Escaping Christianity

There is the tribal God of the Israelites (Yahweh) who commands the Jews to genocide or enslave everyone else. There is the God who incinerates cities because they didn't worship Him enough.

Are you saying the same God that allows you to say these things, also?

What are you saying? That you live knowing these things about God and you are okay with it?

That you know that it is the same God that keeps you alive but you are okay with others not 'being' as blessed?

Is that what you are trying to say about God? That maybe He has preferences?

I get asked that question many times.. 'What are you trying to say'??

Are you trying to say that Street Juice is, pretty smooth?

Definitely not Good, Only God is Good, but maybe, pretty smooth?

Okay.. I agree.. Only God is Good.. but Street Juice is NOT Good and I think that's okay.. Pretty Smooth, though.. Agreed.

And ... so... now.... God is 'better' than before because we agreed that neither you nor I is Good? yeah!

Ain't no personal 'Good' off my own back... Yeah!

Well hello? So every good I have must have been given to me by Good Himself, huh? Wow.. I guess I'm not good, possess any personal 'good', until He provides me with 'Good'. I see. i don't possess or own, have ownership rights to 'Good'. Nice... I'm free to love Good, I'm free to value 'Good', I'm free to evaluate 'Good'... Seeing that 'Good' was and is never really 'mine' to begin with..

Am I evaluating this from the starting point of already having knowledge to 'read' and 'understand', mental process? Are those 'Good'?

How about being able to 'be' in this Day? Is that 'good'? Did I have this day, let's say, when I wasn't here today? ..

Or might I be seeking a different 'kind' of Good than what I'm used to?

I might find it Good if my room was always kept clean.

I might only be 8, too, but still, I might find having my room kept clean as Good.

A lady walks into a sex shop.. She goes to the cashier and asks for a good suggestion to what she was looking for..

The cashier responds.. well, you do have to be over 21 to be in here..

The lady responds, okay, I'll take the 8.

I started out unable to walk.. As I started to grow out of my toddler clothes, all other parts of myself started to grow also. After a certain age, though, the only thing that continued to grow was my days..

What one chooses to do with those days is why some are wealthier than others.

Other than wealth, what one chooses to do with those days would be for personal reasons.

And factoring in the necessities within the Paradigm and Current System of necessities and also factoring in 7.6 + billion individual lives, I'm unsure what any might be able 'to do' for personal reasons..

I could, of course, seek employment within a Slaughtering House so as to be a helper to the 'world', I suppose? Because if you think about it, even those places are as every other, convenience place... Going in to buy a dozen eggs rather than going out back to see if a dozen eggs were laid by the chickens yet... you get the idea... Convenience..

'I might find it Good if my room was always kept clean.'

I might find it 'good' if milk never spoiled or if bread never went bad.

I went by a home and saw a family within. They were sitting and eating together.. They seemed happy and joyful. I thought to myself.. they sure don't know how much I had to sacrifice for them being happy.. and I went away saddened that I did all that work and not even that family was appreciative....

If it weren't for my hard hours in labor, they wouldn't even have Verizon to make phone calls on..

* I'm a 26 year old single mom.. I can make fun and jokes.. I know I'll be here tomorrow.

but I'm really not... just saying..

God, no God, curse, no curse.. crime, no crime.. it doesn't matter... I know I'll be here tomorrow..



Same drawing of the same place... but where are those little islands that are in the second picture?

Or are these not the of the same place?


Oh.. those are part of the 'poopy' places, I think...

well, poop holes... forgive my word usage.

Another thing... Question:

Ephesians 4:29 "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers."

"Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them." -NLT

Are these the same, even in meaning?​
I have always thought of those Islands as possible wonderful places to be. Are you dashing my thoughts on the Islands here?
let no corrupt word.... be spoken.. in other words....

Word! Logos!

