have lots more to say but I already feel like the post was too long.
But before you go... maybe you can help this question out?? You still have a year or so?

Why is homosexuality condemned in the Bible?

retirement nest egg able?

you can only go as far as your nest egg will allow, right? regardless...

God, nest egg, God, nest egg,... God, nest egg... sleep?

You gotta remember.. these sorts of lifestyles.. 'depressing as they sound', does not represent the true life with God..

And even the most meek dog would tell you, with fear and trembling maybe, that to take them out for a walk without their little dog paw shoes can cause burns to the bottom of their 'flesh'. They might be too afraid to say anything though..

So it would be advisable to adopt a dog from his or her parents ONLY after being able to properly provide.. otherwise you might be seen as seeking out additional 'benefits' being added to your 'nest egg'. So the more you might want to adopt, the more little pair of dog paw shoes you should have available and fit to size, custom sized, of course.. And starting off with that foot could result in different 'ends' than when the first step wasn't.

The old has passed.. Those that were there does not need to worry about what will be 'new'..

a joke.. maybe uplifting, maybe nauseating, maybe overstepping boundaries...

a pair.. a dad and son.

Dad.. I got an idea... Let's role play.. I'll be the son, you be the dad.


Okay. Dad, you won't know what I'm up to but follow along...


*time goes by...

Um, son? What are you doing?

Dad, don't you want to treat me like a son?

Um. what are you talking about?

*time goes on...

Okay, dad.. this is it.. this is the day....

Wow.. nice.. what might be different?

Well, you see... I want to have this particular thing and I need for you to put your own life in jeopardy for it.. ready?

Um... son... wait.. ..wait....

He'll catch on...

* time goes on...

Um, dad?

Wait.. I get the first line this time...Um, son? Is this what you wanted?

What is this? There's nothing.

What? Nothing? Are you sure there is nothing?

*Uncle GOD walks in...

What are you guys up to?

Hi brother GOD.

Hi brother Dad, Hi son.

Hi Uncle GOD.. Oh wait... I got an idea.. ready? We're going to role play. You can be Uncle God and I'll be nephew son.. Okay..

Huh? ... Wait a minute.. let me put down my briefcase..

* in the background the FM radio station plays The War of the Worlds...
The son looks to the radio and wonders...

Um. dad? Um, uncle? What year are we in?

Dad and uncle look to the radio..

Um.. 1938?

The Russians are invading.. The Russians are invading!!

They all take cover..

The old has passed.. Those that were there does not need to worry about what will be 'new'..

Oh, by the way... How's life?

Who are you talking to Uncle God?

Both of you, I guess.

I'm okay, brother God.

Um. you mean, like 'my' life or life in general, uncle?

What do you mean?

You asked, How's life.. I'm only 1 life.. .. Wait.. Did anyone feed the fishes yet?

I'll be danged... I swore they were in there last night.. where did they fly off to this time?

Fishes don't fly, nephew son.

Okay.. swim then.. Where did they swim off to this time?

*Ms. cutey walks in licking her paws.. *meow

Since when do cats eat fish? eek?

*Double Quarter Pounder, chicken nuggets 10 piece, and.... let's see... can we get some sushi after? .... Oh.. can you please hold the lettuce? I'm trying to help the planet...

Let me tell ya.. I sure as heck don't mind being so carnivorous, it seems... yum yum yum... since when did I start eating mooos and cock a doodle doos and swim swim swim-mers??? but, oh yeah.. lettuce?

I guess life is okay? But wait... How's YOUR life doing, cashier? ;)

* she meant 'Out Back'.. hee hee.. :) Out Back Steak House.. Oooh Yeah! Cha Ching!

Humph, There it is.. Humph, there it is...

Gym? Did anyone recommend gym? Not Outback?

So.. although (J)ames 3:1 reads: "My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation."

"My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment." -NKJV

Why would (J)ames be so 'restrictive' to others' personal choices?

