Escaping Christianity

sorry, I'm not a christian ... that's your calling.
Thus proving my point.

What you intend for evil God is using for good.
What you intend for evil God is using for good.

you're a joke bing, you should not have chosen what you read.
I couldn’t give two shits what a fanatic such as yourself believes.

You are an aggressor and you will suffer predictable surprises for your truculence.
I couldn’t give two shits what a fanatic such as yourself believes.

You are an aggressor and you will suffer predictable surprises for your truculence.

you might try and suffer with some self control, the results in your case are guaranteed.

View attachment 275208
Christians positively espouse making sacrifices. In fact, we look for even more ways to sacrifice to add to the happiness making sacrifices gives us.

The best you can hope for is to suffer without complaint.
Christians positively espouse making sacrifices. In fact, we look for even more ways to sacrifice to add to the happiness making sacrifices gives us.

4th century christianity abandons the religion of antiquity as prescribed for their own selfserving political agenda disguised as a religion - using the 1st century events to embellish their deception.


- you mean sacrificing the innocent for your own personal gain, there is no century in recorded history christianity is not at the forefront of persecution and victimization of the innocent.

you are a perfect example of the corrupt religion, bing and relish your role as a blind believer in their objective.
That was even more fascinating than the other 89 times you wrote that.
the star shines bright for what is eternal, the religion of antiquity ... the same light that has shined for all in existence since the beginning.

your phony religion only began a twinkle ago and has lasted far to long ... save yourself, surly it's not to late.

* maybe not.
That was even more fascinating than the other 89 times you wrote that.
the star shines bright for what is eternal, the religion of antiquity ... the same light that has shined for all in existence since the beginning.

your phony religion only began a twinkle ago and has lasted far to long ... save yourself, surly it's not to late.

* maybe not.
I’m sorry my religion disturbs you, Karl.
That was even more fascinating than the other 89 times you wrote that.
the star shines bright for what is eternal, the religion of antiquity ... the same light that has shined for all in existence since the beginning.

your phony religion only began a twinkle ago and has lasted far to long ... save yourself, surly it's not to late.

* maybe not.
I’m sorry my religion disturbs you, Karl.
It seems to have made you disturbed as well.
That was even more fascinating than the other 89 times you wrote that.
the star shines bright for what is eternal, the religion of antiquity ... the same light that has shined for all in existence since the beginning.

your phony religion only began a twinkle ago and has lasted far to long ... save yourself, surly it's not to late.

* maybe not.
I’m sorry my religion disturbs you, Karl.
It seems to have made you disturbed as well.
I couldn’t be happier for you to believe that, Taz.
That was even more fascinating than the other 89 times you wrote that.
the star shines bright for what is eternal, the religion of antiquity ... the same light that has shined for all in existence since the beginning.

your phony religion only began a twinkle ago and has lasted far to long ... save yourself, surly it's not to late.

* maybe not.
I’m sorry my religion disturbs you, Karl.
It seems to have made you disturbed as well.
I couldn’t be happier for you to believe that, Taz.
We all do.
That was even more fascinating than the other 89 times you wrote that.
the star shines bright for what is eternal, the religion of antiquity ... the same light that has shined for all in existence since the beginning.

your phony religion only began a twinkle ago and has lasted far to long ... save yourself, surly it's not to late.

* maybe not.
I’m sorry my religion disturbs you, Karl.
It seems to have made you disturbed as well.
I couldn’t be happier for you to believe that, Taz.
We all do.
That was even more fascinating than the other 89 times you wrote that.
the star shines bright for what is eternal, the religion of antiquity ... the same light that has shined for all in existence since the beginning.

your phony religion only began a twinkle ago and has lasted far to long ... save yourself, surly it's not to late.