Maybe, in other words, don't speak words to destroy but speak words to edify. Destruction is left behind in the rubble. Edification is not of that sort.
Destruction is set for the wicked. They are not to be placated. Why kicked against the goads? As it truly is not fruitful.
BreezeWood You are on permanent ignore for repeating your same old boring accusations. So don't bother to quote me or try to draw my attention to your crap.

try growing up r ... running away is a poor solution.

What part of "not listening to you any more" didn't penetrate your completely-undeserved conceit?

What part of "not listening to you any more" didn't penetrate your completely-undeserved conceit?

sorry sissy, this thread is about the realization of the forged 4th century christian bible and the false messiah religion they created to deceive future generations searching for the truth and the true interpretation of the 1st century events - the religion of antiquity.

However, I do have a lot of concern for those he's lying to, and for his own soul and family in the process. Nothing good can come from this situation

that is the reason for this thread for the op to stop lying to the children about a forged christian bible and the false messiah religion they have had the revelation to see clearly and can no longer serve its devious purpose.

Nothing good can come from this situation ...

its whether the good is strong enough to survive the evil tidings - in this thread from the purposefully deceived.
I was raised in church, married a Christian, raised my kids in church and currently teach Bible at a Christian school. At the end of this school year (May 2020) I plan to resign as a teacher and stop attending church for one full year. At the end of that year I plan to have my name removed from the church role and afterwards make my atheism public. I love the philosphy, ethics and the culture surrounding Christianity. I just can't live a lie any more. It just can't be healthy. This invisible and silent God dude offers me nothing. I love the Bible and learn a lot from it but the God dude in that book either doesn't exist or has no interest in me. Church attendance is more burdensome than it used to be. I learn more from the Bible studying independently. Kindergarten might be fun for a 6 year old but is painfully boring to a 40 year old.

Any questions? I have lots more to say but I already feel like the post was too long.
But before you go... maybe you can help this question out?? You still have a year or so?

Why is homosexuality condemned in the Bible?

retirement nest egg able?

you can only go as far as your nest egg will allow, right? regardless...

God, nest egg, God, nest egg,... God, nest egg... sleep?

You gotta remember.. these sorts of lifestyles.. 'depressing as they sound', does not represent the true life with God..

And even the most meek dog would tell you, with fear and trembling maybe, that to take them out for a walk without their little dog paw shoes can cause burns to the bottom of their 'flesh'. They might be too afraid to say anything though..

So it would be advisable to adopt a dog from his or her parents ONLY after being able to properly provide.. otherwise you might be seen as seeking out additional 'benefits' being added to your 'nest egg'. So the more you might want to adopt, the more little pair of dog paw shoes you should have available and fit to size, custom sized, of course.. And starting off with that foot could result in different 'ends' than when the first step wasn't.

The old has passed.. Those that were there does not need to worry about what will be 'new'..

a joke.. maybe uplifting, maybe nauseating, maybe overstepping boundaries...

a pair.. a dad and son.

Dad.. I got an idea... Let's role play.. I'll be the son, you be the dad.


Okay. Dad, you won't know what I'm up to but follow along...


*time goes by...

Um, son? What are you doing?

Dad, don't you want to treat me like a son?

Um. what are you talking about?

*time goes on...

Okay, dad.. this is it.. this is the day....

Wow.. nice.. what might be different?

Well, you see... I want to have this particular thing and I need for you to put your own life in jeopardy for it.. ready?

Um... son... wait.. ..wait....

He'll catch on...

* time goes on...

Um, dad?

Wait.. I get the first line this time...Um, son? Is this what you wanted?

What is this? There's nothing.

What? Nothing? Are you sure there is nothing?

*Uncle GOD walks in...

What are you guys up to?

Hi brother GOD.

Hi brother Dad, Hi son.

Hi Uncle GOD.. Oh wait... I got an idea.. ready? We're going to role play. You can be Uncle God and I'll be nephew son.. Okay..

Huh? ... Wait a minute.. let me put down my briefcase..

* in the background the FM radio station plays The War of the Worlds...
The son looks to the radio and wonders...

Um. dad? Um, uncle? What year are we in?