Because with all due respect, sir, I'm sure you've never run across a 'teacher' you disagreed with, right? And if the 'majority vote'- as in 'cha ching', says one thing, then who would be odd man out.. yet ... huh?? lies as 'majority cha chings'?? how does that work??

Oh, and have we mentioned the 'little ones' yet?

Whose 'little ones'? Um... I'm sure there are a lot more than only me or him or her that could probably have 'littler' ones that the 'big ones'? But boy... what a 'sad' and depressing set of conditions in which all 'Life' has to live in and abide by the 'Systems' and 'Paradigms' in order to be allowed and to be ABLE to 'Pay' for rent to 'survive'.. Strange..

And those that pick up Arms and Hammers to defend this current System and Paradigm 'Necessity' in order to 'Pay' for rent for survival sure is vehement about keeping it ... my goodness!

This is how I see it...

#1. They hate and resent the fact that they had to work for what they had/have.
#2. They hate and resent the idea of 'stepping down' so as to let others receive the same 'work' they had.
#3. They hate and resent the idea of others, not like themselves, being allowed the same opportunity without the 'breaking through' in competition, they had to go through and endure hardships and pains and sufferings for in order to be able to 'survive' in this world.
#4. They refuse to admit that their 'competition', which they supposedly hate and resent, was not really 'competition' but more of an 'easy' entry..

And the most important

#5. They will use lies and excuses, even to God, to gain 'more' while the others are being made 'lower and worse' so they can gain more...

And this is where that 'God dude' you were speaking about comes into the picture... So IF my life is based on merits accomplished and merits earned and such, as in fulfilling duties, and IF my well being is based on the same, and IF a person asks how my life is going because they are 'concerned', even with these parameters of measurements, then what about How are YOU doing, God? Or how about, How are YOU doing Christ Messiah? Or how about How are YOU doing Father of Christ Messiah? Or is it as IF I live and have 'being' on my own?

Maybe this is easier to understand but still encapsulates the entirety of what is trying to be said.

If a person is not complaining.. maybe that person is well enough to not need to complain.

And if a person is complaining.. maybe that person is not well enough and so needs to complain..

Fine and dandy... Am I the only 1 that is complaining?

Thank you for allowing me some space to 'share'. I really also pray that you find some 'space' to be able to 'share', yourself. In The Name of Christ Messiah. Amen.
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Thank you. I'm going to be praying to God, who does listen and answer, that if He wills, this attitude you have toward Him WILL be revealed. I could be wrong, but I don't think He wants someone like you teaching children about Him, so I lay good odds on that prayer being heard.

God can do whatever He wants. He doesn't need you to boss Him around. Do you really feel like God owes you something?

Dear Father,

Please remove this man from his position in front of Your precious children, if it be Your will. I pray that you will protect his family and his heart in the meantime. In Jesus' Name, Amen
God knows what to do...

And your job is to bring him back to the Lord, instead of smiting him.

She wished me well. She asked that God to protect my family and my heart. I didn't feel smited .
Oh Good! Thank you for telling me how you took it!

He is right, and I hope you realize it is above my paygrade--as in WAY above, as God's job to:

1. Bring him back to the Lord or
2. Smite him

However, I do have a lot of concern for those he's lying to, and for his own soul and family in the process. Nothing good can come from this situation
He’ll be talking about getting out for years.

He never belonged to one in the first place.
Was this a Christian church or a Mormon church?

You are talking about a time period of 40 years but let me try my best.

Separate Baptist First 14 years or so
Southern Baptist last 4 years of childhood
Not much church First 4 years in the Marine Corps
Southern Baptist 16 years
Freewill Baptist 2 years

No Mormonism involved. I have met with 4 sets of Mormon missionaries on probably about 10 occassions. I told them that I just wanted their secret powers. I read the entire Book of Mormon cover to cover but I never was involved in Mormonism as a religion. I never attended a service or anything.

If I had know you had a Southern Baptist background, I would have advised you to Run, not walk away. These were the people I grew up with in the South who used to preach that segregation was god's plan, which is why he put different races on different continents. Apparently, god had not anticipated ships.

