Europe is right, we aren't worthy

Let's bring our troops home and let them defend themselves. We just aren't good enough to defend them for free, or close to it.

Mea Culpa, Europe, we're sorry! Let's leave

Indeed. Let the Germans invest in more brooms to disguise as rifles.
we should start selling tactical brooms.

Assault Brooms? The Dems' heads will 'splode!

we're going to paint them black and allow accessories. they should sell out quickly.
I'm starting to agree with those who say that Nato is outdated. It might be time for it to go. Russian is not as powerful as the old Soviet Union, though I'm sure it wishes it was. Do we really need to defend Europe anymore? Are they not nuclear capable nations? I'm sure they don't want us there, so why stay? It might be time to make a more modern agreement to the more vulnerable nations that border Russia.
Let's bring our troops home and let them defend themselves. We just aren't good enough to defend them for free, or close to it.

Mea Culpa, Europe, we're sorry! Let's leave

Indeed. Let the Germans invest in more brooms to disguise as rifles.
we should start selling tactical brooms.

Assault Brooms? The Dems' heads will 'splode!

we're going to paint them black and allow accessories. they should sell out quickly.

I want a Kalashnikitty Broom!

I'm starting to agree with those who say that Nato is outdated. It might be time for it to go. Russian is not as powerful as the old Soviet Union, though I'm sure it wishes it was. Do we really need to defend Europe anymore? Are they not nuclear capable nations? I'm sure they don't want us there, so why stay? It might be time to make a more modern agreement to the more vulnerable nations that border Russia.
not as worried about nuclear at this point as "Rods from God".
Youre just focused on your trump butt hurt
I am not Trump butt hurt. I am Trump frightened! His style, his comportment, his quixotic reactions and lack of intellectual curiosity combine for a volatile incendiary and dangerous combination to be in charge of the nation we love.

I don't care that Hillary lost. I care that Trump won.
So why cant you stop talking about trump?
So you think what trump does?
What?!? Sober up.
You said you cant talk about our troops being in europe without knowing what trump thinks
Welfare queens always bitch about the people giving them welfare, until it is cut off.

Trump is right. We have subsidized the socialists assholes for too long.
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I’ve been saying this for years and watch how fast their welfare states go up in smoke when they actually have to start paying for defense

I'd like to hear how the U.S.A spending 48% of the World's military budget is necessary, exactly?

It seems more like the U.S.A is trying to take over the World, rather than defend it's self.

If we wanted to take over the world it would be taken over.
I am not Trump butt hurt. I am Trump frightened! His style, his comportment, his quixotic reactions and lack of intellectual curiosity combine for a volatile incendiary and dangerous combination to be in charge of the nation we love.

I don't care that Hillary lost. I care that Trump won.
So why cant you stop talking about trump?
So you think what trump does?
What?!? Sober up.
You said you cant talk about our troops being in europe without knowing what trump thinks
What? Where?
Nosmo King First please know in my book "acting European" is not the most complimentary thing I could have said... The Upper Crust of Europe reminds me of a past President...

Style is like condiments on a sandwich... It is a matter of taste... I always felt that President Obama was condescending ass... And I believe his "style" affected foreign policy... To numerous to go into in-depth detail (something about after the election, The whole Arab Spring fiasco, derp)… Did I mention how he has such an arrogant attitude?

Dissing our allies? Trying to affect Israeli Election? Flagrantly disrespecting the Prime Minister of Israel while visiting the White House...

I think POTUS will go above and beyond the call of duty when respect and dignity is shown for our Country...

Would you like catsup or ketchup with your sandwich?
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Most of our troops aren't there for the main reason to help protect those countries, that is just an excuse for them to be there. The U.S. troops are mostly there to protect private economical U.S. assets there. It was started as the Truman Doctrine.
We needed NATO during the Cold War to counter the Soviet union threat.

However, I agree with Mike Lee and Rand Paul that we really need to tell NATO to cram it now.