Dad and uncle look to the radio..

Um.. 1938?

The Russians are invading.. The Russians are invading!!

They all take cover..

The old has passed.. Those that were there does not need to worry about what will be 'new'..

Oh, by the way... How's life?

Who are you talking to Uncle God?

Both of you, I guess.

I'm okay, brother God.

Um. you mean, like 'my' life or life in general, uncle?

What do you mean?

You asked, How's life.. I'm only 1 life.. .. Wait.. Did anyone feed the fishes yet?

I'll be danged... I swore they were in there last night.. where did they fly off to this time?

Fishes don't fly, nephew son.

Okay.. swim then.. Where did they swim off to this time?

*Ms. cutey walks in licking her paws.. *meow

Since when do cats eat fish? eek?

*Double Quarter Pounder, chicken nuggets 10 piece, and.... let's see... can we get some sushi after? .... Oh.. can you please hold the lettuce? I'm trying to help the planet...

Let me tell ya.. I sure as heck don't mind being so carnivorous, it seems... yum yum yum... since when did I start eating mooos and cock a doodle doos and swim swim swim-mers??? but, oh yeah.. lettuce?

I guess life is okay? But wait... How's YOUR life doing, cashier? ;)

* she meant 'Out Back'.. hee hee.. :) Out Back Steak House.. Oooh Yeah! Cha Ching!

Humph, There it is.. Humph, there it is...

Gym? Did anyone recommend gym? Not Outback?

So.. although (J)ames 3:1 reads: "My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation."

"My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment." -NKJV

Why would (J)ames be so 'restrictive' to others' personal choices?

Because with all due respect, sir, I'm sure you've never run across a 'teacher' you disagreed with, right? And if the 'majority vote'- as in 'cha ching', says one thing, then who would be odd man out.. yet ... huh?? lies as 'majority cha chings'?? how does that work??

Oh, and have we mentioned the 'little ones' yet?

Whose 'little ones'? Um... I'm sure there are a lot more than only me or him or her that could probably have 'littler' ones that the 'big ones'? But boy... what a 'sad' and depressing set of conditions in which all 'Life' has to live in and abide by the 'Systems' and 'Paradigms' in order to be allowed and to be ABLE to 'Pay' for rent to 'survive'.. Strange..

And those that pick up Arms and Hammers to defend this current System and Paradigm 'Necessity' in order to 'Pay' for rent for survival sure is vehement about keeping it ... my goodness!

This is how I see it...

#1. They hate and resent the fact that they had to work for what they had/have.
#2. They hate and resent the idea of 'stepping down' so as to let others receive the same 'work' they had.
#3. They hate and resent the idea of others, not like themselves, being allowed the same opportunity without the 'breaking through' in competition, they had to go through and endure hardships and pains and sufferings for in order to be able to 'survive' in this world.
#4. They refuse to admit that their 'competition', which they supposedly hate and resent, was not really 'competition' but more of an 'easy' entry..

And the most important

#5. They will use lies and excuses, even to God, to gain 'more' while the others are being made 'lower and worse' so they can gain more...

And this is where that 'God dude' you were speaking about comes into the picture... So IF my life is based on merits accomplished and merits earned and such, as in fulfilling duties, and IF my well being is based on the same, and IF a person asks how my life is going because they are 'concerned', even with these parameters of measurements, then what about How are YOU doing, God? Or how about, How are YOU doing Christ Messiah? Or how about How are YOU doing Father of Christ Messiah? Or is it as IF I live and have 'being' on my own?

Maybe this is easier to understand but still encapsulates the entirety of what is trying to be said.

If a person is not complaining.. maybe that person is well enough to not need to complain.

And if a person is complaining.. maybe that person is not well enough and so needs to complain..

Fine and dandy... Am I the only 1 that is complaining?

Thank you for allowing me some space to 'share'. I really also pray that you find some 'space' to be able to 'share', yourself. In The Name of Christ Messiah. Amen.