It is a little known fact that the Southern Baptist Convention was founded on the issue of Pro Slavery. The Southern Baptist Convention doesn't hide this information at all. You can access all of their minutes from their annual convention all the way back to 1838.

The Bible I read is an HCSB. Most of the translators were Southern Baptist. I find it comical that the word slave is used in place of servant in the HCSB in comparison to the KJV. Traditions are passed on and passed on without it really being noticed that those traditions are part of a holistic philosphy that is no longer in use. Personally I don't believe slavery is wrong and I think it could be some of things I was taught in church. Of course I am against slavery just because everybody else. It still just makes me a little ashamed that as a human I am that impressionable.

Born and raised in Georgia, I have always been aware of the origins of the Southern Baptists. My family was just Baptist, so we had someone we could feel morally superior to.Then, again, that did not carry over to the reality that there was not a single black face in our church.

I have my suspicions there are still some KKKish activity that goes on behind closed doors. I think the Ku Klux Klan has been rendered obsolete because of its violent past and its rebranding ss a fringe radical group. I do however think there is a group of older white males that conspire to keep their communities safe, thriving and Christian based. A lot of community organizations are heavily connected to Southern Baptist Church members.
Too funny.
No one told the U.S that they 'HAD' to exemplify Christianity's 'Acceptance and Humility' to the World.

And no one, in the name of the pits of Hell, did anyone tell anyone that they 'HAD' to enable and provide for it.

Unfortunately, not every 'believer' in the U.S can so readily and easily escape such a non sensical portrayal of human deficiency.

That which began as a Blessing being turned into a Curse unto death is nothing more than abomination and non Tradition.

And for the enabler and provider to Provide for such 'progression' is also a member of that league which, as stated earlier, has many individuals 'stuck' because they do not have the ability to 'easily and readily' escape those types of individual minds and hearts and souls and spirits.

They might have an 'agenda' of 'freedom' which if received might enable them to 'not become' dangerous but before they might become dangerous, most humans do not seek to murder other lives because of an 'agenda'.

'That' group, in entirety, in The world, could only need a small 'space' to be able to be as their 'agenda' is seeking, IF they all were to gather and live among themselves in their own agenda to their own personal living style, which they might be claiming as being oppressed beyond measure and which they might be claiming as being 'imprisoned' in their own bodies in their own choosing of where they make their residence..

Place all those types of lives and minds and hearts and spirits in a land which has not been developed, or some already developed but not inhabited place, such as some ghost towns and cities already developed in China to accommodate for thousands, maybe tens of thousands with all the amenities already built and ready to be opened for operation and business, and they can live as they choose without finding a need to go into other people's neighborhoods and towns seeking to cast them out of their homes and establishments.

I'm not saying to send non chinese to china or non U.S to the U.S. but maybe their Own citizened persons can have concern enough to their own children to 'exemplify' what ever they are seeking others to do.

Or what?

1 Corinthians 14:36 "What? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only?"

Sure.. you have opinions of the word of God.. but out from you, only?

What opinions do you have in your pocket?

1 Corinthians 14:27 "If any man speak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at the most by three, and that by course; and let one interpret."

You who speak in tongues... And you who uphold them...

Where are the interpreters?

The darngest thing...

A 'evangelist' seeking to evangelize to a group of persons when not knowing the language they speak...

The 26-year-old American adventure blogger was killed by an isolated tribe last year. His father blames ‘extreme’ Christianity

Chau’s decision to contact the Sentinelese, who have made it clear over the years that they prefer to be left alone, was indefensibly reckless.

The life and death of John Chau, the man who tried to convert his killers

The Sentinelese, also known as the Sentineli and the North Sentinel Islanders, are an indigenous people who inhabit North Sentinel Island in the Bay of Bengal in India. They are considered one of the world's last uncontacted peoples.

Because of their complete isolation, nearly nothing is known about the Sentinelese language, which is therefore unclassified.[26][27][28] It has been recorded that the Jarawa language is mutually unintelligible with the Sentinelese language.[26][12] There is uncertainty as to the range of overlap with the Onge language, if any.[29] The Anthropological Survey of India's 2016 handbook on Vulnerable Tribe Groups considers them mutually unintelligible.