* maybe not.
I’m sorry my religion disturbs you, Karl.
I’m sorry my religion disturbs you, Karl.


what about her, bing was she karl's daughter.

it's not just disturbing, it's evil and the duty of theists to put an end to its false pretenses and claims of corroboration with the 1st century. the christian bible.
That was even more fascinating than the other 89 times you wrote that.
the star shines bright for what is eternal, the religion of antiquity ... the same light that has shined for all in existence since the beginning.

your phony religion only began a twinkle ago and has lasted far to long ... save yourself, surly it's not to late.

* maybe not.
I’m sorry my religion disturbs you, Karl.
I’m sorry my religion disturbs you, Karl.

View attachment 275278

what about her, bing was she karl's daughter.

it's not just disturbing, it's evil and the duty of theists to put an end to its false pretenses and claims of corroboration with the 1st century. the christian bible.
You'd think someone who was so upset about aggression thousands of years ago wouldn't be so quick to employ aggression today.
" Dealing With Mortal Grief Projecting Leveraged Stones "

* Requirements Of Existence *

A sophisticated physical state is required for sentience , for sapience , for introspection and an afterlife , a chance for eternal life , being born again , reincarnation , transmutation of soles are all metaphors for genetic continuance , where failure to do so in perpetuity alludes to the metaphors of final judgment and eternal damnation .

If one cannot perceive that they are expending efforts in their own life so that others , both literally and figuratively as themselves , may have an opportunity to experience life as they themselves had , then a core understanding of nature is missing and or is absent .

Thankfully , maturing an understanding for psychopomp legends can be both figurative and literal , thus escaping abandonment .

* Faith Fell Relevant Distinctions *

Something to note is that the seven laws of noah are presented as " universal " - applicable to all , while the ten commandments of moses are city state laws only applying within the city state of israel .

See torahnism , qurayshism , fictional ishmaelism , antinomianism , non violence principles for an explanation .

Antinomianism expects its adherents to ablate legalism as a construct of public policy ; the implication is utopian and dystopian , a Paradox - Wikipedia .

End of Debate Over Whether To Reconcile

* Noah Hides For Goyim *

Seven Laws of Noah - Wikipedia
The Seven Laws of Noah (Hebrew: Sheva Mitzvot B'nei Noach), also referred to as the Noahide Laws or the Noachide Laws (from the Hebrew pronunciation of "Noah"), are a set of imperatives which, according to the Talmud, were given by God[1] as a binding set of laws for the "children of Noah" – that is, all of humanity.[2][3]

According to Jewish tradition, non-Jews who adhere to these laws because they were given by Moses[4] are said to be followers of Noahidism and regarded as righteous gentiles, who are assured of a place in Olam Haba (עולם הבא, the world to come), the final reward of the righteous.[5][6]

The Seven Laws of Noah include prohibitions against worshipping idols, cursing God, murder, adultery and sexual immorality, theft, eating flesh torn from a living animal, as well as the obligation to establish courts of justice.

* Mu Sa Is Ra El City State Law *

Ten Commandments - Wikipedia
The Ten Commandments (Hebrew: Aseret ha'Dibrot), also known as the Decalogue, are a set of biblical principles relating to ethics and worship, which play a fundamental role in the Abrahamic religions. The Ten Commandments appear twice in the Hebrew Bible, in the books of Exodus and Deuteronomy.
Then, We gave Musa (Moses) the Book, to complete (Our Favour) upon those who would do right, and explaining all things in detail and a guidance and a mercy that they might believe in the meeting with their Lord.[111]
Goethe thus argued that the Ten Commandments revealed to Moses at Mt. Sinai would have emphasized rituals, and that the "ethical" Decalogue Christians recite in their own churches was composed at a later date, when Israelite prophets had begun to prophesy the coming of the messiah.

* Lost Is Knot Awl *

If a background is absent a review of antinomianism , please review Antinomianism - Wikipedia .

* An Other Pivotal Point *

Perspectivism - Wikipedia
This is often taken to imply that no way of seeing the world can be taken as definitively "true", but does not necessarily entail that all perspectives are equally valid.
This view differs from many types of relativism which consider the truth of a particular proposition as something that altogether cannot be evaluate, ...

