Escaping Christianity

No one knows their fate.

that's when they have abandoned the religion of antiquity for a false messiah, never to free their spirit as required for admission to the Everlasting - and try to entrap others to believe as they do.

- to know their fate is to end their sinning, triumph over evil. and is verified through judgement.
No. Fate in the context of this discussion is where the essence of our being resides when our life force leaves our body.

It will either be eternally united with the creator or it will be eternally separated from the creator.

And in this context no one can know their fate or the fate of others.
And in this context no one can know their fate or the fate of others.

you have a reading comprehension problem - only what you want to hear -

And in this context no one can know their fate or the fate of others.

the religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - is a victory the individual will know when successful to free their spirit for admission to the Everlasting, and the true endorsement for the events of the 1st century.

there is no false messiah to save someone ... a fictional portrayal.
And in this context no one can know their fate or the fate of others.

you have a reading comprehension problem - only what you want to hear -

And in this context no one can know their fate or the fate of others.

the religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - is a victory the individual will know when successful to free their spirit for admission to the Everlasting, and the true endorsement for the events of the 1st century.

there is no false messiah to save someone ... a fictional portrayal.
No. I don’t have a reading comprehension problem.

This is me disagreeing with you.

Apparently you are the one with the reading comprehension problem.
While we are alive there are three possible states and only three possible states. We can be moving towards God, away from God or static in our relationship with God.

At anytime we can change our state. So there are no guarantees that we will remain in God’s good grace as long as we are living.
You know you're going to hell, right?

You can't judge that because you are not Jesus. Even if we were all predestined for one or the other, we do not know the future. The best we can do is validate what we believe. If there is one thing that I've learned in R&E is that people will believe what they want to believe. Only they can change themselves. It's the same with the believers.

That's what it sounds like the OP is doing. I don't know him, so only can offer my silent prayers. This could really affect his whole life, good or bad.
I figure everything else will sort itself out in the end.
LOL! I thought your beliefs were divine? 100% true? But now, you're just making bets based on your birth belief...

I'll put my soul against yours. Because I think you're just confused and misguided, and I'm a poker player and will take you all in.

I don't know what the winner should get, and we won't be around to find out... But shit man, you're turning your story around. Maybe you're starting to understand what we're saying? And if so, that's very cool! There should be no need for disagreement within faith. We should all be together.

It's the fucking religion that sets us apart and causes hatred, and armies, and wars.

We don't need that shit. We can just live life and help each other. And live in peace, like Jesus and many other saviors wanted.
Nope. That’s pure catholic thought.

No one knows their fate.

And for the record, you have always been the aggressor in our interactions, so you don’t walk your talk.

Seriously? I have been aggressive at times due to stupidity on your part.

But I've always walked the walk.

I don't think you have. I think you're a fake Christian. You don't follow the ideals of Jesus. And though I don't believe he's the son of God, I do follow his ideals.

You follow the religion, which is where we part.
You're willing to kill for your religion. But I'm not. Any religion that wants you to vanquish others, is not something Jesus would have wanted.

But yet you did. And you have your religion, because your ancestors killed everyone in their way. Murdered, raped, and trafficked everyone, until there was only one religion in the area. Christianity.

That's not how the Jesus figure would have rolled. Especially not in his name.
Yet you believe that Jesus, the son of God, allowed the Crusades, and the terrible Inquisitions, commanded by the Vatican. And he didn't say shit about it...
This discussion appears to be be among Christians of various sects, who have contended with each other for 2,000 years, and some Jews. There has to be something wider than Christianity or any other religion that relates to a Supreme Being. Each of the world's religions is tied to an historical time and place. The Jews and Jesus (who was a Jew contending with his community and with the Romans in Judea), are only one sliver of people who were alive simultaneously in other places and on other continents, in places like India, China, Southeast Asia, Africa, the Americas (north, central, south). A true Supreme Being would speak to all humanity.

Did it ever occur to people who yap about the Abrahamic faiths (Christian, Muslim, Jewish) and argue among themselves, that a Supreme Creator might also be the creator of so many others on this earth and might also have sent them messages and spiritual guidance?
Seriously? I have been aggressive at times due to stupidity on your part.
I love it when people blame other people for their actions. I made you do it. Too funny. Thanks for transferring your control to me. I now have all the power to make you do things. External locus of control much?