Sentinelese - Wikipedia

His father blames ‘extreme’ Christianity

Talk about 'Bible Thumping'. How's life, James?

Well, I think he might have had friends.. ?? Could be wrong??

One last thing...

Did God ever turn stone to bread? Maybe for one year or something??

@ 2:00 minutes

Mr. Willy Nelson also suggested that mammas should definitely not let their kids to grow up to be cowboys..

It's so amazing when you think that more 'talents' seem to have been possessed by those 'outside' than those 'inside' the household of faith.

Those with 'talents' needing others with fewer to help carry the 'load' and 'burden'. strange..

You've got to remember that after Christ ascended on HIgh.. it was THE beginning of a new 'Life' to Be.

So yes... the old was past.. The new was and still IS, somehow..

This is NOT opinion.. It is REALITY. His crucifixion and death and resurrection and ascension REALLY occurred.
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I was raised in church, married a Christian, raised my kids in church and currently teach Bible at a Christian school. At the end of this school year (May 2020) I plan to resign as a teacher and stop attending church for one full year. At the end of that year I plan to have my name removed from the church role and afterwards make my atheism public. I love the philosphy, ethics and the culture surrounding Christianity. I just can't live a lie any more. It just can't be healthy. This invisible and silent God dude offers me nothing. I love the Bible and learn a lot from it but the God dude in that book either doesn't exist or has no interest in me. Church attendance is more burdensome than it used to be. I learn more from the Bible studying independently. Kindergarten might be fun for a 6 year old but is painfully boring to a 40 year old.

Any questions? I have lots more to say but I already feel like the post was too long.
Remember, the Bible concerns more than one God. There is the God who desires mercy, not vengeance. There is the God who walks in gardens talking to talking snakes. There is the tribal God of the Israelites (Yahweh) who commands the Jews to genocide or enslave everyone else. There is the God who incinerates cities because they didn't worship Him enough. And there is Our Father who art in Heaven. One of the problems with declaring some book with magical powers called "sacred" as the Eternal Word of God is there is no way for religion to advance like science and art advance. You are locked into the one "god" and have to drag all of them around with you with all the contradictions and absurdities (no, "God" did not make a fish swallow Jonah and then vomit him up on the beach alive three days later. Jonah went on a three-day bender with a whore from Ninevah. The fish story was what he told his wife when he got home and somehow it ended up in the Bible).
No one told the U.S that they 'HAD' to exemplify Christianity's 'Acceptance and Humility' to the World.

And no one, in the name of the pits of Hell, did anyone tell anyone that they 'HAD' to enable and provide for it.

Unfortunately, not every 'believer' in the U.S can so readily and easily escape such a non sensical portrayal of human deficiency.

That which began as a Blessing being turned into a Curse unto death is nothing more than abomination and non Tradition.

And for the enabler and provider to Provide for such 'progression' is also a member of that league which, as stated earlier, has many individuals 'stuck' because they do not have the ability to 'easily and readily' escape those types of individual minds and hearts and souls and spirits.

They might have an 'agenda' of 'freedom' which if received might enable them to 'not become' dangerous but before they might become dangerous, most humans do not seek to murder other lives because of an 'agenda'.

'That' group, in entirety, in The world, could only need a small 'space' to be able to be as their 'agenda' is seeking, IF they all were to gather and live among themselves in their own agenda to their own personal living style, which they might be claiming as being oppressed beyond measure and which they might be claiming as being 'imprisoned' in their own bodies in their own choosing of where they make their residence..

Place all those types of lives and minds and hearts and spirits in a land which has not been developed, or some already developed but not inhabited place, such as some ghost towns and cities already developed in China to accommodate for thousands, maybe tens of thousands with all the amenities already built and ready to be opened for operation and business, and they can live as they choose without finding a need to go into other people's neighborhoods and towns seeking to cast them out of their homes and establishments.