*Less Equally Valid Against Non Violence Principles *

Reviewing the arcane legal system of Code of Hammurabi - Wikipedia is political comedy goal .
Last edited:
That was even more fascinating than the other 89 times you wrote that.
the star shines bright for what is eternal, the religion of antiquity ... the same light that has shined for all in existence since the beginning.

your phony religion only began a twinkle ago and has lasted far to long ... save yourself, surly it's not to late.

* maybe not.
I’m sorry my religion disturbs you, Karl.
I’m sorry my religion disturbs you, Karl.

View attachment 275278

what about her, bing was she karl's daughter.

it's not just disturbing, it's evil and the duty of theists to put an end to its false pretenses and claims of corroboration with the 1st century. the christian bible.
You'd think someone who was so upset about aggression thousands of years ago wouldn't be so quick to employ aggression today.
You'd think someone who was so upset about aggression thousands of years ago wouldn't be so quick to employ aggression today.

you give yourself credit, thinking, where there is non ...

there is nothing new in the resultant abdication of the 4th century christian bible's pretense as a religion or as reflective of the 1st century events in its interpretations and in conjunction with its recorded history of political / religious persecution and victimization of the innocent.

you bing and those similar associates of that incendiary fallacy who knowingly have abdicated the true religion of antiquity prescribed by the Almighty as recorded by their physical act during the time of noah and the affirmation made in the 1st century.
That was even more fascinating than the other 89 times you wrote that.
the star shines bright for what is eternal, the religion of antiquity ... the same light that has shined for all in existence since the beginning.

your phony religion only began a twinkle ago and has lasted far to long ... save yourself, surly it's not to late.

* maybe not.
I’m sorry my religion disturbs you, Karl.
I’m sorry my religion disturbs you, Karl.

View attachment 275278

what about her, bing was she karl's daughter.

it's not just disturbing, it's evil and the duty of theists to put an end to its false pretenses and claims of corroboration with the 1st century. the christian bible.
You'd think someone who was so upset about aggression thousands of years ago wouldn't be so quick to employ aggression today.
You'd think someone who was so upset about aggression thousands of years ago wouldn't be so quick to employ aggression today.

you give yourself credit, thinking, where there is non ...

there is nothing new in the resultant abdication of the 4th century christian bible's pretense as a religion or as reflective of the 1st century events in its interpretations and in conjunction with its recorded history of political / religious persecution and victimization of the innocent.

you bing and those similar associates of that incendiary fallacy who knowingly have abdicated the true religion of antiquity prescribed by the Almighty as recorded by their physical act during the time of noah and the affirmation made in the 1st century.
Would you like to round us all up?
" Dealing With Mortal Grief Projecting Leveraged Stones "

* Requirements Of Existence *

A sophisticated physical state is required for sentience , for sapience , for introspection and an afterlife , a chance for eternal life , being born again , reincarnation , transmutation of soles are all metaphors for genetic continuance , where failure to do so in perpetuity alludes to the metaphors of final judgment and eternal damnation .

If one cannot perceive that they are expending efforts in their own life so that others , both literally and figuratively as themselves , may have an opportunity to experience life as they themselves had , then a core understanding of nature is missing and or is absent .

Thankfully , maturing an understanding for psychopomp legends can be both figurative and literal , thus escaping abandonment .

* Faith Fell Relevant Distinctions *

Something to note is that the seven laws of noah are presented as " universal " - applicable to all , while the ten commandments of moses are city state laws only applying within the city state of israel .

See torahnism , qurayshism , fictional ishmaelism , antinomianism , non violence principles for an explanation .

Antinomianism expects its adherents to ablate legalism as a construct of public policy ; the implication is utopian and dystopian , a Paradox - Wikipedia .