We need to bring our troops home and use them to guard our Southern border. We don't need them to be guarding Germany's borders.
Nosmo King First please know in my book "acting European" is not the most complimentary thing I could have said... The Upper Crust of Europe reminds me of a past President...

Style is like condiments on a sandwich... It is a matter of taste... I always felt that President Obama was condescending ass... And I believe his "style" affected foreign policy... To numerous to go into in-depth detail (something about after the election, The whole Arab Spring fiasco, derp)… Did I mention how he has such an arrogant attitude?

Dissing our allies? Trying to affect Israeli Election? Flagrantly disrespecting the Prime Minister of Israel while visiting the White House...

I think POTUS will go above and beyond the call of duty when respect and dignity is shown for or Country...

Would you like catsup or ketchup with your sandwich?
American power is projected around the,world through the support of our allies. People fighting along side our troops are there because we have forged strategic alliances. The American Century is possible only by strong, friendly allies.

Trump and his style of 'ready, fire, aim!' is really relinquishing our dominance on the world stage. He is no longer the Leader of the Free World because he does not seem to understand alliances, history and responsibility.

Frankly, when I hear Trump speak I am reminded of the sales pitch I heard from a time share condo salesman who roped me in during a vacation to New Orleans. Everything is great! This condo will only make you money! Two years later, that condo was wrecked by Katrina. I don't trust him because he serves an ulterior motive.

What would motivate Trump to dump on our allies and cozy up to Authoritarians? Is this America First, or a blind policy that will ultimately reduce us to a reclusive, isolationist country who no one trusts?
So you think what trump does?
What?!? Sober up.
You said you cant talk about our troops being in europe without knowing what trump thinks
What? Where?
Its in your quote, genius. I asked why you're obsessed with trump
I never said that. Put on a pot of coffee and sober up.
You didn't say "because he is the president?" That's in your quote? Who did?
Let's bring our troops home and let them defend themselves. We just aren't good enough to defend them for free, or close to it.

Mea Culpa, Europe, we're sorry! Let's leave
Ever hear of Ramstein Medical in Germany? A state of the art trauma department within a great hospital complex that is maintained by the United States Army? It's the first place wounded troops from battlefields in Afghanistan and the Middle East are evacuated to. Victims of terrorist bombings, victims of terrorist attacks are treated there. When the hostages in Iran were freed, they too were taken to Ramstein. There are U.S. Army bases in the surrounding countryside that supply Ramstein and other U.S. Army hospital and medical facilities.

There are currently 30,000 u.S. Army personnel stationed in Germany. Should they, the people who are serving us and our medical facilities be brought home out of a fit of Trumpian pique? Isn't it prudent to stop and think before issuing a tweet because The Donald failed to read all his briefing memos on the situation?

Knee jerk reactions are never as wise as actions well thought out.

When you say things like "Trumpian pique," You've proven you're not interested in a serious discussion, just a valve to vent some of the butt hurt
Our foreign,policy is driven by fits of pique. And there is no more petulant leader than The Donald.

His followers think he is infallible. Your view of our allies is totally driven by your blind devotion to a man who governs by pique.
what other way is there to govern? he won because of that. it's what we all wanted chaos in DC. drain the swamp. the same old same old governing got us shit and in debt. no thanks, no more, time to take the country back. fk our allies if they can't see what's obvious.
You want chaos? What is the virtue of chaos? Name one time when chaos has wrought anything but destruction.

You Trumpians feel as if you have been politically marginalized for what, eight or ten years? And now that the veil of bullshit has been lifted that Trump wears like some time share salesman, you see chaos and disorder and pique as a winning strategy.

But the matters at hand are rooo dire to put all our chips in chaos and spin the wheel.
when congress isn't working for the people it is time to wake their asses up. Trump is doing that. to think he isn't implies stupidity. And he is also focusing on America rather than the globe, and that is what most americans wanted.

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