I'm not saying to send non chinese to china or non U.S to the U.S. but maybe their Own citizened persons can have concern enough to their own children to 'exemplify' what ever they are seeking others to do.

Or what?

1 Corinthians 14:36 "What? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only?"

Sure.. you have opinions of the word of God.. but out from you, only?

What opinions do you have in your pocket?

1 Corinthians 14:27 "If any man speak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at the most by three, and that by course; and let one interpret."

You who speak in tongues... And you who uphold them...

Where are the interpreters?

Perhaps you can put this in another thread and be more specific about who you are talking about when you say them, they, us, etc. I would like to better understand what you are trying to convey in your comment here.
There is the tribal God of the Israelites (Yahweh) who commands the Jews to genocide or enslave everyone else. There is the God who incinerates cities because they didn't worship Him enough.

Are you saying the same God that allows you to say these things, also?

What are you saying? That you live knowing these things about God and you are okay with it?

That you know that it is the same God that keeps you alive but you are okay with others not 'being' as blessed?

Is that what you are trying to say about God? That maybe He has preferences?

I get asked that question many times.. 'What are you trying to say'??

Are you trying to say that Street Juice is, pretty smooth?

Definitely not Good, Only God is Good, but maybe, pretty smooth?

Okay.. I agree.. Only God is Good.. but Street Juice is NOT Good and I think that's okay.. Pretty Smooth, though.. Agreed.

And ... so... now.... God is 'better' than before because we agreed that neither you nor I is Good? yeah!

Ain't no personal 'Good' off my own back... Yeah!

Well hello? So every good I have must have been given to me by Good Himself, huh? Wow.. I guess I'm not good, possess any personal 'good', until He provides me with 'Good'. I see. i don't possess or own, have ownership rights to 'Good'. Nice... I'm free to love Good, I'm free to value 'Good', I'm free to evaluate 'Good'... Seeing that 'Good' was and is never really 'mine' to begin with..

Am I evaluating this from the starting point of already having knowledge to 'read' and 'understand', mental process? Are those 'Good'?

How about being able to 'be' in this Day? Is that 'good'? Did I have this day, let's say, when I wasn't here today? ..

Or might I be seeking a different 'kind' of Good than what I'm used to?

I might find it Good if my room was always kept clean.

I might only be 8, too, but still, I might find having my room kept clean as Good.

A lady walks into a sex shop.. She goes to the cashier and asks for a good suggestion to what she was looking for..

The cashier responds.. well, you do have to be over 21 to be in here..

The lady responds, okay, I'll take the 8.

I started out unable to walk.. As I started to grow out of my toddler clothes, all other parts of myself started to grow also. After a certain age, though, the only thing that continued to grow was my days..

What one chooses to do with those days is why some are wealthier than others.

Other than wealth, what one chooses to do with those days would be for personal reasons.

And factoring in the necessities within the Paradigm and Current System of necessities and also factoring in 7.6 + billion individual lives, I'm unsure what any might be able 'to do' for personal reasons..

I could, of course, seek employment within a Slaughtering House so as to be a helper to the 'world', I suppose? Because if you think about it, even those places are as every other, convenience place... Going in to buy a dozen eggs rather than going out back to see if a dozen eggs were laid by the chickens yet... you get the idea... Convenience..

'I might find it Good if my room was always kept clean.'

I might find it 'good' if milk never spoiled or if bread never went bad.

I went by a home and saw a family within. They were sitting and eating together.. They seemed happy and joyful. I thought to myself.. they sure don't know how much I had to sacrifice for them being happy.. and I went away saddened that I did all that work and not even that family was appreciative....

If it weren't for my hard hours in labor, they wouldn't even have Verizon to make phone calls on..

* I'm a 26 year old single mom.. I can make fun and jokes.. I know I'll be here tomorrow.

but I'm really not... just saying..

God, no God, curse, no curse.. crime, no crime.. it doesn't matter... I know I'll be here tomorrow..



Same drawing of the same place... but where are those little islands that are in the second picture?

Or are these not the of the same place?