But I've always walked the walk.
How can you? You can’t even control yourself. I control you. You just admitted it. For my next trick I’m going to spin you like a top. No. You don’t walk your talk. You just talk.

I don't think you have. I think you're a fake Christian. You don't follow the ideals of Jesus. And though I don't believe he's the son of God, I do follow his ideals.
I never claimed to be a saint. That’s your claim. But we just established you’re the aggressor so we know that’s bullshit. Or don’t you remember, I made you do it.

Of course I’m not successful at following Jesus. No one is. We try. Then fail. Then learn from it and try again.

Why would you follow the ideals of Jesus. He claimed he was God. Only a madman would do that, right? So you follow the ideals of someone you believe is a madman? Or is that me making you do shit again?

You follow the religion, which is where we part.
How so? I don’t even go to church. We were never together. I don’t attack your atheism. I attack your militantism. I couldn’t care less if you believe in God.
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You and your buddy bond, are the biggest supporters of your religion.

It seems to me that you're both backing off of that a bit.

If so, that's cool man! We can try to agree on a way to make the world better. I'm so into that!
You're willing to kill for your religion. But I'm not. Any religion that wants you to vanquish others, is not something Jesus would have wanted.
Really? Who did I kill?

Dude, you’re like half a step a way from rounding up Christians and exterminating them. You’re just too much of a pussy to admit it. You believe they are evil. You keep saying it over and over. If I truly believed something was evil, I wouldn’t hesitate to take it out. This is just another example of you not walking your talk.

But yet you did. And you have your religion, because your ancestors killed everyone in their way. Murdered, raped, and trafficked everyone, until there was only one religion in the area. Christianity.
Again, who did I kill? Put down the bong, Roy. Christians aren’t killing anyone. That’s all in your head. Or did I make you believe that too. We’ve already established I’m the one who controls you. You know, Roy, if you really believed that Christians are murderers and rapists, you’d do something more than talk about it. I guess this is just another example of you not being able to walk your talk.

That's not how the Jesus figure would have rolled. Especially not in his name.
You mean the crazy guy that claimed he was God? You must be crazy for having such a high opinion of someone who claimed he was God, right?
You're both very intelligent, and there are so many other people here that are equally intelligent....

You're willing to kill for your religion. But I'm not. Any religion that wants you to vanquish others, is not something Jesus would have wanted.
Really? Who did I kill?

Dude, you’re like half a step a way from rounding up Christians and exterminating them. You’re just too much of a pussy to admit it. You believe they are evil. You keep saying it over and over. If I truly believed something was evil, I wouldn’t hesitate to take it out. This is just another example of you not walking your talk.

But yet you did. And you have your religion, because your ancestors killed everyone in their way. Murdered, raped, and trafficked everyone, until there was only one religion in the area. Christianity.
Again, who did I kill? Put down the bong, Roy. Christians aren’t killing anyone. That’s all in your head. Or did I make you believe that too. We’ve already established I’m the one who controls you. You know, Roy, if you really believed that Christians are murderers and rapists, you’d do something more than talk about it. I guess this is just another example of you not being able to walk your talk.

That's not how the Jesus figure would have rolled. Especially not in his name.
You mean the crazy guy that claimed he was God? You must be crazy for having such a high opinion of someone who claimed he was God, right?

You follow the religion that committed those sins. And you forgive them. And follow the religion that you were born into.
Yet you believe that Jesus, the son of God, allowed the Crusades, and the terrible Inquisitions, commanded by the Vatican. And he didn't say shit about it...
Yes, Roy, I do believe that Jesus is God. The crusades stopped the Muslims from taking over Europe. The inquisitions stopped the filthy Cathars from spreading communism in Europe. The Muslims and Cathars were the aggressors. Just like you are the aggressor.

But God didn’t allow it, Roy. That was all the work of men.
That's all I need to hear.

Good luck getting to Heaven.
That's the difference between faith and religion.
Roy, you wouldn’t know the difference between faith and religion if faith and religion bit you on the butt. All you know how to do is attack others for their faith and religion. And according to you, faith and religion make you do that. You can’t even control your own actions.
Why what, Roy? Why can’t you control your own actions? Because you have an external locus of control and you blame everyone else for your failures. Especially your failures to walk your talk. You follow the ideals of a madman who claims he was God. You’re upset that the Muslim and Cathar aggressors were put down. And you are too much of a pussy to do anything about the evil you perceive.

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