What type of illegal drugs did you take? I read quite a bit of this hoping it would make sense at some point. Nope. It is totally incoherent.
There is the tribal God of the Israelites (Yahweh) who commands the Jews to genocide or enslave everyone else. There is the God who incinerates cities because they didn't worship Him enough.

Are you saying the same God that allows you to say these things, also?

What are you saying? That you live knowing these things about God and you are okay with it?

That you know that it is the same God that keeps you alive but you are okay with others not 'being' as blessed?

Is that what you are trying to say about God? That maybe He has preferences?

I get asked that question many times.. 'What are you trying to say'??

Are you trying to say that Street Juice is, pretty smooth?

Definitely not Good, Only God is Good, but maybe, pretty smooth?

Okay.. I agree.. Only God is Good.. but Street Juice is NOT Good and I think that's okay.. Pretty Smooth, though.. Agreed.

And ... so... now.... God is 'better' than before because we agreed that neither you nor I is Good? yeah!

Ain't no personal 'Good' off my own back... Yeah!

Well hello? So every good I have must have been given to me by Good Himself, huh? Wow.. I guess I'm not good, possess any personal 'good', until He provides me with 'Good'. I see. i don't possess or own, have ownership rights to 'Good'. Nice... I'm free to love Good, I'm free to value 'Good', I'm free to evaluate 'Good'... Seeing that 'Good' was and is never really 'mine' to begin with..

Am I evaluating this from the starting point of already having knowledge to 'read' and 'understand', mental process? Are those 'Good'?

How about being able to 'be' in this Day? Is that 'good'? Did I have this day, let's say, when I wasn't here today? ..

Or might I be seeking a different 'kind' of Good than what I'm used to?

I might find it Good if my room was always kept clean.

I might only be 8, too, but still, I might find having my room kept clean as Good.

I sure hope deorro 1 is not sincere because it looks like he put a lot of thought into his posts.

I think he might be using an illegal drug of sorts.
I was raised in church, married a Christian, raised my kids in church and currently teach Bible at a Christian school. At the end of this school year (May 2020) I plan to resign as a teacher and stop attending church for one full year. At the end of that year I plan to have my name removed from the church role and afterwards make my atheism public. I love the philosphy, ethics and the culture surrounding Christianity. I just can't live a lie any more. It just can't be healthy. This invisible and silent God dude offers me nothing. I love the Bible and learn a lot from it but the God dude in that book either doesn't exist or has no interest in me. Church attendance is more burdensome than it used to be. I learn more from the Bible studying independently. Kindergarten might be fun for a 6 year old but is painfully boring to a 40 year old.

Any questions? I have lots more to say but I already feel like the post was too long.

So you're going to teach the Bible for an entire year feeling it to be a lie? That's not honest. You need to resign right now.

Does your wife know about all this?

People died and killed to keep the Bible out of the hands of the masses because it has great power. Now we have free access to it but never utilize it. I can confidently teach kids to learn and respect the Bible. I will not resign right now. I enjoy teaching. Yes. My wife, kids and one of my students is aware of this.

You are not teaching the Bible honestly if you are posing as a Believer while you are doing this. You are doing this for personal gain--getting your "ducks in a row", while dishonestly profiting from the Gospel before you let your atheism out

Listen. I would not do this if I were you.

Wrong. He's just a leftist shill. Piece of garbage. Does not know how to be honest. His goal is to seed doubt in religion.
You know you're going to hell, right?

No. I am not sure about about any of the hell stuff.
i dont believe you ..... if you have been in church for yrs and then taught Sunday school as an adult you would feel the presence of God ..... me thinks you are an atheist trying to sway others with lies about your life ...

What have I said that is outrageous and unrealistic?
to me everything you said does not add up ...just my opinion . and your question about being unrealistic further verifies my opinion.
His goal is to seed doubt in religion.

Dude. I am quietly resigning at the end of the school year. I am spending one full year after that away from church. Then at the end of that two year period I will announce my atheist views. It will not even be a concern to the students at my school at that point.