Oh.. those are part of the 'poopy' places, I think...

well, poop holes... forgive my word usage.

Another thing... Question:

Ephesians 4:29 "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers."

"Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them." -NLT

Are these the same, even in meaning?

4550. sapros
sapros: rotten, worthless
Part of Speech: Adjective
Transliteration: sapros
Phonetic Spelling: (sap-ros')
Definition: rotten, worthless
Usage: rotten, useless, corrupt, depraved.

An entire brand new 'translation' if this word, corrupt, already been changed to 'foul and abusive', if we use the word 'rotten', or 'depraved', or even 'useless'.. That could make 3 new translations.. or versions..


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There is the tribal God of the Israelites (Yahweh) who commands the Jews to genocide or enslave everyone else. There is the God who incinerates cities because they didn't worship Him enough.

Are you saying the same God that allows you to say these things, also?

What are you saying? That you live knowing these things about God and you are okay with it?

That you know that it is the same God that keeps you alive but you are okay with others not 'being' as blessed?

Is that what you are trying to say about God? That maybe He has preferences?

I get asked that question many times.. 'What are you trying to say'??

Are you trying to say that Street Juice is, pretty smooth?

Definitely not Good, Only God is Good, but maybe, pretty smooth?

Okay.. I agree.. Only God is Good.. but Street Juice is NOT Good and I think that's okay.. Pretty Smooth, though.. Agreed.

And ... so... now.... God is 'better' than before because we agreed that neither you nor I is Good? yeah!

Ain't no personal 'Good' off my own back... Yeah!

Well hello? So every good I have must have been given to me by Good Himself, huh? Wow.. I guess I'm not good, possess any personal 'good', until He provides me with 'Good'. I see. i don't possess or own, have ownership rights to 'Good'. Nice... I'm free to love Good, I'm free to value 'Good', I'm free to evaluate 'Good'... Seeing that 'Good' was and is never really 'mine' to begin with..

Am I evaluating this from the starting point of already having knowledge to 'read' and 'understand', mental process? Are those 'Good'?

How about being able to 'be' in this Day? Is that 'good'? Did I have this day, let's say, when I wasn't here today? ..

Or might I be seeking a different 'kind' of Good than what I'm used to?

I might find it Good if my room was always kept clean.

I might only be 8, too, but still, I might find having my room kept clean as Good.
let no corrupt word.... be spoken.. in other words....

Word! Logos!

Maybe, in other words, don't speak words to destroy but speak words to edify. Destruction is left behind in the rubble. Edification is not of that sort.

What People Do for Money
Divine Sounds
Selling their body, man
Shouldn't of even done that
(What people do for money)
(What people do for money)
A man came around in the neighborhood
And he promised to take you to Hollywood
That's what he said, he played with your head
And then he skipped town with all your bread
Got hit by a car, fell to the ground
And people all over start to gather around
And he was hurt so bad it seemed to be
But he was only down for the currency, huh
Ladies at the corner looked so fine
And man oh man I wish she was mine
I mean she looked so cute with the skin tight suit
But she was selling that body as a prostitute
Well it might sound sad
Or it might sound funny
But thats what people do for money
(What people do for money)
(What people do for money)
(What people do for money)
(What people do for money)
My man doing bad, commit a crime
But they caught him in the act, now he's doing time
And I asked him why, with tears in his eyes
He said I did it for the M O N E Y
Huh I got no money and times getting rough
I'm on Public Assistence, but that ain't enough
I got to get a gun and stick up someone
And Oy, I'll be sorry for what I've done, huh
A girl got married against the law
She married a man she never seen before, huh
And then she split, ain't that a myth
Cause it was all done for Citizenship
Well it might sound sad
Or it might sound funny
But that what people do for money
(What people do for money)
(What people do for money)
(What people do for money)
(What people do for money)
(What people do for money)
(What people do for money)
(What people do for money)
Sometimes it make me cry
(What people do for money)
Children growing up to see this
Teenage girls baiting senior citizens
I said tell me girl, what's happening
She says I'm down on my luck, so what the f...
I'll see if I can lay him for a couple of bucks
Three cards in my hand, one red, two black
You know red is making money, Black, you make nothing back, huh
You took a try and now I'm sorry
You lost all your money in three card molly
One dollar in your pocket, and now you're broke
But you're dying from hunger and you need a smoke, huh
You play a three to win eight to one
You lost your only dollar now you have none
Huh it might sound sad
Or it might soung funny
But that's what people do for money
Put 40 hours in at a minimum wage
Friday here, and you get paid, huh
And now you're paying the price
Huh you got to tell the story to your wife, huh
50 dollar sneakers and you got no job
Tell me how you do it when times are hard huh
You rob the bank and make big cash
But tell me how long it does that life last
Huh it might sound sad
Or it might sound funny
But that what people do for money
(What people do for money)
(What people do for money)
(What people do for money)
(What people do for money)
(What people do for money)

Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: DOWLING

What People Do for Money lyrics © S.I.A.E. Direzione Generale, Clarkjay Music

50 dollar sneakers and you got no job
Tell me how you do it when times are hard huh

this question .. how?

no past debt to repay.. must have been okay then, huh?

So.. a person had a forward motion going.. no debts, got out of financial 'pits'.. still had a good credit score.. The only thing lacking was a steady source of substantial income.. substantial meaning greater than expenses and others needed monthly, etc...

yeah.. he was doing okay.. these things were covered... So.. how? somehow.. it seemed strange to this person, too.. Must have been some 'loose' screws somewhere in his financial hopes.

It makes me really sad to think of what people do for money..

Got hit by a car, fell to the ground (victim)
But they caught him in the act, now he's doing time (victim)
Huh I got no money and times getting rough (victim)
I got to get a gun and stick up someone (victim)
Teenage girls baiting senior citizens (victim)
You lost all your money in three card molly (victim)

And that's what people do for money!!!

What's being asked? To not have 'money' or to stop the victimizing?

But what IF that is all I know of how to make 'money'?

huh? What age are we talking about? Not him or her.. You...

You see.. this is how I look at it.. Those who are 'well to do', usually has a social network of sorts. And if such a person asks such a question, that only leaves me to wonder what that social network could be. Now let's say that a personal 'friend' or a 'personal' spouse who wanted to get my 'opinion' asked this question.. Then it would be a question seeing to hear my opinion. But if for purposes of 'reality' the question was asked, I'd have to wonder..

This is a question that I'd like to hear an opinion regarding.. To either personal or to those with social networks...

What is it called when a mattress needing to be purchased for the home.. what is it called when the lowest starting cost(s) is at around >1,000 dollars or so unless you have a membership at a bulk/outlet type store such as Samsclub or Costco? And what is it called if every other mattress under that amount, not purchased from one of those mentioned outlets, shows to be more deficient than needing to have been purchased? And what does the person do when after purchasing the mattress has been downed a few hundred dollars or so and still with no mattress and with, still, no other retailer to purchase another mattress; seeing that the prices has not changed except upwards in all the private mattress providers?

Would this make you to wonder how any other person nearby might be getting their mattresses? Would you have preponderance that all others must have the funds available to be more than content; IF, what was stated of costs and retailers and outlets and suppliers, was, True?

So IF the statement given was true... then the only reasonable answer would be that all the others around would be able to sufficely be more than content and able; even financially, to not have any of the same concerns or lacks.

And given this, one could see how the independent earnings to each is at or above that basic mattress need.

I'm not suited for these classes of wealth; seeing I'm having a difficult time purchasing 50 dollar sneakers at this time.

50 dollar sneakers and you got no job
Tell me how you do it when times are hard huh

more less > 1000 dollar mattress.

And in a time when others are also being 'funded'; regardless of by whom, to do other wrongful deeds, such as terrorists groups and such, is it really okay? Is life going okay, really?

Are those the only sides to remain? The funded and the non?

Should we not hear from those funders' Funder?

Or would even they consider me or view me as over exagerated and over exagerating?
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