Zone1 Escaping the Watchtower.

I have heard the argument before and have made my mind up.

I can't say I recall the whole petros/petra thing but I am sure those w ords are Greek

Jesus did not speak Greek, he spoke Hebrew/Aramaic
Your Bible is written in English. Jesus didn't speak English either, yet you believe it.
Your Bible is written in English. Jesus didn't speak English either, yet you believe it.

My Bible the DRB is a direct translation from the Original languages spoken by Christ. First it was Hebrew/Aramaic, then St Jerome translated (without giving his own interpretation) the Word from the original languages into Latin, then others in the CC did the same thing: a NON interpetative translation from that pure Latin version into English .

On the other hand, others o/side the Catholic Church would read the Word, decide what they thought it said and then translate accordingly... NOT reliable.

My Bible the DRB is a direct translation from the Original languages spoken by Christ. First it was Hebrew/Aramaic, then St Jerome translated (without giving his own interpretation) the Word from the original languages into Latin, then others in the CC did the same thing: a NON interpetative translation from that pure Latin version into English .

On the other hand, others would read the Word, decide what they thought it said and then translate accordingly... NOT reliable.
So your claim is that the Greek Scriptures are wrong?
So your claim is that the Greek Scriptures are wrong?
I'm claiming that the Catholic Church is the Church Christ founded. You are free to believe that or not.

I am not as well informed about Hebrew and Greek and etc like St Jerome and others.

And you don't know everything either. So maybe you should stop acting like you do...

Besides, it is what we KNOW that counts. God does not hold anyone accountable for what he does not know.

I know a lot about Christ's Church, comparatively speaking. That's not saying much, though, since most people don't know much at all, apparently (history, true teachings of His Church.... etc)
I'm claiming that the Catholic Church is the Church Christ founded. You are free to believe that or not.

I am not as well informed about Hebrew and Greek and etc like St Jerome and others.

And you don't know everything either. So maybe you should stop acting like you do...

Besides, it is what we KNOW that counts. God does not hold anyone accountable for what he does not know.

I know a lot about Christ's Church, comparatively speaking. That's not saying much, though, since most people don't know much at all, apparently (history, true teachings of His Church.... etc)
Christ's Church is made up of everyone who believes in Jesus. That's what your Bible says. Have a good day.
Christ's Church is made up of everyone who believes in Jesus. That's what your Bible says. Have a good day.

Christ's Church does not have conflicting beliefs all over the place. God is not the author of confusion.

The Sedevacantist Catholic Church does not contradict itself

unlike Protestantism which has 60,000 (probably more by now) denoms all teaching different doctrines.
Christ's Church does not have conflicting beliefs all over the place. God is not the author of confusion.

The Sedevacantist Catholic Church does not contradict itself

unlike Protestantism which has 60,000 (probably more by now) denoms all teaching different doctrines.
Protestant churches may have different opinions on small stuff, but they all agree that salvation is by faith in Jesus, not by works, and they believe in the trinity, baptism, communion, etc. Even the Bible speaks of Churches with different practices in the Epistles, yet they were all believers in Jesus. We both know that there are false churches, yet Protestants aren't false churches if they believe Jesus is God in the flesh and salvation is only through faith in Him.

You are wrong. Jesus is God

See the first chapter of the Gospel of John

Then there are Jesus's Words

"If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father"

Jesus is Gods IMAGE-Not God that is how they can see the Father.
In the Greek Lexicons at John 1:1-The true God is called HoTheos, plain Theos to the word in the last line to show a difference of -God( Ho Theos) and god( plain Theos)--Its why the difference is there, That simple error of a capitol G God in the last line has mislead billions for centuries into breaking Gods#1 commandment daily. And i believe every trinity scholar on earth knows it is fact and will not say truth. Billions of $$$$$ would be lost yearly as well as exposing 40,000 religions claiming to be christian as false religions, as they are.
In 1822 a Greek scholar( A. Kneeland) translated the NT from the same Greek Lexicons all use, He compared Greek to English side by side to prove to the world-a god is correct. 19 other translations had a god,1 had was godlike, 3 had was divine. All rejected by trinity clergy's because truth exposes them as the house divided that will not stand.
The above are all facts.
Protestant churches may have different opinions on small stuff, but they all agree that salvation is by faith in Jesus, not by works, and they believe in the trinity, baptism, communion, etc. Even the Bible speaks of Churches with different practices in the Epistles, yet they were all believers in Jesus. We both know that there are false churches, yet Protestants aren't false churches if they believe Jesus is God in the flesh and salvation is only through faith in Him.

Protestants do not know many things about Jesus. I myself, even though raised Catholic (sort of) didn't know much about Jesus until the last decade or so when I began seeking Him out. The CHUCH established by Jesus taught me about Jesus... amazing how that works, eh?

And it wasn't all head knowledge. Who wants to gaze at a romantic interest, for example... from afar all the time? Who wants to receive letters from a loved one (the Bible) without ever being in that person's actual PRESENCE intimately?

Well, if that's all you can get...

But Catholics have more than that...
Jesus is Gods IMAGE-Not God that is how they can see the Father.
In the Greek Lexicons at John 1:1-The true God is called HoTheos, plain
I don't want to hear about Greek this or that. I'm not a Greek scholar, for one thing. Believe it or not, Jesus came for all people, Greek scholars and non-

The Bible clearly says Jesus is God. You didn't even bother, I'm sure, to look up those psgs

"The Father and I are One"

"If you have seen Me you have seen the Father"

"In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was[is] God"
Protestants do not know many things about Jesus. I myself, even though raised Catholic (sort of) didn't know much about Jesus until the last decade or so when I began seeking Him out. The CHUCH established by Jesus taught me about Jesus... amazing how that works, eh?

And it wasn't all head knowledge. Who wants to gaze at a romantic interest, for example... from afar all the time? Who wants to receive letters from a loved one (the Bible) without ever being in that person's actual PRESENCE intimately?

Well, if that's all you can get...

But Catholics have more than that...
The Church was established on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit showed up.
I don't want to hear about Greek this or that. I'm not a Greek scholar, for one thing. Believe it or not, Jesus came for all people, Greek scholars and non-

The Bible clearly says Jesus is God. You didn't even bother, I'm sure, to look up those psgs

"The Father and I are One"

"If you have seen Me you have seen the Father"

"In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was[is] God"
Yes one in purpose.( John 5:30) The bible says all true followers would become one with God and Jesus--in purpose-- = The living to do Jesus' Fathers will over self.
Yes one in purpose.( John 5:30) The bible says all true followers would become one with God and Jesus--in purpose-- = The living to do Jesus' Fathers will over self.
Jesus existed with the Father and the Holy Spirit from the VERY Beginning. He is just as much God as the Father and Holy Spirit, and they are obviously ONE in Heaven, as there is ONE God.. It may seem complicated to some people, but it really is not
There was no pope.
believe what you want.

everyone else does

and Jesus said something to the effect that almost everyone ends up in hell (Mt 7, Lk 13...)

for believing what he wants instead of believing Jesus/His Church
believe what you want.

everyone else does

and Jesus said something to the effect that almost everyone ends up in hell (Mt 7, Lk 13...)

for believing what he wants instead of believing Jesus/His Church
I believe the Bible. Jesus is the Head of the Church. There is no second in command.

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