If sowing seeds of doubt was my objective then I would resigning as loudly as possible at the beginning of the school year for the reasons that Christianity is total bull shit.

I didn't chose the latter. That was the recommendations of the radical Christian's in here. My embarrassment was paramount in their opinion. Protecting the faith of the children I teach was a secondary concern.

You guys are cuckoo but I think that is kinda the point. I used to he dumber than shit too so I understand you guys more than you realize. I know exactly where you are coming from.
  • Thanks
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I was raised in church, married a Christian, raised my kids in church and currently teach Bible at a Christian school. At the end of this school year (May 2020) I plan to resign as a teacher and stop attending church for one full year. At the end of that year I plan to have my name removed from the church role and afterwards make my atheism public. I love the philosphy, ethics and the culture surrounding Christianity. I just can't live a lie any more. It just can't be healthy. This invisible and silent God dude offers me nothing. I love the Bible and learn a lot from it but the God dude in that book either doesn't exist or has no interest in me. Church attendance is more burdensome than it used to be. I learn more from the Bible studying independently. Kindergarten might be fun for a 6 year old but is painfully boring to a 40 year old.

Any questions? I have lots more to say but I already feel like the post was too long.

So you're going to teach the Bible for an entire year feeling it to be a lie? That's not honest. You need to resign right now.

Does your wife know about all this?

People died and killed to keep the Bible out of the hands of the masses because it has great power. Now we have free access to it but never utilize it. I can confidently teach kids to learn and respect the Bible. I will not resign right now. I enjoy teaching. Yes. My wife, kids and one of my students is aware of this.

You are not teaching the Bible honestly if you are posing as a Believer while you are doing this. You are doing this for personal gain--getting your "ducks in a row", while dishonestly profiting from the Gospel before you let your atheism out

Listen. I would not do this if I were you.

Wrong. He's just a leftist shill. Piece of garbage. Does not know how to be honest. His goal is to seed doubt in religion.

Is that so?
You know you're going to hell, right?

No. I am not sure about about any of the hell stuff.
i dont believe you ..... if you have been in church for yrs and then taught Sunday school as an adult you would feel the presence of God ..... me thinks you are an atheist trying to sway others with lies about your life ...
i dont believe you ..... if you have been in church for yrs and then taught Sunday school as an adult you would feel the presence of God ..... me thinks you are an atheist trying to sway others with lies about your life ...

that's not just you, they claim it is their conversion from christianity ... rather than replacing christianity with their initial faith intact - they must never really have had.
I dare you to try it.
No thanks. I believe I’ll stick to defending freedom of religion instead.

I love you ding. Seriously. I want peace. Gotta come up with a mutual middle ground...
The hell you do. You want socialism and communism. You’re a subversive.

And I am not gay...
Could care less advanced if you were but you sure do grind axes like them.

I mean, shit, if you and i can come to an agreement, and we fight all the time, then that means, anyone can come to an agreement.
Not going to happen.
Wow... really...

You won't even consider a chance at peace?
Not on your terms.

Besides I already have peace.
I haven't presented terms. You're gonna flat out refuse? Cmon, let's show that there is decency in this world. I'm not messin with you, just want to come to a mutual agreement.
I dare you to try it.
No thanks. I believe I’ll stick to defending freedom of religion instead.

I love you ding. Seriously. I want peace. Gotta come up with a mutual middle ground...
The hell you do. You want socialism and communism. You’re a subversive.

And I am not gay...
Could care less advanced if you were but you sure do grind axes like them.

I mean, shit, if you and i can come to an agreement, and we fight all the time, then that means, anyone can come to an agreement.
Not going to happen.
Wow... really...

You won't even consider a chance at peace?
Not on your terms.

Besides I already have peace.
I haven't presented terms. You're gonna flat out refuse? Cmon, let's show that there is decency in this world. I'm not messin with you, just want to come to a mutual agreement.
You aren’t decent.

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