End of Debate Over Whether To Reconcile

* Noah Hides For Goyim *

Seven Laws of Noah - Wikipedia
The Seven Laws of Noah (Hebrew: Sheva Mitzvot B'nei Noach), also referred to as the Noahide Laws or the Noachide Laws (from the Hebrew pronunciation of "Noah"), are a set of imperatives which, according to the Talmud, were given by God[1] as a binding set of laws for the "children of Noah" – that is, all of humanity.[2][3]

According to Jewish tradition, non-Jews who adhere to these laws because they were given by Moses[4] are said to be followers of Noahidism and regarded as righteous gentiles, who are assured of a place in Olam Haba (עולם הבא, the world to come), the final reward of the righteous.[5][6]

The Seven Laws of Noah include prohibitions against worshipping idols, cursing God, murder, adultery and sexual immorality, theft, eating flesh torn from a living animal, as well as the obligation to establish courts of justice.

* Mu Sa Is Ra El City State Law *

Ten Commandments - Wikipedia
The Ten Commandments (Hebrew: Aseret ha'Dibrot), also known as the Decalogue, are a set of biblical principles relating to ethics and worship, which play a fundamental role in the Abrahamic religions. The Ten Commandments appear twice in the Hebrew Bible, in the books of Exodus and Deuteronomy.
Then, We gave Musa (Moses) the Book, to complete (Our Favour) upon those who would do right, and explaining all things in detail and a guidance and a mercy that they might believe in the meeting with their Lord.[111]
Goethe thus argued that the Ten Commandments revealed to Moses at Mt. Sinai would have emphasized rituals, and that the "ethical" Decalogue Christians recite in their own churches was composed at a later date, when Israelite prophets had begun to prophesy the coming of the messiah.

* Lost Is Knot Awl *

If a background is absent a review of antinomianism , please review Antinomianism - Wikipedia .

* An Other Pivotal Point *

Perspectivism - Wikipedia
This is often taken to imply that no way of seeing the world can be taken as definitively "true", but does not necessarily entail that all perspectives are equally valid.
This view differs from many types of relativism which consider the truth of a particular proposition as something that altogether cannot be evaluate, ...

*Less Equally Valid Against Non Violence Principles *

Reviewing the arcane legal system of Code of Hammurabi - Wikipedia is political comedy goal .
I usually just try to do the right thing the right way for the right reasons.

I figure everything else will sort itself out in the end.
I figure everything else will sort itself out in the end.
LOL! I thought your beliefs were divine? 100% true? But now, you're just making bets based on your birth belief...

I'll put my soul against yours. Because I think you're just confused and misguided, and I'm a poker player and will take you all in.

I don't know what the winner should get, and we won't be around to find out... But shit man, you're turning your story around. Maybe you're starting to understand what we're saying? And if so, that's very cool! There should be no need for disagreement within faith. We should all be together.

It's the fucking religion that sets us apart and causes hatred, and armies, and wars.

We don't need that shit. We can just live life and help each other. And live in peace, like Jesus and many other saviors wanted.
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I figure everything else will sort itself out in the end.
LOL! I thought your beliefs were divine? 100% true? But now, you're just making bets based on your birth belief...

I'll put my soul against yours. Because I think you're just confused and misguided, and I'm a poker player and will take you all in.

I don't know what the winner should get, and we won't be around to find out... But shit man, you're turning your story around. Maybe you're starting to understand what we're saying? And if so, that's very cool! There should be no need for disagreement within faith. We should all be together.

It's the fucking religion that sets us apart and causes hatred, and armies, and wars.

We don't need that shit. We can just live life and help each other. And live in peace, like Jesus and many other saviors wanted.
Nope. That’s pure catholic thought.

No one knows their fate.

And for the record, you have always been the aggressor in our interactions, so you don’t walk your talk.
No one knows their fate.

that's when they have abandoned the religion of antiquity for a false messiah, never to free their spirit as required for admission to the Everlasting - and try to entrap others to believe as they do.

- to know their fate is to end their sinning, triumph over evil. and is verified through judgement.

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